Tfw too stupid for Marx's writing style

Is there a Marxism for Dummies or something? I keep trying to read Capital but that writing style is a slog to get through.

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try reading it with a reading guide or get an anthology. The anthology I have is good and its new so its made sure that millennia ls understand it.

What's the anthology published under? I might try and find that.

So don't read Capital first, read the shorter pamphlets from Marx and Engels, as well as Lenin. Nobody should read Capital first tbh, if you don't understand what historical and dialectical materialism are, Capital won't make sense to you.
Also, it's only the first 100 or so pages of Capital where Marx is establishing his abstractions on value and building up to capital that are slow. The rest is much less abstract.

Learn German, the english translations are fucking retarded.

Wage Labour and Capital

Honestly the shorter economic texts aren't worth much. You're better off reading Capital. I do find that the English translation is really fucking dense, but the others aren't as bad, if you can read them.

Get Robert Tucker's Marx Reader. It's a meme book but I find it pretty easy to understand.

Which book are you struggling with?

Let me just become fluent in German real quick

How are they retarded? I'm reading Capital in English rn and I quite like the writing style.

Try the summary of Gabriel Deville

This. It is a very easy text to understand.

No offense but that seems worse to read than if I just read Marx directly.

look for local reading groups, if you can't find any then you're best bet is too find a annotated version of the book but even that is difficult at times

OP, there's a thread on /marx/ right now where several of us are reading and discussing passages in Marx's Capital.

Link the board next time since the 8ch board search is absolutely retarded.

take xanax


Have you read The Communist Manifesto? That's a breeze compared to Das Kapital, and a lot more important.

I know just the guy

Attached: Stalin_Joseph-570842793df78c7d9eca7584.jpg (600x800, 94.59K)

Don't even fucking joke like that, asshole.

I got you player

Manifesto is about equally important, for different reasons.

Manifesto is a good way to understand that even completely valid theory really does not translate into real terms of action very well

Check this out


Read the novel fightclub, if you went to understand anarchism.