Your country's media and leftist ideology

National television in boland broadcasted some spicy garbage today, in Karl Marx's birthday.

And now I wonder, how is marxism, socialism, or anything left related portrayed in mainstream media in other countries. Or rather, is it portrated positively anywhere.

Also - happy bday comrade Marx.

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The autistic screeching today is quite enetraining, but a poll showed only 42% thought socialism was "a system of political oppression, mass surveillance and state terror" while 48% think "socialist ixeals have value to society". Every day the UK grows more red.

In Russia Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is mandatory in schools

There is also this 'gem' by Russian ayn rand and milton friedman

Imagine an hour long video by carl benjamin and dennis pragger debunking' communism, just in Russian language.

"The USSR was good cuz it was the Russian Empire under another name, but Communism is bad. Lenin was a liberal German spy out to ruin Russia. Fortunately Stalin set everything back on track, and he was Orthodox and not really Communist anyway."

Yeah Russia's relation with the USSR is kinda fucked.

It's actually a pretty ingenuous move on the part of Russian porky. Socialism is when Russia does stuff and rules other countries. It has been far more effective at killing actual leftism in Russia than open anti-communist laws like in Ukraine and elsewhere ever could be.

They can't completely repudiate seventy years of the USSR without looking stupid, so they just turn it into "socialism sucked but we Russians worked hard and achieved miracles despite socialism".

This seems to be the narrative of other ex-Soviet countries. A union of peoples is turned into "hurrah for our nationality, we were the ones who worked hard".

ismail said something like this on /marx/ once, that baltic nationalists explain why they were the richest republics by saying they were civilized and actually knew how to build and farm unlike the barbarous russians who ruled over them.


Also it seems that a lot of the problems with socialism in Poland were just bad economic decisions by the government, like borrowing tons of money from capitalist countries to import consumer goods and then the international economy shits the bed and suddenly the government has to raise food prices in the shops because 80 per cent of agriculture is in private hands because Poland didn't collectivize and therefore all the farmers own like 2 feet of land and are totally inefficient and don't have tractors.


The main issue was the aforementioned loans that gave short term economic success at the expense of the longterm plus the fucked food price controls that meant someone could walk into a store as it opened by half the fucking food there then flip it later on when the shops ran out for huge profits
This led to a massive black market forming with criminals making tons for "dealing food" basically

But even all that considered the fact that Zig Forumses still literally think capitalism has made their country better is just fucking outstanding

At Around 9:30 in this vid Paul explains why Polands economy flopped so hard multiple times

The media leftist ideology is pretty bad here in my country.
My friend is an electrician and his firm of 400 people went on strike.
He said that 5 people turned up to the strike and 3 of them were in the pub by lunch time. But the BBC reported it as some huge protest with hundreds of workers.

there's really hardly any mention of it other than as a boogeyman
one party here constantly accuses the other of "socialism" but that's about it
it's considered a "great evil" we stopped in the cold war and shit like that

The Baltics had always been richer. Even in the Russian Empire they had a special status and serfdom in Livonia was abolished almost 50 years earlier than in the rest of the country.

yeah ismail wasn't disputing that, he was just poking fun at how silly baltic nationalists are.

then that is a problem with BBC having faulty sources, not "leftist ideology"

Ебучая Эрэфия.

In Russia there is also very vocal pro-western 'intelligentsia'. They are very critical of Soviet Union, mainly for being anti-western. They also dislike Russian anarchists like Peter Kropotkin or Mikhail Bakunin, because they 'spread chaos and anarchy' to the west.

Sadly pro westernism and as result pro crapitalism is very popular among younger generations.

Well, to be honest Russia an Poland were always one of largest economies in the world.
Poland became worlds 10th largest economy on the 1890. Only for steps after Germany.Only one after Japan!

I remember one seing on wikipedia a list of largest economies in the world during the 20's century and all of the pro-Soviet countries were among, at least top 50. That included GDR,Romania, Vietnam and others.
Unfortunately cannot find the article anymore!

These are literal paraphrasings I've personally heard in burger land
>laughter ensues no seriously
I know this isn't media, but I can't help but feel it represents the poisonous effects propaganda has had on the average burger mind.

in Hungary all major parties (and their associated media outlets) call the others "commies" "bolsheviks" all the God damn time, like it's a fucking slur. I've seen a liberall call a green "socialist apologist" and he refuted it by calling FIDESZ (a reactionary party) "post communist-bolsheviks". It's fucking cancerous.

you sound like an utter cunt

Just end my suffering, comrades

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Nazi propaganda forced into the minds of the descendants of those who defeated Nazism, utterly disgusting

Communism in American popular culture has become so incomprehensible that it's not even a misrepresentation anymore, it's become its own bizarre mythos.

"USSR was Russian Empire 2.0, Stalin ate babies, collectivism is bad just cuz, Lithuanian culture was repressed"
Just your typical reactionary cancer

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Nobody who criticizes Marx seems to know anything about him or socialism in general, they just parrot each other's points over and over in a giant circlejerk. This Lenin quote is as relevant now as it was 100 years ago: "Mr. Tugan repeats the old trick of the reactionaries: first to misinterpret socialism by making it out to be an absurdity, and then to triumphantly refute the absurdity!"

100 million wasn't enough, we know.

I'm interested in what the main U.S. / U.K. financial and biz papers are saying. The Wall Street Journal had a typical "Marx killed 100 gazillion people" editorial but the Financial Times had a piece on why Marx is "more relevant than ever," reviewing Sven-Eric Liedman's new book on Marx from Verso.

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The whole hypernormalization thing describes it well. Anticommunist politics in the US are mostly noble-lie bullshit.

eh, ten kraj jest kurwa najgorszy. i zaraz nakręcą setny film o Katyniu

state owned TV propaganda channel, mostly about progressive idpol garbage and pro-EU stuff

Dutch public broadcasting system has this very popular talk show where the host complains about how monarchy is dumb, multinationals avoiding taxes is bad and how a law expanding state surveillance is shit but then claims Mao killed 50 million people.
Typical socdem shit.

In the U.S. it's almost entirely ignored.

it's not exactly ignored, it's occasionally brought up
it's entirely misrepresented and used as a boogeyman though

Zondag met lubach?

misschien zei hij zelfs 80 miljoen, weet het niet meer 100%

There have been a few relatively favorable op-eds about Marx in significant media outlets for the past month or so. Of course there have been more negative op-eds in response from the Federalist, USA Today, WSJ, etc.

Shit like that is so infuriating. Belgian user here, there's not too much talk about marxism in the media, but when there is it's usually in a similarly negative way. Here's one of the more outrageous things that I can think of:

does "socialism" in that poll not denote socdems though

Some brazilian people actually think that Brazil is a socialist country, and attribute that to every single problem the country has
I should be worried, but I can't stop laughing

Literally Nothing Left of Social Democracy

we don't have one, the place was built on liberalism

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