Hey. I see that Zig Forums posts alot of "redpill" images to quickly state their ideas

Hey. I see that Zig Forums posts alot of "redpill" images to quickly state their ideas.
What is the Zig Forums equivilant of a "redpill"?
what do you post when you wanna circlejerk like pol does when it posts 100 "redpill" images?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Zig Forums relies on a lot of "bingo" and "gotcha" logic. here, we're considerably more thorough with enlightening people. Closest we have to "redpill" is class conciousness, but it's not 100%.

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Redpilling only makes sense in a Zig Forums context because their ideology is not supposed to be coherent, it is a mishmash of impulsive statements by people that want to be edgy contrarians. Aside from lifestyle anarchists, far left politics are boring and convoluted, they lack appeal that want something emotionally cathartic to rally behind.

You gotta read actual books.

But there must be a way to convey your ideas with less words? I think Albert Einstein once said
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough".

I think that makes sense

At least if you want to explain a part of your idea.

Simple explanations don't work on people that have been fed bullshit their whole lives. The well is poisoned, and only a nuanced explanation can fix that.


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Yeah, and Einstein also wrote an essay explaining why socialism is good.
Apparently reading it is.

so you don't make threads that have loads of information that is easy to read?

oh no, we're far too busy answering the same questions that marx, engels and lenin answered over a century ago, over and over again, all day erryday

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so how do you share ideas inbetween eatchother? everyone can't know everything, so wouldn't you reccomend book or something?

We have a pinned recommended reading thread which constantly has new stuff added to it.
Here's a post from the archive i made recently on good starting points for marxism.

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I use simple, snappy statistics that easily demonstrate how our current economic system is not oriented towards what is socially valuable. Examples:
>There are several times more empty houses in the US than homeless people (archive.is/5wCnI), and it would cost more to leave those people on the street than to give them housing (archive.is/bn6wS)
>Up to almost 90% of edible tomatoes in Australia are trashed based off physical appearance (archive.is/Cy6g4) while millions of the poor in Australia experience food insecurity (archive.is/QfiCh)
>It's a similar case in the US where millions of households experience food insecurity (archive.is/DpKxW) and billions of pounds of edible food are wasted both by retailers and consumers (archive.is/njJT7)

leftist thought is too complex to be quickly stated

That's why you go piece by piece

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To be fair, you have to have a very high Autism Level to understand marxism. The theory is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of dialectical materialism most of the ideas will go over a typical prole's head. There’s also Marxr’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his books- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Hegelian literature, for instance. The left understands this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they’re not just about economy- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Marx truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the irony in Marx’s dialectical catchphrase “the workers have nothing to lose but their chains,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as leftypol’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a hammer and sickle tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 Autism Level points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

look at this for example:
why don't leftypol have an equivalent of these threads?
Why can't we just formulate our ideas into images and post them in a way that is easy understand?



Because trying to do a complete analysis of how all of society works and interacts with one another is harder than

hate to break it to you but right wing thought is simple (as in "simple jack")


honestly the kind of lumpenprole fuckstain who can be convinced on what their entire political ideology should be by a maymay is a fucking liability to the cause

What's wrong with simple?

I think pol posts these redpills because they're easy to understand, they easily merge with all the other redpills are saying, and convey a message effectivly. It makes sense when you look at alot of them, which is why you want more. that's why they're enjoyable for them to post and read.

I think leftypol don't post these because their redpills require mental stamina, because none of them really merge with eachother. It's hard to both read and write them. As someone said before, "too complex". It's exhausting to try to understand how all this is connected.

I think it's because it's easy to write down logic, and hard to write down emotions.

Something to work on.

Their worldview is "easy" in the sense that there are billion dollar media magnates that confirm everything they feel and they can feel good about themselves simply by holding their incredibly simplistic views.

Actually understanding Marxism-Leninism, organizing your workplace, and other defining traits of leftism actually require a lot of work, you have to push yourself, and you don't really get much out of it other than an ever-growing sense of despair. It's a lot easier to look at a meme that tells you "you're amazing, fuck niggers" than reading books and donating your time, money, and well-being to something that the entire world is fighting against. Spending 10 seconds in that thread gives me cancer, I looked at two retarded memes and already want to die. Also you have it backwards, they capture emotions whereas Marxism is about logic, which can't be conveyed in a few lines of text along with a picture of a black guy.

Also, it doesn't help that a lot of those "redpilled" people are fucking retarded, it's the definition of Dunning-Kruger. Notice how none of them ever post papers or research or attend research conferences - because their beliefs fall apart under even a little scrutiny.

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Anyone can write down their feelings on capitalism, it takes actual analysis and years of research to make an actual logical explanation for it. Infographics aren't books and its depressing that we've gotten to the point that they can be thought to be equally compared .

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How do you simply tell someone that they are completely wrong? What you are ignoring is that what Zig Forums has isn't simplicity; it's acceptability. Fascism is 10000% acceptable to Capitalism. To be a fascist you need a hard on for the state and you need to dislike black people. The first is already done by virtually every state today and the second can be done with meme info graphs and preexisting anger.
To be a Communist, on the other hand, what is their in the liberal belief system that works with it? Seriously. We don't like the media, celebrities, we think hard work is a meme, we think most values are concocted, we don't think your manager actually likes you, we think you deserve a raise, we don't hate janitors. I could go on, and some of the stuff I listed sounds silly, but really listen to people and you will realize just how far they have to come. There is no one info graphic that can fix this.

/marx/ is a better board. Idiots

wow that's really easy to understand

What you don't seem to realize is that aside from some rare sheltered individuals (most likely with mental illnesses or histories of abuse), people are not really buying into their incoherent shitstorm of ideas. Zig Forums memes spread because they are designed to be as annoying as possible, which appeals to teenagers that think annoying people is asserting oneself as superior.


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Can we just stop using this to mean people we don't like?

The leftist version of "redpills" are called "bluepills".

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No it's the pinko pill

The leftist version of the redpill is the redpill

I guess if you want a useful term.

Give me 1 (one) (I) redpill.

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what else do you have?

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They were probably eating so many calories because they were mostly eating bread and potatoes, not that that isn't a big improvement from the famines, which is what I assume people are joking about.

"One explanation of why there was queuing and shortages while at the same time they were eating meat almost daily is that there existed a legal private market (rynok)"

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Class consciousness is the original redpill as described by Marx and Stirner. If everyone became conscious of their class interests, independent of everything else, we would have communism tomorrow.

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Studying philosophy, not to mention political philosophy in-depth, is indeed quite challenging. I couldn't imagine I would've comprehended several essential theses, the theory, and the logic behind leftist philosophy, had I not been old and mature enough, and familiar with some basic philosophical concepts.

I suffered from severe and exhausting cognitive dissonance when I became a leftist, as my former attitudes were in stark conflict with what I had out of curiosity studied, observed and concluded. This phase was admittedly painful, and my current self wouldn't be the least surprised had I turned back and denied myself the obvious realization which was in front of me. This could've very well been the case had I not demanded from myself honesty and open curiosity when faced with facts conflicting with my own views. Fortunately my spooks were weak enough to give way when challenged.
I had to, back then with a heavy heart, abandon my accustomed and comfortable assumptions and admit to myself that in truth I was a leftist, that I had been in the wrong. I have not regretted it, clarity of the mire we're in followed.

Therefore I cannot blame Zig Forums or any other poor sod for tearfully demanding a metaphorical wheelchair-ramp, as I myself have experienced the struggle of crossing the ideological threshold. I can, however, demand them to be open and to question their own beliefs. Self-reflection and considering one's own views on a meta-level is perhaps the defining feature of Man. It should never be abandoned, for without it we little frail animals surrender an essential part of our own humanity.

Attached: This is true.mp4 (1280x720, 847.64K)

Holy shit it's true. I didn't believe he would be because liberals love to quote Albert Einstein but the FBI kept a 1400-page file on him because they had deep suspicions of him being a communist.


The redpill for babies that repudiates this entire line of thinking is that statements starting with "if everyone…" are statements of unactionable utopianism that are brokenly complicated by the way people are naturally inclined to behave.

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Dude, they're not asking for easy ways to understand entire political theses, they're complaining that we make memes that require them to read for literally more than 10 seconds. They're arguing that our memes, not the big fucking literature posts, are too hard. The short little things we made that have maybe a hundred words at most and mostly touch on one simple easy-to-grasp concept.

They're asking for pre-digested baby food because normal baby food gives them a stomachache.

The "if everyone" is only an utopian assumption when it is provided as an solution, an act for all to mimic, a "Y if all x" Here it is merely an statement, a hypothesis of "if X then Y follows".

Would it even be possible to do to Marx what they do to their ideology?
They're not doing it to actual theory, because they don't have any, all of their shitty infographics just spew random, almost always fake stats in association which communicate no theory nor praxis, just a prejudice.

For instance, this works:

This doesn't work:

The thesis in example one, "niggur bad lol" is simple and translatable to almost any audience, especially the huge amount of people who already hold the conclusion. To contrast, the thesis in the second requires that you already know and understand the labor theory of value as well as input output tables and how the graphs work.

The person I was replying to said that "if everyone became class-conscious, we would have communism tomorrow", and given that this is a leftist board and given the tone of his post, I assume he sees communism as a solution.
I meant what I said in that context. I don't think a teacher saying "if everyone quieted down, we could go out for recess" is a utopian fantasy.

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They don't even really want to create a coherent idology is the thing. What they think is "simplicity" in their memes is just fucking emptiness. How much thinking do you need to create

They're just asking for us to hand-hold them into simple, meaningless emotional responses with no thought behind them that justify their feelings of being persecuted by establishment clintonite liberals.

I agree, but my point was more that what they do is literally impossible to do to actual theory, you couldn't even do it with people like Jules Ebola. You get closer with a reactionary like him but the result would still be horribly bastardized and vacuous.

For instance, what they do to capitalist theory.

On the surface, to those who presuppose capitalism this seems like it functions on some level, however, it completely ignores the fact that most economies, especially the U.S's, would be seen as failures by Smith or at least make him question his ideas, as most 1st world economies have near zero productive labor. Thereby the meme in question not only doesn't understand Smith's theory but also does violence to it, thereby I'd say there's even a level of categorical ought to not trying to make Marx digestible to brainlets.

Memes are for humor more than propaganda. They can be used for propaganda, but when they stop being funny, they lose the magic. Here are some nice Zig Forums memes. I hope you enjoy them.

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I can't even summerize the last one, what the fuck is it trying to say?
Everything is ideological and thereby political, user, memes especially.

the last one is trying to claim canada is communist
yes, whoever made it is retarded

It's an r/The_Donald meme. "A Fucking Leaf". It's accusing commie flag posters of being canadians.

I'm pretty sure most victims of the holocaust were buried in mass graves, not cremated. There are even pictures of the mass graves, ffs Zig Forums.

see pic
nationalists are retards, glad we agree
if you genuinely believe canada is communist then you are probably mentally ill

i am not sure whether i have too much autism to be amused by these or not enough

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actually the second pic doesn't even need that collage to disprove, it's so obscenely stupid that it really is pretty funny. literally no one seriously claims that every lolocaust victim was cremated, it's a straw man based on edgy schoolyard jokes about the event
dear lord they cannot be this stupid

I said "as in Simple Jack" which means retarded

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There are though. They just aren't up front about it.

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Who the fuck in the main stream media has talked about the harms of miscegenation?

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More debunking the debunkers

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Do you really believe that there were roller coasters that threw people in ovens and rooms filled with masturbation machines? But then again you do believe that the info in das capital wasn't fabricated and that marx didn't write his works under the guidance under a council of rabbis so this shouldn't
t be a surprise.

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Marx was jewish and his writing are heavily talmudic. I now you'll say his family converted but that's just false. Jews often went through conversion ceremonies to avoid persecution, but still practiced Judaism in secret. Marx was a devout jew who pretended to be atheist to make his Talmudic philosophy more palatable to the goyim.

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You mind explaining how Marxism is Talmudic

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Be mad all you want. All your sophistry is just the talmud re wrapped in false package of materialism.

why would we be mad? this is comedy gold!

Attached: blame us.png (757x422, 66.27K)

Explain how it is then

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point out one (1) passage from Capital (which you've read ofc) of any relation to talmudism

Attached: Lukacs.jpg (328x500, 24.29K)

The elimination of classes and promotion of miscegenation among the goyim are inherently jewish. The sexual experiment of the soviet union mirrored those performed by Jewish pseudoscientists in the Wiemar Republic theepochtimes.com/the-failed-communist-experiment-with-free-love_2242535.html

Not to mention jews were allowed to practice Judaism in the soviet union while Christians would be shot and infants would be boiled as punishment for having a bible.

You can't pick out one passage, you dolt.You have to read the whole thing along with the talmud to compare and contrast the style of logic, reasoning, and debate

No, you see the Talmud was a collection of writings, and books are usually collections of writings, and Marx wrote books, therefore Marx's writings, like all books, are Talmudic. You just simply aren't enlightened enough.

No it wasnt citation needed

Imagine actually beliving this lmao
Citation needed
Yes socialists respect all people regardless of Race and faith
Muslims and Germanic Russians also got Autonomy

Classes didn't exist for about 200,000 years, the jews have been at it since prehistoric times it seems.

Nope. They imported central Asians so they would miscegenation with them

Pretty fucked up when the soviet jew corral means that the jews secretly control communism.

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Smug anime doesn't disprove incontestable historic facts.

so you've got nothing
this is a genius way of saying absolutely nothing of substance shill

Also the JAO at its peak had a jewish population of only 25% and substantially lower for most of its history and they didn't have any judaism still wasn't allowed any more than christianity. There was only one (1) synagogue in the whole region which was opened in the late 40s, some twenty years after the region was established.

Yes, because Lenin, the guy totally opposed to the idea of free love, supported a "free love" experiment. There is literally no proof for this happening other then propaganda. Legalizing divorce because Tsar Russia had unhappy couples who had married by arrangement and for financial reasons isn't a "free love experiment".
This is just straight up lying. Christians were never executed for being Christians, and Lenin never permitted any such violent targeting of any religious group save for actual landowning institutions who had colluded with the Tsar.

The Marxian concept of class didnt exist when the talmud was written

Yes individuals could move wherever they wished within the Union and marry individuals regardless of race or faith

What is the issue with this?
Are you denying the SSRs and ASSR's existed



Its time to go back Zig Forums

I've seen this nazi shitposter before, I can tell by his post style. He derails threads by claiming utterly nonsensical stuff and defending it for the next 200 posts. Might as well just ban him.

Show me evidence Christians were killed on a mass scale for being christian
Oh shit it dosent even you say?

If what you are claiming is true most of the people who triggered the Revolution (In Metropolitian Russia) would have been killed
Stalin would have been killed
Lenins immediate family would have been at the least if not him

The allowed central Asians to live in the USSR and move through it in the past as they had before. Are you implying that most Slav's didn't already have a lot mixed Eurasian heritage?

While they shot priests and demolished churches.
Missing the forest for the trees is something Marxists excel at. You can't just read one snippet to compare "historical materialism" and talmudic sophist dialog

The Globe and Mail (Canada), 9 March 2001 - Why father of glasnost is despised in Russia By GEOFFREY YORK cdi.org/russia/johnson/5141.html##2 In his new book, Maelstrom of Memory, Mr. Yakovlev lists some of the nightmares uncovered by his commission. More than 41 million Soviets were imprisoned from 1923 to 1953. More than 884,000 children were in internal exile by 1954. More than 85,000 Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone.

I can tell from the pixels

Objectively false
Ancient Orthodox churches still stand in Moscow to this day
Link dosent work

The goverment would have fallen if that Happened
And even the highest modern estimates put the amount of people killed / jaiiled etc by soviets at Muh 20 Million
That dosent prove some Anti christian bias it proves that a lot of people were internally displaced by ww2
That makes Literally no sense
Stalin had begun to allow the church more influence in order to help support the gov

Pic Related Orthodox priests paying respects at stalins funeral

Attached: Pic Related.jpg (480x326, 51.01K)

They were only kept for the aesthetic value. This is well known.

Yeah pedophile priests who raped young boys you degenerate piece of shit
Rabbis and synagogues were burnt down as well during the same period.

Fucking illuminate us shill, illustrate the similarities between marxism and talmudism that are unique to it.
Also Yakovlev never wrote a book titled 'Maelstroms of memory' so nice source there shill.

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Except no they were not
The only Socialist states enforce state-Atheism Were Albania and china

The Soviet Union was always a Secular state by its own Laws / Constitution and you have zero evidence to disprove this
Show me evidence that Christianity was completely outlawed?
Oh wait you cant?

Ok wait ill need a citation for that

I've already proved evidence of mass anti christian purges but it was hand waved away because "Stalin loosened his ass up a decade later before he kicked the bucket"