Do any people here unironically support the idea of Gulags? If so, how is this consistent with human rights?

Do any people here unironically support the idea of Gulags? If so, how is this consistent with human rights?

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All baboons in zoos!


Human rights don't exist. If capitalists really wanted you dead you would be killed without a second thought about human rights. Likewise we'll do the same thing to counter revolutions. Also the gulags weren't as bad as you would think. Pretty proggressive. Reformative justice.

Why should we not put prisoners to work doing helpful things?

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Gulags reform and prepare people for Jobs.

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If supermax prisons and literal pointless torture for its own sake are fair game, labor camps should not even be controversial.

Go on twitter and you can totally see why the USSR jailed journalists.


The GULAG system was one of the most humane prison systems in history.
Those of you memeing ">human rights" should be ashamed, you are failing to uphold the deeply progressive Soviet system.

oh yeah and a maximum 10 to 15 year sentence, with early release for good behavior.

Do I look like I'm memeing about muh human rights?

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not always my dude

Only during the WWII crisis which lowered nutrition everywhere.

Have you ever read the UDHR?

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"Human rights" is a spook.

So what? The Soviets had their own outline of human rights/humane treatment.

Necessary for prisoners of war and die hard reactionaries. What's the alternative?

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Rights are just things that your owner promises you can do.
Gulags weren't extermination camps, they were just labour camps, where you often enjoyed more freedom than many a first world nation today.

Upon my arrival at Verkhne-Uralsk I found three programs and two Trotskyist newspapers….
top fucking kek
Even if you throw them in prison, Trots will still publish newspapers!

great system, 10/10

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"Lysenkoism" was upheld because it refuted eugenics. It was used for the necessary task of purging eugenicists. Lysenko had a number of good scientific contributions along with his errors.

People being imprisoned unjustly isn't an argument against gulags as an institution though.
The gulags certainly weren't any worse than the western prison systems.

Yes. (So do anarchists, but them would rather hide the fact.)

They just can't keep getting away with it!

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Scientific investigations should not be subject to political pressure , also
Go on name a few, lysenkoism was a mistake

That website is fucking delicious

This dude tho

Gulags should be saved for incels and other small-time offenders. A few years of fulfilling labor should be enough to cure them of their reactionary beliefs.

The real scum should just be shot.

By incels do you mean all virgins virgins or people who idolize eliot roger?

Yes. Not torture camps mind you, but a place to keep those dangerous to society and at the same time have them be productive.

Probably the type that idolize Elliot Rodger.

Communists don't believe in individual human rights, they think if we collectivize into a super-organism that things like "freedom" will be arbitrary. All that matters is that you don't have a cent more than your neighbor and that you don't dissent. Everyone else goes to the gulags - where people certainly were never tortured or starved, just forced labor and we happen to not feed you and we beat you for your protesting. Completely legit, you'll love it.

And I guess you'd just talk to your enemies? You must have pogroms to deal with opposition, no matter how great, even build it yourself to keep the engine of true revolution going.

Good thing we don't believe people are equal either or that people will have exactly the same amount of vouchers. Its about the equality of opportunity to work, not the equality of outcome.

You can, and should, upheld the soviet system in where it excelled, while also condemning the bourgeois concept of human rights.

They aren't bad like you've heard.
I am so tired of these stupid fucking human rights memes. The implication is always, whether you realize it or not, that people have human rights, and that furthermore, they have been bestowed by Capitalism. YOU DON'T HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS. Your rights are carefully stacked in favor of the rich and the state. They are literally memes that you gobble up so you don't realize that you are owned. Fuck your stupid, utopian human rights.
We had human rights, and we were gaining more, and then stupid fucking bureaucrats and capitalist shitheads strangled them in their revolutionary cradles.
Yes, we need to put people somewhere, and it's barbaric to lock them up with nothing to do except work out, eat, shit, and socialize. People need work and it needs them.

Eugenicists are potentially important when arguably the number one issue facing the country was famine.
Vavilov's dream was to end hunger worldwide by breeding better crops.

No, Lysenkoism was upheld mostly because Lysenko was a personal favorite of Stalin due to his peasant background.

His errors and impact overwhelmingly outweigh his meager contributions.

Every nation and ideology has prisons.

Nope, it was because it was anti-eugenics. You can't just make shit up you know.
Also, he was really sexy.

Attached: lysenko.jpg (1024x576, 69.31K)

Comrade if you could provide a source for that it would be really appreciated.


Why couldn’t they just oppose

Other way around. Lysenko proved to people that it was possible to have mankind evolve purposefully in a specific direction through changing the environment people lived in, to create a New Man. Changing mankind's biological nature over time through scientific planning is the very definition of eugenics.

What Lysenkoism represented was an opposition to genetics, the idea that there existed an internal essence, a human nature, removed from external conditions. This was because genetics hadn't been reconciled with Darwinian natural selection yet.

Literal fucking chad-tier, look at that gorgeous motherfucker.

Can someone redpill me on human rights?

Rights are really just enforced privileges, they're not some iron law of the universe, they are a human invention. Anything else is moralizing.

only a retard would think that capitalists actually believe in this

anyway: you have no idea what gulag really means
prove me wrong

So like.. i would still be able to do the things i want? Things beyond my privilege?

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I used to be opposed to gulags. But I see no way to integrate the orange order and I know they would be best placed either building railways in the west of Ireland or kept on a small island separate from the rest of humanity.

I bet the Soviets had to deal with their own version of these utter bastards.

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Ah, you're a Scot then, user?
It's really funny how most of the people in that photo are bald white dudes who look like the nazi propaganda poster called Der Untermensch or whatever

Nah Belfast based. Had to work with some of the leadership once through a job I had for the council as part of the *shudder* "orangefest" celebrations. Turns out cooperation and mutual working goals do not always breed respect or empathy. Just severe irritation and what can be described as a burning hatred.
I truly believe these people cannot be reformed, not through pure prejudice but experience and observation.
I've come to the conclusion the gulag is a viable solution.
I've said it jokingly a few times to friends but they don't know Im fairly serious about the idea :P
And yeah they are pretty much all fucking weird looking.

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Ah, whoops. I only thought the Orange Order was in Scotland, for some reason. I don't know much about the UK and their parties, being a burger and all.
These people look really fucking unsettling, though. Something seems off. I'd wish for everyone to be able to be reformed, myself, but from my experience in my own personal area (rural America) I think I see your point.
I'm not really sure a gulag would make them stop being so fucking horrible, though.

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Ah their organization is tied to an important battle in the Williamstown wars that gave house orange(the Dutch monarchy) control over the English crown. at the Boyne as well as the seige of Derry, both in Ireland. It also ties heavily into Scottish settler "identity" who were moved over to here in the Elizabethan era.
Mostly though it's about nationalistic pro British pro monarchy anti-irish anti-catholic ideaologies.
I used to believe all men could get along and be reformed too. Then I had experience working with them.
Interestingly there are links between the early leadership of the KKK and Ulster settlers in America.
Look at the orange order women's division. Truly a sight to behold.

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aren't right-wingers always calling leftists fat or ugly?
Anyways, so, they're just reactionaries who're obsessed with the crown? Alright, got it. We don't have "crown loyalists" here in the US, but we have a lot of sycophants to the current government.

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I guess that's true. And it's important to recognise that I am prejudiced. It takes a lot for me to be a pure marxist and socialist rather than an Irish nationalist. It does my arguement no favours to point out their unique features.
And yes they are reactionaries but it's more than that, the order is similar to masonic traditions and means judges, police, civil servants, representatives etc can and are used by the order to promote their aims. With regards to OP it's these people that mean I support the concept of the gulag and not only do I believe they cannot be reformed within society, they would be a threat to any socialist society in the future. If there was a revolution they could not be a part of it.

Literally every socialist Revolution has needed the repression of Reactionary elements to succeed
From Bolshies in Russia to Reds in Hungary to Anarchists in Catalonia