Social alienation of single adults

This isn't an incel thread. I'm not a virgin and I still feel "incel rage". Because "incel rage" has nothing to do with sexual frustration. I think the incel issue is interesting to evaluate from the perspective of social alienation and stigma. But whenever the term incel gets brought up, discussion always devolves into "state-issue gfs and monogmay!" vs. "no one owes you sex!" and then it gets bumplocked. I would rather avoid that.

How about I feel like society owes me some fucking respect? How about that? Anyone else here tired of meddling family and "peers" saying shit like "how come you don't have a girlfriend?" "you should get a girlfriend." "you need to get laid bro" "you're a basement dwelling loser who can't get laid", etc.

How can you expect me to be a socialist when people are fucking assholes and I feel like an anti-social misanthrope more and more every day the more I interact with humans?

We live in a society that expects you to invest 40+ hours/week (more with commuting and unpaid work prep rituals) out of 40+ years of your life to "contribute" to a society that fucking hates you. Society hates us but needs us at the same time and expects us to contribute.

Is it any wonder why you have a bunch of men "regressing" to "manchildren" and living in their parental homes, not getting a job (or deciding to work part-time, work in the gig economy or trade crypto to earn an income)? Fuck working hard only to have our income taxed to death to pay for overpaid government parasites and single moms inseminated by Chad and Tyrone. Why the fuck should we work hard to support a society that mocks us and hates our fucking guts?

People didn't start respecting me until I had a serious girlfriend. If a woman sees something in me, then I must be worth something. Is the attitude of society. A man's self-worth is tied to female approval. People were asking me questions about my girlfriend. And my old boomer co-workers were saying they were happy for me. One boomer co-worker said I should buy my girlfriend a ring for Christmas. lol. My girlfriend talked about how her friends and sister were getting married. And that she wanted to get married by next year.

A part of me was happy that a woman wanted to marry me and have kids. But by law women can steal half your assets and extract alimony and child support from you. So I had cold feet and broke up with her. I also quit my wage cuck job shortly after we broke up and decided to live a NEET lifestyle because I felt unhappy at work.

People were critical of my decisions. I was getting called a manchild for leaving my girlfriend and my job. I was told I was "regressing" to childhood. After taking a year off of work, living at home, I discovered crypto, used my savings to invest and started making money off crypto trading.

I'm autistic and an extreme introvert. I just don't feel comfortable with dating. My ex was really sweet. But she wanted me to take her out on adventures and shit. I just wanted to have sex, cuddle and chill. And I absolutely do not want marriage, cohabitation or kids. Why can't society respect that? I basically live like a hermit and avoid family gatherings as much as possible. Because people are scum.

If it wasn't for my newfound wealth, I probably would have did what Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian did. I fucking hate people and they deserve to die. All people care about is vying for status. They want to rub in your face how they are better than you. Or they kiss your ass when they want something from you. Lots of people have kissed my ass when they found out I made money from crypto. And I avoid these people. Because I remember the emotional scars when people treated me like shit as a pure NEET bum.

t. misanthropic hermit (pic-related)

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If you are a single adult male who is alone with no girlfriend or child with you in public, people treat you like a piece of shit. Especially if you are an older gentleman (I'm in my thirties).

When I was in my late 20s, I got harassed by police officers in a parking garage. They falsely accused me of stealing stuff from the cars. They didn't have evidence so they let me go.

A couple years ago, I walked into a McDonald's at night near-ish to closing and I was creep-shamed by a female cashier. She was legit afraid of me. Similar to how white women act around ghetto black dudes at night.

My old boss (when I was a wage cuck) told me that having a girlfriend is good because people treat you with more respect in society. She encouraged me to date and find a girlfriend and stuff. She says that those cops probably gave me a hard time because I wasn't with a girl at night. lol.

My last girlfriend (not the one I mentioned above) actually told me that when she first met me, she thought I looked like a serial killer or rapist. And was afraid to get in my car. But after we had sex, she could see that I was "safe". I was in my late 20s at the time.

People automatically assume that single men (especially in their thirties) are dangerous and they creep-shame us.

Didn't you just answer your own question? The majority of us want violent revolution to destroy the system we're in so why are you blaming us when we're calling for an end to this system?
Then find someone who wants to do that as-…
Oh you just want cuddle pillow and a wank doll?

So your arguing your alienation is caused by capitalism? All your problems seem to relate to job and income as well as their relation to your social life. Your angry that society shunned you and made you work for shit pay, pay which would have remained shit regardless of if it was taxed or not because its not in any business owners interest to pay you well. Your angry that everyone based your worth on what job you had rather then you as a person. Then you got angry and broke up with your girlfriend, who loved you, because you were afraid of losing half of your assets. All your problems are monetary, your whole life based on cold cash, and instead of fighting against that you've doubled down on it and based your existence on only making more cash, and now your more alone then ever.

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Simple Capitalism And Industrial society



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It's human nature for people to compete with each other for social status and to mock people who are below them on the social totem pole.

I'm not angry about being single. I don't harbour a grudge against my ex-girlfriend (I am upset with her for feeding me breadcrumbs after our relationship but that's beside the point). I harbour animosity towards society for treating me like a piece of shit for being single though.

I'll address your points soon after I have my pizza. Brb.

This is me and the older I got the more I started to notice this, like I'd get side-eyed on the street by a middle-aged dad with his family like I might present a threat. But I'm gay and so I learned to play it up a bit sometimes when interacting with people; just dialing up the knob a notch which seems to put people (especially women) at ease. Works on men too, since guys get tense when they think other men can pose a threat to them and a lot of them see gay guys as harmless.

Yeah I know that doesn't really help you sorry.

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It's entirely societal expectations that you have a family to produce kids so you can carry on your bloodline and produce more workers and soldiers for society. Back in the Middle Ages if you stayed celibate you were considered of a higher societal reputation due to piety. Now as we see it's not human nature to deride someone for not having a gf but a societal one, however it is human nature to mock others but we're not talking about that.

Also works on black guys who put on a macho posture and also might (i.e. probably) have anxiety being around white men in their 30s. Like a terrible but benevolent dictator, I break the ice with full-blown gayness.

And I live in Dixieland so you know the dynamic between white and black men ain't exactly positive. I think there's a Chappelle joke about being lost in rural Mississippi and he was freaking out until he stopped in a Starbucks and the barista was a white gay dude. "If he's not worried, then I'm not worried." A lot of stranger danger I've found is the result of mutual misunderstandings and fears that are not entirely rational.


like zizekanon said, most of that is deeply tied to money and capitalism.
I might expect you to be a communist out of rejection of all of it.
For the rage, the unhappiness and active animosty a bout it, well, I figure the damage is probably already done for you. I realized early that normies are scum and I dont give much of a shit about them or their judgments, along with that those judgments were mostly stupid spooks. So I never had much emotional trauma from those expectations. Then again, im also only the very tiniest bit autistic and actually able to interact with people and enjoy it if we share some interests and culture, so I have a massive advantage in not getting bitter and constantly feeling hatred for everyone even when I am an isolated NEET.

but op had sex, even girlfriends

nor did he implicate mysoginy, btw. you can easily point out how ~30s and up single women are pigeon holed as having failed to attract a man and thus failures in east asian cultures. They're not seen as "creepy" or "potential rapists", the stigma is different, but they're still stigmatized for basically the same thing.

These are called "Christmas cakes"

I was making a $45,000 per year salary plus overtime. I earned an extra $10k for overtime. So I was making decent money I guess. But I wasn't happy in that job. And my girlfriend wanted to get married and have a baby. I knew that I would be trapped forever in a job that I hated to support my family.

I'm a self-employed crypto trader now. But crypto may not be forever. So even if I was willing to risk half of everything I own plus future garnishment for alimony and child support, I'd worry about my ability to support a family.

Women have men by the balls in our society legally. They can steal half your assets and make you pay alimony and child support. You can't blame me to feel cautious about marriage, kids and cohabitation when the legal landscape is hostile towards men. You don't know your wife 100% until you face off against her in family court.

I was very fond of my ex and still think about her. But ex-wives have the ability to use the court system to ruin your life. How can I trust women knowing that? If women cared about men, they would reform the family court system so that it isn't so biased against men.

I was seen as a loser by society even when I had a decent paying job. Because I'm autistic, socially awkward and didn't have a girlfriend. Then when I had a girlfriend, people started treating me better. But in their mind it was kinda like "good for him, thank God he found someone!" Because there is this unspoken realisation that I'm this autistic socially inept guy who is naturally going to struggle with women. People look down on you in society for being single.

And then of course when I was NEET AND single, people REALLY treated me like shit.

Society treats you like shit regardless. But it's tiered. If you have good social skills, you are treated with more respect. If you are autistic but have a girlfriend, people see you as having some sort of value as a human being. So you get some respect there. If you are single, there is no woman to validate your worth. So you are seen as shit. If you are NEET and single, society sees you as lower than shit.

Even if you weren't a priest/monk, voluntary celibacy was considered a virtue?

I know that, user.

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Well, marraige wouldn't be about property under socialism.
Then again, it comes across like the anxiety over the risk of marraige for you is a justification for not really wanting to be very attached to someone else long term because you have autism and dont need or want social connection as much as more neurotypical individuals.
I dont say that as an insult, it just does sound like that.

Despite being a communist I beat the ever living fuck out of myself for failing in capitalism. I really fucking need to get away from my parents, I'm 32 man my life never started.

Isaac Newton was volcel gang, he wasn't a priest, and he got lots of respect for it, even by people in the 20th century.

Or he could have been secretly gay, which is probably more likely.

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Yeah for the majority of time volcel gang was considered really cool. Not only because of the piety of the act but also the fact that lust is an animal instinct and thus by suppressing it you were a baller Stoic who has no need for anything. Even today Stoics are seen as bretty cool.

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Please for the love of god can we try to keep these number of threads down to like once a week, or better yet, once a month?

Surely I'm not the only one tired of having r9k and incel threads on the front of Zig Forums every fucking day.

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Yeah basically if you are an older single woman, society feels sorry for you (particularly in traditional cultures like East Asians. In modern western society, it's more like "you go gurrrlll!" Usually the single-shaming towards women comes from boomers.)

But if you are a 30-something single dude, society sees you as a creep.

I just can't do relationships. I basically want a sentient human cuddle pillow + sex doll. And I can't do casual sex because I'm competing with literal Chads for real on Tinder. I tried casual sex a couple times and I couldn't get it up. With my first serious girlfriend, our first time was nice (we did have sex on the first date) because when I was too anxious to perform she was like "that's ok, let's cuddle." She was nice towards me, then I eventually got hard and fucked her.

I was way too introverted for her (and women in general). She wanted to text regularly. She wanted me to call her and talk on the phone. She wanted to go out and do stuff. Take her out on an adventure. She also wanted me to pay for her on dates (and she was the one that wanted me to take her out on these dates). She had a job but was pretty broke. I resented the fact that I was paying her way for stuff. But she was nice to me and I was almost a total incel before her. So I let it go. But overall I was just too introverted for her. She obviously didn't have any experience dating an autist. She thought that me being distant meant that I was cheating on her or only used her for sex. I felt very emotional towards her when we had sex. I just have a limited social range. I'm a loner and very introverted. I would have to fundamentally change who I am to be in a relationship.

She told me after awhile in our relationship that when she first saw that I was shy in our relationship, she thought it was cute. But then she wondered why I was still not very talkative and outgoing well into our relationship. It's like she had this idea that I was only introverted because I was shy. And that I would become an extrovert if I felt comfortable with her. It doesn't always work that way. My neurobiology is fundamentally different from neurotypicals. And an old friend of mine that I met 7 years after high school told me that my social awkwardness was way worse. To the point that he felt uncomfortable around me. He said that he felt like what a hot girl feels like around a nerd. After no longer being in the forced socialisation of high school, my already poor socially skills deteriorated even further and I became even more autistic.

This isn't really a specifically "incel" thread. If you've noticed, there's no Swedish Succdem Incel here demanding free pussy and other cancer you normally see in incel threads.

But maybe a separate lefty9k board or containment sticky might not be a bad idea for this stuff.

Well marriage (as in state enforced marriage, the bourgeoisie conception of it) wouldn't exist in socialism, so this isn't really a worry in that. Monogamous couples and families would exist, but it will not be a state function. Again, your relationship fell apart because of financial worries, which pretty much exposes how capitalism reduces all of our relations to that of finance and profit.
As others have pointed out, this isn't hard wired into us. In the past being single wasn't viewed as necessarily a bad thing, in fact it showed "restraint and discipline".

I also see a lot of the problems in our current capitalist society as a "doubling down" of sort. We lack general social bonds and social bonding among each other in society, yet we are obsessed over and desire to engage in the most intimate type of social bonding available, that of sex and relationships. We've become frustrated at the way were treated over our jobs and how we work for little in return both in society and in pay, and yet we become obsessed about profit and base our existence on the accumulation of profit. Its almost like were all compensating for what we do not have, a self-perpetuating cycle created by what we cannot acquire.

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We don't need state-assigned gfs, we need free neurofeedback therapy for autists tbh.

The basic idea is that you condition your brain to be less autistic in the same way you train a dog to sit and not shit in the house. Basically, you take a machine to read brainwave patterns, and it rewards less autistic patterns like enhanced empathy and that sort of thing while punishing the opposite. Eventually it teaches you to be less autistic after a certain number of sessions.

Idk how well it works though, and some of it can be sensationalist and scammy. But it's better than nothing.

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are you in america, particulaly spicland?, because i once knew a cute italian girl that was a spicaboo, she told me that she liked it here because of "warmer people", and she mentioned most of your points here, i've never been to europe, but her talk leads me to belive this is at least better there, in this case this is the ultimate evidence that this is connected to economical conditions and alienation

My anxiety over the risk of marriage is very real.
That said, I don't do dating either for the reasons you described. I'm just not a sociable person. My interactions with women are completely forced. Because I'm not a social person. I remember my ex-girlfriend fondly. I miss her. But I'll never satisfy her social needs. I have to force myself to be something I'm not to make her happy. And then neurotypicals say shit like "oh you just haven't found the right one. Find a girl that you can make happy." Nigga I have autism. It don't work like that. I have extreme introversion. Even introverted women are put off by my introversion.

This is why I like dogs and other companion animals. They are happy to see me. Wag their tail. They like it when I pet and cuddle them. They want me to take them for a walk or play fetch with them. Basic social interaction. Sex and cuddling are basic social things that I enjoy. So women think it's just that I use them for sex. But I still feel dopamine and oxytocin when I cuddle with women. I just lack the neurobiological wiring for all this other social stuff.

I was diagnosed with autism as a child so this isn't self-diagnosis bullshit. My family members and old friends told me that I was more social when I was younger though. Like in high school and beforehand. After high school, I retreated and became waaaay more social awkward and introverted than I already was. Once I discovered the internet (it got worse when I got a smartphone and could use the internet when I was out and about), I got even more autistic. Because I would just go online all day and not talk to people. I received a lot of negative social feedback as a child, adolescent and adult throughout the years. So my neurobiological wiring is all completely fucked or something.

I remember when I was younger, I thought, "if I get a girlfriend, it's going to completely change my life and I'm going to be happy." Then when I eventually did get a girlfriend, I realised that shit don't work like that.

My neurobiology is like irreparably damaged. But the social part. I'm still intelligent and such. I haven't had an Autism Level test. But I did graduate college and I'm doing well for myself economically for now at least.

Geez you've been memed on hard. How is autism neurobiological if it got worse either the Internet and highschool? I like the idea that enjoin comes straight from oxytocin and dopamine, and that you simply weren't wired tof get it from some actions. How would your brain even know these things were happening in a way to give you dopamine? Whatever.

It can have a neurobiological root but the symptoms can be changed by the person's environment. And the neurobiological root for autism is pretty well established in research.

There's nothing wrong with being volcel and liking animals user
Made by St. Francis Gang

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stopped reading right there and wont participate in thred.

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ignoring the advice of those not in your own best interest is the best advice you can give, after I went overboard on the political end, I lost a lot of friends in the last few years, especially right before Trump. not because I support him or oppose him (I'm 50/50), support him in most social views (except supporting Zion) and disagree heavily on economics. I live in a really shitty Ohio town and making friends is near difficult now. I'll be 36 in June. was once engaged, had a lot of past gfs but nothing stuck. hoping a meteor hits the earth. good riddance. meanwhile I'll be in my house and enjoying solitude.

most of the "nobody owes you a gf" people are redditors invading the board. Ellen Pao was a diversity hire with no qualifications. the place needs to implode. liberal shitbags, all of them.

NEETs and autists get the gulag too

stop using alienation to mean bad feels, you don't have an unique relation to the means of production so your alienation is the same as any prole's. just say capitalism makes me sad, it's ok

give me a marxist justification for state-mandated gfs or go suck an exhaust pipe

It's the next polyp raid

Instead of le cuck and dick sucking meme it's how will you free society when everyone dosn't get free pussy??? They're trying to stupidly subvert us, last time it was yeah but Jews do lots of capitalism so I guess your nazi's now check mate

[spoiler]You choose to passionately engage engage like, four retards on blatantly obviously retarded shit, because you want to imagine them as a serious real and ideological threat that needs to be engaged with and defeated.
Rather than examining the material and social causes these mentally ill teenagers and twenty somethings become like that, seeing how many more have basically the same issues, and thinking how to turn those frustrations towards the right enemy before they meme themselves retarded, you'd rather pretend they're the fucking black hundreds or the nazi party and that while they're products of capitalism, the beta revolt is a real event that these highly organized, motivated, and capable individuals will bring to fruition which must be stopped.

Because you're reddit runoff.[/spoiler]

cuck nature more like

Had Neurofeedback as a kid, didn't do anything.

It's also human nature to cooperate for survival.

I get her, latinos have a much more social culture than gringos, who end up feeling cold and distant by comparison

You're the first up against the wall, feminist cuck.

Neurofeedback is snake oil, autism can't be cured because it isn't a disease, its just neurodiversity outside of what is considered "normal", under socialism "normal" will be much more fluid and autistic people will have more freedom to live their lives in a way that is comfortable for them

Autism won't exist under socialism because proles won't put off having kids until they are 35.

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A syndrome that cripples your social functioning and makes you depressed, hyper-alienated and lonely later in life is a disease in my book. "Socialism" won't do shit to cure the genetic inability to properly read social cues.

Plenty of autistic people manage to have fulfilling social lives though.

But most don't, and at the very least have to struggle to get there.

it's not failing to do something, it's doing it differently. That's why there is such a huge diversity of what is considered "autistic", the autism spectrum is anything outside of what is considered normal. Diagnoses have skyrocketed as the US economy has become more centered around the service sector. 60 years ago an autistic person would go unnoticed, they'd just be the quiet office nerd. Now they're easily noticeable because capitalism makes them stick out like a sore thumb. The people on the spectrum who are totally crippled are a tiny minority, most people just have different sensory input and expression than what is considered "normal"

No it's because old ass (relatively speaking) men are having more babies. There really are more autists in general in the west.

Last time I checked, schizophrenics, bipolar people, ADHD people, people with Down syndrome, personality disorders, multiple personalities, OCD, PTSD, and pathological gamlers weren't routinely diagnosed as autistics. Autism is has pretty specific set of symptoms.

Even the people who aren't totally crippled, like Aspies, still have significant social challenges and often end up becoming depressed outcasts traumatized by their difficulties relating with peers.


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And even if you did you are a 14 year old suburbanite so who cares what you think lol.

You try so little, Zig Forums

lol you're like 12 settle down kiddo

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Seriously is that person in the black hoodie male or female?

looks like a kid i knew so im saying guy.

irl southpark was a mistake

I just wanted to put it out there that the Punisher game is way better violence porn than Hatred while also being an amazing game and no one ever talks about it.

sage for off topic

the ability read social cues is hypermodernist. taking us back to the stone age is the only solution.

You live in capitalism, this will never happen.

You answered your own question.

i know that feel bro, but Zig Forums is mostly non whites trying to cloak their invasions into our homelands under the hammer and sickle or just straight up cosmopolitan jews, so don't take anything they say here seriously, they are just following their ethnic interests

I've seen your meetups, maybe don't throw stones in non-white houses, lmao.

I would bet money that we have a higher percentage of whites than you do.

American here, last public demonstration I saw in my city was a white boomer rally against abortion.

Now you're just talking out of your ass. Implying white people aren't socially liberal and aren't the ones interested in communism.

You forgot one
That's the real tragedy here

Zig Forums is probably more nonwhite honestly

Is this a meme phrase at this point? Honestly, isnt a paradox or some sort? If everyone could read social cues and was socially adjusted, then why are some people turn out as social losers-out and why do some people turn out socially triumphant? I feel like implicit in this idea of social intelligence is some kind of hidden dystopian, eugenicist, "meritocratic" liberalism that subliminally tells us that those with no social aptitude who, perhaps for poor observation or maybe a whole host of other factors such as sleep deprivation or poor diet, doesn't deserve to have success in out current system and therefore should be shunned or at best tolerated and given menial jobs where they can be integrated.

To be fair, it sounds like you were going through a lot of shit and are probably justifying this all with incel ideology.

I agree with you about the female approval thing. I noticed that people treated me like a normal human being when I got a girlfriend. I fucking hate people.

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Someone's been watching the far left Alex Jones


Ability to read others accurately and respond to their thoughts and emotions is an inherently valuable thing. Most things require working with others to accomplish and miscommunication and misunderstanding is always, always the biggest barrier to effective cooperation. It's no surprise that social skills are respected. But its not something that is socially valued just by itself. Sociopaths are well known for often having excellent social skills but very antisocial intent and that's seen as scary and evil. Kids often will be labeled as autism spectrum for not socializing normally, inability to perceive social cues could be why they're not socializing normally but it may also be a thousand other things. They may be reading social cues just fine but not enjoy the company of the other children. There's also the 'easy mode' factor where people who are good looking and have naturally smooth and amiable personalities don't require much skill to get along with others. Socially speaking they may be dumb as bricks but that won't be a limiting factor for them. You aren't incorrect that there's something "meritocratic" in the way people talk about social skills. An ugly poor girl has to work 100x harder to get anywhere socially than a pretty rich one but we like to imagine the system is fair. So some teacher or other scum will talk condescendingly about how they worry about Jan's social skills since she does not seem to get along with the other girls. When in fact Jan has fine social skills, she's fat and ugly and has family problems and the other girls avoid that like the plague.

But you shouldn't let all the politics around conformity and whatever brand of liberal pro-sociality is popular stop you from developing effective social skills. Social skills are real. Ability to read emotions from faces for instance is empirically verifiable and differs substantially between individuals.

Found peterson

No one owes you shit. Neither you owe anyone anything.
So man the fuck up and stop crying, are you unsatisfied with capitalism? Then wallow in self pity forever and play the victim culture game or fight against it.

what does age have to do with breeding kids with aspergers

lmao, kill yourself

Good post OP. Honestly if anything whatsoever is going to stop me being a Marxist it's my incel frustations getting in the way. It's hard to think in terms of class analysis when everything and everyone is pushing you 24/7 to thinking in terms of sex. And I know that even if I got laid (I have once) the problem wouldn't be solved because I still wouldn't be someone that can get sex as easily as chad. Fucking hell, incel rage sucks dude.

Y'have to realize that one, people can go fuck themselves, and two, they dont care about that stuff as much as it seems to you- those standards exist, but normalfags only have to worry about them a some of the time and a little bit. your fixation with how easily you could have sex and how much you could have is irrational insecurity, created and exxagerated by the learned cultural standard that a mans worth is contingent upon how many holes he can put his dick in.

You wish reactionary scum

The fixation you have with sex and/or relationships shows you are aligned with capitalist ideology.
If you can't stand alienation, you're not a communist, accept it and move the fuck on.

You're literally measuring your worth by the dominant ideology, do you guys don't see this shit' Holy shit, this place is full of velied reactionaries, don't call yourself a Marxist.

How the fuck does not taking alienation well make you not a communist?

Because a communist must accept his alienation. A communist fights, he does not pity himself, can you imagine Marx and Lenin taking the same attitudes most take on this board? They would die of embarassement seeing self claimed communists act like spoiled brats!
No one expected the Bolsheviks to

oops, clicked to send reply too early, but now I don't want to finish my second sentence, so just ignore it

dude got murdered by the FBI before he could finish his post god bless

fair enough


The pass of resistance and opposition which is in its ascending stage and which relies on the military
victories, political triumphs as well as the consolidation of the sample of resistance on the popular and political
levels and the steadfastness in political positions and stances despite being the subject of massive attacks
and gigantic challenges….until reaching the inclination of elements of forces in the regional balance to the side
of resistance and its supporters.

What does sex and relationships have to do with capitalist ideology? Thots suck off an unemployed Chad in a nightclub toilet stall with more enthusiasm than they give a blowjob to some beta provider that they are with due to financial stability.

I don't feel that women owe me sex. The issue is that society does not respect you if you aren't having sex as a man. If a woman is not validating your worth, you are nothing in the eyes of society. Incels keep harping on about how they aren't getting laid. But the reason why incels want to get laid is because they want to win the respect of society. Incels are on the bottom of the totem pole in society. Their social status is 0.

You are living in a fantasy.

You're telling me that women don't want to suck/fuck 8"+ NEET cocks belonging to handsome hunks?

If I was a woman, I would date a cuck with money and then while he's at work, swipe right on Tyrone and get dicked down by a real man who can destroy my pussy. And eat whipped cream off his sexy washboard abs.

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Like obviously women want the stud with money. A Christian (as in Christian Grey). But not every woman can have Christian Grey. So they have to settle somewhere. Either for a beta cuck with money. Or a Chad who never made it into the NFL and now he's in the workforce (or just a straight-up unemployed bum). Or they can have both by dating the cuck and cheating on him with Chad from Tinder on the side. Cheating is way easier for women in 2018 than it has ever been in history.


Just come out already you damned queer.

Why do you care about their respect you fucking weakling? You still care about the capitalist Other. You still want to be seen as worthy of respect in His eyes. You are still inside capitalist ideology!

Being nothing at the eyes of (bourgeois) society is literally what proletariat means today, but it's not necessarily tied to sex, just see poor blacks, who tend to have sex (at least more than whites I think), but they are also seen as worthless.