Taxation on income is actually rent-seeking and a no different method of depriving profit from work than disownership...

taxation on income is actually rent-seeking and a no different method of depriving profit from work than disownership of capital

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wow that guy is hot

Whatever you say, Proudhon.

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fuck off shill

I can practically read the cop's mind. The absolute madman staring him down…I don't know.

How are you going to increase the means of production or maintain/pay for roads without income tax?

In the end it all comes from the workers.

Under a labour voucher system you still withhold a % of the income for reinvestment
Under a post-labour voucher system there is no issue at all but we cant reach that immediately.

read steve keen

If you don't have any tax revenue coming in, no one will lend you anything.

LOL okay kid
read Abba Lerner

More like upkeep of universal social safety nets.


Yeah and? There were no taxes in the USSR, DDR, Cuba, DPRK, etc. and only recently are a few petty bourgeois things getting taxed in Cuba.
Socialism is the only economic system that can function while abolishing taxes.

Not having income tax is the anti-communist thing actually. They gained their income by profiting of producting, keeping the commodity production in place and obscuring the real costs of products and society.

>He receives a certificate from society that he has furnished such-and-such an amount of labor (after deducting his labor for the common funds); and with this certificate, he draws from the social stock of means of consumption as much as the same amount of labor cost.

It's amazing how some people here haven't even read Narx

Not just upkeep but also reinvestment into developing better machinery/better scientific understanding etc.

Doesn't Steve Keen think that the labor theory of value is wrong becausa chimera contributes value? He seems like a fucktard that happens to give nice critiques of Bourgeois Economics.

Exactly. In fact in The USA we didn't have taxes until the Civil War and it was only passed as an emergency effort to maintain the continuation of The Union. Probably why we've been in a perpetual state of warfare against supposed cataclysmic forces of evil to justify the perpetual need for an income tax. Before the federal income tax all government was paid for by tarriffs and in the same way I think we should transition the economy to a business only tax model. I guess citizens are people now my friend but alot of those people aren't Americans and we still let them do business here. Why should they receive all the benefits of the American workforce and consumer market without praying the appropriate fee? We the people have rights and they have privileges that we grant them such as the privilege of continuing to do business in America. I think even even the Bougious and Libertarians could be brought on board with this model because it would give business the freedom to pay their employees what exorbitant amount they want after the business itself pays the appropriate taxes.

The Labour Theory of Value is wrong though. Marx was not infallible.

Keen is the one who is wrong. Marx is not infallible but the LTV is correct.

I agree. Smash capitalism.

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No it's not. Labour creates value but it does not create all value.


Keen confuses use-value and value. Free energy in nature is the origin of use-value, yes. However, he mistakenly thinks that because both humans and machines consume energy to work, they must both produce value. This is wrong, machines can only produce use-values while humans can produce both use-value and value.

income taxation is good and income inequality is bad.
frankly beyond a certain stage even taking money off the insufferable well-to-dos and burning it would be preferable to leaving it in their hands.

You described the only correct way to do taxation. Take money and burn it. The state does not need taxes to fund shit, it just needs to destroy enough income to offset state spending.

local govts do need to collect the money before they can spend it though

Yeah, even Marx was a tax evader. It would be redundant to have taxes in a state that prints their own money.
Taxes only make sense in the capitalist settings where all money is loan from a private bank, so the state has to take a loan in order to execute public projects. Then the state has to reduce their debt to the bank or they cant get more loan, in order to do that state has to start gathering money from their citizens. I guess if we absolutely cant live without toblerones and oil, then we would have to stay with the world bank, but I wouldnt call it a truly socialist state then, it would just be state capitalism.

This time he shits on MMT


Why has there been no empirical study that statistically falsifies the LTV hypothesis so far then? Debunking the linear correlation between average price and average labour content is trivial if you just get the data and the theory doesn't hold. After that point trying to debunk it with anything else than the stats is just mincing words and quite frankly lazy.

gotta love how triggered marxcucks get at steve keen


We had property taxes and excise taxes, tho.

Exactly. Tax capital not wage labour.

Technically didn't workers pay a hidden tax in the Soviet Union and Cuba? Where do they generate the revenue to pay the military, police officers, etc.?

How would you realize a society based on "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" without tax?