What are the core beliefs of SJW?

What are the core beliefs of SJW?

Because I got called a SJW and that I'm promoting the genocide of white people simply by asking why there are not more games about non western cultures like africa, india or amerindians and that games about europeans are fucking generic a fuck.

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SJW is a buzzword. It's not a coherent ideology or movement.

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Basically what said. The word "sjw" nowadays is a meaningless snarl word that gets thrown around.

Well if OP wants to know what it used to mean, and should mean, they should look up the term baizuo

Closest thing would be intersecional feminism and post-colonial shit.
Also this:
If you want to read more about them, try Spivak and her friends.

That's retarded.

Btw, as an answer, I have had this discussion before, and most people literally say they don't relate to non-Europeans (meaning non-whites I suppose), so it's common sense for companies to pander to that shit.

I think it was coined for insufferable activists who jumped on every little issue. It's meaningless now, like the other posters say, it's used too much.

The fact that some people can't relate to someone who doesn't look like them is pure idpol and reminds me of why the majority of workers harbor reactionary sentiments. Even "SJWs" see radliberals do this shit as well

It's not id 'pol' because it's not a political statement. Let's not abuse the word, is my gist.

I dunno it just seems like biology to me that people are dumbly tribal (I've referred to Haidt before, I'll do it again). It's not necessarily about skin-colour, I've also heard it said about playing a woman, for example. People seem to want what they're familiar with.

I mean why do you think all those 'exotic' shows with all-brown casts like Marco Polo have a white guy as the main character? It's so we can view all the exotic shit through the comfortable anglo-lense with which we identify and are familiar.

There are quite a few games set in Japan, though, and they don't have any problems selling. It isn't typically on the order of the heavily marketed shooters, but nothing is. There's a Three Kingdoms game coming out from Creative Assembly which will also sell well, I think. People may say that, but it isn't so large a cohort that it limits sales significantly.

It's still used for that. The problem is that some people are conflated with these types of activists. It hasn't become meaningless, although people are sloppy with it.

sjw can mean literally anything from liberal feminist to postmodernist. Anyone who unironically accuses someone of anuddah shoah is too far gone

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somehow i always forget about the wordfilter

With nonwhite protagonists? All the RE horror has white guys, and come to think of it, some dude once told me he didn't like Shogun total war very much because it was set in Japan.

Its a meaningless buzzword against anything reactionaries dislike.

Technically, yes (all the names are Japanese and there's little to no effort to hide where it's set), but the animation style often glosses over it.

The sequel is usually considered one of the best Total War games released. I'm sure some people didn't because it was set in Japan, although these were also in the minority.

oh i guess if it seems like it to you it must be true then. Truth is this line of thinking is retarded, if it's not about skin color then why is this board filled with people who desperately consume anime, when the point of view of the people in it is totally alien to them?, fuck why is anime even that popular in latin america then, when i assure you latin american culture is the exact opposite of japanese culture, besides stuff like some aspects of gender roles if people in japan like something, people in latin america hate it, why is it that a substantial amount of people in my country like turkish soap operas, when turkey is across the fucking world, i guess what i'm trying to say is that the only people that consume only media depicting their own race and culture are americans, and maybe some european countries, you are the exception not the rule

I mean something here like the Persona series, for example, not Resident Evil or Metal Gear.

It's a form of progressive idealism that traces all ills of society to some nebulous concept of 'culture' in need of reform instead of the underlying materialist conditions and the mode of production.

JRPGs have a strong-ish base, but not so much as in the 90s hey-day. I still think that a lot of people have enough familiarity with Japan and there is a weird fetishization we have of it . (America doesn't fetishize other non-white countries in the same way).

I actually think the problem is lack of exposure to media produced by a variety of cultures. I think the best solution would be for other non-white countries to have more pop culture presence. So I suspect putting more media out there with non-white people and more women outside of their 'expected role' actually will be the solution. But you kind of have to ignore that it won't sell as much; but you also need to hire actually good writers and not shitty shit shitters because they fill x quota.

That's the big problem is they want more diversity but they fucking shit it up with no talent people and just bad ideas. I feel like I don't even need to bring up the whole Marvel thing; you don't wipe out the main white male cast and then just unilaterally start replacing them,. It's stupid, and it makes people even more angry.

Of course there is also the issue that developers don't want to touch other countries for fear of messing up. It's kind of like how white people do not want to depict black people for fear will be accused of being racists….I mean Resident Evil got shit for taking place in Africa .You can't set a zombie game in another country unless I guess you make all the protags non-white. YOu also can't do any militaristic games that shoot non-white people unless the majority of your main cast is non-white too or you are only shooting mostly white people. So that scratches out the most popular genres. Far Cry got a whole lot of shit too, but people still seemed to ignore the baclash and play it anyway, so maybe you can just ignore the moral busybody.

You could solve the issue pretty easy in the realm of fantasy though , and maybe make the antagonists non-human, but you kind of can't set it in a real world country unless you follow certain guidelines.

The most successful PlayStation 2 game of all time featured a black protagonist.

San Andreas

You pretty much have to make the games do it anyway regardless of what they want, but I think easing people into it is better .Just include a lot more main characters who aren't white , but don't make their character just that they aren't white, lol. I also think if the story is good enough people will get over that. Didn't the Walking Dead game have a black male character and a little asian girl too?

It would also help if you can establish a property people have trust in too (like Walking Dead) as a backdrop for it , which I think is what they were trying to do by replacing some Marvel Heros but they fucked up big timeee.

Yeah that's why I think properties that are already established is a good route to go.

Also with the expanding demographics in burgerland at least , it's not gonna matter anyway. We are going to see alot more Latino protags.

I think is about having respect.

Imagine doing a game about muslims and using stereotypes and stupid memes and not giving a fuck about the original culture and not doing the fucking research.

It's like when japan makes a game about latinaomerica and is usually mexico and brazil.

What did marvel do? I don't keep up with capeshit.

Fucking hell why is there always some guy who gets mad. I was having a relaxed discussion about games. I didn't want to turn it into a pol tier racism thread, so I just made a casual remark.

Most people you meet think anime is weird and sorta look down on people who like it. And anime characters are also hwhite. There's also such a thing as liking something because it is exotic or despite it.

May very well be, burgers don't need to give a shit the way they produce entertainment

Oh I wasn't talking about myself. I like Asian tv series and the book I'm writing has a black protagonist, but I didn't say that because that would make me seem like one of those liberals with a superiority complex. MOST people are in my experience like what I described, not all.

But I'd still recommend The Righteous Mind by Haidt if you can stand the bourg centrism

Crisis actors by the deep state to undermine leftist movements and promote cultural 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧conservatism🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Same. It's not a ridiculous hurdle.

Yeah agreed, it fucks up your experience when you see an obvious and foremost annoying agenda with little behind it. When they added gays and lesbians to Mass Effect, that was kewl and it added something, but in Dragon Age Inquisition you had fucking brown peasants living in icy mountains in a medieval setting.

Seriously, that's retarded.

Because they have less of a games industry, or, in the case of say China and Japan, a lot of the games are purely aimed at the internal market. It's fairly trivial, so I get why people would be suspicious if you have to ask the question out loud. Makes one think you want to start a stale culture war argument.

I don't see how it's not political unless your definition of political is "when politicians do stuff"

pretty much this
i get your curiosity for other regions games but generally there just isn't that much of a market for it, except maybe weeb shit

Because it usually has no political dimension, e.g., it's not related to policy. It's different if we were discussing actual diversity policy and hwites opposed it from an identity standing.

My definition is: what has to do with policy, e.g., strikes intended to force a different policy, a revolution intended to smash a certain state and create a new one, etc. Bitching about culture has no direct political implication imo.

So Id 'pol' is for me when a group bases its political programme on political demands based in some identity group, and primarily from the 'needs' of that identity. So calling for black rights as part of a larger socialist program, is just egalitarianism. Calling for black rights to strenghten the position of your own black ethnicity, for the sake of that ethnicity solely, seems like idpol to me.

Fair enough, but where is the line between the two? And who decides? Should the rights for a minority group have to depend on the assent of the majority group?

It's a minority. You're pretty spooked if you believe they aren't objectively depending on the assent of the majority. Ought is nice, but that's the 'is', almost by definition. I mean, you can come up with checks and balances to check the majority, but if they go for the guns, those pieces of paper will help no one.

The guy bitching about it on the internet. It's not like people want to prohibit idpol politically so that's where the discussion stays.

I think the question is: is defending and strengthening your identity (and what you associate with it) your primary goal? Is it the fundament of your politics? If not, then it is subsumed into a wider program. If it is, then your politics is instrumental to identity, e.g., idpol.

Oh btw, I'm not against all idpol inherently.

Read the Unabomber's manifesto

Also read The System's Neatest Trick:

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Just go on youtube- I know that dreaded shit hole-and watch videos about people whining about Marvel comics . I am not sure where they are at now- they may have finally caved and given the fanboys their precious childhood heroes back

They replaced Ironman with a black girl, Hulk with some asian guy and a woman, Thor with a woman, I don't know who else. I don't even watch the movies, but I like to keep my finger on what people are going to whine about next. Plus they promoted MS Marvel who is frrom a Muslim bg and this Mexican lesbian named America Chavez.

The icing on the cake was making Captain America turn out to be a part of Hydra.

Then that would qualify as political under your definition. If I'm complaining about representation of a certain group in certain media and want the associated groups responsible for them to change that, that's absolutely a statement concerning their policy.

Oh, right, yeah, agreed

Forgot flag

sjw is a dumb way of saying "Fucking Libcuck"

the answer to the nested question is because most videogames are made in either the west, or japan

Video games, the highest stage of autism.

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First two are refried Nietzsche, a restatement of his ressentiment which is often applicable to liberals and radlib types, but I find it less applicable to the left. You will find some full of ressentiment there, though. Still, you'd do better reading actual Nietzsche rather than Kaczynski-Nietzsche.

The last one is more interesting, and I think it's largely true for what one might call activist-ism. It poses no problem for the left, as it simply states that the superstructure follows the base.

Claire Redfield. Jill Valentine.

Those as well, yeah. But what matter is who is the protagonist, and isn't it usually a dude in RE? I'll admit it can vary, though