Are anonymous imageboards an example of a proper communist setting? Think about it

Are anonymous imageboards an example of a proper communist setting? Think about it.

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Absolutely not, imageboards as they are today are inherently reactionary.
The idea that anonymity is communist is like a reactionary parody of communism, in communism people are encouraged to self-identify and express themselves in relation to their comrades. Even in revolutionary conditions, communists usually adopt pseudonyms, because it's impossible to organize a party without having some kind of fixed and verifiable identities.

Under a communist setting, image board websites would be banned. 4chan is banned in china

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4chan's also banned in Cuba and the DPRK.

Yes because 90% of a sites content being an endorsement for fascism is communism. Remember how tiny leftypol is compared to the rest of the imageboard browsing demographic.

It's funny, all the things you've listed have some tenuous link to Fascism in practice - not fascism as idealized by its proponents, but how it actually plays out. I don't think it's a coincidence that a population (imageboard browsers) who are so morbidly hedonistic also appraise fascism.

Like fascism is "supposed" to be for order, civility, natural beauty yadda yadda - but in actuality the only people it attracts are sadists, butchers, rapists and other assorted scum. Is fascism just insincere from the get go?

Do you even need to ask this? Rule one of fascism is lie constantly.

I just find the whole phenomenon strange, I mean if we take the most objective analysis then it's explicit bourgeois control over society and importing colonial tyranny into the nation. But the way it evokes this horrific hedonistic thrill in people is something else entirely.

well, that follows from

Yes I know all that, I'm trying to make the case for the channer types who hold one belief while doing the complete opposite. Yet they love this contradiction, it's the entire essence of internet "irony". Think Sam Hyde, he gets a thrill out of being misunderstood by "normies", pretending that he has this entire other self that he's concealing - like a game where you can never corner him with any belief he holds because he can just say he was "being ironic".

There's a weird delight that comes from tricking people, from fascists - gaslighting is their favorite tactic.

Yeah the ironic mode of socialization is fascistic, one of the many big problems with all these SA goons (Chapoites, Weird Twitter) running things in the Yankee "left."


I feel like there's a deliberate attempt to have people in the imperial core/first world to adopt this outlook of dissociation (Irony) as a way for them ignore actual problems, like a rapid desensitization to the state of the world. It's misanthropic and as you say, fascist.

I've already detailed the most thorough analysis of Fascism.

I'm talking about the petty booj types who are attracted to it, and the psychological side of it.

Ah, the artisans ans shopowners. Great ironists them.

A significant part of the "mother's basement" Zig Forumstards are disenfranchised petty booj, it's why they're so mad.

Alright, middle class suburbanites whatever.

Also, this is just my theorizing, but I've often noticed that the most sarcastic people are the most depressed. Now an entire societies's media/ethos adopting that sarcastic/ironic tone is very telling.

The whole construction of this subclass in the US was intended to boojify workers. They "invest" in their homes, 401ks, stock options, cars, etc. The house is their personal fiefdom. A lot of them sublet as well. During the golden age of suburbia, this class was de facto petty booj.

Just say middle class already like the one below you, don't abuse Marxist terminology needlessly

Well duh. Irony helps you cope. It's only related to fascism to the degree that fascism is also a way for an ideology to cope with its internal contradictions, but people aren't ideologies. You shoudln't ascribe fascism to individual psychology, that's bunk political science.

There's nothing ridiculous about , look at all the Marxist literature that recognizes the bourgeois character of peasantry for instance.

No, they are the embodiment of late end of history nightmaredom.
Wrong. Their real world classes still impact them. The idea of the internet as a special space seperate from reality is californian ideology nonsense. Furthermore there are still implicit divisions between the "insider" and the "outsider". (also also, some posters are just recognisable from their bizarre obsessions)
We also engage in stupid mob behaviour and impute opinions from others, as well as imagining consensuses that don't exist by presuming the board agrees with them and has more in common with them than they really do. (false solidarity)
Extra wrong. They create loads. More than on any other medium, even twitter, they encourage you to language police for "foreign" shibboleths. They said problematic? Tumblr. Certain spacing style? Reddit. Thinks gamergate was stupid childish nonsense? Twitter goon.
piracy is good but imageboards are a pretty shit format for it unless you're dumping comics and don't want to fuck around unzipping CBR files.

this is kind of good tbh. indeed one huge problem of modern imageboards is that they aren't ephemeral, they're well archived.

Well duh, peasants can own their MOP. The kind of people you are flailing to refer to, do not.

Erasing history prevents people from moving forward.

disagree unless we qualify the definition of history. it is surely no coincidence that as the ability of computers to record and log information has increased dramatically, so to has the pace of history slowed to a crawl.

as for the qualified definition: if we consider history the art of piecing together disparate pieces of information to help us understand the past - then the destruction of this limited data, and this analysis is undoubtedly negative and damaging to the ability to progress. but if we are to consider each and every piece of nonsense to be history, then the constant weight of the past will be a millstone around our necks. especially in a world where people have not - probably will not - learn to forgive past transgressions.

Forward where?

I don't think it's insincere as much as it is something people use to make up for their own personal deficiencies.

Supporters of fascism profess unity, strength, virtue, etc. It kind of makes sense that many lonely, overweight, porn-addicted degenerates would find this appealing, as living under a fascist regime would supposedly have forced them to develop some self-control, or at least keep other people from going down the same path they did.

I think this is partially why the majority of fascists don't understand even the basics of socialism. To be a fascist is to ignore the material realities that shape your society and instead have your politics consumed entirely by visceral reactions to modern culture in itself, reactions that likely stem from a deep-rooted dissatisfaction with how modern culture shaped you personally.

It's a real shame most of them will never realize that only full gommunism will truly save them from bourgeois decadence.

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All people do on imageboards is reproduce the same arguments over and over again, this is inherently reactionary and it's the result of Moot's beloved "ephemerality." A progressive forum system would go to lengths to remind people of past arguments, posts, threads, etc. so that people could avoid rehashes.

You meant to say immiseration. The great majority of us do not have any access to this vaunted decadence.

we already have archives and it has done nothing to prevent rehashes.
with an ephemeral system, a small amount of data is lost in each rehash, eventually developing/evolving the new. (or cancer, if you can see a vague DNA analogy in there.)

now if you really wanted to prevent the same thread every week you'd just have really aggressive moderation or a board with

But problems that actually exist aren't as important as the jewish postmodernists trying to turn me into a race-mixing homosexual cuckold.

Ah, another episode of oblivious redditors with no historical awareness talking about how imageboards are inherently right-wing just like Zig Forums says.
You people fucking disgust me.

Because it's not integrated properly, as well archives alone can't solve the other problems of imageboards.

With a historical system that builds on past arguments, people would HAVE to come up with something new or not at all.

I'm SP and I've literally never posted on reddit, I've been on these hell websites for over 7 years.

side topic but how do you know what websites are banned in cuba and dprk?, what do they ban?, american media?, american pages?, can i watch hentai or anything japanese in the dprk?, or is that one of the things they ban?

Ascribing political ideologies to a format for a forum is fucking retarded, but if you had to give one to imageboards its plainly obvious itd be anarchism. Somewhere between leftist and centrist anarchism.
Which fits rather well with the fact that 4chan, which predates Zig Forums was broadly liberal or retarded teenage "anarchist" before the mid 2010s. To this day Zig Forums does not fucking own imageboards. You don't help when you just believe them when they say it. They're cancerous faggots who grew their parasite hold by influxes of newfags from stormfront and r/thedonald and being the most relentlessly loud and autistic faggots around.
wearing armbands is facists because facists did it
parties called 'workers parties' are facist because muh NSDAP

4chan has (had?) an integrated archive no harder to use than pagination on a forum.
I can't imagine how you would fit this in the framework of any internet communication format. If you have a regular forum, old threads and their arguments will be pushed away (making rehashes easy. or within a single thread, even, making rehashes tempting because new people want to have old arguments.) while, at the same time, past-arguments act as a millstone around the neck of other users because they can be accused of hypocrisy or embarrassed by having their old posts dug up once social norms change. in the desirable case of creating the new, we fail with such an approach, and in the undesirable case of preventing redemption we succeed.

Like you antagonizing that Gamergate guy.


anarchism is reactionary

Or he responding to it. (Which is a better example since I've generally used a flag, while he doesn't thus making it a purer example of an identifiable "anonymous" poster.)

A flag doesn't necessarily identify the poster. There are a few other socdem flags around here. Your posting style and anti-Gamergate obsession were recognizable even before the name, though.

ah yes that's why everyone uses 'anti-gamergate socdem' to distinguish me from the other socdems
as should have been obvious given i've explaind it several times, a much more appropriate alternative would be 'anti-"imageboard culture" socdem' or perhaps 'anti-soothsaying socdem')

I've noticed that sarcasm is mainly a tactic for the social awkward to belittle things around them so they feel less small.

I also don't buy that imageboards are inherently any ideology, but I think any sort of social website encourages its users to slowly start integrating beliefs until there isn't much variation.

which is to say that social websites encourage hivemind, ie adherence to local customs and values.
and like I said, the Zig Forumsshit is new circa ~2014 and still not on every board on every site.

Social websites aren't separate from the social system they're built for, they're like any other kind of media, the ruling ideology of social media is the ideology of the ruling class. Yankee social media is inherently imperialist and fascist.
"Twitter is an expression of fascism."
-Nicolas Maduro
Facebook, Twitter, and yes, 4chan and Zig Forums are deliberately designed and used as staging grounds for fascist PSYOPS and regime change. They are deliberately and inherently hostile to communism.

t. retard.
4chans design is a clone of an obscure japanese forum.
8chans is a clone with adding your own board.
Used, again, mid 2010s onward after culture war shit fed a then minor tumor enough to draw attention to it.
is this what being a ☭TANKIE☭ does to your brain?

2ch also being a breeding ground for reactionaries, run by shady-ass dudes. 4chan being run by Moot, who always had mysteriously infinite funds for a completely unprofitable website "from his mom," and then got hired to CIA-partner Google for his efforts.

Made by an ancap (a reactionary), now run by a bunch of creeps who also own 2ch, running it from the Philippines. How is 8ch not reactionary?

no, its a clone of 2chan, which itself is a clone of 2ch. they added images then 4chan removed the sidebar later in its life.
I visit 2chan and `no'.
and still, through most of its existence, 4chan was somewhere between generic nerd consumerism and edgy teenage pseudoleftism with no greater reactionary tendency than any other goddamn place.
hitler made shit. if you shit you're a nazi. every shit you take supports facism.

nerd consumerism is protoreactionary.

But im socializing in community of my fellow anons

no, its not, not in any special way moreso than other consumerism.
at this point you're just pulling the 'anything influenced and warped by capitalism=facism' shit.


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