How does Racism come about from a Marxist perspective?

How does deeply ingrained racism like in the US come about from a Marxist perspective? I can see how it can be against immigrants due to labour competition but what about against blacks, they've been there for years.

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Delete this thread and the the other two copys before that Inane Stalin Stache finds it.

People just like to group things. If every mention of crime in the news is accompanied by a photo of some non-white dude, that's bound to have an impact on you (criminals being men most of the time has the same effect). Even if you believe in equality of all people, you'll still treat with the subconscious knowledge that a disproportionate amount of them are criminals, thugs or terrorists. If you're a cop, that probably means you'll be more likely to shoot a black man than a white man ( If you're an employer, again despite having egalitarian beliefs, Tyrone's resume's going straight into the trash after a quick read, whereas Tim's isn't.

Segregation, by law or otherwise, also plays a part in this. Prejudice, unless it's reached a point where you have a full-blown race-oriented conflict, can be combated through interaction between groups and the pursuing of common goals, because this makes people re-categorize themselves as part of a larger group. I'd say most contemporary segregation is a result of the economic disparity between ethnic groups. That same disparity leads to disproportionate amounts of crime and police run-ins. This means that you can't really talk about racism without talking about economics. The liberal solution of "just stop being racist" or right-wing solution of "just stop doing crime" are obviously short-sighted and don't work. We can't get rid of racism without the emancipation of the entire working class, no amount of racial quotas, affirmative action or tough-on-crime policies under capitalism are going to fix any of this.

It should also be noted that the ruling classes have used racism throughout history to pit working peoples against each other. They use it to justify imperialism, to break strikes, to get cheap labor from 'lesser' people, to enslave people, or shift the blame from themselves and capitalism to some other.

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Racism was invented by "capitalists" and the clergy to justify the exploitation, murder, slavery, genocide and mistreatment of Africans and Native Americans in North, Central and South America. Much easier to do all those things to people when you don't see them as people.

In the US, white and black slaves mixed and lived together. But the problem was that the slaves outnumbered the masters and there was danger of a slave uprising and revolt, which would have been successfully had it been carried out. So the masters decided to give less hard, house jobs to the white slaves, even put them in supervisory positions. This ensured that the white and black slaves would separate. Mixing between the slaves continued, so it had to be outlawed.

In USA and some other western countries, there is a very deep denial about the failings of the "system" and a fascist antagonism starts to grow towards all percieved "threats" to the efficiency of capitalism, MOST conspiracy theories revolve around "them" trying to dismantle society through "globalism" and "communism", take that for example, swuch ignorance on the globalising effects of capitalism in by which trade becomes necessitated, no, it is seen as a commie plot to destabilise national identity which allows countries to become vunlerable to an influx of immigration, which, for some reason doesn't get enough structural analysis from the working class, who's first call to action is fascism for whatever reason, we can minimise this aspect of lack of class consciousness by contributing it towards "media propaganda", but I feel it is something deeper which keeps the slaves ignorant of their chains, perhaps it is the normalised authoritarianism in working class family dynamics which keeps people "humble" to their own unjust suffering, a marxist might say that religion is also part to blame for this mystic sacrifice in the name of law and order, we can see that most of the poor countries in the world are the most religious, per capita. Misery anticipates the worst and worships salvation in death, Christianity has become a nihilistic cult of the worship of death, perhaps we have reached the most Christian age in history, were we follow so closely in the footsteps of suffering such as Christ and to find God on our deathbeds.

Different races, LGBTQ+ people and fun are seen as threats to the mythic "good old days", some of these reactionaries even idolise the 50s, and attribute some sort of unregulated capitalism as the cause for this, despite the fact that this period in American history had the most public spending on infrastructure and services, which shows the willful ignorance of cappies in their never-ending crusade of securing faith in their ideology. And sometimes, it is just white supremacy, even more than just prejudice, but the entitlement of priority for some whites, the alt-right, for example express this idea, those fuckers have always excisted, we just live in an age of the denial of class, which is why it has seemed to have grown more popular, and so capitalism persists through identitarianism, either through intersectional feminism or the alt-right, you dont see many of those guys outwardly criticising capitalism, do you?

If you want a simplified marxist perspective, it is quite a generic answer: we don't have working class solidarity in opposing economic oppression by the ruling class and so we look at other reasons why our lives are shit, and we see people "different" than us, so we can't relate to their struggle, and we idolise a society without these percieved liabilities. Gays, gypsys, leftists, blacks, whoever, I've never been a racist or homophobe, so I can't empathise with the intricate, personal reasoning for hating these demographics.

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it's because of white people

white people have always been racist(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

None of those "analyses" are anywhere near Marxist.

False the above is a perfect example of historical materialism>>2546140

You don't have to have an exclusively 'Marxist' explanation for every social phenomena in human history.

Could you actually point out what is wrong about these takes, rather than simply point out that they're wrong?

Proletarians hating other proletarians.

It benefits the ruling class for the proles to be divided. It's been that way since Bacons rebellion. Now we have an underclass composed mostly of black people, and it's really easy to shift the blame of crime to race, rather than poverty.

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okay okay i'll translate it into marxist lingo for you, lets see if i remember my ☭TANKIE☭

capital turns all kinds of labour into abstract labour, increasingly all people have these jobs that are fundamentally more and more the same, now the equality of labour is bad for capital since it creates class conciousness (it's easier to see that you are being exploited if there is fundamental difference between you and the guy who exploits you), so capital needs to find other ways of dividing labout up, usually this is in the form of hierarchies, creating an administrative class that does not own means of production, but that it nevetheless earns far more that what value they produce, this works in all kinds of ways, by giving people the hope that if they work they'll earn more, by blaming people making their misery it their own responsability, and you know by literally diving people up so that is in the interest of some workers to side with capital , but at the turn of colonialism a good division to create is racism

The third reply is literally the textbook Marxist analysis of American racism you absolute bozo.

Step number one: Stop thinking like a jew.


Europe basically invented race so that they could justify invading everywhere. It stuck around beyond its use, I think it will eventually fade away once the effects of imperialism and slavery fade away.

Or just stop think with spooks.

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It was a weak justification of American slavery and European imperialism, and currently performs the same function towards the economic disenfranchisement of racial minorities. People universally try to come up with narratives explaining their behavior even if it is immoral or otherwise irrational. This includes social systems and their inequalities. The base determines the superstructure, etc. Much easier to put the struggles of African American communities up to their supposed racial qualities than to understand that these are symptoms of their disadvantaged position within our society, and thereby acknowledge the need for radical social change.

This is technically correct, but sadly those effects aren't going to fade away until we end capitalism. Instead we should expect racism to continue making a return, since it justifies the segregation of the west on our now globalized planet.

Why do people call me a Trot like it's somehow gonna insult me

I'm using a fucking Trot flag, clearly I don't think it's insulting

How about the names of books or authors where you got that. Not disagreeing, just want to know where it's from.

Lol @ your naivety.

racial equality is a spook tho
how can you claim to follow a scientific, materialist philosophy and think that different materialist conditions (alpine climate, ice ages, mammoth hunting, tropical climate, lazy living) created the same evolutionary pressure?

for me, racism came from materialistic and historical conditions and because i dont have to jump trough any hoops or make believe anything, i dont have to struggle with it
have fun explaining racial equality tho, literally nothing supports racial equality, you even have twin studies where you have upper class whites raising one black twin, other one remaining in black family, and both of them having equal intellectual scores and so on
or intelligence tests being cultural, when its all fucking shapes or numbers and you dont even have to have any culture, you can show it to a fucking caveman and he can start figuring the problems out and so on

better question: how does racial equality comes out of marxism

The extremely violent and predatory culture (or biology) of Africans probably has a lot to do with it.

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Capitalists don't make profit from racsism. They would be able to make much more profit by hiring everyone so they could drive down wages. I don't see how thatbenefits capitalism other than deviding up the world into first and third.

Even better question .
Why you always come back to get BTFOed again and again


Imperialists rely HEAVILY on racist narratives to have the core citizens sympathetic with the actions of the ruling class. I mean look at the fucking US, they STILL employ the southern strategy to get people elected.


most slaves through out history were whites, especially from the balkans during the ottoman empire, for over 5 centuries, much more brutal than whatever blacks went trough
but you never see balkan people bitching about it, or baltic people bitching about viking slave raids before anyone over there even knew western europe existed, OR russians blaming mongols for a few centuries of slavery either

but yeah anyway whites were enslaved throughout history, dont be a retard again please

class is rigid.
alot of blacks great grandparents were slaves. all their ancestors were slaves. so they are still poor majority wise. white people think "oh blacks do crime cause they are black". porky eggs on this concept because it diverts blame from them.

True only if we consider ancient slavery .
Comparing american chatel slavery with muslim one is wrong
In ottoman empire most slaves were like servents and (mostly women) in harems
No racist theory behinde slavery there and many slaves were more powerful than nobles(But still it sucks being a slave)