Bernie Sanders comes out in support of the American empire, officially denounces Kim Jong-un

Bernie Sanders comes out in support of the American empire, officially denounces Kim Jong-un

Gulags for SuccDems when?

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Bernie has always been somewhat supportive of US imperialism. Michael Parenti stopped supporting Bernie because they disagreed on the issue of Yugoslavia, for example.

So much for the authoritarian left!

At the very least Bernie has supported Chavez and Castro.


And that's why Bernie will never win. He seems to understand that the Establishment can only be defeated in revolution, but at the same time, he tries to play by their rules - like here or like with identity politics.

It's settled then. America will resolve this crisis by becoming militarist autocracy if not fascist state, under the enlightened rule of Generalisssimo Trump and his heirs, because american lefties suck balls.

He called him a
Chavez is literally one of the easiest socialist/third world nat politicians to defend in front of normies and he couldn't even do that.

Defending the DPRK is going to get Bernie's ass sassed at by all of his supporters though.
Not to say that he doesn't believe anything he says, the fucker is a succdem after all.

This has nothing to do with fucking defending DPRK. Everything Trump had done recently any true socdem should endorce: Protectionism, non-interventionism and Pragmatic Common sense deescalation and demilitarisation. Bernie just sucks.

So how do you respond to the claim Social Democracy is a necessary prerequisite for actual socialism given that it's only what's realistic right now?

You're not wrong, I feel like Bernie's a point that Trump being chummy with dictators (sans the DPRK because they're fine) is a valid point to bring up though.
Also I don't think a succdem would want to deport a bunch of immigrants, squash unions or cut taxes for the rich.
Not to say that Bernie isn't overrated, he is.

This is the same Sanders who promoted the "Russia interference" war cry of the DNC in response to the State of the Union. He also supported the $2,500 tax on workers (not on the capitalist class) in the insurance industry giveaway known as the ACA. Anybody who ever trusted this fraud was a moron.

Friendship ends here.

Fucking Trump just did it, you retard.

Grow a spine.

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You seemed to miss the part where bernie said


Kill yourself berniefaggot. All succdems are frauds, anyone that supports bernie should be banned. Fuck off to your liberal hole.

I don't even like bernie, nor am I a succdem. I am just trying to empathize with the fucker.

Is KJU not a dictator?

Cannot wait till Democrat Cops of America breaks down due to infighting.

Anyone doubt the 4D chess meme better rethink their shit.

He is a fucking coward jew faggot.

Who got cucked by Hillary Clinton? He did.

Who just betrayed the left in favor of liberal elites? He did.

Fucker should quit right now before he soils himself further because that tweet alone just costed him 2020.

He done fucked up bigly here. He's a sucker who is too puny to challenge Conservative establishment, and actually worse than Trump.

LMAO. What a weirdo.

Not per our ☭TANKIE☭s investigation.

He is infinitely worse than trump because he PERVERTS and DEFILES socialism to mean imperialism with a nice face.

Not this tweet alone, but shilling for the Democrats and their narrative and against the people is constant, which is the real problem.

Okay time to return to plan a:

Daily reminder Sanders is a Zionist who supports genocide and apartheid in Palestine and argues for the bullshit "two state solution".

To me this fucker has lost all dignity after he got blatantly cucked by Hilldawg and then shilled for her despite of it.

What is Dore take on this? He suffers from Trump Derangedment Syndrome too.

Why do you fuckers still hold hope for bourgeois democracy? ESPECIALLY in amerca? Stop fucking getting your hopes up for messiah figures. America is not going to change unless there's a serious, violent upheaval.

It is all about leadership, there is no leftist figure worth following in current America.

The right got Trump as the big unifier.

And who's going to wage this violent upheaval? Americans are too divided. No one except college students and old commies are going to rally behind the red flag.


Bernie would be better domestically but would be too weak willed to actually do anything about military imperialism.

Empathy doesn't mean sympathy. Understanding why someone would think something is a good idea is a great trait to have an cultivate.

Well I guess you're fucked then. Just sit back and enjoy the cruise to oblivion.

lol remember when this clown freaked out on NBC two weeks ago because the government wasn't taking guns away from people fast enough, and all of liberal youtube fawned over him

No, give me an answer. How does a socialist coup in America become succsful if no one except a select few actually want socialism? Your Socialist States of America will immediately be overthrown and descend into outright civil war.

Why would you want to empathize with a sleezeball lying scumbag? Makes me feel dirty.

The only thing I can infer when I "empathize" with him is a feeling of subhumanity.

Based Bernie. maybe now people will realize despite all the fury about trump being a Russian asset, tearing apart the Pax Americana, his support in crucial areas like Israeli, Saudi Arabia, North Africa, and east asia are unwavering.

inb4 BO infers some offense from one thing I've said and spergs.

The first step is to dismantle the American empire.

If you listened to uncle marx youd know violent revolution is the only way.

*Socialism with Democratic Party characteristics*

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The best thing for Americans to do is actually WISH for an american civil war. This is the great tragedy - for the world to thrive, america must die.

If there's no prospect of socialism in America then the best you can do is revolutionary defeatism. Yes the civil war will affect you but your distant future, and the world's immediate future, will be better for it.

How the fuck do you dismantle it if no one wants it dismantled? You WANT chaos?

I thought lefties commies loved authoritarian dictatorships? Stalin? Mao? Castro?

Your basted Bernie is gonna become a Democrat and lose again to Hilldawg in 2020.

The price for being a coward.

YES. The entire world wants chaos in America. Your country is EVIL. It's beyond fucking salvation, it was founded on blood and genocide and it must end that way.

This is just sloganeering. Give me a feasible praxis.

Undermine your country though any means possible, even violently.

Throw another at me, I can do this all day, libcuck.

You realize this is gona turn into the Turner diaries and America becomes le nazi empire, yes?

lol a libcuck supporting a libcuck.

The MOST important thing is showing people a workable small scale communist community.
Everybody wishes communism would work as intended.

If justice looks like chaos to you then you are too far gone.

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Nah, it'll severely weaken the US and give other countries to the opportunity to restore their agency and domestic conditions. Eventually more benevolent countries may come and relieve the survivors within your hellscape.

Because that's worked so well in the past, right?

and wouldn't a libcuck supporting another libcuck be the most logical outcome?

Worldwide communinism is ONLY possible with the utter destruction of US political infrastructure + all pertinent corporate apparatus.

It's the only way, that or wait until you're living under some cartoonish hyper-fascist government (Which you sort of are already).

Nigger, the left is outgunned and concentrate themselves in cities that are vulnerable to basically everything.

Short of full military support, the left in America are going to be cleansrd, assuming the antifas and liberals even got balls to revolt.

Just do not say you are a communist.

this focusing on some kind of personalized revenge by democratic party operatives is truly pathetic and accomplishes nothing but screaming at party lines as all other buffoons
its especially disheartening to see Bernie doing exactly the same so he could stick around

Whats the point of regular communism.
You can only buy state flour rice and chicken.
Shits boring asf.

Americans would buy into something like the Amish model, where it was self sustaining communal government, I don't think they'd buy in at the national level where people of Missouri and people of California are expected to be on the same page

hah, I win yet again, landlibber.

People can take fascism for a long time before they spontaneously rise up. The best praxis we have right now is to continue pushing for the welfare state up until the rest of the country sees its inherent limits and then starts to demand something more. Socialism is selfish, so any praxis we employ must go along on this idea.

No i mean like a techno commune.
Like in the venus project.

Didn't he support Venezuela before?

Yes, bit it would be le ebin Neoliberal """Free world""" problem, not that of Communists. America would become an old fashioned militarist, and in doing so, it would sabotage the world order more than anything else.

Notice that even now, America does not attack the eternal 3rd world victim, but its own 1st world parasite lapdogs. So in this, situation develops favourably.

Stop thinking that the American left matters.It doesn't. America was an abomination from the very start, a "nation" started by landowners and people owners who were mad about having to pay debts to the crown. There is nothing redeemable about it. Let it die and let the rest of the world move on. The only way for the American left to save anyone is for them to someone take the empire down from the inside, which is pretty much impossible. The only way America is going to go out is if the right wing over extends itself (pretty much like what it is doing now) and is raped by foreign powers.

Capitalists fight among themselves, while more anticapitalist-minded countries stick together.

Like 9/11? :^)

You mean liberals are going to be cleansed, that's a good thing. If urban infrastructure is demolished then that in itself will weaken America - ironically right-wing hillbilly types are what could lead to a revolution in the US rather than any US "leftist".

The ultimate goal here is that the US suffers a serious internal crisis to enable other world actors to weaken it further. Diminishing capitalisms stranglehold on the globe.


Capitalism can always grab hold of its crises though, that's what makes it a revolutionary system. You can't dismantle it, all you can do is use politics to maneuver it.

Preach it, brother.

HRC dragged out a video of him defending Cuba in the primary so I doubt you're putting his words in context.

*cause a nuclear war that exterminates 90% of life on earth, destroys all capitalist markets and forces communism as the only way forward for society

If America became fascist it would try to fight the entire world and lose eventually. Fascism has a built-in self destruct mechanism.

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Right now maintenance of the capitalist system is centralized in America. If you decentralize it by removing the American empire from the equation, you weaken system. That is the goal, to WEAKEN the system. Only socialism can truly eliminate capitalism and it is only when the global bourgeoisie are scattered among the many imperialist countries and unfocused that socialism will ever be able to grow anywhere on earth.

So how do you weaken the system?

From the way things are looking, it seems so.

Places like West Virginia and Kentucky had teacher's revolts and other places like Las Vegas are also joining in on the fray. The fact that the face of fascism will be DJT is going to massively going to hurt it's long term image problem because everyone (including even his fans deep down inside) thinks that he is a short sighted moron.
The biggest problem is not that America is uniquely reactionary. France turning fascist is way, way more likely because that nation is comprised of idiotic centrist nerds who will support authoritarianism if it's fronted by a guy with the meager, dorky sex appeal of Macron.
Americans for the most part HATE his administration too, so it's not like replacing DJT with Pence is going to appease anyone else besides boomers.
Not to say that America is going to be the vanguard of the new left, but it will however be an a very interesting situation what with AMLO being in power and all for a while. Canada however is a mixed bag, as I can hardly see them going full reactionary or socialist without the US becoming either or.

The DPRK is indeed under a dictatorship

of the korean proletariat

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even worse

There is no hope for America in its current form. You don't have to give up or anything, just realize that America won't have a popular revolution, not unless you somehow remove the cancerous "professional" liberal labor aristocrats and the petit bourgeoisie who currently dominate its politics at every level as well as the actual bourgeoisie who of course are omnipresent. Given that America is a police state, any sort of violent purges that aren't against leftists is out of the question. So there really isn't going to be a popular revolt, not for a while at least.

So would Hillary, she might actually be better since she's savvy enough to actually get concessions while the only thing Bernie can do is rally millenials to vote for the Ds.
Plus she wanted a Development Bank like China has, while Bernie's proposals consisted of taxing rich people to make the life of privileged burger labour aristocracy even easier and Collapse the Empire even faster.

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That's debatable, but as I'm sure you're aware, the question of class dictatorship is a separate one from the question of whether a leader of a country is a dictator or not.

Lol, no. Hillary would be business as usual, so nothing would change and slow decay of quality of life would continue.

Bernie's domestic programme is in essence copying Canada/Europe and doing FDR stuff, which would improve lives significantly and could, in theory, reform the USA to be viable.

In this, he did nothing wrong. Not endorsing Clinton would only make sense if he would completely denounce American political system and pursue violent revolution, which, sadly, wasn't a viable option.

He could, however, clearly articulate that he endorsed her because she is least bad of the candidates, not good in itself, and not by much too.

Bernie would never get anything through congress anyways. America really is that bad at the moment.

Again, he is too shilled to even make a dent in Democratic Conservatives, but his approach was viable, and he himself acknowledged that nothing could be done via systematic approach, which is why he used the term "Political revolution"

It was to make an outside populist political organisation, and use it as a leverage to pressure the establishment.

That's already Kilmetres better than what's happening now, and she could actually manage to get legislation passed by pulling the strings in the right places. Bernie either be:
1)4 years of govenment shutdown, the way Ron Paul wanted it.
2)The legislature stripping away power from the the president until it got Pre-Andrew Jackson tier.
3)A quick Impeachment with no real charges Banana-republic style (Brazil, Paraguay).

This. When will the fuckers on this board learn revolution is a process, never an instant. There's a reason why the USSR couldn't go straight to communism and had to use the NEP to develop as did Mao with New Democracy as did Chavez in Venezuela.

America already went socdem and then slowly started to dismantle everything in the 80s. History can only move forward. Social democracy is not part of the revolution, it is a last minute stop gap measure to prevent it.

History moving forward is why we NEED social democracy before genuine socialism. How do you go from a reactionary cesspit to full communism within a matter of years? When has that ever happened in history?

Fascism is bad until liberals hate it. Then it's alright.
t. Zig Forums

'no', backbreaking taxes on workers to fund both the poorest and richest never improved anybody's lives

shut the fuck up liberal, etc.