Leftists back in the 1800's and 20th century would be considered right wing by today's standard

Apart from Lenin who legalized faggotry and fun in the soviet union, pretty much every classical leftist including karl Marx and Friedrich engels and stalin and mao and ho chi Minh and Castro and che guevera would never align with the current state of the left in the modern western world riddled fun as with homosexual and pederasty advocates, not to mention the gender gender communities.

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hello American liberals or Zig Forums

Big thonk
Who cares? Are you personally affected by guys fucking each other in the ass? Why do you even care?
It's irrelevant to the abolition of capitalism. The whole LGBT movement was reaction to the autistic laws passed in the 19th century that sought to regulate sexuality between consenting adults in private.
Being "gay" wasn't even seen as an orientation by that point. At most it was just guys fooling around before they got married.

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Well yes, even leftists from 20 years ago would be considered nazis today, when one considers that leftists from 20 years ago were against globalization and global capitalism. Try saying that today without being cornered as a nazi, a nationalist, or a bigot.

Just look at all the "leftists" up in arms over Brexit. What should have been an easy event for the left to capitalize on (no longer in EU->can nationalise and protect major industries) is constantly shit on by the "left" who have decided to champion global capitalism because global capitalism painted itself with a rainbow and added some solar panels.

The problem with members of an id/pol/ group isn't their existence, it is when they want more rights than anyone else for feeling unique and special. Everyone should have only one kind of rights, proletarian rights.

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that or the right to suicide

More or less the same way than a pederast fucking a little boy in the ass

Same with pederasts

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that's the point you fucking drooling retard, i'm pointing out how absurd your "arguments" based on feelings are because they could just as well be applied to heterosexuality
ok so let's ban everything that isn't 100% necessary for the existence of humanity, no more fun and games, no more imageboards, no more sex outside of reproduction, never any tasty food beyond what you strictly need to survive

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In ancient antiquity, pretty much all gay men wanted to stick penises into little boys. The reason that isnt happening now in the west is only because of the law.

I dont know where you're from, so I don't know what you mean by a child, in nayarit mexico a person entering puberty isn't a child anymore, in Nigeria you're a child until you're 11 years old.

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Zig Forums
mylittlearyanü[email protected]

It's based on my feelings yes only because homosexuality and pederasty (unlike gaming and emtertainment) are sickening and vile and it can cause pink socking and spread STD's.

nice try fbi

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oops but my feelings are that gaming, entertainment, love, food, humanity as a whole are sickening and vile
nothing to be done man we now need to nuke the entire planet because of my feelings even if i haven't given 1 rational argument

Neck yourself antifa lgbtqpedophile scum

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Those things arent as damaging as sticking your clock into some ones asshole or as repulsive as publically sucking a man's cock.


entirely subjective, if you're gay you probably find the idea of licking a girl's cunt equally repulsive
who the fuck said anything about public sex?
this is bait right

OP confirmed for tremendous faggot.

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Its damaging because the asshole isn't meant for a cock to enter.

You dont see how a cock is damaging to put into your asshole? Even as a woman? You dont know how assholes can prolapse?

Most people find homosexuality repulsive as with pederasty.

What's stopping faggots from blowing each other in public if the law allows them to and if they weren't shunned like in brazil or california or any nation in the west?

1) >what is lube?
2) why do you care if someone wants to have their asshole wrecked without harming other people?
3) so seeing as the issue is anal sex, i conclude that according to you we should also ban anal sex between a guy and a girl, but not gays jacking eachother off. correct?
your online stormfag friends are not representative for "most people"
but even if it were true it wouldn't be an argument, i find vomit fetishes disgusting and most people do, but what do i care if a couple wants to consensually puke over eachother in private?
are you literally fucking retarded, the law doesn't allow any public sex whether gay or straight
Also how can you possibly suck this hard at layout/quoting someone even if it's your first time using an imageboard

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Stalinism by modern Liberal standards is a extreme right philosophy

But I though Pedophillia was Alt Right Anime Nazism

Hey faggot, seriously fucking killed yourself, rape is no joke and the trauma by being raped as a kid still resonated in me

is this the designated shitposting thread now

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Stalinism is the liberal left wingism I like

Some assholes are so tight lube is useless.

I dont give a fuck if someone is gay, I just dont want faggot parades or them advertising gay sex to children like you guys over in America and canada and europe. If you're gay, keep it in your house or in a private facility with no kids around.

Well why do you care if a pre teen boy wants to fuck his hot older female teacher and they fuck?

Most normal society isnt gay because they find it disgusting.

In ancient antiquity there was public sex

You forgot the part where pederasty and sex slavery were widespread, and notions of "homo-" and "hetero-" sexuality didn't exist. You were either dom or sub.
Also wasn't Rome supposed to be b a s ed?
Disgusting tbh

Not even a fag. Asexual actually.

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"Some assholes are so tight lube is useless."
Taken from Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (1964)

Its sad that this is what 'the real issues' amount to for some people

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Marxism is dialectical which means it changes itself to fit reality not the other way around. this entire thread is dogmatic and undialectical.

We are debaaing into reactionarism Lately. Me included. Note to self, read more Max Stirner and Gramsci.

*We are debasing into undialectical reactionarism lately. Me included. Note to self: Read more Marx, Max Stirner and Gramsci. Ignore their battles for the hegemony, because their hands are too slippery to hold it for long.

all fags are paedophiles themselves and victims of pedophilia

it's how faggoty spreads, via pedophilia

you're all going to the bogs

You know most of the little fag boys here will get all upset at the comparison but i say so what? Let pedoes run a muck I don't care. Fuck social stability. Nathan Larson it up or whatever

My only concern with the growing acceptance of pedophilia (and it is growing) is little tator thots left swiping on tindr cause you didn't give them candy

THAT'S liberalism