Whites are the masterrace but also Jews control everything and keep outsmarting whites

Are there any other autistic alt-right double standards that are missing here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You got a lot of good ones.

Some more off the top of my head.

Doublethink is one hell of a drug.

but joos.


here's one

Projection is strong on the alt-right and their tactics also resemble the "Jewish trickery" they often impart to Jews. I see them talk all the time about how, to deal with setbacks, they should become more like the Jews (as they see them). This is what "meme magic" is about. One of the most common alt-right tactics is to try and co-opt and manipulate other groups and causes. They're always engaging in these various little conspiracies to find ways of inserting their ideas into the culture.

Remember that time when Zig Forums created a fake antifa protest against a Sam Houston statue in Texas (Sam Houston was actually opposed to the Confederacy but never mind) and then a bunch of III%er pro-Trump chads showed up to "defend" it? One of the Zig Forums guys who is a neo-Nazi then tried to insert fascist messaging into the protest and was manhandled and thrown out. In that case it backfired but that's what they do.

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It's the same way how women in American have power over men.

That's because they're the only religion that is also a race.

This is intentional hypocrisy, not doublethink.
Delusions of persecution are fundamental to ethnic nationalism. They believe that every other race is already doing it, so it's fair game for them to do it out of self-defense.


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Communism is opposed to the capitalist economic order, not the bourgeoisie as a group of people.

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Except no socialist has ever called the ruling class weak. Every socialist revolution so far has required a massive amount of bloodshed, as did the bourgeois revolutions before them.

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Recognizing the material inequality and class interests delineated by the relations to production in a socioeconomic system isn't the equivalent of implicating entire ethnicities in global conspiracies. Also communists don't portray capitalists as weak opponents.

How does this refute my evidence?

primmies are unironically not communists and the based viet congs taught them this lesson

Lmao, like the USSR didn't destroy fascism.
You salty af

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It's a rabbi admitting that Judaism is a race as well as a religion.

As the joke goes, the holocaust didn't happen, and it should happen again. Zizek has a whole bit on it in one of his Pervert movies.

A whole rabbi? Well that settles it then.


And? So what? Maintaining the current order requires industrialized murder on a global scale. Crocodile tears over revolutionary "bloodshed" is a fucking non argument.

You're embarrassing yourself. agreed that Judaism is a both religion and a race. His correction was that they weren't the only such group.

Can you blame me? i used to people dismissing any facts under any grounds possible, like this post

nice try scum

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another good one is


I'm not even leftist, but Zig Forums does this soo much. If they agree hes a based jew, if they disagree it's means for dismissal.

i was actually arguing with a Zig Forumsyp earlier and he brought up Muslim rape gangs- so I sent a dozen or so links of infamous white pedophiles, the worst of them being that one guy from the UK. I guess he had Jewish family or some shit so of course, naturally, that invalidated my point.

Bobby Fischer is a mischling not a jew according to the Nuremburg Laws so his statements are valid

I used to think leftists were smart. So smart in fact that they were deliberately dishonest in their framing of the opposition. This thread showcases, however, that most of you are just dumb. You don't functionally understand most of the positions you oppose and you imagine double standards that only exist based on your own misunderstandings.

The most brazen example being claims towards "superiority" or "masterrace".
You are taking a value judgement, imposing your own perceived values into it and then spinning that as a double standard when it is not your values being used to base the original claim on.
To illustrate how dumb this is: The first thing a racist will tell you to impart his views to you is how blacks run fast. What the racist defines as "superior" is then not related to sprint speed. But then some brainlet comes along and says: "You think you are superior huh? Well what about this black guy that runs really fast? Check mate racists".
Another example as it would relate to jews is the fact that nothing in Hitlerist ideology made claims of jews being inferior in ways that would make them easy to defeat. They were in fact too smart to be included into German society since they would use their cognitive abilities to subvert German society and pervert it towards suiting their own ends.

To round it off, everyone who engages in this sort of talk is just a brainlet. A nationalist will, self admittedly, value his own people over everyone else. Just like a parent will value their own child over all others. The value judgement made by a parent of "my kid is the best" is beyond factual reproach. All of the things that make their kid best, in their mind, are the most important things.

That's funny. Your point was invalid to begin with though. You can't have British society without British people. You can however have a British society without muslim immigrants that form rape gangs. So the problem of British criminals existing does not validate the existence of muslim criminals within Britain.

Imagine actually thinking like this

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you are a living embodiment of a liberal straw man

Could you point exactly what double standards posted in this thread actually aren't and only a dumb person could consider them such?

The emotional appeal made by Hitler would be the fact that all of those jews died for nothing, along with all of the Germans, because the jewish elites behind the scenes that subverted the German society at home. The jewish roots of communism are well established.

But really, it is no surprise you have to imagine thinking like this, instead of actually understanding that the sacrifice of multiple jews throughout the years does not validate a continued presence of jews if it is thought that this continued presence will lead to the end of the German people.

But who am I to judge, we can just look at Germany today and see its people flourish alongside widespread jewish cultural mores. As can be seen by their birthrates.


It's childrape in both cases. I never claimed otherwise. Please read what is actually written and engage with that.

Do you really think this blows us the fuck out? You didn't resolve any of the hypocrisies and contradictions pointed out, all you did was admit that you don't really care about them, as if this proves our criticism wrong or irrelevant.
We are not out to kill "your" people, we want to save them from you and your proudly anti-reality autism.

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the original point was some checkers-tier autist coming here and calling us all muslim rape apologists, basically insinuating that our only two valid responses to his accusations are to a) admit to condoning muslim rape gangs or b) renounce leftism and embrace white nationalism

holy fuck imagine never reading a book

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Just shut up. I've never met a Nazi or a Nazi-sympathizer who wasn't a babbling retard and you're no exception. You think you're real smart cause you read some poorly-sourced infographs on Zig Forums but I bet you don't even know enough about WWI to understand the incoherence of what you're saying.

What power benefited the most from the February and November Revolutions in Russia? That would be Germany, because she was already losing the war in 1916 and certainly by 1917. The Russian revolution prolonged the German war effort and they would have gotten massive territorial concessions out of Brest-Litovsk if they didn't fail out in 1918 against the Western allies.

There was no way for Germany to continue the war in 1918. But furthermore, have you ever even stopped to think what the point of the war was? What was so great about Germany and the Central Powers in 1918 that the Jews were subverting?

Fischer essentially already showed that it was a German war of aggression although none of the powers were innocent en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany's_Aims_in_the_First_World_War

I see you turbo-autismos sometimes holding up signs that say "no more Jew wars" but have you ever stopped to consider that the average German didn't have the freedom to protest bullshit wars in WWI and WWII on waged behalf of their gentile Aryan ruling class.

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A mother's love for her children and declaration of them being the best is all well and good. At least, up until she starts killing other children she deems inferior so that her own children can have a bigger playroom.

The statements themselves all contain a double standard that is imagined to exists. The issue is that none of the statements reflect an actual position held by anyone. But even considering that, some of the statements are just dumb on the face of it.

This statement is not a double standard depending on how you define masterrace. It's akin to saying that the greatest gunslinger in the west wasn't the greatest because he got shot. Any person that is not dumb would ask: "How are we defining 'greatest'?" Because if some guy that killed 100 people over the course of his life died from aids, because his arch nemesis infected his favorite prostitute with it, is now suddenly not considered 'great' we have a fundamental difference of opinion on what constitutes greatness in relation to gunslinging.

The first part is not in contradiction with the second. You can understand reality as a subjective power struggle and still recognize that there are those that don't. Appealing to them by pandering to their worldview is perfectly valid by your standards, since it is all just a power play.

If the preservation of the majority western culture is prevented due to certain very recent cultural inceptions then we should cut our losses and reject the most recent ones. Quarantining and recognizing them for the issues they cause . This is pretty simple, if you want to preserve western culture but 1% of it is preventing you from preserving the other 99% then preserving 99% of it is a much better option that losing it all.

SJW's push unorthodox sexuality into media whilst opposing orthodox ones. Being in favor of orthodox but not unorthodox is not a double standard.

The religious heritage of most western societies is not what "Jesus stood for".
The phrase "religious heritage" refers to specific things that, whilst they may be inspired by scripture, exist outside scripture in tangible forms of, for example, enforced social norms. Most of whom have nothing to do with the message of Jesus.

Race is not just skin color.

You can hate someone and still agree with a lot of what they say and do.

This one is almost good. There is a definite type of person that makes Pinochet jokes, uses echos around communist names and such who then runs straight for Rothbard or Milton Friedman for their economic narratives or, even worse, still holds Randian views on morality. But the last part is dumb since both communism and media can be jewish and work against the interest of whites whilst not conspiring to do so.

Is the implication that communism makes you nationalist? Genuinely lost on what end this one serves.

The two scenarios are not the same. Namely, the host populations.

There is a difference between being violent and standing up for yourself in the face of violence. No white nationalist wants whites to catch up with blacks in the rate of violent crimes.

I don't even see where the supposed double standard is supposed to be in these statements.

In any case this is getting way too autistic.

If you are not against importing muslims your position is that the rape that comes with importing muslims is acceptable. If it is unacceptable you would advocate to end the importing of people that have crime rates higher than the native population.


Your entire argument is a meme. You are convinced of the OG meme that a Jewish cabal is behind everything that is wrong and will not be convinced otherwise. Bolshevism? Jews. WWI? Jews. Enlightenment values? Jews. Feminism? Jews. Muslim immigration? Jews. Mexican immigration? Jews. And so on. There is no point arguing in good faith with you, as your entire worldview is based on a fucking nineteenth century Tsarist meme.


Again you, like the majority of this thread, imagine that the people you oppose hold to ideas that they don't. The irony of you pretending to want to argue in good faith when your entire understanding of the argument is based on a strawman of what you imagine the opposition believes is just the cherry on top of the cake. You do not understand what motivates the people you oppose. So you start making shit up.

I thought weed was a bad influence on the Volk




Feel free to contradict yourself with so much purple prose, but the simple fact is that your worldview is infantile no matter how much sophistication you manage to affect in your language.

Is it your contention that it is impossible to maintain ethnic homogeneity under any other system? You are also making a nonsense connection between technological innovation and multiracialism.

There is no reason why western nations should not enjoy the products of their own labour without the third world leeching off of them. And before you start some brown nationalist oppression talking point, 80% of the third world that is leeching of off western nations would not even exist without exported western technology. They owe their existence to western innovation. And now they want to bleed the western world dry.

This statement is expressly wrong. It colors the entire perspective you have to a point where it no longer, in any shape, resembles the views that are actually held.

The rest of the tropes you trot out are a matter of simple factual inquiry.

I agree. But when does the mother have a right to close off her home to protect the space her children enjoy?
Would you ask a mother to increase the risk of her children getting killed to help save other peoples children?
Would you ask a mother to sacrifice her posterity to increase the posterity of children that are not her own?

The other children shouldn't need that help.

Here we see the right with its EBIN memeing qualities as usual X-D! Change the words = Btfo lefties!

Ethnic homogeneity can't be anything but a meme in the 21st century.
We live in a world where private jets have been a thing since the 1950s. The whole point of Marx was that the material conditions of the society you live in shape what happens in this very same society.
If it's materially possible for a rich Japanese nerd to impregnate a black whore in Las Vegas, it will probably happen. And if you ban whoring in Las Vegas, another fucking rich Austrian nerd will land his plane in Africa and impregnate a local Ethiopian girl anyway.
But what happens more often IRL is that people from the 3rd world want to have access to the material infrastructure of the Western world, and capitalists actually love that because that means "cheap workers" for them.
My take is: if you want ethnic homogeneity, you need to work toward a project where most people worldwide have a good material infrastructure to fulfill their needs. That's obviously not case right now, because it's fucking chaos out there.

Are you implying we don't get most of our lithium and uranium from Africa? Do you think the West and China build roads on that huge continent benevolently? You are pretty fucking naive, aren't you? Not good at appropriating Marxist terminology in any case.

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Second and fourth are almost right though

Antifa Mostly are just college Trotskists anarcho communist tier tools and SJWs do push for ugly women unless they are black transbians or something like that

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What a reductionistic and binary view of this matter it is that you seem to possess. You tell us about 'Western technology' and use that as a justification for supporting ethnic homogeneity. Do you know what this point hinges on, Zig Forumsyp? You have to prove that 'dur niggers' are inherently incapable of forming a society which can conceive of and produce the technologies which 'Western' countries have made today. You speak of race, yes? That crashes down to biology because 'culture' and 'shared identity' can literally be shared between people of any kind. The only way out for you is to claim that there is some inherent defect in 'dur niggers' which stops them from innovating. Since language can be shared by all people (no exceptions, do you know what education is?) and that language concerns practical things which all human beings can communicate (even by introducing new words when other languages 'haven't caught up'), it is not to be found in the domain of the social. I will be using blacks as an example for the 'third-world' people in this post and my next one.

So where else can you look for some inherent defect? The answer of the racist is: biology. 'They are inherently the scum of the earth, they cannot think, they are the objects of the other races to mould and shape - they are much like dogs!' Except blacks of any racial background are clearly capable of being self-reflective, developing their thoughts, engaging in the negative discourse of reason, interpreting and manipulating the world around them. How is that possible? Ask a black writer. It is even possible to change their biology for them to become 'more sapient' or whatever - even if the one who makes that change isn't black. Are you unfamiliar with transhumanism and body enhancement? Believe me, those ultrabourgeois Jews will be making full use of that on themselves, only then will you see what it can do, no? This even applies to brains themselves, do you know what psychiatric drugs are? Meanwhile, what is it in other races which allows them to innovate? This is the flipside of the same argument and again it comes back down to biology. You'd need to be a disgusting empiricist to try and justify that your axioms for what meaningfully constitutes 'evidence' and 'empirical reality' matter without qualifying why they're meaningful at all. We already have plenty of literature about that, hell, just TRY a bit of Anti-Duehring. See what happens.

But before you cry that they're using 'Western' technology, know this: WE DON'T FUCKING CARE. In fact, COMMUNISM ITSELF IS A WESTERN DEVELOPMENT, uniting French radicalism with German idealism and British political economy.

Your reason is almost exactly that of the people who wail about 'cultural appropriation', and like them, they splutter in the face of this.

But guess what? This is also why we don't oppose the ethnic Jews - because any motherfucker can fucking pull disgusting shit, there is nothing to suggest that it is inherently to do with ethnic Jews or even RELIGIOUS JEWS BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGION. Cases in point? Hjalmar Schacht, who had a stay in both the Weimar and NSDAP governments and introduced policies of USURY. (realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/hitlers-finances-schacht-in-his-own-words/) The 'Islamic Golden Age', even with its redistributive and anti-usury policies. And no, in case you're wondering, capitalism isn't only about banking, do you know what a fucking for-profit privately owned enterprise is?

Maybe the best one

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Baseless fucking parental-moral platitudes. 'Her own children' are 'those whom she gives birth to' for you - yet you ignore that the function of raising children is not reducible to raising a child which one is the biological parent of. And even if foster care is a 'less successful' option - what IS there that ultimately and inherently stops a child from a foster care child from being able to reason and labour? You can't provide proof for this, for we CAN conceive of successful fostering and it has been done before despite what your data of averages might claim. In this case, you can scream about racial differences all you want but this relies on your other point, which I have discussed in the first part of this post.

But it's not even that. As implies: WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES A MOTHER BE CAUGHT IN A DEADLOCK BETWEEN THE CHILDREN WHOM SHE BIRTHED AND OTHER CHILDREN? Again, knowing you, this would be met with something to do with race. Sorry, motherfucker. You have to tackle my first point for that.

Rather, it is to do with the social field and the failure to overcome this by developing and distributing effective technologies. That is a failure of the sciences not only as failures to construct empirical models but also to obtain and construct the rational backbones of these models. For example, we're hopeless at even proving analytically that solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation given very general constraints may always be found given our current axioms of mathematics. Furthermore, in ancient times, we didn't have a concept of the square root of minus 1 - yet complex numbers are useful for things like finding the phases for different frequencies in Fourier transformations. The point is that 'pace' of the development of technologies and the science behind them is wholly contingent how man practically relates to the world around man and meets the demands of concrete (immediate) circumstances (such as resource shortages), and guess what? That finds itself within THE SOCIAL FIELD because it is registered and communicated through language.

You want to know why we're hopeless at getting to new models, axioms and logics to try and solve these problems? It is because there is some great big ideological oligopoly in the market for epistemologies: that of neoreactionary analytic Anglo-empiricism. It is the same one which gives rise to the disgusting empiricism which permits you to claim that blacks are 'inherently' stupid, irrational and backwards. BUT THAT'S PERFECT FINE FOR THE BOURGEOIS MIND, PURELY BECAUSE CAPITAL AS AN EMBODIED SOCIAL RELATION NEED NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FACT THAT ITS INPUTS CAN THINK, IT'S JUST THAT IT CARES SOLELY ABOUT REPRODUCING ITSELF IN THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY POSSIBLE. Why should capital give a shit as to whether the blacks are just thinking machines which can't go beyond their limits? All the better for capital since it's harder to threaten, then, if they're just automata!

*You have to tackle my first point my first point in the first post ( ) for that.


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What? I'm not saying that the fact that members of the ruling class tend to die in revolutions is a tragedy, I'm saying that the implication that socialists call the bourgeoisie weak is laughable at best when one considers the fact that a revolution is more often than not going to involve a lot of the revolutionaries being killed as well as the fact that, yeah, if they were weak they wouldn't be the ruling class.

You don't seem to understand what the word cabal means. gg indeed.

You also seem very preoccupied with pol memes. Read the Culture of Critique.

Yeah, no, 'evolutionary psychology' trash - which that book uses - is empiricist and disgusting, it still needs some uncritically-evaluated metaphysics. It essentially treats these groups as mechanistic things rather than as self-conscious, fluid and rational subjects. It ignores the meanings behind actions and paints a 'scientific' (i.e. ideological) picture onto that behind the guise of ideology which is used to judge empirical processes - and that conveniently avoids the matter of language hence the social domain.

'Seems' is a key word here, since you do not 'seem' to grasp it at all.
Nowhere did I do that. Stop making up arguments.Your post is schizophrenic enough without it.
The proof is in the pudding. My contention is not that blacks as a uniform group are incapable of possessing the traits required for creation and success. It's that the rate at which these blacks appear in their population is too low. You could take the top 10% of them and breed them and the outcome would probably be a pretty decent platform. But who knows.
I do not subscribe to your Boasian view of culture. So no, culture can not be 'shared' as culture is what we call the manifest expression of distinct populations. Please examine your own priors before imposing them on others unwittingly. To make this very plain, the culture of a dog can not be shared with a cat. Even a cat raised with dogs, that wags its tail and keeps its tongue out, is not expressing itself: It's just imitating others.
No it can not. To further this, language is subjective. Using a word does not entail a shared understanding or cognition between you and another person that used the word. Your entire spiel here is just factually inaccurate and borderline retarded.

Sounds based as fuck dude, which hereditarian said this? Oh, wait, you use this as a strawman of my position, when this is actually not my position. Nice.
Ok, so you don't understand the hereditarian position but rather imagine that the media hyped 'Evil Racist White Supremacist TM' is a real thing. You are not engaging with reality.
To salvage this wreckage of an argument you are failing to make: The contention is not that no blacks exist that can imitate western society and thrive in it. The contention is that they don't exist in great enough number and that, in fact, the group "black people" has too many negative agents that drown these people out.
Oh boi, here we go. No buddy, I'm not. But I am in no way opposed to genetically modifying black people to act more like white people. Which seems to be the underlying racist conclusion you come to. Your assumption is not that blacks have their own culture to grow and develop. You see their genetic expression as something you can supplant by using western standards of excellence. You are a cultural imperialist eugenicist. Go pretend to hold a moral highground somewhere else.
But in essence you are correct. In future world there might exist a magic pill that makes your dick bigger, just like advertised. But until then we need to work with what we got. And I'm not going to pretend that advocating that whites exclusively sacrifice their posterity for the sake of the third world is anything other than a shit deal for white people when all the brown third world has brought is welfare abuse, rape and violent crime.

You are obviously a jew. But the contention is that you do not need jews to make a good society. Jews actually make it worse. So any wrongdoing perpetrated by jews is an unnecessary one.
Religious jews specifically engage in male genital mutilation, and then the orchestrator of that barbarism sucks the dick it just cut into. That's disgusting brah. You don't oppose this?
But, I also thought most marxists and communists were atheists. What's the deal here rabbi?

The evolutionary theory aspect of it is entirely besides the point in this discussion and context. It's the chronological fact based historical account that matters.
Rejecting the historical work on the basis of the evolutionary hypothesis that attempts to explain the facts of the matter is just you trying to dodge the facts. I.e. your excuse is invalid.

Christ, even worse - they don't have a cabal, they are just inherently that evil. How many layers of pokemon go are you on?

We'll be the judge of that.

So you appeal to relativising the matter but you have an idea of where you want the judgement to go. Well, then, let me have a try, eh?

How about something which relates practically to man and his manipulation of the world around him, accounting for rational discourse and demarcations between different kinds of axioms used to describe different things which can be assembled at possible intersections?

Nope, gotta stick to empiricism with a disgusting and unscientific metaphysics behind it to justify why people are inherently going to divide along racial lines! But even then, let's see which race is the greatest through proliferating itself and its ideology? Could it be those darned Eternal Jews?

His standards…? Our standards…? Whose fucking standards? Regardless, you fail to understand that we aren't here to appeal to their mythologies, reactionary ideologies and whatnot. At the very least, with regards to praxis facing CONCRETE (IMMEDIATE) matters, we advocate the co-opting of ideological frameworks which lead to a communist, materialist and atheistic conclusion.

…and by doing that, you ignore what these issues mean for the very base of 'Western culture' and also what use might come from the 'quarantined'. How far back do you want to go, then? To before the poststructuralists? To before Marx? The German idealists? Aquinas? Plato?

Do you fucking understand that these ideas are HISTORICAL and that they have been constructed accordingly, with multiple strands intertwining and all manner of developments and syntheses resulting from this? Wholly discarding some ideas means that you'd better have a fucking good band-aid to hand AND that you place it in the right place.


This is correct. Your children are of your genes. Otherwise they are step-children.
The contention of the analogy is the question in as to why the mother should engage in that practice if it is to hers and her biological children's expressed detriment.
The preservation of her posterity and a future for her children. Sure, there is no physical barrier that will keep her from drowning her own children and supplanting them with those of the third world. That however is not the instinct of a mother, as I understand it, we are using this analogy for.
The limitations of language are made manifest very clearly through your own spiel. Not all ideas can be made simple enough for all to understand easily. This threshold of "easily" becomes the core point at which your viewpoint fails. Dumb people exist. People with different values exist. For every rant like yours there is an equal and opposite rant for as to why your framing and messaging is stupid and wrong. If what you were saying is true you wouldn't need to be here enacting in this labor. Man is not of infinite potential.

Not evil. They just are. Stop making up positions for your opponent to hold.

They just are… what? Coincidentally behind all the bad things you ascribe to them? Just because you don't want to be seen openly holding the position you do, or think your position more sophisticated, doesn't make it so.

You honestly think that the ideas of 'orthodox sexuality' are static even among 'orthodox' people? Are you unaware of the qualitative ways in which their philosophies change when presented with new rational heuristics and logical statements? The matter isn't as clear-cut as you think - otherwise, why would we find both your lot AND the SJWs supporting paedophilia/pederasty, even if this is for different reasons? Is the function not the same if not strikingly similar?

'We just need to bring back these social norms', we are told. How are we going to do this when the SOCIAL FIELD ITSELF has changed? In those days, capital was nowhere near as widespread, was it? Are you asking for a return to feudalism and whatnot? Are you asking for us to drop the new abstract functions which technological developments have allowed for us? If so, HOW CAN YOU CLAIM THAT YOU ARE EVEN ASKING FOR A RETURN TO THESE PRINCIPLES WHEN THE VERY UNDERSTANDING OF AND RELATION TO THE WORLD ITSELF HAS CHANGED?

Of course not, it's to do with genetic histories and whatnot. The point is that they have European descent or something like that. Learn to steelman or fuck off.

…such as the metaphysics which they must use to justify their claims? Your philosophies are functionally very similar, that is the real point here. You only represent your arbitrarily-chosen group based on principles which are derived from this uncritically-evaluated metaphysics. You, like them, hide it behind empiricism.

Wow, it's almost as if those two 'Jewish factions' (which is what you want to say, I know this!) are advocating functionally-different things which are opposed to one another! What does that tell you about 'Jews'? That they are all in cahoots with one another, impersonally or not? Point that out to them, the more extreme among them will realign their actions accordingly. Yet ignoring this, you also ignore the TOOL which is used to dominate white people as SUBJECTS (and not their biology, empiricist retard) and the ideology which surrounds it: CAPITALISM.

The Eastern Bloc countries practised a 'socially-conservative' communism which was antithetical to the Jewish programme. There was even an anti-Abrahamist propaganda campaign by the USSR.

You COULD'VE said something about the meanings of the movements but knowing you, you'll take the racialist option. 'They were wrong to expel the whites', you're likely to say. Even if this was CONCRETELY true, why the fuck does this mean that they couldn't have trained their workforces and whatnot? Why COULDN'T they have stimulated their economy? THERE IS NO FUCKING EVIDENCE WHICH SAYS THAT THIS IS INHERENT TO THE RACES, IT IS A MATTER OF ECONOMICS HENCE SOCIAL ORGANISATION - AND THIS IS IRREDUCIBLE TO BIOLOGY AS MUCH AS LANGUAGE IS IRREDUCIBLE TO BIOLOGY. YOUR EMPIRICISM DOES NOT HOLD UP.


Something about projection - after all, why would one be so interested in porn?

It's the 'they're doing X and whatever's against X' argument again, and I've been through this.

What a fat old projection.


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Are you unsheathing your katana for this one?
The claim of superiority, which is attributed to the person making the claim, is not up for your interpretation. It is the value judgement of the one making the claim that counts.
To make this very simple: If Lisa says cheese tastes worse than ham, it is not up to Bill to tell her that her that her subjective value judgement of cheese and ham are wrong.
Your attempt at making this very simple case something it is not is embarrassing.
By a standard like that, sure. Although certain third world populations are certainly more effective at breeding themselves.

The person taking the position of everything being a post-modern power play whilst simultaneously engaging in objectivist rhetoric.
This is you misunderstanding the subject at hand in a painfully stupid way. The point of the original statement is to point towards a double standard that exists within thought or action of a certain group.
The statement fails to do that since seeing the world through the lens of post-modernist subjective power dynamics is not contradictory to employing an objective framework as a tactic to get what you want from those that subscribe to such an objective view.

No one is going back. We are going forward. Post-modernity, post birth control. Post-materialism. Understanding the biological fact of life and structuring society towards a darwinist preservation driven end goal. Or maybe something else. In any case, attempting to pigeon hole anyone into any position simply because they reject another is inane.

Judging by a preliminary read through your post, I am more confident that it is the case rather than that it seems as such.

Ignoring the steelmanning of your points which provide the only attempt at a scientific justification of your moralising isn't going to help you with your case.

Here it is, the Zig Forumsyp has ignored my post. He think that he is able to argue about this solely on EMPIRICAL, concrete grounds and STILL uses the logic of social-Malthusian-Darwinian 'logic'.



They are like a bee is. The bee might stab you. That does not make the bee evil.
Not liking something or not wanting to live with something does not make that thing evil. And my position is not sophisticated. It is painfully simple and rudimentary.

All the same we do live with the bees, and put them to very useful purposes. So what is it exactly that does not make you want to live with the Jews? What's their stinger? And why don't you like their honey?

Except that didn't happen. Germany lost the war because their generals were trying to fight a 19th century war with 20th century weapons, and the best idea these towering intellects could come up with was to send men marching straight into machine gun fire.

Zig Forums you are the eternal brainlet

Whites shaped modern society, modern inventions, modern standards, modern science etc. on a global scale
You retard need to learn the difference between smart/clever and dumb/naive.
Jews are vile, tricky deceivers. Whites are smarter and naive while Jews are smart but clever.
Leftoids have BOTH, a bunch of weak faggot excuses of males waving rainbow flags and group of coward vandalists who rely on hit and run.
The holocaust never happened, Hitler had the idea of isolate Jews and take away their power over the economy (Which worked pretty fucking well), he ultimately exposed them.
Hitler didn't kill non-whites, otherwise France wouldn't have their disgustingly large negroid population, despite France being under Nazi occupation.
They keep pushing non-straight interracial non-same race sexuality.
Female characters keep getting censored for stupidly pointless reasons, while they keep pushing LGBT faggotery, dykery, faggotery and white female/nigger male cuckoldry bestiality.

It's not hard to get retard.

No. They can be changed. Which is why some people fight back against what they perceive to be attempts to change what they consider normal verus what they consider to be abnormal.
The original statement made a very clear-cut assertion. I'll take this as a concession that the statement is in fact not indicating a double standard.
You are breathtakingly stupid.
Given that you can't come to a conclusion as to what 'religious heritage' can mean, I'll take it you do not consider wanting to return to them, whilst not following Jesus Christ to the letter, is not a double standard.
Then it is not a double standard to claim that jews are not white based on their different genetic background even if their skin is white.
Like I said, you can hate someone and still agree with a lot of what they say and do. It's not a double standard.
I do consider both jewish factions. I do not consider jews to be a cabal or in cahoots outside of specific identifiable entities and basic ethnic tribalism engaged in by most groups. I'm in favor of neither capitalism or communism. Both are just tools created by jews to help push their own culture. Both serve to benefit jews above gentiles and create environments in which jews can better extract value from them. Both fail to base themselves on values I would hold.
Yes, these countries deviated from communism as envisioned by ⛏️rotsky or Lenin. It was nationalist in nature. But 'socially-conservative' works as well, I guess.
There have been programs running for decades trying to educate blacks. They all fail. You tell me why.
Any study that controls for SES finds the very same thing. There are multiple attempts at explaining the black-white gaps in all of the places they find them. All of these explanations fail to account for the gap in any sense.
Feminism is not uniform against porn. Jews can also be behind two conflicting movements, as long as both of these movements are harmful towards the same thing, such as western societies.
I was describing my own labor.

t. suburban mutt

Attached: maximum edge.webm (1280x720, 6.2M)

All factions were engaging in those tactics. Your hot take on these events is pathetic. Tell me, if germany was fighting this war, why it never fought on its own soil and surrendered before it ever did? Did their generals run out of men to march forward?

Individuals shaped modern society. Their skin color is largely incidental.

It's pretty gross that you try to take credit for the accomplishments of others. Jesus, your whole post is one big delusional pile of fuck. It's embarrassing.

Attached: everyday that my undercut is available I feel my ancient aryan genetics get revitalized.mp4 (640x360, 10.85M)

That's exactly what happened you fucking idiot. Germany's manpower was exhausted and its industry was in ruins. It couldn't feed its people and the threat of imminent revolution forced Luddendorff to surrender.

How does Gysi boi define what constitutes a nazi? Someone who doesn't celebrate "DIVERSITY". What he really means is all "native" Germans that aren't from Africa or the middle East.

Oh, but for you, if so many are irredeemable, why not cut the lot of them off and regard blacks as INHERENTLY inferior or at least INHERENTLY unable to develop and maintain societies?

And by doing that, you admit that your position is a fucking sham. Why? Because the black man has his foot in the door, he can demonstrate that he's able to get into the room. Scream '#notallblacks' in a mocking attempt to delegitimise my point, go on. THE ARGUMENT IS THAT IF IT'S POSSIBLE FOR THEM, WHAT MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR OTHERS OF THEIR RACE WHEN WE ARE ABLE TO DEVELOP EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS WHICH CAN RAISE THEIR KNOWLEDGE? AND IF IT ISN'T BEING DONE RIGHT NOW, WHY CAN IT NEVER BE DONE OR AT LEAST DONE WITHIN THE NEXT THIRTY YEARS?

See, now the Zig Forumsyp is making a straw man while I recognise that 'acting like a white man' is functionally not reducible to BEING a racial white man and 'Western standards' aren't reducible to the fucking West. You've tried to use the flipside of your essentialist ideology and you've projected it onto me. Sorry, I'm not one of the suhjuhwuhs you're used to. Fuck off to Tumblr if you want more of those.

And then you assume a 'genetic expression' while ignoring that it is within the SOCIAL that knowledge is registered and made meaningful. Again: FUNCTION, not ESSENCE. Since the essence can be abstracted away, there's a fucking break between the two which epistemologically you are unable to cross.



Of course, I become this identity which you so hate. Jews make society worse according to your reductionism. This sounds like a perverse fantasy: the Jew is literally 'anyone whom I don't like'. YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW MY ETHNICITY, you're just guessing based on your ideological preconceptions - which I've already fucking challenged over and over again. For the anti-semite, the Jew is now an anonymous figure, a big Other, the subject of a principle from which everything else is derived. THIS IS IDEOLOGY, for that principle is not sufficient unto itself - even empirically-speaking, you're making at least one huge and lazy generalisation. Never mind functionally analysing the mechanisms of WHAT it is, as I keep stressing to you: you identify SOCIAL functions with EMPIRICAL ESSENCE and that constitutes a grave category error.

Way to miss the mark entirely. We don't say that they're shit because of an idea that they subscribe to but because of what they do - because THIS IS THE SOLE FACTOR AGAINST WHICH THE PRACTICALITY AND UTILITY OF A JUDGEMENT CAN BE WROUGHT FROM WITH REGARDS TO HUMAN PRAXIS ITSELF. IT IS SUFFICIENT UNTO ITSELF. So, no. We DO oppose barbarism, genital mutilation and all that but only because of its SOCIAL FUNCTION. That's right, 'brah', you can never fucking get your head around this and I don't expect you to. But here you are, continuing to shit all over this board. It is out of DUTY that communists respond to your bullshit claims in establishing the validity of what communists say and steamrolling any controversies if they're ultimately just lazy straw men.


The events that lead to that are what constituted the 'stab in the back' you nonce.

Mutt posting is racist towards mixed peoples. Please stop posting it, it makes you just as bad as the stormweenies who hate mixed race people in the first place. And no, don't say its just making fun of the Americans, there are PLENTY of people in Europe who are mixed and would not find it funny to see you denouncing their existence as subhuman.

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Muttposting exists solely to make americlaps mad. Calm down son.