What do you think is causing the rise of nationalism and white identitarianism in the west? How do we combat it?

What do you think is causing the rise of nationalism and white identitarianism in the west? How do we combat it?

I've heard the take that the Trump movement is a example of (racialized) class consciousness and that it's possible for us to hijack it and use it to our advantage.

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For the most part it's astroturfing by long-existing political cliques that are always looking for an excuse to grasp for mainstream relevance. In recent years, the excuse is an explosion of postmodern social justice backfiring on liberals that rely on identity politics to get elected.
"Trump movement" is hard to define. Different people vote for candidates for different reasons. Some people were desperate and willing to believe his horseshit about getting jobs back, and quite a few others just hated Clinton because of her farcical campaign. A few people are even unironic accelerationists and saw Trump as a great opportunity for radical politics (which are unthinkable in the US regardless, but, whatever, points for trying).

invasion by non whites
whatever you do you can't stop it, you can only ACCELERATE

Liberal tendency to look for compromise.

The social democrats used to be kinda good, but mainly in the 80's and 90's they swung towards the centre and started cooperating with the right. Nowadays in most European countries for example, you have governments consisting of both left-wing and right-wing parties, which have basically fused into one centrist blob.

A few decades ago it used to be left vs right, now it's this centrist blob vs those who oppose it.The nationalists and identitarianists were just quick and effective at seizing this gap in politics.

Germany is a good example: if the previous coalition hadn't been between SPD and CDU, the AfD would never have gotten seats in the Bundestag. Now SPD and CDU are again a coalition and I would bet big money on them losing their majority next election cycle.

It's true in internet polls and it's true in national elections. The more hilarious option will always win. Clinton realized the name of the game but far too late into it.

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Sadly, a lot of Trump's supporters think he is a dead serious political maverick. A rare look into how the minds of lumpens work.

I think all of these posts are good, but as far as anti-SJW sentiment I saw these debates blow up back during the GamerGate fiasco in 2014 several years before it got picked up by the broader right. Now it's a Fox News talking point which should show how that kind of stuff is "operationalized" so to speak.

Can't speak for Europe since I don't know the terrain, but I think the most significant favor in Trumpism was population movements post-2008 created in large part by the U.S. government providing enormous amounts of easy credit which worked its way into urban housing markets. This cheap money flowed into markets with rising housing prices (via hedge funds, seeking returns on their investments) encouraging the cartelized landlord class to up rents. This made the cities increasingly unaffordable for working-class black and brown populations which migrated in large numbers to suburban and exurban communities.

I have seen it with my own eyes, and while this phenomenon was underway before the recession, fed easy-money policies accelerated it.

A white backlash was inevitable, and this is also why the backlash has taken on a more nativist tone rather than anti-black (although anti-black racism is riding along with it, the "hot seat" is occupied by Latin Americans and more recent immigrants foremost, particularly Muslims). The core of Trump's base are suburban middle-class whites living in McMansions who are freaked out while driving in their SUVs past new Mediterranean grilled chicken restaurants opening up down the street from generic subdivisions with names like "The Mansions at River Bend" and such.

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Trump did not win the popular vote, so the most hilarious option won through a technicality. Still, he got way more votes than he really should have, so the idea still holds.

Really, I think people see the wrong messages with the 2016 election, which isn't surprising since it was one of the worst elections in United States history. I believe the reality is that Americans hated both Trump and Hillary with equal rancor, but electing Trump would be like sending a bomb to Washington, which was too tempting for disgruntled voters to pass up.

I don't think anything else can really be divined from it outside the general incompetence of both parties. The GOP signed their own death warrant by not stopping Trump when they had the chance and Liberal Democrats lost their matriarch, thus paving the way for an Obama/Sanders take over of the party.

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I live in Texas, in case you hadn't noticed, which is sort of an incubator for all this stuff. As far as "using this to our advantage" this is a big problem as left entryism into the Democrats isn't going to accomplish much since the Democrats can't win elections here (outside of a few places, and they are a bourgeois party anyways so it's totally pointless). But there are contradictions within the GOP that can be exploited.

You have to ask: What are the pro-Trump petty-bourg's class interests? What is the key to their wealth? It's low taxes (most of their wealth is also tied up in their homes), good schools, patriarchal family relations and white supremacy. These things working in tandem allow these families to reproduce their wealth even if they don't own much actual capital. The people who do own a lot of capital in the GOP are various big businesses, and here in Texas, commercial property developers who benefit from a very low tax environment.

The catch is that the good schools for the suburban petty bourg's kids are paid for by their property taxes – so they're in fact getting screwed by the uber-rich types within their party who are not paying their fair share. The only conceivable way to go after these commercial property developers is with a self-financed populist billionaire like Mark Cuban who can run on tax relief for middle-class homeowners by hosing the extremely rich in a kind of reverse-Trumpism that captures his own base. I'm not optimistic.

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True, and it probably would've been worse if Trump didn't win the election. Now that the tea-party pressure valve has been released, they're fully exposed to rest of the world.

They'll inevitably crawl back into their holes, either through shame, frustration, fatigue, public ridicule, or fear of being labeled as racists, which is going to leave the alt-right and Trump high and dry come election day.

Also Bush lost the first the popular the first time but once The People saw how much levity he could bring to the office they had to give him the full 8.

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That was just the old "you don't vote out a war president" meme.

People back in the day didn't realize we'd be getting into a fifteen year long war in the desert.

In Britain I think it was largely immigrants and refugees that have sparked a rise in nationalism.
Before the refugee crises, a lot of the rascism was directed towards polish and Romanian migrants, but the burden was shifted to middle eastern people after (and to a lesser extent before) the refuge crises.
It's a mistake to think this is a new phenomena, in Britain atleast. There have always been groups that British rascists have scapegoated, eastern Europeans, Indians/Pakistanis, and now Syrians.

Rape. It's rape. Listen, average working class man doesnt have the time for materialistical dialectics of historical blah blah. Average working class man has his daughter raped. Another one had his car set on fire. Third one got beaten up for no reason. Fifth one had a van rammed in his family member. Cologne rapes. Police no-go zones. Violence.
And what does the left do? Nothing. While these right wing clowns show up and say what the entire working class things, leftists are too buy being politically correct. Even on a board that has politically incorrect in its name, but only in its name.

Again, if you are a working class man, you dont have the time for bullshit. You have 5 minutes of free time. In these 5 minutes, the left is being upset about the bathroom issue (inb4 liberals arent leftists, working class doesnt know that).
In those same 5 minutes, right winger tells you "listen mate, our economy doesnt have enough jobs for everyone, our economy is 70% modern pharmaceuticals, and these elites are importing these illiterate savages who cant even speak English to boost our economy" and basically you are hooked, you dont even vote and you havent been to vote in the last 10 years but after hearing that you go voting straight away.

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Not reading the rest.

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What has complaining about the raping of children by gangs got to do with radical feminism?

My point was that even concerning legitimate issues, if your main political concern is rape, you are probably an extremely obsessive person with emotional issues.
The UK child sex scandals were just bongers being impotent retards as usual.

Thank you for your politically correct post. But the immigrants are actually raping people. As in, actually raping people.
By not caring about working class being raped, you come off as an ivory tower sheltered fag living it up in daddy money gated community bubble, away from the plight of the working class.
Have fun pretending all the immigrants are doctors and engineers and I am sure the working class wont vote for a flat fucking Earther as long as they dont have to suffer multiculturalism.

Makes me think that this whole multiculturalism was a right wing plot all along. False flag as a leftist, get elected, and purposefully cherrypick the worst possible immigrants to cement the right wing all over the fucking place.
Seriously, all the places have shitty people in them, but the immigration we have chooses the worst ones on purpose, and turns the normal immigrants away.

Thing is most of them aren't immigrants, they are people born here.
Also immigration is far more about economics than ethnonationalism or religion, people don't about where people come from just what they do.

Fascism is the fighting organization of the bourgeoisie. Bourgeoisie under threat = rise of fascism. Simplified answer.

Boy howdy, it's bad out there for average working class man!

'30s style fascism is dead in the water, you'll never be able to prevent a second Holocaust, get over it user

And by "not preventing a second Holocaust" I don't mean another one will happen.

You sound as hysterical as Twitter liberals insisting that illegal immigrants being separated from their children is "literally the last step before gas chambers and death camps"

Of course, no-one wants to mention the fact that these rapists overwhelmingly spring from a specific demographic. If your name is "Mohammed", you're not a fucking Hindu or a Sikh. The repeated and prolonged denial of these crimes because the perpetrators were brown has been like manna from heaven for the far-right.

Yeah. Once you are done with your college diploma on Italian medieval poetry, you'll end up in the same boat as the rest of us. And then you'll vote for Trump or a Moon landing denier or who ever the fuck just so you dont have to explain Jamal he has to touch pig or alcohol products when stacking shelves. Happens all the time. You will see.

I dont even have any problems with foreign people, in fact I think they are somehow naturally more interesting if anything. But the types I have to deal with are the most religiously fundamental, backwards, insane, criminal, racist or retarded people you can find, including the worst of our own.

Show us on the doll where Mohammed raped you lass.

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This aint true though, living in Manchester at, going around town it isnt justmmulims but the sikhs too (you can tell them apart for obvious reasons) who harrass her (she normally has to stop be breaking a jaw but w/e). Grew up with all three back home in my town,they tended to be decent blokes: issue is ghettoisayion and south asian culture in general.

Exactly. Just let the normal people in. Tell the fundamentalist reactionary islamofascists to fuck off. But noooooo, lets import the worst of the worst hyper violent types so the right wing has enough political capital to declare itself a fucking empire and scrap the voting all together.

We are gonna have the fucking powdered wig aristocracy because the left is too politically correct to call out jamal rapes and tyrone thefts.

This is exactly what I mean. You openly admit that nothing we say will provide a satisfying answer for you, because you want to be angry about it and don't really give a shit about any victims as long as you get to use a tragedy as argument fodder.
It may surprise you to hear, but liberals and the far left are not related. We're not the reason the UK's law enforcement is run by idiots that don't do their jobs.

anyone to the left of blairites is made a pariah in the media, this goes for both mutts and brits

Jesus, are you being retarded on purpose? No one but you knows that liberals arent communists. Get your head out of your ass. You clearly live in a fucking bubble if you think the average joe is gonna debate lessaiz faire vs planned economy with you while his kid is being raped by a paki. Not the highly skilled, highly educated paki, but one that got taught to rape a goat when he was 10 to prove his manhood (google that shit, actual tribal custom) and rape a cousin at 15 to again prove his manhood to the tribe (again look this shit up, that part of the world has some of the highest culture you can find like persia/iran and some of the most fucked up shit tribal muslim shit you can find, and our immigration policy is picking up the worst one almost on purpose).

I'm a college dropout in my 30s and you're a condescending prick who thinks his nativism is some kind of enlightened position. It ain't. I live in Trump country in a solid Republican country in the U.S. so I don't know what it's like in the U.K. or wherever, but what I'll say is that there are more than enough backwards, criminal, insane people around here except they have names like Cody, Robin and Jimmy. My uncle was a bank robber. Not a very successful one, mind you, but I know plenty of nativists and bigots and all the rest.

Oh? Here's a little quote from the SWP website, publishing an article from a UAF secretary:

Sauce: swp.org.uk/aggregator/sources/4

The SWP are a ⛏️rotskyite group who essentially run the Unite Against Fascism campaign.

While I add to this, these are a lot of my typical neighbors. A loud minority really and not representative of most people's opinions, but point being their kids aren't getting raped by the Islamic hordes or anything. They live secure lives tucked away in suburbs and while they are often "working class" in terms of their relation to production they often have more wealth (tied up in houses) and are better off than average.

It's the petty bourg and this idea that the actually oppressed people are a bunch of middle-class white Texans is frankly a bunch of bullcrap.

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Also while I'm banging this drum, these same types will also cry foul when anyone is mean to them but then they have stickers of Calvin pissing on liberals on their trucks which (although funny) shows they don't give a fuuuuck. It's straight up fuck-you-got-mine and a cutthroat mentality where people are out for themselves. You try to empathize with them they'll go "psych!" and then whip out their johnson and piss on you because you fell for it.

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Do you not see the hypocrisy in this reasoning? "Think of the children" is a textbook example of political correctness, you can justify damn near anything by appealing to a tragedy. It is not an excuse to abandon rationality and nuance.

A lot of takes ITT are pretty good but I'm not sure they fully hit the mark warning: I am a burger, so I will likely be talking mainly about burger stuff, tho I will try not to be myopic

Perhaps, more than any other organization, the KKK has been the symbol of the far-right in American history. Historian Kathleen Belew argues in her book Bring The War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America that although historians and commentators have cited many factors from immigration to religion to poverty, sexual morals, modernity etc. the single factor with the most explanatory power is mass scale violent war. The first KKK came into being after the Civil War, the second (and largest) came into being after WWI, while the third Klan resurgence came into existence after WWII and during/after the Korean War. Although a proper Klan resurgence failed to spring into existence after Vietnam it was replaced with something new, what Belew calls "The White Power movement" and while its hardcore membership was never large, the movement adopted a cell-like structure wherein true believers came from disparate, disorganized white power groups came to set-up what one might see as "popular front" for the Right in the militia movement, where non-committed, indifferent or "normie" right-wingers of various flavors could be put to use to serving the movement. In this sense, because militia membership in the early 90s numbered in the millions, it can be compared with the Klan resurgence of the 20s.

This movement in a sense, can be seen as blowback, since fanatical anti-communism and racism were necessary to fight Uncle Sam's Cold War. Many of the founders of this movement were Vietnam veterans and Timothy McVeigh, it should be recalled, was a Gulf War veteran. Belew has argued that unlike previous surges of the white far-right, the "White Power" movement does not seek to support or reform the American state but to smash it and replace it with a white nationalist state. Fascist and other far-right movements are often simplistically understood as being "counter-revolutionary" and that is true, but in order to fend off a coming revolution they often seek to replace the existing power structure with a revolution of their own. The goal of the "White Power" movement is not even a nationalist project of the type of Hitler or Mussolini but one of building a global white ethnostate via an internationalist white movement.

Even if I would consider it impossible in practice, it makes a certain kind of sense; when Hitler and Mussolini were building their nationalist-imperialist states, Europeans and people of European descent were the largest single group of people on the planet (around 38% post-WWI) and now they are likely 13% but certainly not larger than 20-25% by the most exceedingly liberal standards.

It is very likely that there are more people in India than there are people of European descent on the Earth. Some American War planners see China (and even India) as their main long-run competitor for long-term hegemony. So, the question is, once you have a white ethnostate what will be its role in the world? Most casuals wn LARPers think that the ethnostate will exist somewhere in the mid-west, Alaska, or Namibia, of all places, but
I think the founders of this movement were more realistic than this. Any isolated white ethno-state runs the risk of turning into Zimbabwe and how will this state secure resources, express its power in the world? After all, if it retains a capitalist system it must practice imperialism to become powerful and will inevitably run-up against rival non-white powers or "Jewish-controlled" white powers. It also isn't a coincidence that this movement arose during a time where fears over resource scarcity and environmental devastation were rife. If the glass is really half-empty and slowly leaking out, then it doesn't take long for someone to come a long and surmise that it should belong to their particular group.

Instead of Germany ruling the world as Hitler had it, whites must collectively rule the world. (cont.)

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Pretty good post and yeah. The "white ethnostate" as they see it would mean tearing up the U.S. like it was Yugoslavia with the pieces linking up with other white ethnostates elsewhere.

This point is also good:

This would be a 'pre-emptive counter-revolution.' Which is actually how the U.S. Civil War started in 1860-61. Ironically, it spawned the very revolution they were trying to preempt.

So, where are we and where is Western society vis-a-vis this type of political trend described by the OP? Let us think about the two countries you hear most about from casual sympathizers of the far-right: Japan and Israel.

Japan is not an explicit ethno-state but for all intents and purposes you can say that it is. It has a very restrictive immigration policy and due to its history as a fascist state in the interwar period it has entrenched racist practices–these were never challenged, even by the Occupation government, because of Japan's importance as a pillar of capitalism and reaction in Asia. Japan is one of the few Western countries where ethnic discrimination is not illegal, it is not uncommon for Japanese bars to have signs that read "Japanese only". 98.5% of Japan is also Japanese and despite some recent signs of liberalization it would seem that most Japanese expect things to stay this way.

Identitarian liberals have shied away from talking about Japanese racism for sometime because they see it as a "white" Western problem. The truth about Israel is only just now percolating into public consciousness and for many decades all of Israel's atrocious behavior has been justified by the Holocaust. So, it is interesting that the far-right chooses 1. an Asian society 2. non-Christian part-Arab society as a bridge-stone for the kind of conversation they want to have. Simple-minded liberals usually do not know how to argue against these examples and so they usually result to abandoning the conversation or saying "we'll its okay for them but not for us"

What's more if you look at Japan and Israel, it is difficult to say that life there is qualitatively better than in modern multi-cultural Britain, the US, France or Germany. Japan, for instance, enjoys all the benefits of a first world society without having to micromanage the disputes and friction of competing ethnic groups within the same state.

While Westerner's are being persuaded to open up their societies to mass immigration during a time of austerity, stagnant wages, slow-economic growth and stagnant population growth/declining birth-rates, Japan is doing just fine. Angela Merkel has told the German public, for instance, that they must accept more than a million refugees and at least part of this has been justified by a need to continue to fund a shrinking welfare state.

Japan, does show an alternative; while it is no longer as economically dynamic as in the past, it is still incredibly influential in the cultural realm. Instead of importing millions of Third World workers (or even foreign-workers of any type!) to "sustain the welfare state/grow the economy" it has allowed the deficit to balloon.

The result has been a non-disaster:

Not only is Japanese debt payable for the foreseeable future but Japan's growth rate is still largely competitive with the West despite its shrinking population. The real disaster of Japan for liberals is similar to what Zizek has said about Poland, in that, in comparison with the rest of the capitalist world, it isn't exactly a disaster…

Meanwhile, Western workers are asked to undergo increasing sacrifices and dramatic social changes, which even if they are held to be desirable, does not exactly make them easy. Japan and Israel show that in comparison to the "Open Society" propounded by Western liberalism, "closed" societies can actually do quite alright…

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third post will be coming

**qualitatively worse

Nationalism is basically a modern version of tribalism, the result of a primitive instinct of preservation, humans and animal have it.

it is basically the lowest common denominator, you can't expect a retard to understand economy, sociology, etc… but you can trigger his tribal instinct.

Trump rallies don't look like scientists meeting for a good reason, he hit low, talked to people who never really cared about politics because they don't have the mental ability to understand it.

he dumb talked them, using simple words and expression they could understand, gave simple answer to complex questions, played on their fears/tribalism.

You're an idiot and you should gass yourself, literally.

1) Israel has a fertility rate of 3.3 ! that's way above replacement level.
and with 20% arab citizen its definitely not an ethno-state
They don't need immigration, but still they accept some.

2) there are currently 2,2 million immigrant in Japan
recently the government opened the door for 500k low skilled workers


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Find where I wrote that Israel had a low-birth rate. Those with reading comprehension disabilities are the ones who should really be gassed…

haha wow, you have to be joking. It is the closest thing to the ethno-state that WNs claim they want to establish that actually exists. Their constitution literally says that its Jewish state; not even the American constitution tied citizenship to race and religion in such a pronounced way–and it was written in the 1770s not the 1940s!

Don't even give me the whole
Because we both damn well know that it is understood by Jews to to be both a religion and a race of people, and most Jews, happen to be European in origin…hmmm…

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*a greater proportion of Japan's population was ethnically Japanese

trump the candidate wasn't realy that right-wing or left-wing it was more aligned with a Putinist world of View (you'r country first) so people would think that hes different then the people that came before him and get elected
Trump the president is just another puppet but it looks like hes semi-automated and nobody realy knows who pulls the strings now ,because there are so many hands on the strings ,one thing for shure hes continuing what the last president started (bombing third world countries ,deregulating the market) witch is in itself a continuation of what the first president of america did (see above) and hes the most pro israel U,S president in its history ,and this guy was also the most adored president by far-right groups

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the right will win or islam will.

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No God will. Learn how dialectics work.

Ba'athism is for ascended brains. Pls stay around.

Islam IS the right. You might want to accept it, but you are very similar to them.

Progressive anti-colonialist republican DESTROYS MIGA chud

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and with 20% arab citizen its definitely not an ethno-state

Jews as a percentage of the population are increasing every year.

Jewish immigration

Most are korean or chinese

wew I love this take

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Do you have data on this though? Sounds plausible enough, but…

What happened to the fourth one tho?

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This is a weird sentiment. If it is impossible in practice then clearly it is not at all sensible. Even if the WN's pull Japan out of their hat and point "see, a quasi-ethnostate can work", it is fairly obvious that "whites", whoever that might be by the race science of the day, are not all living on a fairly homogeneous island off the Korean coast. That there are people around living in an ethnically homogeneous nation is not really of much concern to anyone, but when people who don't start to make noise about making their heterogeneous society into a homogeneous one by hook or by crook, well now…

Apart from outright fascists, most right-wingers just want to shut the borders though. The point is usually more to keep current levels of homogeneity afaik.

Whether this will radicalize is another question ofc.

Speaking of Japan, interestingly enough I've seen articles by white people living there who write it should be more 'open' and 'modern' (because it's muh current year) and accept more migrants. I guess migrants are always a 5th column to an etno-state no matter what background.

Well they should do something - it's literally a suicidal society at this point. They don't don't fuck, marry, or have children, and the suicide rate is through the roof. They should at least open their minds a bit if not their borders. But, of course, the closed and conformist nature of Japanese culture suits the corporations fine, so…

Aside from the Ainu and Okinawans (who are a rather small part of their population) what other groups are there in Japan that didn't immigrate there? The Burakumin aren't so much an ethnic group as they are a caste of particular people.

The birth rate is about 1.3 afaik, pretty harsh, but survivable. I mean it's weird for the left to a. claim automating is going to kill all the jobs and b. claim Japan needs to let in immigrants because they need more workers. Which one is it? Because Japan is very technologically advanced, is automating, and I don't really see how their economy is going to collapse in that sense.

And why should they 'open their minds'? So that western leftists can give them the progressive prize? Why would you willingly invite in the cultural tensions that we are dealing with plus the cultural and ethnic angst that grips about 20-30 per cent of the population here, and start your own social justice circus? There is no reason, just the moralism of the left.

You also forget that pre-1970 most people in Europe expected our migrants to leave and ad-hoc came up with multiculturalism when they didn't. I mean there's a reason for the word 'Gastarbeiter'. So now the West is proclaiming the virtues of some shit it never actually wanted and shoving it down everyone else's throat. Good job.

Americans should come with a warning when they're about to vomit some stupid shit out of their mouths.

sorry about the sassy tone btw, it's just that I never really got this attitude

I'm pretty sure it's .7 below eventual extinction levels. They should open their minds and fuck more so they don't end up being just two sexless people and a bunch of robots. Also you're throwing a bunch of different things together. The people calling for more immigration into Japan, I can give it to you on a platter, are venerable bastions of "leftism" like the Economist and other neoliberal outfits. Socialists and sucdems elsewhere don't actually have opinions on Japan, it is not on their radar.


kinda. It has imported thousands of brazilian japanese and other diasporas and farmers marry third world women en masse because the poor marriage prospects for farmers. But certainly it is more controlled

My good man, if we're using that logic, we in the Benelux should start worrying as well since we're about -.3 or -.2 below replacement level. But such an 'extinction' (slowing down exponentially btw) would take hundreds and hundreds of years. Denmark has three times less a density of people than the Netherlands do but the economies are just as good. Japan is very full: it would actually not be that bad for them to have some more space.

I dunno this argument has also always seemed weird to me given what I said above.

Hahaha, yeah, within the next couple of hundred years, but yeah. Still, what does it have to do with being close minded? Their birth rate is not that far below ours, I mean, every modern nation has this problem. Ours is prob. a 1.8 to their 1.4, it's not that different. Should the entire West be more 'open-minded'? it's a bit idealist imo. I'm sure they want children, they just work too much and maybe tech fucks with them too.

I've heard the 'Japan needs migrants' thing from a bunch of commie friends tbh. But indeed most 'leftists' who talk about Japan are just neoliberals.

population is 120 million people. the population shrinking by a few 10 millions is not a bad thing at all. It's fallacious to think immigrants will magically make the problem better, when it might just as well exacerbate or complicate matters, if not add any net positive or negative. Your logic is retarded

western and eastern japanese are historically very different in social and economic organization as well as culturally divergent.

has it ever occurred to you it's not just a matter of fucking? while japan certainly has a fucked up dating culture, people still have sex there. but even if people have sex they use birth control because they don't want children. they don't want children for socioeconomic reasons among other things.

That's fair. Likely overcoming capitalism would be the better solution.

Not saying we need eternal population growth or anything of course, or that some less density would not be preferable in the long term. But, if those things happen, I'd rather it be a controlled thing, and not a situation as in Japan now where it happens because people can't deal with the stress of their jobs, multiplied by weird Japanese customs like staying at the office late and being forced into hanging out with the superiors.

Historically, you could say the Northern and Southern US are culturally divergent but I think you'd really be kidding yourself to argue that they are different nations or are composed of ethnic groups on this basis.

Forced mass immigration and deeply triggering and problematic race-mixing propaganda?
Wow that was a tough question not

Only Zig Forumsyp incels notice the "race-mixing" propaganda

when you travel around some of the less effected countries in europe, you notice it on your return home. this is the answer to OP question in any case

It makes more sense when you realize that the differences between people of neighboring nations aren't that different.

user it's the petit bouj that think Trump's a smart and capable maverick, not lumpens, lumpens don't vote or have opinions other than sucking Fentanyl residue off the patch so they don't get dopesick.

No, it's the first step towards actual fascism. I can already tell you what the next part is, it's deporting people who are here legally on a technicality. Little known fact, when you come to the US, there's a box asking you about any crimes you may have committed. The step after that will probably be outright assaults on legal immigrants.

Sure bud

If you want to blame someone, which is something only faggots do, especially when dealing with an issue as complex as this, blame the Government's shitty integration policies. Besides that, these have been talking points for the past 30-40 years. In the 90s the Turks were all the rage, so much so that some retarded skinheads actually started assaulting them. In the early 2000s it was all about the Poles and Romanians, and even to this day it's still a fucking thing. What's my point? It's that you faggots 100% took the bait.

Devil's advocate: Pakis are hard to compare to these groups because reactionary Islam is a much bigger part of Pakistani culture and politics than the rest of MENA or the Whateveristans. The country only exists because of a Muslim separatist movement from back when it was a part of India, and surveys from reputable sources (the same ones that BTFO claims of communism being universally reviled) regularly show unusually high support for groups like ISIS, which the rest of the Muslim world consider heretics.

Because global capitalism and transnational conglomerates suck.

Because they're a global minority and they're starting to act like one. They can't fix their innate racism, so you have to embrace it, else you reject yourself.

Ultimately this will be their undoing. Any nation that embraces imperialism and racial supremacy will be obliterated in the 21st century.

we'll see chimpo

t. Zig Forums

sure faggot

Nationalists are de facto pro-capitalist, usually because they do not know what capitalism is. They claim they mean capitalists when they say they hate Jews, but this is rarely the case under scrutiny.
Whites have always been a global minority–it is not a good or a bad thing, it just is. If they were a global majority instead, they would spin that into evidence of superiority.

Give it time, it can't outrun its problems and hide behind inflating the deficit forever.

usa will collapse far before japan does

Yeah just ignore the vast swathes of the country that have been abandoned after the asset bubble or the increasing likelihood that one of the most populated urban centers on the planet might become all but uninhabitable within the next few years (if it hasn't already), it's increasingly precarious economic position, and innumerable other problems papered over by stupid fuckwits who see only the weebshit and yeah its doing great.

And if they don't, they'll be obliterated. You must really hate Israel and the Talmud.

Because you want a homeland and self determination you're a capitalist? What the fuck? You can't be an internationalists if there's no nations to connect with and there's little chance of a communist world order appearing any time soon.

Attached: ethnocerntism.gif (600x400, 772.51K)

what am i looking at

The bourg will be eliminated either way. It's almost like the west is doomed or something (thanks entirely to capitalism lol.)

In practice, very few nationalists are sympathetic to left-wing economics because of the left's disdain for religion. Private property is usually preferred as a practical means to enforce a cultural status quo.

Generational survival simulators they use for germs, someone used it as way of reflecting human survival strategies.

They can always just write off the debt, don't fall for the goldbug porkie memes that the crash is coming, it'll just make you feel good about doing nothing. Capitalism could linger around for hundreds of years and getting revitalized every generation. We're just entering the 4th industrial revolution.

Then don't say it in absolutes. There's no inter-nationalism without nations.

wtf is this gif?

Well, if you support ethnocentric groups as a humanitarian– you'll get overrun. Humanitarianism only works if everyone always plays by those rules 100% of the time.

Exceptions do exist, but they do not matter much when they end up dead in another Night of Long Knives.
For that matter, even leftist nationalists are hostile to the rest of the left.
And what constitutes a "nation" is too subjective to make "internationalism" a constant. Religious nationalists, for example, tend to see ethnicity as unimportant.

No, it's really not. Nations are a group with a homeland. that's fundamentally what a nation is. But given enough time and generations, that group will fuck and become an ethnicity.

Again, many people might disagree: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_nationalism
It is one thing to have and defend an opinion, but another entirely to contend that your opinion is a fact.

You should at least link to nation instead of an ideology of nationalism.

Yes Yes
Literally almost all Socialists / Communists do
We just dont pull a Zig Forums and make it about hating muh joos