America: Kim Jong-Un has a Better Approval Rating Than Nancy Pelosi

America: Kim Jong-Un has a Better Approval Rating Than Nancy Pelosi

Self-identified Republicans now have a marginally more favorable view of Kim Jong Un than they do for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), according to a new Ipsos poll done exclusively for The Daily Beast.

The poll of roughly 1,000 adults aged 18 and over was conducted June 14-15, shortly after President Trump’s historic summit with the North Korea dictator. According to the results, 19 percent of Republicans indicated they had a favorable view of Kim with 68 percent saying they had an unfavorable view (12 percent of voters overall had a favorable view of Kim, compared to 75 percent who viewed him unfavorably). That compared slightly better than the perception of Pelosi, who had a 17 percent favorable, 72 percent unfavorable rating among self-identified Republicans.

Pelosi, nevertheless, was only the second-most disliked figure on Capitol Hill. Her overall 29 percent favorable, 47 percent unfavorable rating was slightly better than the numbers for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

The numbers reinforce that being in the middle of the political fray, and for such a long period of time, is highly damaging for one’s overall perception.

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we memed nazbol gang too hard and now it's actually fucking happening

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gang? gang? gang? gang?


g-g-gang, right guys…?

Rightly so.

this is our timeline now
get yourself comfy
the ride only just started

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Trump finally managed to do something not wrong.
I'm speechless.

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In all seriousness this is the most amazingly hilarious timeline

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The human rights offences in North Korea are disgusting, but Kim's efforts towards discussion & defusion of tensions are commendable and good steps in that direction.

It would be interesting to see the direction North Korea goes, hoping they can reform whilst maintaining the key qualities of socialism with minimised authoritarian fascist tendencies.

A dictator favoured more than an elected official isn't ideal though tbh.

Sorry liberal, all of this are bourgeoisie buzzwords.that have little IRL impact apart from conditioning the proles.

I would like to understand how I am wrong, since I favour the ideal I see here. Could you explain things for me, must admit I still don't understand things fully and I am curious and open minded.

Pretty sure that user is just a dumb ☭TANKIE☭ who likes to pretend that NK is somehow socialist when even they freely admit they aren't.
The deescalation of tensions between NK and Burgerland is a good thing though as you said, as long as it doesn't end up with them becoming mini-China or South Korea 2.0

The presence or absence of elections is irrelevant to degree of democracy.

All capitalist states are authoritarian, considering that the economy is authoritarian.

Kim succeeded legitimately within legal bounds, not via military coup, so he isn't a dictator in a meaningful and not derogatory sense.

The human rights is a highly arbitrary construct that largely means "countries that America doesn't like/is OK with respectively" when they are accessed in mass media.

P.s. Oh, an I almost forgot. Kim is an elected official too, by the way.

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Unless you're talking about direct democracy its kind of important
Just because capitalism is inherently authoritarian doesn't mean that everything else automatically isn't. And state capitalism is still capitalism anyway :^)

Just because the concept of human rights is highly subjective and frequently used as an excuse for imperialism doesn't mean that a totalitarian, authoritarian state is a good thing

M8 it's hardly an election when you've only got one choice of who to vote for.

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Kim Jong Un freely and fairly wins elections in North Korea. North Korea has parliamentary elections very similar to most European Countries.'s_Assembly

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let's make ☭TANKIE☭ wing inside the Republican Party!

Democracy is an objective property, not an institution. Elections/Bourgeoisie republic institutions by themselves in no way determine that property. It is determined by the popular support of the government, and by how much government policies correlate with public position and interest.
Everything else is, too. It simply means that accusation of authoritarianism is meaningless.

What is "Good"? Human rights in DPRK are better than in most states around the world (they at least have fundamental acess to food, water, medicine, education, shelter, common safety and security of every kind, and meritocratic promotion at least in principle), and, by some measure, better than in, say, South Korea, whereas they are called "The worst human rights abuser in the world".

So, If I catch your drift, what Kim needs to do to enshrine his state with the magic of democracy is to split his party into two: Labour party of Korea and Juche party of Korea and run against his sister. That would be true and proper elections, would't they?

Holy shit, is it possible that republicans will turn into nazbols?

Nothings happening except chaos and apathy user.

Reminder that the daily beast has a Clinton connection.
Forgot how though and I cbf finding the evidence on my HDD (which acted funny round the time of the Podesta leaks).