Is liking Soviet aesthetic the gateway to becoming an actual communist? I listen to a lot of Russian pop music...

Is liking Soviet aesthetic the gateway to becoming an actual communist? I listen to a lot of Russian pop music, all the firearms I own are Soviet designs, I own a lot of Soviet surplus equipment and clothing. What is happening to me? Am I going from pinko, to commie? Delete this thread if it's too retarded.

Attached: 1200px-Soldiers_of_the_Tamanskaya_Division.JPEG (1200x1700, 378.46K)

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It is. Politics is 90% aesthetics and semantics. People fall in love with uniforms, flags, and words. Fetishization of the words and things that represent an idea usually come first, the actual idea/ideology second.

This becomes more and more obvious the more people you talk to.

Attached: 1436978693021.png (871x900, 210.43K)

I see. Whatever, if I like the look of things at least I can be a self aware "communist".

The actual reality of communism is the most interesting part though. The consequences of a world without money have kept me interested reading and thinking about it for hours on end.

I guess conservatives don't call it "the ideology of death" for no reason. Communism actually being implemented on a global scale would mean the destruction of the existing order of things.

Postmodern nonsense. Even when people start to consciously liking the aesthetics, they also embrace the meaning that the aesthetics is derived from, and the praxis the meaning is derived from.

In fact, the very question asked in this very thread demonstrates it. Otherwise, he would not be thinking about communism due to consuming Soviet culture.


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Soviet propaganda is some of the most striking art you'll see anywhere.

I personally like really early Soviet Artwork and later Soviet military equipment. That's not what made me a communist, though.

Revelation 21:4

then even when they take to the actual ideology, they mostly take to the vulgar, stupid, bastard version of it.
then if they read theory they mostly still just go by the vulgar half-concious meme version of it, except when explicitly challenged or prompted at which point they remember their higher brain functions and call up the stuff they read and reason about it.

then, if they study theory, history, etc, and de-compartmentalize it all so its no longer a specially demarcated 'education' or body of knowledge, but fully, properly internalized as part of their default view of the world even when not explicitly thinking about it, the vulgar stupid simplification of it rarely seeping in, they meld with their armchair and write longwinded shit mostly only read by other members of class 3 and members of class 2 who only recall it selectively. any hope for applying it to actual action is lost by this point.

In a way, that is also one hundred percent correct

in fact I love third reich aesthetics

Without them, we wouldn't have Soviet space disco

Or soviet jazz-funk:

Obsessing over soviet aesthetics is the gateway to becoming a LARPing red liberal. There's more to 20th century socialism than BASED MILITARY MARCHES

Attached: soviet hammer and sickle.jpg (500x747, 131.62K)

I'd say there's a 50/50 chance, I know that was my gateway.

However, its also the gateway to fascism…

its the opposite I think. People are attracted to aesthetics of ideas they find attractive. I liked punk easthetic because I was contrarian, didnt like authority or capitalism, not because I like ugly tatoos, ripped jeans or weird piercings. The aesthetic is a way to rebel against the status quo to fit my worldview.

you're a fucking retard pirateposter

Zizek said something similar, i can't remember exactly what he said but he said something about how ideology bribes us with implicit pleasures such as aesthetics which along with the explicit pleasures is what keep us in that ideology.

Not retarded OP. while I played STALKER and shit, becoming communist for me was about wanting to read theory for myself without falsified second hand accounts of what it was. If you actually read the old 19th century stuff they utterly BTFO'd their contemporaries and have done so till at least the end of the high times of 'critical theory' in the '40s. I have a feeling that people who 'get into' a certain politics, like a brand name, cannot be communists. Because communism is not just another identity behind the plate glass windows to go shopping for. Granted it is if you are a Marxist-Leninist or Social Democrat (because you get to be a worker drone), but communism involves radically changing how you are in the world, and most people aren't up for it.

"Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence."

So did you avoid reading Lenin?

when I was starting out, I read the social democrats from Germany and Russia, and I ended up reading his polemics within his Party, against Kautsky, and his other works ca 1917 such as the April Theses and State and Rev.

based anarkid

I came from loving the Nazi German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe Aesthetic and abhorring the politics of Nazi Germany to even detesting the mere look, shades, hues, etc. because Zig Forumsacks like to smear their retarded ideology into everything. That was when I was a classical libertarian with Thomas Paine characteristics.
I only got into Soviet Aesthetic after I read into Soviet ML theory. So I am the opposite with you guys.

Nah, the two are entirely separate. In fact, I love fascist aesthetics but only in the sense of wanting to kill them and take their shit as macabre trophies almost as much as Soviet aesthetics.

lmao like clockwork

Its what got me interested in theory, so I would say yes

NO. What the fuck?! I dont even know why im surprised by the responses here! I thought i was a bit of a cynic, but this is lower than I would think. Mind numbingly sad that anybody would call themselves a Communist because of cool aesthetics. Shameful, shameful, shameful.
Mods, why have you not deleted this thread? Youve anchored better threads, yet he literally gives you the leeway to delete the thread and you are asleep at the wheel.

If this is you, blow your brains out, seek help, do anything to change who you are.

I find the recycling of old Soviet political symbols and paraphernalia both kitschy and even consumerist, as a communist identity is created from consumption choices–from symbols of communism–, rather than those symbols signifying a belief held in common. Perhaps the aesthetic later results in a belief, yet the belief is a relation to the aesthetic rather than the true.

Pretty sure the obscene enjoyment Zizek was talking about referred mostly to fascism.

I also despise these aesthetic fetishists but there's no need to throw a hissy fit. I'm not deleting it.

As stache says, its a lot of people.
And most of the rest are category 1 in