Jimmy Dore goes all out and purges his conservative fanbase, calling them "snowflake bullshitting asswipes"...

Jimmy Dore goes all out and purges his conservative fanbase, calling them "snowflake bullshitting asswipes", causing massive attrition in subscriber count


Real-time subscriber count (dropping rapidly): socialblade.com/youtube/user/tytcomedy/realtime

Attached: jimmy 'show the reactionaries the door' dore.jpg (318x348, 28.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't watch much of Jimmy but this can only be a good thing

Fuck them. They get the gulag

The fucking chimps can go watch Carlgon of Assad whinge about SJWs and masturbate to cuck porn. Why did they even like him in the first place? Do they not even have any real identity outside of just being "conservative" without actually knowing what the entails?

He's going to make Stalin look like an anarchist

Jimmy is BO confirmed

I don't get the Christian baker thing. What's faggier than baking cakes?


I can't tell if Dore looks really weird or incredibly suave

you'd be surprised how many youtubers are making videos like that in fucking CURRENT YEAR
probs because Jimmy really fucking hated Clinton

I'm not surprised at all. They are all paid by intelligence agencies in order to control the narrative, and they have a huge fucking platform on youtube.


All of those are better than whatever shitty pragmatic position you have.

No. Only nazbol

Attached: trump1.png (1200x820, 772.4K)

get back to your shithole, parasite

Are you aware people are banned for criticizing rightists on a daily basis here

are you aware that you're retarded and talk shit and that is actually a legitimate ban reason?

Just subscribed to him tbh

seeing the overwhelming backlash in the comments makes me extremely nervous.

no u

2.3k likes over 900 or so likes.
It's also likely that it's been raided by Zig Forums types and other sorts of reactionaries.
Don't take it too personally.

Who cares, i'd rather have him grow a left wing fanbase and convert liberals than have conservatives because they think his only stance is fuck hillary.

Nazbol is a b&able offence now. What are you talking about?

He's probably one of the idiots who think the DPRK is fascist.

I'm curious to hear which of these groups he listed is "completely fine" except perhaps for catholics.

DPRK is fascist idiot. No amount of excuses and mental gymnastics changes that.

I'm having fun arguing with Trumpkins in the comments even though I know it's pointless.

Me too. I wonder how many of them are paid shills and Mossad agents trying to build a national American neocon mandate in the Middle East versus how many are literally mongoloids with 3 brain cells who are buying into that totally fabricated Red Hen national crisis.

I'm going to say there's probably more of the latter, but I'm sure there's a few agents pulling shit as well.

This literally shows how bad liberals are at handling conservative reactionarism despite having a trillion dollar media loudspeaker.

Trump chucks toddlers on prison buses, and conservatives handle the outrage with finesse using denial, nativism, Jesus and blame shifting.

A week later Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets kicked out of a restaurant, and liberals handle it by a mixture of scolding themselves, trying to promote tolerance with only a few defending public acts of protesting (though biffing it with Maxine Waters and Charles Blow).

The conservatives literally reeled their evangelical base right back even though there was a toddler prison crisis last week and there are 20,000 kids being shipped to military bases as we speak.

IMAGINE HOW PWNED LIBERALS WILL BE IF A REAL NOTEWORTHY THING HAPPENS.. like people calling socialists to arms to defend against authoritarian capitalism or some lefty mirror image of the Bundy ranch.

They are basically defenseless against the conservative faux crisis reactionary machine when it goes on offense.

I mean who the fuck really cares about Sarah Sanders?

That's because liberals are trying to pander to the same billionaires that the GOP does.

Seems I was right on the money.

Their world view is so distorted that they basically believe "Anti-Hillary" equals "REDPILLED BAZED CONSERVATIVES ON THE TRUMP TRAIN"


Post proofs

Attached: white man in kpa.jpg (448x336 283.89 KB, 4.66M)

how come south Koreans don't speak this way?

Attached: gesg345t5ertgrewgds.png (541x126 7.45 KB, 10.44K)

Holy fuck, how did Jimmy Dore have so many braindead boomer fans? I thought it was obvious he was a scumbag left commentator.

To be fair, you have to have a very high Autism Level to understand Sarah Sanders. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of nationalism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sarah's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Donald Trump literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sarah Sanders truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sarah's existential catchphrase "I'm honored to help Mr. Trump make America great again," which itself is a cryptic reference to Zig Forums's epic memes. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as The White House's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

Because it's fucking awesome and South Koreans are inherently shit.

are you a teen? have you never watched any older documentaries and interviews or just news?
there's a term for this sort of speech, it just slipped my mind.
even common people when talking in front of a camera speak more affected, posh. you do so out of respect for the audience and so you can be clearly understood. it used to be more of an issue when sound was worse.
it's still something you'll hear in regular news, local one being even more guilty of this since their speakers are trying harder to stick to their training.
when delivering state news like this lady does it's something of highest importance and of course it's reflected in her delivery.
of course you see less of such respect for the audience and the delivered messages when it's all just commercials.

stfu chauvinist

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Are you kidding man? You realize we sre on a board with people who literally defend nun rapists and church burners right?

I'm getting bored of arguing with the boomer sperg in the comments.


Our boy continuing the anti-conservative purge with a new vid:

"muh virtue signaling"

The DPRK isn't Fascist but the fact a half Romanian guy lives there isn't proof they aren't.

You just listed the coolest people one could be with though.

What's she saying and what makes it Fascist?

it was inevitable since 1934

This but ironically.

Lefties are only good when they're not in power. Then they're awesome. The harder they are trying to get back in power, the more awesome they get. Once they actually get in power? They're shit. Stupid to actually vote them in.

You, actually, have to believe what the news is spewing in order to think any of that is true. Unfortunately, the news doesn't have a very good track record.

All 0 of them?

#Hillary2020 #KeepAmericaNeoliberal #SayNocialismtoSocialism

When did we ever defend Pinochet?