What are some examples of Marxists in the United States opposing ethnocentrism among Blacks and Latinos?

What are some examples of Marxists in the United States opposing ethnocentrism among Blacks and Latinos?

Has there been any progress made?

Attached: The Virgin Antifa vs the Chad Proud Boy.png (1449x812, 441.99K)

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Ethnocentrism is a meaningless term.

Zig Forums

Attached: 523392f995779933412c9a295b4902486921bf34fdb413f6b0b89a733115ea73-leftypol.png (1412x772, 1.41M)

I'm talking about IRL, in the streets, and in think tanks.

It seems like the left's main strategy is just to support ethnocentric Hispanic and Blacks in order to get leftist laws passed, and then worry about the ramifications of ethnocentrics being in power later.

The black panthers you reactionary dupe.


Attached: basednigga.webm (480x360, 7.98M)

Why do they call themselves Black Panthers though?

Also, just because they claim to be racial universalists for public relations, that doesn't mean they are in practice.

Nationalism is fine if used to rally an oppressed nation, because then it takes the form of national liberation. If nationalism is used by a nation represented by an imperial power, it takes the form of supremacism.

Most of them get fired or forced into retirement, or the left at least publicly harasses them and their families. Also, is wielding a weapon and threatening law enforcement not objectively a bad decision? Is a box of cigars worth killing a cop over?

What if a powerful nation wants to hold nationalist views while also ending foreign intervention.

Also, what do you think of Maoist Chinese colonizing Africa?

You mean those illegal minor parties which the official communist party represses? They couldn't colonize a village without being arrested.


Because panthers are cool. If their rhetoric was racially universalist, they allowed anybody to be a Black Panther, and they often cooperated with groups of different ethnicities with no prob then I'd say they are racial universalists.

Are you saying that the Chinese land grab in Africa isn't officially sanctioned by the Chinese Maoist government?

I'm saying that the Chinese government isn't Maoist any more than the USSR in 1988 was Marxist-Leninist.

Probably because they started out as ethnocentrists, but also because they primarily recruited from black communities. The same reason the Young Patriots used the confederate flag despite being anti racist and leftist.

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u know what he means you goober

Marxists don't have billionaires using them as a means to an end, so they don't have think tanks

Didn't they advocate for exterminating white people?

Lenin was used as a means to end by German capitalists.

Attached: Churchill on Lenin.jpg (850x400, 75.74K)

G o o g l e ADOLF REED.
All of them?

Yeah no, I don't remember that. But I remember Fred Hampton: traffic.libsyn.com/thedollop/Fred_Hampton.mp3?dest-id=139740

No. The Black Panthers were part of the Rainbow Coalition, which was a multiracial coalition of left-wing radicals, which also included a white working class organization called the Young Patriots that even used the Confederate flag.