Why do white nationalists never talk about the fact that eastern europe is basically one big white ethnostate and...

Why do white nationalists never talk about the fact that eastern europe is basically one big white ethnostate and they're just as shitty as most of the "shithole countries" they talk about being beneath them?

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Hardly shitty until recently. also pic related, an argument on Zig Forums from 2 months ago.

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I sincerely believe that the far left and far right have essentially the same enemy (neoliberals), and approach solving them in opposite ways. Like every time I see the far right blame jews I can't help but think they're basically describing neoliberals to a T. I think if socialists parties campaigned in far right areas by rejecting neoliberalism they would get a lot of converts.

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Anglo saxons were responsible for the creation of the biggest subhumans on the planet: the yankees
Meanwhile, the krauts were retarded enough to build a wall so socialism doesn't completely take them over.
White race is clearly overrated. Hail China

never stop posting, I fucking love you

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by shithole standards, the worst of Eastern europe can not even hold a candle to your typical shithole in south america or Africa or even entire swathes of asia, I'd even argue the average eastern Europe city is far safer and much better to place to live than the average negro infested American city

Maybe some autist were good artist and shit but i never realized why people ever believed that the white uneducated masses were uniqe
Btw i am not supporting kill whity shit

Fuck off then

People who disregard geopolitics in favor of skin colour as explanation of why a country is weatlhy or not, are not that bright and selectively ignore inconsistensies like this because their views are based on feels

there is no inconsistency, poverty in eastern Europe results in an uptick of sophisticated cyber crime and alcoholism, but society as a whole carries on and basic services continue to function

poverty in Africa or central America results in mad Max race to the bottom and collapse of formal states, there is really no comparison.

No dude hardly
Most europian cities are crime infested with many local and international gangs,mafias etc
While not as scary as american gehttos ,still scary

where did I say crime is non existent? stop strawmanning

where would you rather live in literally any commie bloc in eastern Europe or your average nog america ghetto I think you already know the answer

Not really again
Latin america is famous for having dictators not only gang wars
And africa is chaotic due to civil strife not crime

Why be against living under a socialism in any country tho…

I don't have anything against living under socialism I only have something against living in proximity to poc

Why ??
Cuba and burkina faso were ok

slavs nonwhite

this is why you need to read, and also understand history

were great*
fuck you

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i want you to do this to me but with your feet

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retard the ghettos in gringoland are despicable 3rd world tier




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I'd love to know what this post was aimed at…


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Because East European countries are not shitty, you goddamn faggot.

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Maybe you should read what I said instead of judging by pic alone you nitpicking moron.


the far right is cancerous to the masses, siding with them is litterally the worst move you could make, besides the moment you talk about dethroning the white capitalists they will take up arms against you.
Asserists never fucking learn.


Then learns Belorussian and move to Minsk.

Not him, but the argument he made wasn't that they are shitty because muh niggers. I suggest you go back to Zig Forums. If you'd rather misunderstand a post and make a fool of yourself just for your on addiction to virtue signaling you don't belong in here.

Because they aren't shit holes. They have issues here and there, but generally speaking eastern europe isn't a shithole…with the exception of Ukraine maybe…but Ukraine is a non country anyway, so it's not surprising it became the way it is since 1991.

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Last time I checked there is an ethnicity and culture unique solely to the people that have been living in the lands of Ukraine for thousands of years so I don't see how it is a "non-country." Care to elaborate? And yes I know some parts of Ukraine have historically been non-Ukrainian and have no reason to be part of it, but some of the country is still historically Ukrainian ethnic land.

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There is no difference


Race is a sp00k, you brainlet.

because living in shithole is enlightenment

Ukrainian is not an independent ethnicity you ignoramus. Ukraine comes from the word Ukrai, a.k.a edge. The people who lived in that area were called malo-russians, just like Belorus has Belorussians (who were a mix of Russians and Belo-Finns a.k.a Finns). Ukraine became its own country and people after Lenin properly formed it.

So it's all Lenin's fault?

The name 'Slav' is derived from the word 'Slave'. They're generally considered to be a low quality breed as their name and history associated with that name suggest, but what's more relevant to the state of their nations, and people, is Communist rule during the 20th century, which sent their societies back considerably. With all of that said they are still high quality people. Capable, but underachieved.

The only form of socialism we accept is Not Socialism, an organizational structure formed within a race based state. We vehemently reject Marxist socialism, which is what you generally, and even sometimes inadvertently, advocate for.

Africa is chaotic because of Africans, friend. It also doesn't help that both Western and Eastern empires are artificially propping up the population via food stuffs and medical supplies. I recommend watching the youtube documentary "Empire of Dust".

but what's more relevant to the state of their nations, and people, is Communist rule during the 20th century, which sent their societies back considerably

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Holy shit you lying cunt.
Slave is derived from slav, not the other way around. And the communist ruling brought their country up to superpower level. Without it, they would be the same as the middle east, war torn, underdeveloped, and heavily exploited by western nations. Furthermore, they might have been genocided during the second worldwar if it had not been for the industrialization the USSR did.

God I wish you Zig Forumsacks stuck to spamming pepes and saying cuck. At least when you are blatantly shitposting you can be given the benefit of the doubt, but trying to sound pseudo-intellectual while not producing a single coherent thought is just cringe material.


It is though.


And Österreich means eastern realm in German, but Austria obviously isn't remotely eastern on a world scale. Name =/= proof

You just proved my point. Ukrainians are a seperate ethnicity because they are not solely any individual Slavic ethnicity. They are a mix of multiples which resulted in the Ukrainian ethnicity.

So what? They have their own distinct ethnicity with their own unique culture and history separate from Russia and other Slavic territories. If it hadn't been for being conquered over and over again by other empires throughout history Ukraine would have become an independent country sooner. Are you a Russian? For some reason everybody is able to accept the right for Ukrainians to exist except for them… Or more likely you are just a Slavaboo. You already checked off a few after all.

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I guess east and west germans are a seperate ethnicity as well.

They are, RIDF

>>>Zig Forums

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Lettersoup please fuck off and stop trying to devide the community over litterally nothing.

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Race is real but it's not that important. Cultural Realism>Racial Realism

*idpol intensifies*

How the fuck did Lenin "create" Ukraine when Soviet Russia under him fought independent White Ukraine for years? I think you're mixing up your RIDF talking points here, it's supposed to be Austrian covert ops who "invented Ukraine"

I said cultural realism not cultural relativism

Ukraine is a non country, i stick to it. The western part of Ukraine was part of Poland, Hungary and Romania.
The eastern part are russians wh speak a regional dialectç.

A lot of countries can be disqualified from being countries following that logic. Almost all of Europe speaks a local dialect of either French or German, and has territories that belonged to another country at some point.

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You mean that little faux state formed by the White Russians during the Revolution, later taken over by the Makhnovists and that was only called Ukraine because of the name У края.

The Basques speak their own language and the Dutch, Czechs etc, speak their own languages. You cannot mix Polish and Russian or Serbian or Czech or German, they have similar origins of Germanic and Cyrillic languages combined. Ukraine is not like that. It is literally a local dialect of Old Russian that has nothing definitively different. Western Ukrainian is that dialect mixed with Polish. Belorus is the same.

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I think he means latin based and german based

German is not a base language for any language but german.
If you mean west-germanic, then scandanavian languages are not west germanic. If you mean proto-germanic, you are just arbitrarily moving a goalpost to nowhere so you might as well go proto-indo-european in which case over half the world would speak "one language".
Baltic, slavic, finnic, saami, north germanic, latin, basque, west germanic, albanian, hungarian, etc. You have a fuckton of languages and language families.

You really cannot say that "all romance languages are the same language really" when the time difference of development between those languages, or the germanic ones, is so much longer than the almost no time between ukrainian and russian.

Actually Ukraine belongs to Serbia, as does Russia since they are just North/eastern serbs.
So does east Germany and..
Well what I'm saying is that the land between Thessaloniki to like Denmark, and from East Germany to like the Ural mountains all belongs to Serbia since they are all Serbs.
Also some say that Mars was a Serbian colony, but not sure about that one, still need to see proofs.

Historically yes. This is going to be an unpopular opion, but the deportations of Germans out of East Europe and assimilation of Germans in North America into Burger Culture was/is ethnic cleansing and should be reversed.

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Well, yeah. It still existed.

Also why are you posting laughing Soviet soldiers? The Soviet Union recognized Ukraine as a nation and Ukrainian as a language. These anti-Ukrainian memes are based on Tsarist Russian imperial sensibilities and are thoroughly reactionary.

It's a huge exaggeration, but depending on how deep you dig it's true. English is old German with a French vocabulary, Dutch is Germanic, Iberian languages and French have similar roots and so on.

euorpa je sbrijia

Oh boy
English is not old german, it is saxon with heavy north germanic admixture (I dare to say a creole language of saxonix and norse) with some french vocabulary.

Slavs are genetically closer to Indians and Iranians than Western Europeans. They're all white though.

The "worst" ethnostate is better than "best" non-ethnostate. What is the point of a state if it does not prioritize it's own people?

Also perhaps Latin would have been a better term than "French".

These languages can all be classified as either Indo-European, Uralic or Basque.

In Eastern Europe politicians don't do that
They prioritize their own Pockets*
I see how you couldn't have made a mistake since both People and Pockets start with a P

It's a bit different from that, there is basically nothing left of English's Celtic roots, it's a dialect of German with like two thirds of its vocabulary derived from French. The only reason you don't call it a dialect is because of arbitrary time limits and because English has guns. The only languages that some nationalistic retard won't be able to claim as a dialect of his are truly isolated ones like Basque or Hungarian.

Maltese is arabic.

I forgot that one.

So they're not nationalists then? They're plutocracies?

Those aren't mutually exclusive, I'd say they are pretty much synonymous.

It's basically the guys who led the transition from Communism who lead the countries
The same ones that pocked a lot of wealth after privatizing and destroying factories
Former "socialists" that now fuel nationalism because it's the best way to get voted in time after time.

If a "nationalist" cheats his/her people, then they're a hypocrite or not a nationalist at all.

Nationalism IS cheating people in the first place


Nationality is a spook. It's a new spin on the divine right of kings made up so the bourgeoisie could wrestle power from the feudals.

I don't think it's a modern invention. But it is very loosely defined.

Nationalism didn't exist before capitalism.

Cockshott sums it up pretty well

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Tribalism is a form of nationalism.

No. They're two fundamentally different philosophies/forms of organization

What? Capitalism didn't always exist.

It wasn't called nationalism because there was no alternative. Diogenes invented cosmopolitanism. Even animals put their own pack before others.

Because the soviet union basically formed modern Ukraine. Prior to the USSR there was no real understanding of Ukraine or Ukrainian. No-one is denying they're not a nation, but their ethnicity is in essence a variation of Russian. Why is that a bad thing suddenly?

Nation-states are not your "pack", unless you're retarded enough to believe the nationalist leaders of bourgeois revolutions really had your best interests in mind. But please, keep being a cuckold.

You've obviously never been to Prague, Sofia or Budapest. Even comparing the Ukraine to Haiti or Africa would be an act of partisan blindness. Face it, white people are better than all the brown races.

True. There's no city in Europe as bad as the Knickerson gardens housing project in South Central LA. How many ghetto's do we have to pack for of niggers before the left is willing to admit that their Autism Level's are too low to be successful in white countries?


I brought this up to one before. He tried to blame communism. Then I pointed out shitty countries in Eastern Europe that were never part of the USSR or any communist nation and he ignored it.

The ebil Jews undermine their white potential, maybe; or decades of jooish cobbudism…

That'll only create more nazbols

What were the Scottish wars of independence? They were pretty nationalist and happened in the medieval era.

because they are stupid enough to be white nationalists

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as a slab this seems obvious to me:
our ports are frozen 10 out of 12 months in a year
we have no access to world trade routes, all our shit is either frozen or blocked
the westerners have all the good rivers, our rivers arent as good for bringing the resources inland
it has nothing to do with race, only geography

personally, i am very proud to be a slab since we pull our own weight when it comes to world class literature, science, military, art, you name it, we are only bad at economy
no it comes from слово which means literate (cos we could talk with each other but not other tribes), we called this ourselves BEFORE we ever knew it sounds similar to slave
we are also arguably the most successful tribe on the planet, with the greatest landmass and a great population too and also the greatest hold in europe, so I dont see us as some sort of second class whites

if you think we are second class whites, remember mendeleev, tesla, poltava, teutonic wars, napoleon, hitler, mongols (we defeated those too), pushkin, tolstoy, first space everything, ground forces, nuke arsenal, missile technology (ours is best atm, go check), 'international' space station (80% owned by russia), curie, and also who has the most beautiful chicks (every time you see stereotypical nazi in a movie, they get a slavic actor, the most aggressive blue eyes and blond hair is found among slavs etc)
fuck off all our world trade access is frozen

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the bourgeoisie aren't nationalist any more, have not been since the 70s if not before that

this isn't the Belle epoque anymore, the bourgeoisie are thoroughly post nationalist at this point, the only legitimate anti capitalists these days are always necessarily nationalist

just ask the Kurds, there is no people's war without ethnonationalism. there is no anticapitalism without nationalism

But Eastern Europe is not a shithole… None of the eastern europe countries is worse then some of the better African countries.

How cute, it thinks that nationalism is about the wellbeing of the working class and not just a method of control for the ruling class, despite the fact that all nationalist ideologies are all about strict systems of hierarchy and how the working class should just shut up and submit to their "betters"
The very premise of nationalism is pants-on-head retarded- just look at your own little aut-right movement. You retards find more in common with other reactionaries of other countries (remember the "white sharia now" chanting at that unite the right rally last year?) than with most people from your own countries, frequently screeching about how much you clowns hate the left-leaning or even just center-right members of your own "nation". Face it m8, "nations" are nothing more than spooks, vague abstractions that only hold any meaning or power because people like you buy into such nonsense.

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Another good example for Americans is West Virginia which is 99.9% white and surprise surprise a shithole