Does anyone else get the impression that the modern left has pretty much abandoned reading literature...

Does anyone else get the impression that the modern left has pretty much abandoned reading literature? I've noticed that the call-out culture cunts are especially averse to reading anything other than 'theory' (slate articles). I assume most of you know the importance of reading lit so my question is how do we get our comrades to start reading more? Also, post your favorite books.

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for me its the pomo

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As an avid non-fiction reader, I have to admit that this is pretty much the reason why a great deal of the Left cannot talk to average people. Liberal cringe about Harry Potter/Stranger Things and the Zig Forums's similar obsession with finding anything suitably right-wing in pop culture does actually underscore something.

Politics actually isn't downstream of culture imo but fiction and the arts holds an important sway in the minds of most people. Being able to draw out left-wing lessons from popular fiction does provide a great teaching moment.

Perhaps, but I find that fiction allows people to understand the motivations and emotions of others better. This can be a bridge to helping people understand the connection between problems they experience and social systems. Classic literature like Balzac is also god-tier for formulating problems of society and history in a approachable and visceral way.

First of all for a ☭TANKIE☭ you are pretty anglocentric
But most leftist historicaly were uneducated workers and peasents
In most countries being a leftist did not came from reading any theory
Are you saying this for high ranking party members??
As Mao said some uneducated farmers understand marxism very well

I'm not actually a ☭TANKIE☭. I roleplayed as one as a joke one time and have forgotten to change it back. Anyways, I think that all leftists should try to become as educated as they can. I agree with what Bertrand Russel said in the essay where he advocated for a 4-hour workday, that the working conditions should be made better so that the workers who have been starved of the intellectual material which has liberated the upper classes can nourish them if they want it.



What's wrong with materialism?

Yes i agree
Btw i dont understand the pic
Do people eat beans in the theater

lol you're adorable

favourite book in pic related

It would be great to have a kind of book club thread every couple months to discuss certain non-theory books from a leftist perspective but it would be hard to organize probably. I just remember how interesting I find these old german literature tv shows where they would argue about books angrily so maybe something similar could draw comrades in…

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I am not a native english speaket
Is it a dirty joke??
It is isnt it…

Haven't read that but I've read the magic mountain and its amazing. I want to start a youtube channel where I review lit from a leftist shitposters pov without sacrificing the criticism but still being fun.

its just a meme you silly boy


yeah its a problem which needs to be fixed

nothing, but he implied Pynchon is postmodern, when he's really a materialist which is opposed to postmodernism.

Post-modern writers don't necessarily embrace the post modern philosophy. They're just the response the the modernist writers (proust, ect). Other than experimentation there's no single idea embraced by all the the po-mo writers. John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, and William H Gass were all gleefully edgy while Kathy Acker and Ishmael Reed were basically proto twitter liberals.

what is "left"?
academic left the opposite, as opposed to marxists/etc, they are extremely literate, well read in the postmodernist and poststructuralist literature
any tard can open Das Kapital and start reading, sadly
cant say that of the foucault , derrida, and so on

.. is this real? if so, this really questions the respect I have for him

you must understand that the "left" is anyone fighting against fascist capitalist nazi imperialism and the states which support it, so most people.

Dis nigga eatin beans

not bad at all

fug you factory licker

He fucking rules I love O'Brien

The modernists had loads of experimentation though.

Oh geez. Yeah fug reality lul. Postmodernism sounds so fucking stupid. I dont understand what the appeal is.

*the Irish modernists

I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think non-materialistic lit is socialist or that socialist lit is the only type worth reading. Post modern literature expands your mind unironically

yes most of the users on this board give me that impression

I do. I was posting some Engles classic on some left leaning discord, probably 1 guy gives a fuck.
And someone yelling, I don't understand what you are saying, and ranting a bunch of bullshit which could be easily solved by some basic reading work.
Lib left are so pathetic and weak, clearly petit bourgeoisie. They hate labor in any shape or form. They probably can't even carry a bag of potatoes upstairs, let alone reading.

probably my favorite novel, Pynchon is a great guy. that book has a lovecraft-inspired set piece where some rich guys dig up an ancient evil from the Arctic and it turns out to be the cosmic notion of "global capital", they bring it to New York and use it to found the stock exchange. the Thing even warns them that it's going to take over the planet and turn it into hell.
check out Blindness & Seeing by Jose Saramago.

liberals aren't left you dumb american

most people? in what countries?

As long as isn't prosaic socialist realism literature it's fine

Are you implying that there are no true leftists in the US and that the leftists in your country read alot of literature? You're wrong and I don't believe you and you're a faggot


That sounds like Pynchon, he's hilarious and brilliant.