Is there a leftist alternative to MDE?

Is there a leftist alternative to MDE?

I mean the guy is a shithead but i feel like he is unique in really capturing the nihilism of the modern world. I just wish someone were able to capture that but directing it toward porky and the land owning elite instead of immigrants and homosexuals and DA JOOZ

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Other urls found in this thread:

1) Post shit like this in /leftytrash/

2) Cum Town is probably as close as we're gonna get despite them being more liberal than true leftist. Chapo used to be this but they've reverted to safe red liberalism since Trump was elected

Hipster Runoff / Carles but he keeps deleting all his shit

Sam Hyde/the MDE guys are genuinely talented and have a unique thing going, but yeah it's a shame they decided to take the Zig Forums redpill angle these last couple years.

common filth

A true visionary comrade.

Uhhhhhh, nahhhhhh.

Tim & Eric dude. They've straight up said their works are about the horror of late-capitalism. Eric Andre's new show, Mostly for Millennials, is also a lot more explicit about its jabs against neoliberalism. I might even venture to say that Youtube Poop, and certainly Vaporwave before it became as commodified as it is now, were humor-based critiques of modern life.

i haven't heard that name in like 6 years. what the fuck is carles up to these days?

just a satelite radio show now
100% not worth the money but I'm sure there are ways to listen in for free

Mostly for Millenials sucks ass. It's a total ripoff of The Eric Andre Show, and I know that some of the same people worked on the two shows, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't change things up for the new show.

tim n eric are libs you idiot

jason unruhe livestreams.


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tim is socdem now
lib or otherwise their shows do have scathing critiques of consumer culture, especially Tom Goes to the Mayor

also On Cinema at the Cinema is fucking brilliant comedy

so, he's still a liberal. no doubt pushing russiagate hysteria right now.

Off topic but ive always found Alan Resniks work on Adult Swim and the "Infomercials" Series pretty good Surrealist / Dark-Humor takes on American Capitalism even if un-intentional

Isn't MDE just shitty Tim & Eric?

Idk if Tim & Eric are really left, but they generally mock consumerism and shit like that.

This is such an astoundingly out-of-touch take that MC Hammer could write a song about it. How you even managed to interject that Tim Heidecker was a liberal without actually knowing anything about him is a mystery.

I fucking love Alan Resnick and the rest of Wham City, Unedited Footage of a Bear is easily one of my favourite [as] infomercials.
Here's a link in case any of you haven't seen it yet:

You can say whatever the fuck you want about the Rest but UFAB is a clear dramatization of the American Prescription abuse epidemic caused mainly because of For-Profit Lobbying and Opiod Crisis

Wonder Shozen covered a lot of the same topics as MDE a decade before.

"Who did I exploit today? Eh, I didn't really get the chance to exploit anyone today."
I like this guy. He's at least more honest than all the other porkies.

If we set aside Tim and Eric's personal lives and just analyze the show itself this user is correct about it basically being Left MDE. I mean MDE probably wouldn't have even existed if it wasn't for Sam Hyde attempting to just do T and E but for fascists

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2nding for wonder showzen, it's like if MDE didn't take itself so cocksucking seriously and was actually smart:

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He's a fucking liberal, look at his twitter.

T&E skits do nothing to promote class consciousness or militant class organization, in comparison MDE does a lot to promote false consciousness/"racial awareness."

Xavier Renegade Angel

I second these. Anything by PFFR usually is a parody of American culture and consumerism/“late capitalism”.

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T&E is a phenomenal show regardless, amusing as hell and has a nice left spin.

There was also a weird mixture in MDE where it would make fun of right wing beliefs yet simultaneously market itself to fascists/rightards
Sam Hyde's humor is just really meta, true post-modernism

That one album they did, United We Doth, is pretty good too.

MDE actually reminds me of the weird abstract, avant-garde futurist stuff that was popular with the early fascists. It is creative for sure.

Yeah, Wonder Showzen is great

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tim heidecker is in the Democrat Cops of Americaand always retweets their shit

The problem is online leftist needs to get their audience from somewhere and they often try leach off of other online 'leftists' like contrapoints or hbomberguy so they try to appease their liberal sensabilities. Every day these people and their audiences prove the right correct about every stereotype they have of the left. Take for example the amount of people that will complain about ableism if you call something retarded. Rather them taking part in the the justfied rage at the system or reactionaries these people will deflate any movement with their need to be 'nice'. Fuck niceness and fuck the people that try to appease these betas. No one will repect you if you bow to every demand of the most emasculated people on the planet. They aren't revolutionaries they're internet slacktivists at best. We need more Unruhes and less Mukes.

you're fucking stupid, it is ableism and if you don't have enough integrity to NOT call things "retarded" even when you know deep inside that it's not right then you're part of the problem. there's difference between calling for anti-idpol attitude (which obviously is correct) and just shilling for "lack of niceness" through calling something retarded just because you can (because fuck those sjws even if they have good intentions!!! that'll show them!!!!!) like a true reactionary would. rethink your life, idiot


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The only type of ableism I care about is the type that has actual material consequences to disabled people, like not being able to get health insurance because they have a precondition, not shit that hurts peoples feelings because they have mild autism and can't take getting made fun of online. Most of time they aren't even the target of the joke and just get offended because you used a mean word.

I used it specifically to signal that I'm not an idpol promoter and also because it doesn't have the same connotation (calling someone an idiot, stupid, fool whatever is just acknowledging disdain for other person's intellectual capacity whereas "retarded" refers directly to someone's disability. there's nothing wrong with the first)

I don't see how that changes anything at all, if anything you being aware that people are incapable of understanding that you don't even want to offend them should give you a pause. people don't take an offense because you call them retarded, but because, well, they are and you use it as an insult against them because of that specific condition

have you never gotten into an argument online where you just started suspecting that person you're arguing with might be actually disabled in some way and decided to just drop the topic leaving them in their own foam at the mouth? because situations like that exactly taught me what compassion is and that not calling someone things they probably deserve for their behavior is probably the better option. it's not even that it's not right, but calling an average Zig Forums user a retard or whatever is like kicking a puppy

2nd paragraph meant for obv

fun fact: the word "stupid" used to mean the same exact thing as "retarded", but regular people changed its connotations through slang, just like what's happening to retarded now.
then self-loathing white guys in lab coats created the word "retarded" with the old medical connotations stupid once had, but again in the 21st century we see people adopting it still.
my point with this story is that liberals waste too much time trying to control peoples attitudes and behavior rather than addressing the structure that generates it themselves, and it will always fail.

it is not, chanspeak doesn't count
just because general populace adopts it doesn't mean it's the correct thing to do, quite the contrary usually
whereas this isn't false at all, you're missing the part where it's not one or the other and you DON'T have to disregard the other just because you pick up the essential part especially since those attitudes won't magically disappear after abolishment of capitalism (assuming you care at all, which you clearly don't and that's where lies the problem. try to guess what attitude was the source of capitalism itself)

Personally I think we should go back to using mongoloid, the proper scientific terminology.

You must be a major social outcast if you think using "retarded" as a pejorative is just chanspeak. It's completely mainstream.


Sam looks like ⛏️rotsky in that vid.

he's nihilistic because the right wing are at the bottom of the societal totem pole. there isn't a lefty sam hyde. it isn't possible.

nice projection, but I literally said that in the next line. irl "retard" is a diffrent thing entirely and only its usage on here can arguably have a different meaning (it doesn't) such as calling someone autistic. btw I'm not a burger nor even from the anglosphere and yes, I do believe that makes my arguments more valid as I've come to my conclusions through analysis and outside observation and not just through muh everyday burger life

aren't you supposed to shitpost at halfchan? see yourself out, kid

Maybe Jason Unruhe would fill that role if he decided to finally pull his head out of his arse

i don't give a fuck about ableist insults but the word retarded is for teenagers, it's on the same level as faggot, it's just edgy for the sake of being edgy. Some of you have to leave ur 4chan days behind

just depends on the context. Communists should avoid most kinds of insulting language and cursing in public conduct, but saying "retarded" in normal conversation is not just a high school thing, it's normal language.

This wonder showzen did MDE first and better

Wouldn't call it leftist but it is in fact funnier and even more insane than MDE

Both of these words are so common that most people don't really find them offensive. The word "faggot" has even become a general insult instead of an epithet for gays.

Sam Hyde is left wing, read between the lines, how he despises consumerism and the modern education system that turn people into piggy slaves.


A leftist show would have to go full ☭TANKIE☭ with "Pol Pot did nothing wrong" jokes to be as provocative and edgy as MDE and obviously no one would ever air that. Although I definitely could see Unruhe filling that niche if he ever becomes self-conscious

On the other hand MDE is just Wonder Showzen but with nazi retardation so there's that.

Sam Hyde is an unfunny moron. He's internet cancer.

I watched one recent MDE video where he was that other MDE guy's antique shop and the antique guy went on this rant about how he tried to manipulate this Hollywood producer by buddying up to her on Facebook and offering her car buying advice, and then didn't get a job in Hollywood out of the deal. And he was sitting there furious and saying "you cunt! I'm not trying to be 'friendly.' I wanted something out of you!"

And then images of this producer's personal information flashed on the screen. And I thought: these guys are scumbags and creeps.

You got a link?

stop being a faggot then, fag

But seriously normalizing those insults and saying that their meaning changed is post-modernism as fuck so stop doing that, if you're going to say it accept it's meaning.

MDE highlights one of the many issues with extremely ironic humor. It is almost universally constant that any humor which treads so close to the irony event horizon will eventually develop a following of unironic full-fledged believers. For similar phenomena see how the ironic Trump supporters on pol became unironic cousin fucking boomers or how my little pony developed an autistic nerd virgin cult. It is just too fucking dangerous to be that ironic.

IDK why MDE gets flak for being 'conservative'. I think much like cum town, they have a lot of alt right fans. I don't think Sam Hyde or his bros are actually themselves alt right. They have a video saying you should murder bankers in the streets for their crimes. I know there's nothing inherently leftist about that but we don't really have anti-capitalist reactionaries in the USA any more. Anyway I think they just aren't willing to censor themselves and therefor get lumped in with the alt-right who do it too.

I have been trying to cut back on the shilling but honestly is there a better guy for this job?

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Comes in the latter half of this I think:

What would you consider Jim Profit's ideology? He is my favourite leftist. lol. Marxist-Nihilism?

Everyone should watch Wonder Showzen

his ideology is "spam Zig Forums with my own face with a stache flag lol"
he's incel gang now

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He is pro Incel but anti moderator is still his primary line of struggle

And everyone wonders why the fuck we're losing


Xavier has an entire episode dedicated to making fun of anarcho-communists though

he's right

Leftists are humorless, there is no alternative that is not entirely derivative or merely low-minded mockery of greater humorists. This is incidently why leftypol has produced no great memes.


All you have is le porky capital man, who is really just a cryptojew. Prove me wrong leftoid

You are unread on the secrets of Posadism.

who the fuck cares about who has better memes? this is childish as fuck and convinces me even more that right wingers lack any political understanding and only care about having le epic memes. imagine if people in the past picked sides based on shit like helicopter memes or a fucking cartoon frog.

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They sort of did, they sort of always have.
A slogan/flag/emblem of yesteryear is no different than a meme.

The memes were just an example. MDE really was breaking new ground and occupied a unique place in contempory comedy. The leftist response is just bitter mockery like that one "satire" video on "alt-right" figures with faux Sam being disgusting or outright copies like that jew h3h3. Ted Kaczynski was right. Because lefties are so emotionally involved and uncannily fixated on strange ideal, they cannot help but miss the point of humor, and instead end up with mere propaganda and exploitation pieces.

>>>Zig Forums
and i never said we don't care about humor, the point i'm trying to make is that it's shouldn't be to focal point of ones political stance like it is for a lot of people on the right.

Why is it that you guys ban counter-semitism, anyway?

this is on par with people calling holocaust denial "holocaust revisionism". and why the fuck do you think we ban it genius?

I don't know, because Zig Forums is really just /antipol/? Nothing about criticizing jews is really exclusive to right-wingers. "Counter-semitism" is an example of humour btw.

He always looked like Bakunin to me.

XRA is universally good


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I may be responding to a troll here, but he clearly mentions Tim & Eric while your photo is a retweet of Eric Andre, a guy different from Eric from Tim & Eric.

Came here to post exactly this. It had a feeling of real leftism, not the fuck drumpf low effort shit. It addressed everything from the war in Iraq to factory farming, and the military industrial complex.

that is a tweet from a website literally called "libcom"

it was a good episode too

Watch the tap water sketch and also the knife school one. MDE is great, you're lying to yourself if you don't find it funny. Personally I think they're a lot funnier than wonder showzen, which only had a few good parts like 'beat kidz', didn't make anywhere near the amount of content that hyde & crew produce and didn't venture too far into anything 'outrageous', wonder showzen wasn't as brave or as creative, I still love it though and it must have been an inspiration.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

It's not a coincidence most elite are jewish.

and when they turn out to be non-jewish they are jew puppets, right?