I wrote an essay showing how the defendants in the Moscow Trials were guilty...

I wrote an essay showing how the defendants in the Moscow Trials were guilty, and now my teacher is trying to get me expelled.

In my Russian history class, my teacher wouldn't let me use Furr or the Finnish Bolshevik as a source, so I followed the advice of some people and just used the sources the Finnish Bolshevik. Now my teacher is accusing me of plagiarism. Its ridiculous, because I didn't copy anything, but she says I "used all the same sources as FB in the same order/structure" and "used the same quotations FB used". What the fuck? How can this bitch prohibit me from using someone as a source, then say I plagiarized them? I didn't. I paraphrased everything the FB used, except for quotes because they're fucking quotes. My liberal teacher just doesn't want me to get an education. how do I defend myself?

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Other urls found in this thread:


go up to the Dean and complain

Paraphrasing somebody else's work is kind of plagiarism m8, especially if you make all the same arguments and use the same sources. It's blurs the lines for sure, but you would have done better to maybe emphasize different aspects from FB, use arguments he didn't use, or look for alternative sources that he didn't use.

You absolute mad cunt.

lol madman you done fucked up boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

This is literally how grad research is done, it's called "raping the bibliography" or something like that. If anything, your only error wasn't raping more citations from other sources.

This is true however, you may have done a shit job. Why not post your essay and let us compare it to the FB vids you watched?

If you post it publically it will set off plagirizing software

On a Somalian car jacking forum???

I plagiarised Brendam Cooney on my SAT essay lel.

On an anonymous imageboard?
Just print the text doc as an image.

Dont take any unneccecary chances

Could work, or paste it to a hidden pastebin

You deserve it Bucko.

Just post the pdf with text disabled.

are you 14

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You can get away with contrarianism or intellectual dishonesty, but never both. If you had ripped off Robert Conquest you might have flunked the class on a first offense, but you could have escaped disciplinary action this extreme.

Thx comrade
I wanted to say it so much
Faggots believe wtvr staliNEETs on the internet tell them

youre so fucked lmao

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the funniest part is that if you hadn't specifically drawn her attention to finbol, you probably could have gotten away with plagiarizing it

I think that it's more important to defend the legitimacy of revolutionary violence than it is to focus on the fragmentary evidence still available concerning the innocence or guilt of communist party figures who have all been dead for 80 years. Defending Robespierre or even Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus accomplishes just as much when it comes to getting people to see past liberalism as playing state prosecutor does. Even if you were set on defending the USSR, you'd have a much easier time of it if you had focused on the executions of a less controversial group, like Dzerzhinsky's red terror against aristocrats, the tsar's cronies, and foreign agents of counter revolution.

I mean, that is plagiarism if you didn't cite him then paraphrased what he said.
Should have just used the sources Finnbol used, then added more sources while putting your own spin on it till there wasn't anything that could link you to FB. I would have especially avoided using the same quotations as him. Honestly, I feel it's kind of petty, but our education system is all about being anally retentive and petty, and you've got to watch your back when it comes to this type of thing when saying anything controversial.

I gave you a way to do it without plagiarizing finbol, You didn't listen me, so now you have to suffer.


Op don't read anything of thread than this!!

modern OCR can easily read pdf

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based tankposter

but cheat detectors don't run OCR on random shit posted on 8ch dumbass. anyway he couldn't be accused of plagiarism for it because he would have plainly posted it here.

OP still hasn't come back to actually clarify what he wrote. But yeah sound like he was a brainlet who was too lazy to write his own essay. Lesson to Marxists: follow the example of Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Be original and use thorough citations like they did.

Learn to write original thoughts.

Can you post your essay in .pdf at least?

Plagarism is GAY

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He showed how the defendants of the Moscow Trials were guilty. Now he himself is on trial and must defend himself.

So it goes, OP, so it goes the dance of history.

Denounce yourself and your crimes in front of the class. Say "I confess. I plagiarized the Finnish Bolshevik, and for that I have betrayed the class. Long live comrade teacher!" And then the teacher orders you taken away to Gulag.

It's like pottery.

THIS ISN'T FUNNY. you guys told me to use the Finbols sources without citing finbol, I did exactly that, and now I might get expelled because of this bitch teacher. do I need a lawyer? Someone on discord was saying I should set up a go fund me.

Where do you live? What kind of fucking place kicks you out for cheating?

We told you to use his sources, not copypaste a video of him into your essay. Why did you even told your teacher about communist youtubers?

I didn't copy-paste anything except quotes, because you can't paraphrase a quote!

Why would you even quote him?
da fuck?

Ok this one is tricky fam.
Make it politically motivated.

thanks for the laughs, OP

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Any form of higher education.

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i said it before, i'll say it again
anarkiddies and all you shits deserve every last bit of what's coming for you

Honestly OP, I'd just admit you screwed up and made a mistake because you didn't understand proper citation procedure. It may not be enough to get you off the hook for plagiarism, but if you make it clear it wasn't your intent, maybe they'll be lenient.

The fact that you even had to ask that shows you were already fucked.
Of course you can't cite a fucking Youtube video or blogpost

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I don't why, but I get the impression that this thread and the last one are probably some sort of troll getting a few laughs and screenshots of posts to be later used on a shitty jpeg.

Until OP posts the graded essay, I'm going to have my doubts.

The fact this is even a thread and that OP even posts here is proof this board is doomed.


Why? He’s probably a college student if he’s being threatened with expulsion assuming he’s legit. Don’t be mean and cynical towards young comrades who are trying.

Also, this is a work-safe board, so even if he’s underage b& I don’t think it really matters.

no LARPer would have the foresight to prepare a LARP 1 week ahead of time


I think you’re right.

the essay wouldn't be graded if the teacher recognized it was academic dishonesty.

OP absolutely should not post his essay here, because he could easily get doxxed with it, and his posts in this thread can be used as proof for his intent, which was to paraphrase everything finbol said using the same sources to make the same argument just without having to cite him.

i'm already on the case

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Don't forget the smug anime grills and enlarged pixelated green text.

I will spare no expense

It's only been a year.

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100 million years in paint. Left some free space, feel free to edit as you wish.


It does sound like you plagiarized quite a bit of it. I think the only thing you can really do is ask if you can resubmit the paper for a lower grade or something.

If she does fail you or try to expel you, you can appeal it. But probably you're getting ahead of yourself, no?

No he couldn't. All he has to do is not post his name on it.

Consider this: if the teacher is accusing him of plagiarizing FinnBol, it means that she was forced to watch FinnBol's videos to find the plagiarism. Congrats on redpilling your teacher OP.

This is also confusing to me. Does Finnish Bolshevik have a blog where one of his essays looks a lot like OP's?

How did she find his videos if he doesn't?

Were they all just in order in the description of the video and she just googled it?

OP, did you even bother reading FinBol's sources or did you just paraphrase FinBol and then cite his source next to the bit you took from him?

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oh right

From the other thread

OP, posting your essay would probably be hilarious. But it won't really help. Talk to your teacher and acknowledge that you are in the wrong, but did it unintentionally. I think worse case scenario - she gives you an F for the essay. Idk what grade you're in, but failing a class isn't a big deal in the long run - especially for fucking history class. It's really unlikely you get expelled for doing it imo.


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Holy shit lmao

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How long until they realize?

Idk but I would lose my absolute shit if this is also a copy pasta thread and we're all part of someone else's joke.

You had this coming, fam. You're supposed to do your own research and come to your own conclusions, not copy someone else. Even if you get lucky and manage to somehow not get expelled, you deserve to fail.

Any leftist who plagerizes isn't my comrade

Maybe, but I don't think most Zig Forumsyps even know who Grover Furr or FinnishBolshevik are to make a copypasta like this.

and Zig Forums says we can't meme.

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same, just instincts but it feels like a troll

kek, this is a good copypasta

it would take like a week to set up properly, because you need to first make a post asking for advice and responding positively to the ones saying to use banned source's citations.

Copycatting a post about being expelled for plagiarism, that's too good man

nah it only needs like a day since the whole premise is that he's a brainlet who procrastinates on his essays

Fuck whoever did this. Why did you have to ruin the fun?

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also, a more example would be something like the SA and Asserists were guilty of conspiring against Hitler rather than the absolutely retarded "Jews are criminals, Hitler was good", because the former could actually be an academic opinion, and would be acceptable for an essay (though it has just as much merit as the Moscow trial being fair). Hitler is good is not an essay subject.


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we to post this bait on r/socialism next.

as long as it doesn't bring any of them carousing over here, who cares


already made the initial bait post on communism101, hopefully it works and I can follow up in a few days.


Moments like this make me appreciate this board, even though it's terrible.

lol at all the Nazis on Zig Forums who think going to college is a jewish trap and are proud to have a highscool education.

if this isn't a troll, and you legit just copied the script from FB;
this is probably a good lesson for you to learn about writing your own papers.

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Brainlet spottet. The utopians and market socialists were a cancer on this board. The ☭TANKIE☭ infestation and hotpocketing isn't much better, but at least a few of them have read a little Marx