The hwite race took over the whole world, so they're the master race!!!

What's an easy way to dismiss this brain-dead argument?

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Tell them how da joos were the first white people and how they were bred from the jewish slaves in egypt, aka a fully black society.

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The fact that if there really was any truth to the genetic superiority of whites it would have manifested itself far earlier. Europe's period of unchallenged dominance really only began in the 19th century (really with pic related), and is already on the decline. Having only about 200 years of dominance in the 50,000 years since modern humans arrived in Europe isn't very impressive.

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point out that gringos live in the worst poverty in the richest country in the world lmao

We still need to take africa, south and middle america, and all of asia.


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dafuq is cara boya

Oh! Fuck the word filter!

deeply triggering and problematic
stands for
a n t i - w h i t e
And fuck the word filter once again!


The Han Empire was really the only "world empire" of Ancient times even remotely comparable in size and power to Rome. The Romans (and Greeks) also colonized North Africa and conquered the greatest African civilization on the continent. Personally, I've largely become convinced due to arguments presented here that Europeans and Asians belong to the same or very similar races.

By some measures, the Roman Empire was the most prosperous economy in the world in Ancient times but this was likely due to slavery imo

This is true but no other group of people has ever had such global dominance. In 1789, before the great European expansion of the 19th century, Europeans controlled 55% of the world's surface (including Russia) according to some "anti-eurocentrist" scholars. Even the 19th century decolonization of the Western Hemisphere which set back the Western steamroller was notable for the fact that its newly independent states were largely populated or lead by Europeans.

Even the Middle Ages, which were catastrophic for European dominance, saw big colonial drives into the ME, parts of Africa, and Greenland.

I see it differently. Even if non-whites were inferior to whites and at this point even many WNs have given up on alleged Asian inferiority other than >muh dick that still would not justify colonial oppression and discrimination.

This is could really only be justifiable in the sense that various modes of production developed by Europeans and types of thought associated with them were historically progressive. Muh blue eyes, muh Autism Level and muh pale skin are not grounds to justify imperialism. Furthermore, domination runs contrary to the principle of socialism and socialism is the new mode of production; imperialist capitalist, by contrast, is dying and sclerotic.

Btw I'm not a race realist and I feel that the racial egalitarians have mounted a good (but not perfect) case. But I like to say, well, so what? Marxism isn't actually egalitarian. If we had a socialist state and blacks couldn't compete with whites or asians in certain fields then that would be that. The principle of equality of opportunity under socialism doesn't' presuppose equality of outcome.

With genetic engineering and various types of transhumanist possibilities I think the whole race obsession is overblown. We've also learned that there are very few peoples on earth (living in almost complete isolation) who are racially "pure" and likewise it also seems that there's evidence that Lysenko (PBUH) wasn't actually wrong about the fact that genetics was far more flexible than Mendelian models presupposed.

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Point out that whites got lucky thanks to superior climate.
Remind them that Russians conquered Berlin in 1760 and Paris in 1814. Remind them about victories of Ottomans against brits and french and of Ethiopia against italy . Remind about successful uprisings against colonials overlords.

I guess the Western Europeans got better boats? It's hard to top a park your boat in the harbor strategy and blast a coastal city til they surrender and pay you tribute strategy..

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Ok… But my idea is this: everyone of us has a penis or a vagina. As long as we can join them and conceive children which then are able to reproduce themselves, it's all fine and dandy. I'm not telling that everyone should do it with a person - or persons - of a "race" different from their own or the same "race". I'm just telling this is one of the most retarded illusions ever. Immaculate conception in comparison is top rationalism. I mean, it could actually have been that aliens with superior technology landed in Judaea 2000 years ago and got a woman pregnant "immaculately". Who was the archangel Gabriel after all? An UFO, obviously!
I mean, I have a great-great-great-grandmother who was an Amerindian, yet I look quite like an average white. Basically, one of my great-great-great-grandfather went to Brazil, fucked with this woman I don't even know the name of, fuckin' anything about her life, even though I wouldn't exist today if she didn't… you get it. Then, the g-g-g-grandfather took the boy and got back home. The boy was called "negro" for the rest of his life. The boy was my g-g-grandfather.

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Semi-related question that I don't want to create a new thread for; how to refute that South Africa's current situation is caused by the end of apartheid and whitey's benevolent rule?

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You don't. But the racial shit is better explained by Marxism, which doesn't really refute it insomuch as it provides a better understanding of events.

When SA became a democracy and began to have black leaders, many began using whites as a scapegoat for many larger problems within capitalism (small number of profiteers looting poor people, police not enforcing the law against profiteers, foreign firms abusing workers etc) rather than fighting capitalism itself. We can see this in their land redistribution policy, which aims to correct Apartheid by taking land from whites and giving it to blacks. This sounds great on paper but doesn't achieve much, as the means of production are still foreign imports and with the lifting of sanctions foreign firms came to control most industries. It's these firms that cause the most corruption since they have so much money compared to white farmers, and more importantly they operate behind a larger shield of international treaties and markets while white farmers live near their workers.

It's little surprise that these firms have not had their operations touched in any way, meanwhile SA's government is considering just taking farmers' land without any compensation. Should this occur as it did in Zimbabwe, it will cause capital flight to all the surrounding countries (except Zimbabwe) who will gladly accept the educated, literate and skilled economic refugees. Zambia is one such example, as Zimbabwe fell apart Zambia took in farmers which caused their yearly food production to grow to the point where they are a net food exporter. Likewise, look at SA's nuclear power programs. All of them are either joint operations with Israeli companies or contract with Israeli firms in some way. This happens because Israel needs a source of highly enriched Uranium, and SA's government just so happens to have a power plant which produces it. As a result of this questioning Israel is completely off limits within SA's government, because Israeli firms pay lots of money.

And again, this is all an expression of Marxist thought not social darwinism. SA's blacks are stupid due to colonialism yes, but they remain stupid because their government embraces capitalism and fights farmers instead of capitalists. Blaming SA's problems on white people is probably justified, but it's not the white people who live in SA that cause problems, it's the ones who live overseas that run companies like BHP or Rio Tinto.

you can't

you're simply inferior, stay salty

The Dothraki fear the poisoned water khalesi

That and castles.

Well, if the h'white don't do then us chinks will do it.

And we won't be so nice lol

Ask them why they are so proud of having the backs of their ancestors broken by some fags in crowns who wanted more resources and backs to break. Colonial era wasn't a time period where the huwhyte race was united in arms and spirit on a Europa Universalis tier mission to paint the world

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You might also notice that countries like uk and france had feudalism that lasted almost thousand years, and after end of feudalism it had 18 hour work day and child labor. You might also mention whites that have been enslaved by other whites like the Irish or Scotts. History is very much grey.

Serfdom isn't slavery ya fucking weapon.

Re-read my comment at least nine more times, baboon.

You are either being na idiot and implying that the Irish and Scots (one t btw) under English landlordship under serfdom was slavery, or you are being a fucking retard and perpetrating the white nationalist "irish slaves" myth.

In Britain British were serfs while Irish and Scott for a long time were slaves.

Scotland and Ireland was invaded, raided and latter occupied many times, of course there were Irish slaves, you retard. Whites enslaved whites long before colonialism. Denying this fact is americentric view which implies that the only time irish were slaves were in USA, and not even before the country was founded.

The Irish slave ships are a made up fairy tale by racist people.

You goddamn americant idiots, I am talking about Medieval times, or are you faggots going to denny Romans enslaving Gauls and Germans too???

I am not talking about irish slaves in America I am talking about irish slaves before America was discovered by columbus

yes, in the period since the fall of the roman empire and up to the 12th 13th century slavery was relatively commonplace

Yes and after that it was replaced by feudalism and then it was replaced by wild crapitalism when children worked for 10 to 18 hours a day.


if they are slaves, then yes

if they are indentured servants, then no

White people are genetically predisposed to being natural cucks.

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Not even humoring it.

This argument is shitty for sure.
But white and asian are superior due to their advanced intellect. This is a fact and you cannot disprove it.

Whites have developped empathy, meaning that they are less barbarous than other races ? It contradict a bit with the fact that they have taken over the world doesn't it ?

not him but my joke theory is that we killed off the most aggressive and homocidal men in the world wars. Thats why american whites are more retardedly aggressive than european whites and why japanese people are similarly effeminate and compassionate.

If race was a large factor in societal development, you'd expect a 'superior' race to dominate more or less consistently, yet you don't find that in history. European domination didn't properly occur before the industrial revolution, and can be explained without the use of race whatsoever - namely by way of specific institutional and political developments (basically coincidences due to the huge number of factors involved in the long-term political development of any one country or region).

You could write several books explaining why Europe came out on top, which is why most serious scholars do exactly that. If a person tries to ascribe the historical development of the world by way of one factor like race, you can rest assured that they're likely a complete fucking brainlet (or a lying demagogue) and not worth listening to. Tell them to read a book or something.


How about the fact that Western European culture is just one big LARP of Greek and Roman culture? But maybe Greeks and Italians are white now. I can't keep up.

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On that note, about the question of who and who isn't "White," hit them with the Ben Franklin. I've had great success with Franklin posting on 4Pol.

[W]hy should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our Settlements and, by herding together, establish their Language and Manners, to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs any more than they can acquire our Complexion?

Which leads me to add one Remark, that the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny; Asia chiefly tawny; America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians, and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who, with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we, in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? Why increase the Sons of Africa, by planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

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Why do leftists fetishize non-Europeans while hating Europeans even if they themselves are Europeans?

Do you understand that European global domination is only a small part of history and that race has only so much to do with it as you let it be?

In other times I'm sure the blacks wuz kangz and dominated whitey. So don't worry.

If you want to get you don't have to drag us all with you.