Is the Democratic Party irredeemable?

Is the Democratic Party irredeemable?

Honestly, at this point, they deserve another loss to Trump, and even then they probably wouldn't learn shit.

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To me they serve one real purpose:
moving them to a progressive enough point that they may attempt reforms on the US electoral system to where third parties will be viable.

Uh oh looks like we have another ☭TANKIE☭ virgin on our hands. Give up your stupid incel power fantasy and admit that electoral politics are the only way to socialism. If democrats are so bad how can you explain the progressive tidal wave that is Ocasio-Cortez? If you don't care about socialism, then sure give up on the democrats.


your path forward is nazbol entryism in the GOP

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No, its not redeemable, and there's a simple reason for it: unlike opportunist soc dem parties like the British Labour Party, the Dems are not a party based in unions and the working class movement.

The Dems aren't even at the point of being what Lenin called "a bourgeois labor party" because its straight-up run by capitalists in their interest.

Sam Williams pointed this out in a footnote in his most recent post:

Although I regard Democrat Cops of America as little more than an arm of the Democratic Party, I think it has more potential to serve as an actual labor party than the Dems but even that is unlikely.

No more redeemable than the Republican Party. Thankfully the Democratic leadership is so out of touch and entrenched they'll alienate and radicalize people who actually want change.

Redeemable, no.
Useful for furthering socialist or social democratic ideas, yes.

As in furthering I mean introducing or using them as a platform, not for actually having socialist policies.


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In its current form no, but socialist should make use of all avenues available to them, including electoral politics. Unfortunately the Democratic Party is going to be a part of that, and so socialists should be working, if not to drive the Clintonites out wholesale, then at least to create a strong socdem/demsoc opposition within the party that could work with independents to further socialist goals.



But, the electoral politics is the best advertising platform for political movement. Imagine what type of national media outcry there will be if a self-claimed Leninist got elected to even the tiniest position.

The guy in your picture did not agree with rejecting all participation in bourgeois elections, btw.

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No clue. Probably.

The rank-and-file who make up a lot of voters? I don't think so. But the party is very old and has a "way" of selecting its leaders, and like a self-licking ice cream cone it perpetuates itself. You go to an Ivy League university, get a law degree, don't get into too much trouble, and work your way up through the party, its associated institutions, charitable foundations and the activist-NGO groups. A case in point is someone like Obama whose whole life was on this upward trajectory. This class also has a certain "professional" / TED Talk manner of speaking which is like a modern version of the old quasi-British "Mid-Atlantic" accent that was the calling card of the old American elite.

This goes way back. It's the oldest party in the world. It's also not quite accurate to say (as some Democrats do) that they "switched places" with the Republicans. White conservatives who used to comprise one of the Democratic Party's tentpoles switched to the Republicans, but the Democrats still have a lot of continuity with their past. Reports of the party's demise are premature I think.

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If you change 99% of the Democratic Party's policies, it's redeemable.

Slightly edited this chart to show America's four political quadrants.

Basically the Democratic Party (and its Ivy-educated elite) have screwed the pooch with their right-wing economic policies. Who are they going to convince? The "socially left / economically right" demographic is not much of a thing. It's a concoction. Libertarians don't really exist. The Libertarian Party, which usually scores a few percentage points in national elections, is more a repository for protest votes than an actual party. Most self-described libertarians vote Republican because they have conservative social values. The moment their party got into power they put on their Pinochet hats because that's what they are.

The Republican Party is divided nearly down the middle on economics, which is their weakness (that's called a "wedge,") but are brought together by their social views. Also: racisms. Trump was a Democrat most of his life and went leftward – relatively speaking – on economics during his campaign. He bullshitted his voters but he wasn't up there like Ted Cruz arguing for entitlement reform. Instead of saying he was going to cut the deficit. Trump said he "loves debt" and wrapped it all up in a national-protectionist package.

The fact that there's a lot of voters with left-wing economic views and they're voting for the GOP is a goddamned disaster for the Democrats and they have no one but themselves to blame.

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Socially left, economically right people don't exist outside of leafy suburbs and edgy college clubs for rich kids. (Example: DC Beltway)

America was made for Nazbol

They're pretty much a necessary evil if the left is to survive in the US, we're far too small and weak a movement currently to survive a potential authoritarian rightwing government which would say seek to ban public protest or socialism in general.

no, but the Democratic party can be used as a means to introduce people to socialism. A transitional party, introduce them to Social democracy, Demsoc and so on.

Both parties serve the interests of capitalism. If they could at all be subverted they wouldn't have influence

They're not even good at capitalism and any European country could tell you that. Blindsided by devotion of the IDEA of capitalism over applicable market strategies and social commentary what you're left with is a no win situation where no side is happy bourgeois or lumpen

Which is the case as there is no proletariat to speak of in the U.S. both given the standard of living and lack of utility or production.

If you asked me which one was the lesser evil that's difficult to answer as in practice Republicans are not alt right and Democrats are not sjw.

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the absolute state

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so will the democratic party move left, or will the republican party die, the democrats become the standard rw party again, and a new left faction will form?

If this was true, those parties would've stopped existing by now.

If there is big enough a backlash from Trump and his way of doing things the Republican party would have to rebrand itself to be more pro LGBT and for helping minorities. If that happens the Democrat party will be forced to move more economically left because they already have the other stuff covered.

No, but I think they are the best chance we have of ever getting single payer healthcare. That would literally be life changing for me personally.

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That's just what they say to pretend they aren't the same racist faggots who founded the KKK.

No their policies really did change over time for both parties and that caused a shift of voters moving from one party to another at various points in time. The KKK moved to vote Republican when in past before the shift they voted Democrat.

If any party dies it'll be the Democrats. A deep split in the party has emerged since 2016 and it's just getting worse because the leadership pretends it isn't happening. The old guard is deeply wedded to the Washington consensus politics of unlimited military spending, austerity, and recently wacky conspiracy theories about Russia. They'll go down with the ship before they hand it over to neophyte social democrats.

I actually have people on the inside who like me so I went to the debates of my state cause I might be propped up for elections in 2020.

What i discovered is Democrats ARE FUCKING BORING they're just as imperialist and capitalist as Republicans but have to go about it in this stuffy pseudo intellectually quaf way and that's why they lose.

Republicans just jingle shiny keys in their bases face. Getting rid of Mexicans, getting rid of abortions, Trump good, Trump personally gave this candidate a hand job.

What are Democrats doing? All sitting like they're ready for a visectomy and being scolded got applauding when someone shows even a remote level of emotion. Look formality works in the war room discussing what country to bomb next but in the public you need a professional wrestler. And we need a good heel wrestler. I'd be perfect for that.

I'm gay

Imma Impose my Steven Universe upon the world taxing hetero married couples more and one child birth rates.

A literal war on Christmas. Take away church tax exemptions, non-profits tied to religion get tax too. No Gods or Kings, only me motherfucker.

Imma offer you all free shit at the expense of women and baby boomers

I wanna basically make all criminal justice a slap on the wrist

And that's what would win. Because as conservatives RRRREEEEEE and say this is the end times, that I'm crazy and a literal demon who hates white heterosexual Christians… I just jack off right to the Senate or even White House.

But no. Dems won't do that. They're just gonna try to shame people further "how drull these commoners are! They drink red wine instead of Rose'!!!" Which I'd market that too as the rich can eat my ass and these DINOs need to get the fuck out of my party and go extinct like the real DINOs

Because evolution Is real.

And im the perfect biological organism from said evolution.

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