Demsoc general

This thread is a general for democratic socialists.

Keep it civil please and keep shitposting to a minimum

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>>>Zig Forums

Leftlib keynesian coop economy with land value tax gang

I’ve heard democratic socialists argue that they are real socialists but that they merely believe in the possibility of being socialism through parliaments. I have to ask, what reason do you have for thinking this is possible? And what makes a democratic socialist party more democratic than a Leninist one?

What does this actually mean? Reformist socialist (I like this term, I think both sides can agree on it), Bernie style SocDem, or generic socialist with a "democratic" qualifier added to distance yourself from historical ML regimes?

The first and third ones.

The fact that it happened in Chile and Spain, the only problem was that the socialist governments failed to prepare for the counterrevolution. Seizing power isn’t the hard part, keeping it is, however it seems to me that that situation is the same regardless of how you achieve power.

Not a demsoc btw, but I do believe that socialism through reform is possible.

GULAG general

Democratic Socialism is as childish as anarchism

If you need violence to stop a counter-revolution then how it follow that socialism can come through reform. The case of Chile would seem to show that even the best intentioned reformist democratic socialist revolution inevitably leads to violent class war. If Allende and his regime had succeeded he would be denounced as a dictator to this day.


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Demsoc mainly refers to a means of achieving power. Stopping a military coup to protect a democratically elected government isn’t prohibited from the demsoc doctrine.

Would demsocs ban right wing parties and media outlets? Would they purge uncooperative civil service members?

Idk I’m not a demsoc, but they are basically doing that in Venezuela so it’s certainly possible.

70% privatized economy gang

To be fair it’s hard to tell whether you can call the PSUV demsoc or socdem, since we don’t really know whether or not they intend to further socialize the economy. I think at this stage they are just concerned with managing the current crisis.

Or Marxist Leninist


socdem gang ww@

Brainlessly repeating a four year old statistic from wikipedia gang

shitposting flag


What exactly is demsoc? Achieving socialism through elections?

It also allows the free market to still exist while still giving help to those who need it

eat shit and die faggot

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For me it's a propaganda tool until the conditions are ripe for a true communist movement. It's not bad to push for anti war and imperialism, health care and worker rights just because it won't lead to revolution. A true marxist should actually care about people and do what helps people the most, despite the principles of being in opposition to the bourg society.

I mean DemSocs like Allende are alright, sometimes it's too hard to set up a revolution, but if the Socialist party wins the election they have to arm the proles and go all in against the reactionary opposition, you can't be acting all nice as a left wing party.

Allende is literally 1 out of ten tho.
People who call themself demsoc are more like bernie.

Socdems in imperialist countries are inherently traitorous, the worth of "socdems" in colonized or imperialized countries can be easily measured by how much the imperialists try to launch a coup against them. If they try a coup, it's a good sign that they are the real deal and can be trusted.

DemSoc in the streets

Egoist in the sheets

Everything is going to be dead in about 70 years ( or sooner ) and opportunism is fun, so you might as well.

Consider the possibility that revolution isn't coming, comrades.

There are so many reasons why it might be impossible.

The state might just be too strong, too omnipresent. Complete control of media, education from the ground up, a massive surveillance apparatus- and these are recent developments.

There have been a lot of attempted revolutions in the USA. Every organization that even talks about it is smashed by secret police. The IWW got it during World War 1. They almost doubled their membership every 3 years between 1908 and 1917, and there was a General Strike in Seattle that locked the town down for a week.


Same thing with the panthers, with the weather underground, with the communist party.

Besides the strength of the state, there is also the very real possibility that no one wants a revolution. They might just be too comfortable. The average american is brainwashed from birth, spun up in a ball of algorithmicly tailored content, and too tired to care about anything but how they'll get their next paycheck.

They don't care.

So, if we can't organize around overthrowing the government, how do we work within the existing apparatus?

Attempt to wield the state as a weapon until it reveals its class character and they attempt to overthrow the current government.

There was a corporate plot against Roosevelt, and he was only implementing a rather vanilla social democratic platform.

The plan that I'm proposing will almost certainly result in a coup, either by the military, bourgeois class, security state, or very likely the combination of the 3.

Basically, we need candidates who run for office and go hard to the left. Engage in real left populism, don't debate fair. Play to hearts, not minds, with policy backing it up. Talk about economic anxiety, and tell them the cause in no uncertain terms. Be willing and patient to explain to people how everything is structured, with sources.

We build a party (DSA) that can build dual power in communities as well as put forward candidates, and partner with other radical organizations as well. It's important that we be ready to replace the state, and be ready for the inevitable coup resulting from leftist policies.

If we harness common unrest against the neoliberal order into a political movement that gives us a controlling share of government, we can implement a radically left agenda. Call a constitutional convention, ban profit. Implement an aggressive version of the Meidner plan. Just start nationalizing everything. Change the structure of the economy, removing the corporation entirely.

Or get, like, 30% of the way there and get coup'ed. Idk. Maybe there won't be a coup? Maybe there won't be a revolution? If there is, then having more people already know what socialism is would be a good thing. Democrat Cops of America is local, not national, and a lot of chapters are doing good as far as having an actual presence. Some even have guns. It's not great, but it is the fastest growing.

Idk fam. Beats sitting around shitposting all day.

That explains why Lenin Moreno is such a piece of shit

I really believe in an internal strong democracy in socialism, but not while the revolution and not just for the sake of democracy itself. My lesson from syndicalism is that it should be more work field-related to prevent decisions from people who doesn't contribute to the question that is asked. Does that count?
I dont trust most of those 'demsocs', they're mostly socdems in denial or fishing for leftist votes. Corbyn is different tho, or at least trustworth.