Be an edgy ☭TANKIE☭

is he right? Has socialism been hijacked and morphed into some ugly form of authoritarian state Capitalism under the guise of ""socialism""?

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jfc this really is ☭TANKIE☭ central. You guys are right, you're more intelligent than Chomsky.

I love that pic. America must be the only place on earth where people on welfare can become morbidly obese.

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Sage isn't a dislike button OP

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that's what happens when your diet consists of nothing but processed sugars and fats.

the USSR wasn't "state capitalist", barring the NEP

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go on and tell me about all the worker controlled mop in the USSR

So apart from Chomsky’s shit praxis of doing nothing but vote for the democrats, why do people hate him again? I always thought he had good critiques of US imperialism, military industrial complex, wage slavery, media indoctrination, etc.

Not OP btw.

I have been to america before. They literally put metals in their baked goods.
That place is fucked.

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Imo being shit in one are doesn’t deserve wholesale hate.

He condemns most successful revolutions as right wing deviations led by power hungry thugs.

Didn’t he endorse the Vietnamese and Cuban revolutions? And also that just sounds like standard anarkiddie purism, I don’t know why it deserves the level of hate he gets. I also think it’s important to criticize any project calling itself socialist from the left.

Read Parenti

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Gee DPRKanon, how come the BO let’s you post TWO Yuris?

The aforementioned purist anarchism doesn't mesh well with telling people to vote for the blue colored war party.

I don't doubt Chomsky is intelligent, however that doesn't mean his views are correct. There are intelligent people that are creationists.
Go listen to Michael Parenti.

Honestly I think that’s more of a sign of his resignation of the terrible state of the American left. Most communist parties are LARPing memes, and demsoc/socdems are only experiencing a recent resurgence, so for a long time just voting democrat seemed like the only way to do anything somewhat relevant. Not defending it as a strategy, just saying I can see how a person could become resigned to that.

googel boogchin :DDDDD

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I mean, he's not wrong. There are some ML's that I rather like, and most western propaganda about the USSR is total bullshit, but the whole "vanguard party" crap is just begging to be abused
Then again I'm just some dumb anarkiddie so I'm probably biased.

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Yep, this one's going in my weak leftist memes folder

Vanguardism as a concept is fine imo, it’s execution was pretty bad though. The party structure itself was quite undemocratic, the ban on factions effectively shut down dissent, and democratic centralism was abused by the party leadership to further restrict opposition. The vanguard party and democratic centralism are essential for a successful revolution, but they need to remain accountable to the rank and file membership, as well as dissolve itself after taking power.…
I don't know if 8ch changed or something, couldn't find delete post button

Stop right there you fuckin radicals. We just need to make Capitalism fairer. Ok???

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Holy fuck this image and that interview will never fail to make me mad.

lmao wtf and this is the guy these anarkids look up to?

What went wrong?

There's your first problem. There are various other socialists/ communists who are critical of the USSR, and offer better criticism than calling Lenin and Stalin being crypto-fash. Texts might include Goldman's 1"My Two Years in Russia, Berkman's "The Russian Tragedy", or Pannekoek's "State Capitalism and Dictatorship and/or Lenin as Philosopher"

Parenti, though I think his criticism of an-syns not being able to maintain a revolution is bullshit, gives a far more nuanced view of the Soviet Union. Yes, what the USSR did in some cases was fucking despicable, but the important part is to understand WHY they did the things they did. I think there's plenty of criticism to level against the USSR that is valid, but Chomsky should be taken with a large grain of salt.

Sauce? Last time I checked he was in support of them, albeit if this was the case, wasn't this due to the Sandinistas mistreatment of the Miskito indians?

He doesn't suck Lenin's cock so he's bad

Graeber is a known charlatan who admits himself that bartering exists between different tribes.


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Honestly I would think if one was going to convert from ML it would be because they stumbled across Dauve or something else thats intellectual, Chomsky is just so basic. Most of the ancom userbase on this board and Zig Forums doesn't even like him

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because they're contrarians and he's popular or because he's actually basic? People do the same shit with Zizek, granted he's a madman- there's a contrarian streak where you pretend to dislike popular trendy philosophers.

I mean, even on this board (at least for most of its history) the actual actions of the USSR were frequently despised. Even now, it's mostly a symbolic counterbalance which was better than the propaganda would have you believe and btfo Hitler. I mean, there are more people here who unironically love the USSR now than there probably were before, but socialism by-and-large is not still stuck on USSR worship. It's pretty unambiguous that the USSR never realized Marx's goals and maintained itself as a pseudo-capitalist not-quite-socialist authoritarian worker's state.

But then most socialism* today is actually socdems anyway. By-and-large, this is the current "hijack," most socialists today afaik don't want to emulate the USSR. And I actually think it's better this way - but the narrative ought to be taken back from socdems, just not necessarily handed off to MLs. A lot of people don't even know what socialism is or how it would (and wouldn't) work.

Right, but the Miskito Indian meme was a meme invented by the Reagan administration to slander the Sandinistas.

Plus, it's an interview with Reason and his answers come across as just pragmatic and soft. A lot of libertarians can't get past tone.

Yeah, he did.

He'd later go on to create his own theory and praxis: communalism as a result.

Human rights violations are still human rights violations. I know Reagan is in no position to be trustworthy and he was a titan of propaganda, but it is undeniable that the Sandinistas treated the Miskito indians was pretty shit tier.

Here's a source from a sympathiser of the Sadanistas who offers some pretty good criticism of them as well as how they fucked up in regards to the Miskitos.

to >>>Zig Forums with this garbage.

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Does that mean that Debt the first 5000 years is bad? Cause I've been meaning to read that book for a year now.

It destroys itself within the first few paragraph in.

Fucking idiot.

Do you think this line of reasoning is clever or something? I forgot you need to prove you're more intelligent than a person to disagree with them. Garry Kasparov would probably score higher than Chomsky on an Autism Level test, so commies BTFO and yayy US imperialism I guess?

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Also he basically just says that people should be free to organize themselves however they chose, not that he personally endorses the existence of private property.

Read this, very good analysis of Chomsky:

yeah it's bad, just read Capital