So is this guy actually liked in Hungary or he needs to cheat everytime to win?

So is this guy actually liked in Hungary or he needs to cheat everytime to win?
I though hungary was the country that missed socialism the most, what the fuck?
Also why anti immigration parties gain so much traction in Eastern Europe? No one actually wants to stay there, not even natives.
I see nothing wrong with being anti immigrants considering the situation eastern europe is in but I still don't understand how they are ok with people privatizing everything as long as they are anti immigration

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He isnt liked simply viewed as better then the opposition
The "Left" opposition has been completely unable to capitalize on it
Also Dosent help that the Hungarian Commie Party Literally shills for Orban
In the 90s and 2000s discontent at the gutting of their countries and economies was funneled into Right-Populist Drivel like Orban to Prevent a Socialist Backlash
And some Places like Hungary Slovakia and Poland were straight up taken over by the catholic church
This while a general rule is not universally true
PiS (Ruling Party of Poland) Are Basically just SocDems who also Scream insane Catholic Conservative Social Rhetoric whove ive seen been called "Closet commies" by actual Polish Neo-Nazis
There is also Lukashenkos Belarus which maintains a very controlled state-Capitalist / SocialDemocratic economy

A lot of former Soviet Bloc countries miss socialism more in the sense of the economics and isolation of it, they largely could give a fuck about folks from other countries and in fact see it as an impediment to going back to the old days to help them

Not saying that Eastern Europeans are naturally like this, it's a result of the social conditions the USSR was forced into and then the social conditions created by going from the economics of Marxism-Leninism to Neoliberalism literally over night

completely irrlelevant, he'll never be outed ever. He's the most useful tool for German imperialism in eastern europe, he's an extremely useful asset to Merkel, one could even say "her bitch". Just look at some recent news, they're opening up BMW factory in the eastenr part of the country. He's only pushing anti-immigrant to get votes from old people. Considering the scale of the population decline, it's only a matter of time that the germans will fill their factories with cheap pakistani and nigerian workers, and he won't do anything about it, because he and his fuckbuddies will make hella cash off of those factories.

A great deal of Hungarians are functional illiterates and almost all of the media is owned by oligarchs close to Orbán. People are actually terribly afraid of migrants and Soros' plan to settle them into Hungary, sometimes I can hear them talk about it on public transport.

What you need to understand is that everyone in Hungary hates communists, even the communists themselves. We are not nostalgic for "actually existing socialism", but for the dictatorship. We used to have a strong internationalist labour movement but it was almost completely eradicated by the Nazis and Soviet during the second world war and any hope of it resurfacing was killed of in 1956.

Really? How so?

They are unironically red fasc‌ists. I'm not even joking.

I'm too tired to explain this another time. They're aligned with fascists. The PM would lay flowers on the graves of the fascist guerrilla who allied with the Nazis just to fight communism. Fuck off and stop idealising PiS. They're anti-leftist to the core.

Eastern Europe is pretty fucked tbh

Are you Hungarian? I don't know much about politics there, and I'd want to know how is this true, could you explain?

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Nah fuck off

I'm Hungarian, what do you don't understand?

Kill yourself retard.

I'm tired of liberals like spouting this retarded talking point.

It's a fact whether you like it or not.

No it's not and even if it was it's not a bad thing. No one gives a shit about marx, capitalism or whatever people just want to have something to eat.

How the communist party shills for Orban, also could you explain the state of communism there?

Not Hungarian. But in Poland, several students got busted for holding a reading session on Marx.

I guess that says it, the remainder body of 20th legacy is toxic. 21th century social/communism movement should wipe them out as well.

Time for a new international with brand-new theory! What could *possibly* go wrong?

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They frequently publish articles where they praise his policies, attack his critics, and their whole program is basically "Fidesz but done right and also red stars on buildings".

There's no communist movement here, or any other far-left. The communist party got 0,27% in the last election and it will only get worse as their voting base dies of old age. There are no anarchists, no anti-fascists or radical trade unionists.

But polls show most Hungarians think they lived better under socialism, the prolem is the abscence of a good communist party?

It's amazing how much of a deluded idiot you are :)

Nobody in former bolshevist-enslaved countries misses the judeo-bolshevist regimes that enslaved them.

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Whatever makes you sleep at night, amerimutt

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don't wanna agree with that knobhead, but people don't actually miss "socialism". In fact, the reason the cold war regimes are have such high approvements in Hungary is purely because of nostalgia, hungary's population is really really old, even by European standarts, so the opinions of old people distort the data. Because, you know, people don't actually remember what was bad about their childhood/early life, they mostly only remember the good stuff. Hell, my English teacher in high school had nostalgia for not being able to buy bananas in the store, really, it's that bad.
Undeniably, people lived slightly better in the 70's and 80's than in the 90's and early 2000's, but it wasn't all that much better, especially compared to now.

Shut the fuck up liberal

People in areas with low immigrant influx are anti immigration because they want it to stay the same, and know it will change if they don't vote almost single issue. It's a powerful pyscholgic impulse. It's not due to ignorance, education or not seeing how great Africans are up close. Same goes for England but liberal propaganda is 50 years ahead of Hungary and being nationalistic isn't a social negative like it is in England.
That is why demographics are changed so quickly in Western countries rather than slow integration. It's a fait accompli with no chance to reverse course. Hungarians have had a chance to see the results and why would they want it?

That's not what I asked. I even said I don't care about orban immigration policies. He's privatizing a lot of stuff and he cheats to win in a country were the socialist experience is seen as positive.

He is liked by between 30 and 40 % of the people. So he rigged the voting system in such a way that getting ~37 % of the vote brings him a two third majority in parliament.

Well a place gets fucked when over night a neoliberal revolution occurs and living standards fall 50 % and everything gets privatized

Also a negative score for Hitler and Stalin for failing to eradicate polish nationalism/statism