Fascists have turned me into a hyper-violent person, i'm afraid i will turn into a psycho ☭TANKIE☭...

Fascists have turned me into a hyper-violent person, i'm afraid i will turn into a psycho ☭TANKIE☭, i already believe in unironic gulags for reactionarys and torture. HALP

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Other urls found in this thread:

realhistorychannel.org/THE BAD WAR2apdfversion.pdf

It is 100% natural and nothing to be ashamed of.

get off the internet for a few days

I'm scared tho, sometimes i feel like just going out and killing them with a fucking hammer or something out of pure anger.

Yeah i'm gonna watch all my pirated movies and listen to pirated albums for a while. I'm getting back to uni soon so i have to become a normal person again

they are literally just a distraction so that nobody attacks the bourgeoisie.
a Zig Forumsyp would rather kill every single communist before they even think of threatening Israel or the Jews. don't be like them.

fascists should be slaughtered like feral dogs nonetheless

most can be converted after they feel their way of life is no longer being threatened.
the others are either an the psychotic or psychopathy spectrum and can ethically be incarcerated in a mental ward.

No, you were just always crazy and shit at reasoning.

personally i'm not interested in spending time or money to re-educate a bunch of disgusting savage fascist dogs. they will be irradiated like a tumor. not to mention they will undoubtedly side with the reaction, which means they'd have to be wiped out either way. the ones who do not organize we will send to alaska to clear land and build infrastructure.


this happened to me after moving to america. i'll say this though, i've realized walking around fucking angry all the time just made me goddamn miserable. you have to channel that anger into something productive, i hate to sound like a life coach, but otherwise you'll find yourself miserable like i did.

my condolences. what does one drive to do such a thing?

you never do take responsibility for your own behavior. you losers always blame it on anybody but yourselves.
this is why you'll always be losers.
keep larping faggots, like you could do anything but get rekt.

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it's because their country blows, so they come to suck the tit of our nation, like the parasite they are.
you should know, you're all parasites by nature of being leftists.

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thank you

it was for love

I hope your entire family gets fucking killed along with your white fatass

actually my original country is ahead of america by every measured metric. i can't believe there are fucking retards like you who have so much cum in their eyes they think america is a good place to live

falseflag detected

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If you believe in Concentration Camps, torture and genocide, you are a facist.

Seek help, by going to a church and confess your sins. Also try to reconnect with you mother and forgive her for the pain that she caused you growing up.

Jews run Global Capitalism and were responsible for Communism and the resulting genocides in Soviet Russia. Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, as far as jews are concerned. With jews you lose.

I pity your life, however you are very skilled at mental gymnastics, if only you read the right books

The scary thing is that most of the Altright were formerly Left. There is no reeducating them, since they are us.

re-education, political terror and killing counter-revolutionaries is not fascist at all, that is ridiculous.

the 4chan alt-right are just contrarians, however it went too deep with Obama and now there's no going back for em

Fucking lol, what dark fucking recess of your ass did you pull this from?

Most weren't even fucking "liberal".

This isn't an argument. Zionist Rothschilds control the federal reserve and the central banking institutions in the world. The first government of Soviet Russia was 85% jewish and they were responsible for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million Christians between 1920 and 1930. If you hate the wars being fought in the Mid-East for Israel, if you hate being a debt slave to jewish banks, if you hate genocidal religious ideologies, then you should stand and fight against jewish supremacy.

go eat shit then

It is chilling that you would replace the term genocide with 'reeducation'. But the left can't nitpick over the definition of 'facism' since you have overused and misused the word, for the last fifty years or more.

There is a huge shift away from liberalism in modern society. Look at antifa and how dumb they are, they are literally the dregs of society. Most normal people hate racism, and the Left is now the most racist political worldview. No, wonder liberals are saying 'fuck you'.

what the fuck

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Can you pack anymore undecipherable stupid into one post?

Read 'Hundred Years Together' by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Here's some more books for you to read;

"The Bad War" M.S. King  (banned by jewmazon)
"The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, and its impact on world history" E Michael Jones
"The Jewish Onslaught" Prof. Dr. Tony Martin
"Host & The Parasite" Greg Felton
"The jews and Moral Subversion" E. Michael Jones
"The Culture of Critique" Kevin Macdonald
"The Leuchter Reports- Critical Edition" Fred A. Leuchter, Germar Rudolf
"The Controversy of zion" Douglas Reed
" The Iron Curtain Over America" John Beaty
"The Six Million Fact or Fiction Sixth Edition" Peter Winter
"The Barnes Review" www.barnesreview.com
"MegaCaust" Michael Walsh

"Against Our Better Judgement- The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create israel"  Allison Weir 
"The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught about World War II"  M.S. King
Here: realhistorychannel.org/THE BAD WAR2apdfversion.pdf

actually i replaced concentration camp with "re-education" and "political terror and killing of counter-revolutionaries" as genocide. get it right fucky the clown

lmao there's no way you have read even half of those yourself retard

You need to get off the internet and look at yourself in the mirror for a few days

Liberals have become far-left extremists, saying that 'only White people can be racist'. Guess what? That's fucking racist. Stopping people from talking and getting them fired because you don't agree with them isn't liberal; it's discrimination.

Cry about it

we're not liberals

That's just wrong, the first government was 6% jewish
Wrong again, the Soviet population never dropped during that era and your death toll is absurd

What difference does it make, you're an violent authoritarian fascist.

I'm educated enough on the subject that I don't have to.

Says the guy who posted this;
Replace the words fascist with 'Jews' and then take a look at yourself in a mirror.

h o l y f u c k you are so dense they should study you for science, maybe we can line battleships with you or something

again, authoritarianism =/= fascism, get it through your fuckin head buddy.

i should say that i don't give a fuck about your moralism either so you should just drop that line of reasoning with me

Now if you would only apply a little bit of self awareness to this thinking.

Here's Putin saying otherwise.
I meant that the 1930s were inclusive;

3 or 4 years ago it all dawned on me. The popular belief in the "strong man" "powerful" "courageous" "might is right" right-wing is wrong. Its the biggest bullshit lie in politics. Put it all into perspective, from the revolutions of the past to the everyday beating and humiliation of right-wingers today. The right-wing is weak ass bullshit.

Today these people are crying about South Africa but not a single one of them can be bothered to fly there and help out while dozens of white male leftists join guerrilla armies in third world shit holes and brown nigger ghettos across the globe.

They are crying about Europe being invaded while their greatest show of effort against it was voting for failures (Le Pen) and traitors (Trump) to stop it, while leftist organizations do this cbsnews.com/news/president-obama-greece-protests-leftists-anarchists-police-tear-gas/
Leftists prep the molotovs, loot, shutdown and vandalize invading gentrifiers without hesitation. Leftists put in more effort into even the most petty things than the alpha ubermensch right does into the most important thing imaginable (genocide). The best nationalist organizations in Europe have been leftwing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETA_(separatist_group) The nazis and fascists don't count.

It really hit me that every stereotype and meme of the pathetic edgy right-wing Zig Forums loser was historically right. The reason OP feels this way may be out of fear but we really have nothing to fear. The right is nothing, their defeat is written in stone and in history, they are little men wearing big capes.

Do you have an actual argument or just childish insults? Are you suggest that the Left has become racist and sexists and religiousy intolerant? Because it is clear that it has.

It doesn't matter. The Liberal left is anti-authoritarian and as I stated before, you've abuse the word fascist to the point that it has become meaningless. You don't even know the definition of it, you see it everywhere you go.


You're so delusional, it's pathetic.
You're not the good guys.
Again, you should have a problem with this.
just leave at bs
Who lost the election? Also Macron is not really Left wing, by any stretch of the imagination, so that's hardly a win for your side.
This is all bad behaviour. You're literally as bad as the "Nazis" boogeymen you claim to hate.
As far as socialism goes the Not Socialist model is by far and away the best, which is why the jewish bankers declared war on Germany. Read;

The Left of the Political Spectrum is Liberal. The Right is Conservative. Liberals are Lefties of course. Communists are an irrelevancy and a failed political model that has ruined nations and cultures and cost the lives of in the region of 200 million people.

glad you asked

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Being Right-Wing means you accept the way things are because MUH HIERARCHY. From my interaction with Right-Wingers if it was the law that your wife would get fucked by porky they would do it.


Why shouldn't these parasites be punished? They've destroyed our Earth, destroyed the health of populations, waged wars and destroyed the working class. Why the fuck should we feel guilty for wanting them dead?

oh you said fascist and not Capitalist. Both deserve to be lined up and shot regardless

How come communism is so good then? If it was as great as you say then no one in Romania, Soviet Union, East Germany would have fought against it right? Communism has failed, i'd rather live under fascism since there's corporations and freedom to choose what you buy

What's delusional about it. These white western leftists joining guerrilla armies no matter how petty is about 100 times more courageous than anything you have ever done and people (you) have zero business even questioning this when you can't even get the balls to tell your mom that you hate niggers and feminists or whatever. You're not even in the same realm to feel any kind of smugness or dismissal about anything.
I don't give a fuck
Why? There's about 100 different people in more immediate danger than these goofballs who have no business staying at a place like that when they can move back to the UK or Australia or whatever.
Read the article you mong
lmao see what I mean? You're really flexing as if you really did something by voting.
Nobody said any of that shit. Can you fucking read?
Nah killing your enemies is good behavior. It's actually the only behavior that matters in a garbage world without security. You're just a pussy ass coward who will die on his knees like a bitch.
Who the fuck said any of this. Stay on topic.

The ones who destroy the earth are the dumb consumers and ignorant people. Corporations just provide products and most business owners actually try to minimalize environmental damage anyway, it's not like it's totally avoidable though, climate change is supposed to happen, it happened millions of years ago and it was even hotter, watch Varg Vikerness, it's natural, it's just that since we live in a civilized world we get to suffer it but we can pull trough, communism is not the answer, destroying the forces of progress will only drive us to primitivism and if you want to avoid that you have to implement 1984 authoritarian measures.

When you change the words in a sentence, you change the meaning of that sentence. Is this supposed to be shocking?

Interesting. A lot of your sources are old. Newer research suggests that the early Soviet government was between 75% and 85% jewish. You need to update you infographic.

cool flag, are you 13?

You have no concept of what right-wing is.

Not an argument.

Says the two idiots typing into their iphones.

As a libertarian i dislike jewish people however i don't think they should die because they are human and life is beautiful. Maybe some jewish colonies would be nice to let them live in some habitat different form other races like in Brave New World, we coul classify humans for their race and put them in their own territories to make peaceful ethnostates, just look at japan.

I'm 29 and a proud worker


Japan is an absolutely shit place to live, if the suicide rate is anything to go by.

Hows the chucky cheese treating you these days? Tell them to give you regular breaks, those costumes get hot in the summer.

not no one, but the vast majority were fine with it.
I'm willing to bet the 20% were those that became oligarchs after its dissolution

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Pakistan is one of the greatest countries in the world if suicide rate is anything to go by.

Japan is great man, look at the products they sell and the modern culture, advanced technology and the peace that the country lives in, suicide is the fault of the person's mind, it has nothing to do with the economy under capitalism, suicides under socialism do have to do with the economy since they live under state planning in poverty conditions i would honestly kill myself if i lived in the soviet union

Every one of you mongs talks like this. You can be given an essay on the right and you would still say "they just don't get it". The right to fags like you must just be some personal crutch and defense mechanism if nobody can even have a "concept" of what it is.

okay? what does the liberal left have to do with anything? you're not making any sense. i mean you cannot possibly be suggesting that liberals and marxists are the same, because nobody would be that retarded, so are you suggesting liberals and marxists have the same interpretation of fascism or what? you're the fucking idiot with the liberal analysis of fascism, equating political violence and "authoritarianism" to fascism which is totally ridiculous and devoid of all historical analysis.

i'm 100% in favor of the systematic total eradication of racists, neo-nazis and fascists, i have zero shame about that. understand that.

The Pakistani government doesn't compile or report suicides because they think they're sinful or something.

I'm the manager of a 7Eleven, i'm not wealthy but i trust myself and my own free will that i can be a somewhat rich person in the future with the right plan and mindset, i'm planning on setting up a business, most of you should try and it and you will see how great capitalism can be, my previous enterprise failed due to Obama's regulations but with President Trump's tax cuts i'm sure i can finally succeed in my dreams.

Lol. None of you could do that.
Who does this and who gives a shit?
This where your logic breaks down. You are on the side of Liberals who want 'open borders' and 'anti-racism' because you don't want people harmed and you want everyone to get along, but at the same time you would use violence to achieve those aims making you worse than the people you think are your enemies.
You don't understand what you are arguing about.

it's been so long since we had a good ancap flagged shitposter, thank you for your service

imagine being this fucking stupid and then having the balls to call other people idiots

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Here we go with this shit. The mediocre loser capitalist man thinks he has any knowledge to drop on those lazy socialists. Is there anything more predictable and embarrassing?

Keep trying user

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Communism has resulted in the largest genocides in human history. Everyone who was intelligent and lived under it hated it, that's why they kill all of the artists and intellectuals when they get into power.

Has this board grown so obtuse that no one notices obvious jokes anymore?

ok buddy

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Really makes you think. But after you get back on the internet, reality will still be there and so will ☭TANKIE☭s. Like a Windows Update.

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My example was meant to illustrate that suicide rates are not a great metric. Culture is a major confounding variable there. Offing yourself has been the national pastime in Japan, long before the arrival of capitalism.

I can tell by your statement that you don't. It isn't surprising, I bet you've never known any other political viewpoint than the one that you currently hold. You should move towards being politically neutral for about ten years or so. Then you might be able to look at things more objectively. Lol.

I've already showed you that even the most average coffee shop anarchist has done worse and will do worse to right-wing retards like you.
Imagine saying this in the same friggin breath as trying to break down why I said "I don't give a fuck."

They don't exist. They aren't a viable political philosophy. The Left, as we know it today consists of blue-haired feminazi SJW types and degenerate libs. Marxists are an anachronism.
Doesn't really matter does it? If you had a different interpretation, why didn't you speak up about it over the seventy year period the Left has been banging on about fascism for. It is too late now.
That's fine. It makes you just like your enemy. May God help you.

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You're so wrong it made me laugh

nah, I literally always say racist shit to my mom and she sometimes even agrees. she knows it doesn't mean I think people's rights should be taken away because she didn't raise me to be a psychotic.

Coolest guy in school

I'm literally just shitposting i'm sorry i'm trying to have fun and i realized to easy it is to make retarded pro-capitalist arguments, i have never read a pro-capitalist book and i'm making the same arguments cringy ass ancap redditors use.


Pics or GTFO

End your life


stop posting

if you're going to shitpost use the porky flag

You haven't shown shit.
Nothing to be proud of. I'm against violence. And the point is that the reason you and all you're friends are leftists to begin with is because it is easy and safe to be. You're all afraid to even say the wrong thing in public. Spend a week espousing the opposite philosophy to the one you hold now and see what happens to your friendships. Your political actions are irrelevant and misguided.
This sentence makes no sense.