For romanian commies or whoever knows wtf is up with the PCR i heard they relegalised it in like 2016 or so but how is...

For romanian commies or whoever knows wtf is up with the PCR i heard they relegalised it in like 2016 or so but how is it doing now? Are they full on ☭TANKIE☭s or just turned into revisionist-socdem tier shit
Im in Romania rn and apparently there's a huge manifestation against the government in 2 days so I dunno how are you guys doing?

Attached: carnet_membru.jpg (670x640, 380.6K)

Romania overthrows its goverment every other week

PCR are completely Irrelevant and i didnt even know they apparently were still functional before this post
Almost all their Higher ups became Right-Wing EuroPhile Conservatives overnight in 89 once Ceausescu got shot
PCR became Deranged NazBols in the 60s and Promptly Ruined the place under Ceausescu

Romania was the one place in the eastern Block where all the NATO propaganda memes about Socialist countries were actually fucking true

Btw if anyone knows any other ml parties please leave them here(Romanian I mean)

If the PCR has returned to m-l it's retarded to disregard it it's been fucking ilegalised until two years now it must be rebuilt from scratch basically
Btw if there's any members of the PCR give me a way to contact with you (ifhe PCR is not revisionist anymore of course hah)

Romania is not a communist country and will never be a communist country ever again. Communism was brutal on Romanians a fact still in the back of the mind each of their citizens. Romania was economically ruined by Communism which finally ended in 1989. I highly doubt that a people which grew up and suffered under communist oppression would be so quick to embrace its ideology.

Romanian here, the NPCR, literally New Communist Party of Romania has been recreated for a long time and acknowledged in 2016, no it's not legal yet, tho elections for parliament are in 2020 and a literal neo-legionnaire party was allowed to participate, so there still is time? Also they are still full on National Communist, just very small and irrelevant; I myself have no love for them, as an anarchist, especially considering Ceasusescu himself did some pretty shitty things and had a pretty flawed model
FYI if they were legalized they would grow to a pretty big party, the Moralfag NazBol-ish ☭TANKIE☭ is a VERY Common position in Romania, especially amongst the lower classes

If they go back to Communism, FYI they stopped making Dallas years ago….

Wasnt Ceausescu Shit even by 80s east bloc standards

I have a friend from Romania and Communism is a very sour spot for him. Its also how I know about Dallas.

well he was pretty shit, but he did industrialize the nation, and gave Romania international respect, similar to how Tito gave Yugoslavia a lot of international praise, where as the ex-yugoslavian countries today are not very respected
Also, poverty after Romania returned to Capitalism fucking skyrocketed, so did illiteracy, and overall most Heavy Industry, even that built before communism was literally reduced to ruins, to this day in the yard of the old bear factory that lies unused and in ruins is a superkmarket, and in another city, the TRain factory BECAME a supermarket, people simply feel alienated and remember a time when unemployment was not a thing, when you could sustain yourself without having a full academic life, when Romania was praised outside the borders; it's a concequence of people being alienated by capitalism

this read like a boomer youtube comment on a vladimir jeffe video

Yeah if someone is not a ☭TANKIE☭ in Romania, they are either Neo-Liberal, Neo-Conservative or a full-on fascist, you don't get much nuance

Actually Dennis Prager came to Romania and held 2 confrences, he kept talking about how romanian socialism pre-1989 was evil n shit, I can send you the links

Uhhhhhhhh…. *blank stare*
There is PSR, the Socialist Party, they are Titotist and DemSoc, I guess that counts? They represent all the worker unions not run by libs or crypto-caps, which is almost none of them, they are FAR more relevant than the NPCR, and better imo since they support the LGBTQIA+ community and other forms of progressivism, but they can still be pretty nationalistic, and at most they got 2 seats in Parliament, out of over 630

Sorry IDK who Vladimir Jaffe is but I will take for it. Just looked ok got it. So you are aware not every form eastern bloc person becomes a conservative. They just don't like communist rule.

Yeah of course I am aware, I am an anarchist, I too highly dislike Ceausescu's rule, pre-ceausescu communism was a bit more interesting, but Ceausescu went full fucking NazBol, not to mention I am not an ML
But I at least try to have some nuance, and see the triumphs of Marxism-Leninism and Ceasuescu's National Communism in Romania, where as most anti-coms in romania are like "hurr durr mugh liberal demograzy and amerigan freedums" or are just fascists

Ceausescu was revisionism incarnate, perhaps even more so than Deng or Nikita

The problem with Communism and Socialism is it always leads to some form of fascism. I am sure that first years these ideologies seem like rainbows and butterflies. When the money runs out these governments use brute force to maintain status-quo.

I absolutely believe that America under the last Administration became more Fascist. Fascism is only a means for political control during civil unrest and economic instability. It is not imposed when the population is happy-go-lucky. A strong economy prevents civil unrest and a lack of need for fascism.

He was better than what they have now, I mean everyone forced to fucking get out of Romania if they want to survive (that's literally what they tell them in school), shittiest salaries and job conditions if you stay here .. maybe I dunno I mean things just got way shittier. I'm not saying Ceausescu was good I mean he had slips into nationalism and also personality cult and according to my father my grandpa was a ☭TANKIE☭ and apparently he was offered to be the representative of a factory(soviet kind of thing ) but he declined it because I think they didn't separate executive and legislative power (a basic Leninism thingie) but I think theyre just straight up delusioned with what they have now

Nah not Nikita tier shit but yup close

Now this is funny what the fuck are you doing on leftypol buddy

This guy gets it

Actually Ceausescu went full Juche, if not NazBol, by 1983 he went crazy and by 1989 at the XIV Congress, deranged, his Romania was nicknamed the North Korea of Europe for a reason, I am not even gonna say this idea is that inaccurate, the similarities are uncanny

Attached: b2d33.ceausescu_in_coreea_de_nord.ss_1.jpg (450x338, 32.26K)

It took China 30+ years after adopting capitalism in their communist regime to begin to see GDP gains. The economic damage done to Romania was deep and severe. Romania is no longer the poorest country in the EU, and its GDP is improving. Romania is started off with a lower GDP than China in the 1970's and expecting miracles in less than 20 years. Its not reasonable to expect that.

Our fascist community does need a good purge, also why the hate on Kruschev? I have seen many ☭TANKIE☭s hate on him and don't get it, anti-stalinization and minority rights are not bad, are they?

Civil Debate. More civil than lefties choosing to shitpost on Pol.


I will just pretend I didn't butcher the format of that post
but Muh KrusJEW implemented State-Capitalism!
I won't disagree, he certainly paved the way for Brezhnev to just abandon what Stalin and Lenin built before the remains were flushed away by I am sure a CIA or Dengist infiltrator, Gorbaciov, but still, why the hate for him and not Brezhnev

Yeah probably any Romanian from now that has kind of potential to be dragged by any kind of revolutionary ideology is just dragged away by all the propaganda about Ceausescu and all the dumb neolib hatred for communism ..etc
If the fucking communist party at least recognised Ceausescus errors and went full on ☭TANKIE☭ or at least recognise his errors but also fight all the propaganda against some of the things he did or something
I don't wanna be a pessimist but we probably need a new commie party
Btw do you know any forum or sthng where there could be Romanian ☭TANKIE☭s?

I don't know any such forum, but the new communist party, literally their name, has tried to fight this propaganda, and there are also these guys I didn't mention, PRM, they are crypto-fascist, ultra-nationalists, tried to beat up Magyar minorities and their name is Greater Romania Party, but they love Ceausescu for some reason , also they love 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧the chosen people🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

non-anglo chosen people ofc
I also agree that Ceausescu is used by the libs, and the cons, as a method to shut down any real leftism, that or semantics when talking to anarchism, or the be all end all argument of "communists want equal pay for literally everyone"
But Ceausescu was pretty shit, but 1983, just shit

You are kidding me? It doesn't surprise me I gues. There are nut jobs in the U.S. that love Hitler and Stalin, go figure!!!!

Where the fuck do you think you are?

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Also miracle in almost 30years meaning destroying all the little industry they actually had to make all their labour force migrate to other countries to serve as cheap labour power in all developed countries

Vă rog oprițiva cu shitpostingul

tf are you doing on leftypol buddy? also Romania is the 2nd poorest nation in the EU after Bulgaria fyi, the romanian GDP actually dropped severely, and poverty, extreme poverty and illiteracy grew pretty fast, the GDP did recover, but Romania's GDP in 1983 was still higher than the current one, not to mention that poverty is not declining, wages are growing very slowly, and Romania just grew into Kleptocratic Capitalism with a very poor lower class that has few chanches of getting out of there, a middle class exploited by Centrist politics, and an ever-richer upper class that makes the slow wage-growth even more annoying, not to mention the fact Healthcare has gone to shit, jobs and houses are increasingly harder to find, and the government is trying to privatize healthcare and railway, we have a Diaspora of 4.5 Million people, and Romania's GDP would fall by over 10% if the state wouldn't tax the money made by romanians abroad that they send back to their families; It ain't sun being a romanian m80, stop defending capitalism before I bring dialectics into this

I completely agree thats who revisionism wiklingly or not actually ends helping out(capitalism) that's why it must be fought
Also it's such a fucking pity there's no party with the fucking masses right now I mean this recent years with all the protests and shit
There should be a fucking organisation or something for the "rebuilding of the communist party" or something or were gonna get real fucked by fascism and I mean it as in time is running against us

All this without mentioning the upcoming recession like wtf all that it has "won" over this decades will be lost and worsened like wtf

Zig Forums, a place I brought an ATGM to, filthy ☭TANKIE☭

I am ofc just joking, don't do sectarianism, kids

Its tough to argue that point because its true. One could reasonably say the practice evolved from forced conscription to fight foreign wars. Korea and Vietnam. Because a country adopts capitalistic principles does not mean it abandons all of communism. I seem to recall the practice of monetizing forced labor has been a practice since early feudalism and carried into socialistic nations.

I want you to imagine the Cold War mentality of the USA, ok? like Red Scare shit
Now multiply it by 100
You have Romania's attitude to Radical Leftism, one that even Anarchists sometimes engage in, here in Romania

I mean the whole of this post

The propaganda machine, regardless of which Party in the false centrist dichotomy they support, will hammer on communists,anarchists,tankies,anything, one media outlet even called "Keskistanis" anarchist
Comparing someone to the Communist Party of old is seen as dirty talking in political debates, communism is someone people, the youth, kids in school, must understand as evil, abnormal, what tortured the pre-1989 generations, as something to avoid, as "a tool of some evil people to gain control and chain all others while maintaining an orwellian facade of goodwill"(which is something I actually heard people say)
Schools have become propaganda outlets, as have TVs, the newspapers, politicians, Romanian politics are run from the Center-right to further right with so few exceptions , to actually try to "revive the communist party" would hilariously fail, fascists would harass you, media would harass you, even many social anarchists may reject, denounce or harass you

I am aware I am a Romanian and talked to all my moms boomer friends it's cringy and they end up always getting to the conclusion that the current shit is even worse than what was before unless you mention communism then they go full on libtarded and start the classic we lived communism we know how it is don't tell us Ceausescu wasn't actually communist you haven't lived under socialism …etc

Apologies. My understanding was that Romania has the 3rd poorest in the EU with an improving GDP. With tech being their emerging sector.

I am not defending Capitalism and will be the first to call out its faults. No one has suggested a reasonable alternative. I am Democrat, I voted HRC but communism scares the crap out of me.

I actually don't know who is worse
NeoCon boomers and lib-caps or
NazBol pro-Ceausescu boomers

It's not about that bruh
Este mai de grabă să formezi o mica organizație cu câțiva cel puțin pentru acțiuni în manifestări etc ba chiar aș spune că ar trebui două: una pentru reconstruirea partidului comunist și alta de stil un front de "mase" care sa fie pur și simplu o asociație antifascistă; puțin câte puțin lumea care se formează un pic și se confruntă cu realitatea e probabil să se termina ducând la organizarea pentru reconstruirea sau reconstituția cum vreți să-o chemați deci nu e vorba de a participa la alegeri nici nimic de genul
this Up here would be the communist way of doing it and either way an antifascist mass front IS necessary and asap

Tech was an actual sector pre-1989 too, it's just that all heavy industry collapsed and now the privates are recruiting both old engineers and young romanian programmers, because apparently romania has a lot of programers and hackers for some reason
Poverty is actually not receding but growing, and all other aspects of romanian capitalism have kinda left the lower classes, developing areas of the nation, as well as public railways and healthcare in the rust to decay

Most nazbol pro Ceausescu boomers I've talked to are rough proletarians that can't withstand the shit tier living/ working conditions they have rn I mean you can't hate them they're the ones with most class consciousness and the most affected by capitalism; I think this are the people that are most likely to be by our side in every way possible you just have to educate them(as in teach them how to do revolution 101)

Actually there is AntiFa ROmania for the anti-fascist front, the Anarchist Federation kinda uses it as an extension of their own organization tho
Also, feel free to try that, I get that building up leftism should be a goal for all non-nazbol boomer romanians, but it's hard af and I think it should be more gradual, and getting the class concious nazbols of their Moralfaggotry? yeah that will be pretty hard

I have a lot of friends that program and go to other countries to work for multinationals (Cisco and other tech crap companies) so the emerging tech sector is being eaten away by other countries is almost like modern colonialism where you have all the educated people leaving to actually get jobs

Oh cool do they have a page or sthng or groups I can join?

Or generally better wages elsewhere in the EU for the same job, and better working conditions

I wish lol, the AnFed guys just sit on Blogspot laughing at Noua Drepta and other neo-legionnaire retards, the last AntiFa rally was in 2010

Shame, since the new Marsul Normalitatii guys should have gotten a good beating tbh

You can try to contact them on email

Are you an Anarchist? That's like the direct opposite of ML. DemSoc is basically SocDem - who opposed ComIntern (not just Vanguardism, as LeftCom, but the whole idea) since the get-go, while Tito got kicked out from ComIntern *for revisionism* - it was not an easy task to piss off Soviets to the level that they completely ignored post-war Realpolitik, but Tito pulled it off.

His coup and subsequent revisionism destroyed Soviet Union and splintered international Communist movement. He accomplished what Hitler failed to do.

Oh, fuck off. You would support NSDAP if it remained gay-positive.

Which email??

Hahaha kind of harsh comrade but true in most things
You a Romanian ☭TANKIE☭?
Please tell me there's actual Romanian ☭TANKIE☭s out there somewhere

A Romanian friend of mine told me that the word communist is used as an insult in Romania.

Mao has several essays shittalking Kruschev and it's pretty great

This, if you're a political prose nerd, Mao's takedowns of Nikita Khrushchev are beautiful, no one's been that good at polemics since



Just between liberals as it is used everywhere like in any fuvking political debate ever

You clearly havent been here long. Also read a book you liberal shit

Albania also to be honest, but Romania must've been the worst