For Glorious Stalin and the Commune we will wipe out Finland until they all listen to us!

For Glorious Stalin and the Commune we will wipe out Finland until they all listen to us!

Heh, nothing personell….comrade.

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imagine being this sad

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Lol get fucked

Almost as sad as getting hundreds of men btfo'd by one Spurdo poster

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Finland doesn't exist

Great post and great points.

80 years later

I fucking hate pop history.

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What do you mean get your teeth completely kicked in? The soviets lost more men.

Pyrrhic victory is still victory.

We Finns still lost both winter- and continuation war

Are you finboll?


I understand, but I don't think it's accurate to say the finns got their teeth kicked in.

The outcome of wars isn't decided by whom lost more guys. Finland was completely defeated militarily and had to offer greater territorial concessions that were demanded by the USSR before the war. It was a severe loss for the finngols while Soviet success more than exceeded their war goals. Please don't repeat pro-Nazi propaganda

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Fun fact: Saying this to our nationalists is probably the most effective way to trigger them, they live under the illusion that we won because our school system teaches it like that. It was embarrassing war for the soviets but it helped them to beat nazis

H-hey guys, we won the war because the winner of a war has to give up a shitload of territory to the loser …

I never implied Finland won. But saying they got completely destroyed simply isn't true.

Yes because they signed the peace treaty which prevented that :D


I didn't want to imply that Finland was completely annihilated or that USSR didn't have difficulties but "talk shit get hit" was fully in effect and Finland paid dearly for its collaborationism. As opposed to the pop history slash nazi propaganda version where Simo Hayha singlehandedly killed half of the Soviet population, Stalin shat his pants and ceded everything to the Urals to the mighty Finnish Empire that didn't suffer a single casualty.

Don't fa'get the six gorillion million!

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