Non-monogamy showed me what it really means to be with someone

Being in an open relationship flies in the face of everything we are brought up to believe about ‘loose’ women being undesirables

Non­-monogamy, polyamory, open relationships: whatever your preferred term, it can be a heavy word to drop at the dinner table.

It’s not even something with a stellar track record of media representation, either: when non-­monogamy is seen on our screens it’s usually in the context of a cult leader with a throng of brides, each of them clad in neck-high gingham and seeming to have more in common with the Manson family than any modern relationship.

For most of my life I was as monogamous as it was possible to be, almost to a fault. I found that jealousy would frequently rear its head if my partner or crush du jour was so much as spotted in the same room as someone who might chance at a flirt.

Only when I was in my mid­-20s did I meet a man who tipped that attitude on its head and told me that although he was as interested in me as I was in him, he was already in a successful open relationship and monogamy was not an option.

At no point did I feel neglected or envious; indeed, I found non-­monogamy worked for me better than any relationship formula I’d seen in the past. I got to know my partner’s partner, and we got along well, and while they shared romantic weekends away and dinner dates together I was free to date and hook­-up as much as I wanted.

Who am I to demand a partner never again indulge a crush, share a kiss at a party, or take someone to bed? And who are they to demand the same of me? Beyond the thought of getting a big diamond and an expensive dress, marriage had never really appealed to me, and I couldn’t imagine myself now wanting to make that choice.

Likewise, I never had much of a maternal instinct, and after 27 years of having a completely silent biological clock it seems only right that I should focus on having rich and fulfilling romantic relationships instead of aiming for a husband, three children, and a white picket fence.

It is entirely possible to be in a relationship where loyalty, trust, and honesty are valued while both partners sleep with and date other people: I would know. I have lived it more than once.

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Fuck out of here with this bullshit

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

I agree, thanks for this story OP

Incels aren't entitled to women, and you certainly don't "own" us. Get over it.

That has literally 0 to with our posts and the article

Haven't seen anyone posting under an anfem flag in quite some time tbh

Sage then

Hahaha, yes. It's hilarious hahaha :D

how to sage?


Non-monogamy is great.

let people fuck as many or as few as they want. monogamy and polygamy can coexist in the same society.

No they can't. You see many articles on how awesome is to be in a monogamous loving relationship??
It's like vegans, they are not a problem in theory but if they could they'd make the world same as them just to have confirmation over their petty bourgouise concerns

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Open relationships are for narcissists.


Women aren't property, but sexual relations are, in a way. Sexual relations must be more equitably distributed, and this is a fact. Any true communist society will ensure that whoever needs a fulfilling relationship will get one, no questions asked. If a person can't find a fulfilling relationship that is monogamous, they will be offered an opportunity to have an open relationship. That way, everyone will be happy. Something tells me most people won't be interested in your cuck relationships though.

havn't been there. can you show examples?

Sounds like hell.

Not enforced, but heavily encouraged by local communities. There's absolutely no reason why capitalist alienation should continue to exist, relationships will change as the mode of production does.

this is not the kind of spit in my face that gets me turned on
fuck you OP

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t. Cat Dad

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Sometimes I come here to poke fun, sometimes to troll, sometimes just to one-and-done in the threads that pop up on Zig Forums.
This comment though…holy fuck, are you really for real?
wat. That's like the non-sequitur of the century…
"If you can't find someone to commit to your loser ass exclusively, we'll add you as a third wheel to someone else's broken relationship! Being somebody's temporary, disposable sex toy IS HAPPINESS"
What the fuck would this look like, exactly?
"Oi, errybody, look, Terrance is a right twat, but he's a lonely twat, innit? Somebody's gotta take one for the team here lads. None of the birds will pair off wit 'im, can anybody take him in on his team? Anybody 'ere 'olyanderous?"
"Sorry, mate, your lot was called, Terrance is wif you 'n' Besty now. Chin up, mate, he's only allowed two dull, movement-free dead-fish fucks per month, its for the greater good and all that, lad…"

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