I've created an Anarchist political party. I'm based in Northern Ireland and need members. Irish anons...

I've created an Anarchist political party. I'm based in Northern Ireland and need members. Irish anons, message the Facebook page to join:

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (960x960, 86.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I-I don't understand

It's more of a collective with a phantom-cell structure, akin to ANTIFA.


gas yourself

not the first one
Youth needs pensions, not jobs!

Finally, some anarchists following Makhno's & Bakunin's footsteps. :^)

Attached: 1333837843848.jpg (126x114, 2.53K)

I'm creating an anprim website



"The techno-industrial cyberfascist enclave will destroy all of humanity!"

"Oh and by the way, don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter."

to be fair it's "ha you criticize capitalism, yet you are texting on your iphone :^)" tier remark

I don't think so. Whereas it is unreasonable to tell people who want a reconfiguration of society to run off to the woods and starve, anprims literally want that.

new Anarcho ITS when?

I'm located in Belfast.
Any way to contact other than FB.
Left it a year ago.
I'm a Marxist, but willing to help out.
Every socialist party here is dead and Belfast libs do my fuckin head in.

did plagiarism user become an anarchist after going to Syria?

Awesome!! Good luck!

Terrible idea. There are to many "social engineer" right wing neets looking to data mine and manipulate left factions, and that's asumin this is not a honeypot.
You can advertise online, but organizing can only be done in real life.
Opsec is fundemental, learn it.

It's perfectly reasonable. If you disagree you're a moralfag.

Nice try, fbi

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Hey… hey man

anprims can't collectivize because it can catalyze the formation of civilization

Inherently false. If you're a tribe of hunter-gatherers, and you don't have agriculture, you can't really make your group bigger than 20 people.

don't you have better tricks, MI6?

bud then some beoples who use agriculture and shiet to support higher density bopulations will form the first city-states and enslave you, and the hisdory will just repeat itself :DDDDDDDD


No thank you, GCHQ

Attached: ambassador meeting cpgb ml.png (1080x607, 622.37K)


Attached: murg.jpg (750x500, 48.47K)

Not today, CIA

Before anyone accuses us of ML bias, know this thread got the locc by the one (1) anarcho mod.

That's what Stalinist would say.

AFAIK Zig Forums doesn't even have actual ML mods - which never stopped anyone from accusing it of being ML board. False advertising, if you ask me.

I'm not gonna go ask every mod for their tendency but I can confirm there's atleast 2 MLs and most others probably atleast align with it.
and so do I

Then stop posting under a false flag

user you need to join People Before Profit