Now that the dust is settled, what is the Zig Forums consensus on Barack Obama?

Now that the dust is settled, what is the Zig Forums consensus on Barack Obama?
How do you regard the 8 years of his administration and his legacy?

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All he did was continue what the USA was doing. He was the Imperialism with a Human Face.

burgerland's trudeau without even the miniscule consolation of dude weed laughing my arse even tho he was a stoner in his youth

Imperialist bastard who destroyed nations, bombed innocent children, supported the global capitalist system and the criminals behind the recession, and opportunist using liberal idpol and respectability politics to seem "honorable" and "cool". At least with people like Trump the lies and crimes against humanity are obvious, but with liberals they hide it under their facade of tolerance and civility. I hope he burns in hell.

"Less bad."

Presidential Stockholm's syndrome. I had it. During most of his presidency I was trying to reconcile the bad shit he did - killing American minors in unwarranted drone attacks, Syria, Libya, renewing the Patriot Act, the ACA being watered down. Well, Bush was worse is what I would say then - and that's still true, almost every one of Obama's worst traits was Bush-lite. As far as presidents go, in the last 30 years a president has probably not done less aggressively bad shit than Obama did.

But he still did that shit (+ the TPP), and then he ends up more-or-less handing the torch over to Clinton. And he was still just Bush-lite. So it's very much a screw-light/screw-hard pattern, and especially with the parties since the GOP cannot hope to carry the popular vote in a national election anymore so they may as well just run the country full jackboot so the next president's limp reforms can only ever undo like a quarter of the full damage.

Same old wine in a different bottle.

Trump has committed crimes against humanity?

Every US president committs crimes against humanity by virtue of the position.

He will go down in history as nothing but a color. Instead of participating in politics he became a Muppet for the media….just smiling in every camera while being as inoffensive as possible. On top of that he is responsible for pushing the black people into a racist Nazi masturbation fantasy.

All in all…I've seen worse.

Well I just found a word filter for r#a#c#e w#a#r. Sorry for that.

Lmao nice Fox news talking point.

He did though. Racial Tension is the number one way for the bourg to keep the working class divided.

Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, drone strikes across the Middle East, etc.

That's nothing new or exclusive to Obama. In what way did he personally cause race relations to degrade?

They didn't need him for that. But he's responsible that the "black lives matter" movement wasn't told on how to behave…like violence, hate and flat out racism.

I was thinking about Syria. It's not like I'm a fan of the man but hasn't the only intervention there been a strike on a military storage facility with 0 casualties?


He sent more combat troops to Syria than Obama ever did. Particularly a Ranger and Marine artillery detachment.

no Trump has completely pulled out american troops out of the middle east, stopped every imperialistic war and anything that suggests otherwise is jewish propaganda

hello mr. boomer isn't it sleepy time in your care home?

As the biggest role model of black America? Yes he was! His inability to address a wrongdoing created a bigger rift between black and white than ever before.

Not him. But the corporate culture during the obama years and the economic crisis basically created Zig Forums and the likes

b-but he was the president he could've done something about that

b-but just because he's the president doesn't mean he could've done something about that

lmao. if you are a boomer then stop watching fox. if you aren't, then keep watching fox. this is good parody

What's up with defending obama now?

Who had more influence on blacks than him in the last decade?

Corporate culture and the '08 crash were in the tube long before Obama took office. You guys are gonna have to try harder.

What wrong doing? People organizing to reform police practices that disproportionately harm poor and black communities is somehow wrong? Did somebody call you wonderbread or mayo on twitter and now you think anuddah shoah is real?

I'm not defending Obama. He was imperialist pro-capitalist scum. But making stupid arguments against them that aren't based in reality just makes you look like an idiot.

More of a defense of reality and pushing back against insane talking points. I can dislike Obama while simultaneously acknowledging he wasn't blm's rear admiral

Look I'm not american, but for what is worth statments like
Seems like defending him.

Those are both statements grounded In reality. If I said that "water was wet and the sky was blue before Obama took office" is that defending him or stating facts? There's plenty to blame the man for but race relations and the '08 collapse aren't those things.


Maybe you can make an argument for 08 (can't deny the fact the he didn't help against it) but the race relationship part? Explain me what's to blame then

You are fucking retarded. Even if those statments aren't true you are overreacting and this comes out as defensive

Gee I dunno, user. Maybe it's the centuries of slavery or the fact that blacks have officially only had equal rights in this country for 40-50 years or the fact that poverty disproportionately effects black communities or that blacks are sentenced to harsher punishments for similar crimes committed by other demographics or that due to the ubiquity of cameras more and more instances of police violence are being captured and shared or really any number of the myriad manifestations of the US's bigotry. Nah y'know you're right it's all because Obama didn't wag his finger hard enough at some activists.

By being a president and being black at the same time.

Great orator, charismatic personality, impotent social reforms, imperialist.
All in all a very presidential president.
7/10 would gulag

As a gay from a conservative part of Texas (steers and queers) the Obama years were a big deal. To be homophobic (at least publicly) now is to have people think something is wrong with you. The religious right was routed and the conservatives today are in no mood to do much on this. They'd rather try to woo gays over to their side by oinking about the Muslims – which is a bad-faith attempt anyways as Muslims in the United States are about as conservative as Catholics, i.e. they're rather liberal actually.

If Obama deserves any credit it's because he encouraged the activists, but otherwise got out of his own way. He was very good at signaling to the activists to proceed before receding to the background, which was smart and resulted in a lot of progress.

All this at what price, you literal cocksucker?
That's why my disagreement with liberals is not that they are not radical, but they steer shit in a total meaningless direction

Well this thread is about sorting through the dust, right? I don't have anything else to say that's very favorable to him. But ultimately I reckoned that I would either come out of the closet or I'd kill myself. Well, now I'm out and they'd have to kill me to put me back in. So the one good thing I will say about the Obama years is that the whole era made that easier.

You also can't divorce this from the Bush administration, which used gay marriage as a wedge issue and ran on it very heavily in 2004 as a way of mobilizing Evangelical Christians. Bush getting out front and center on that fueled a backlash.

Right. The economy was already collapsing during the 2008 election. But Obama's government of technocratic liberals just repeated what caused the crash in the first place by inflating another asset bubble. The Fed injected enormous amounts of liquidity into the economy which stabilized it, but that has just set the economy up for another crisis (coming to your town soon… I'd guess 2019 although the "consensus" among economics is 2020, and the consensus is always wrong). And in the meantime the prime beneficiaries of this have been the wealthy who invest in the markets and own most of the stock. Most of the population have not recovered from the recession but this isn't news to anyone here.

Obama straight up went to the Dallas cops' funeral who got shot up by that black nationalist dude Micah whatever.
If anything Obummer is a blie lives matter supporter at this point. He didn't do shit for the black community especially the blacks in Southern "Red" States

All that's true but I'm not sure how that makes Obama uniquely responsible for race relations in the US. I mean you can say Reagan's financial deregulation is responsible for Zig Forums with that logic. Which I guess is sort of true in that these things are a culmination of decades of policy mismanagement and the repeated failure of liberal democracy to manage capital. But again what is unique about Obama? Any other president in his position would have bailed out the banks by pushing the costs of the collapse onto the public. That's just a product of the technocratic managerial consensus of neoliberalism.

Obama is Black Calvin Coolidge. You know what comes after that…

As far as race relations you might be responding to someone else because that stuff is beyond me. Agreed otherwise.

This pic

Attached: UsElections_Obama_Latuff.png (2992x4336, 204.92K)

I like this one too.

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You mean in Syria where he failed to overthrow Assad?

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This about sums it up

That's stupid, why would you need to launch a civil war in your own country if you're already in power? What's the point of a neoliberal agenda if you have to destroy "half" the country first?

You mean black Herbert Hoover.


white house nigger

If only.

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Trump is Hoover. He's going to be the one who presides over shit hitting the fan.
I think Trump will get two terms though.


Real Talk.

He completely destroyed the Democratic coalition that was built over the twentieth century. In 2007 he was handed a Supermajority government, a position of unquestionable power. Over eight years he completely ruined it, reducing it to a Republican majority in all three branches of government. People forget, but ten years ago everyone expected him to be change hence why they voted for him over Hilary. Obama was going to rip apart all the bad shit Clinton and Reagan did, especially free trade and tax cuts, and take us back to a protectionist economy with a large social safety net. Instead everyone got more of the same but now they were racist for criticizing it, a situation that directly led to the GOP rising from their grave leading directly to Trump.

He did not bring any new ideas to the table; his pathetic infrastructure plan was corporate subsidies for "job creation", workers who were too stupid to compete against wageslavery had to accept destitution or debt bondage through a college loan, and young people had nothing to forward to except maybe driving for Uber. Then of course he chose to focus on gun control, a situation that is causing the remaining Democrats to have real problems getting reelected later this year (in particular Manchin).

What's worse is that the DNC continues to do this. They absolutely refuse to leave the early 90s, even though Trump proved that the 90s are dead and completely over (and will only get more over as time goes on). They're pathetically trying to defend a past era and a past order, one which Americans have already abandoned. The only thing stopping them is that cosmopolitan liberals won't vote GOP due to social stigma, but this stigma is likely to be gone in 5-10 years as the median DNC age moves from 65 to 75.

Which is what Obama is: a defender of a past era. Future historians, fascists or communists, will mark Obama as the last time the neoliberals held real power. From this time on, their numbers can only shrink. His attempts to be "cool" will be completely dated in a few years, and will only come off as a cringeworthy footnote in textbooks.

By the way, to further demonstrate the problem look at how truly old Democrats were able to build (not destroy) their coalitions. The most obvious is Jerry Brown, who is a centrist but one who understood how to get people voting for his party. His infrastructure plan was building things California needed instead of subsidizing companies that might choose to do it, and he chose to build things in the shitty parts of the state because he needed those parts voting for him not against him. His successor, Gavin Newsom, will not have so much success because like Obama he will happily subsidize businesses (especially ones in his hometown of San Francisco) instead and only choose to build things within SF. He will get everyone outside of SF hating him and voting against him, especially when he tries running for President in 2020.

To make my point clearer, Democrats that came of age in the 90s and 00s have no clue how to handle real politics. When confronted with challenges they try to focus entirely on centrist economic options that don't annoy anyone, only to find that nobody buys it because it just doesn't go far enough. When people (often older Democrats) expose how their economic plans are just Republican-lite, they loose hard because nobody wants lite Republicans anymore. It is not 1992.


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good post, user.

obama should be remembered as evil butcher of Libya and igniter of war in Syria.

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The main culprit of Libya was France, btw.

umm…this person was banned for what reason exactly?

Supporting imperialism implicitly.

That was pretty obviously support of American imperialism. Idealists would rather let the proletariat across the world die than support a revolutionary movement that doesn't follow their political ideals perfectly.

Wow fuck, the reddit influx is real in this thread. Or is it just burger hours?

Wasn't handed that until '09, though.

Honestly don't think Obama ever had that much protectionist appeal, but it's been a long time. What I remember was the proposed healthcare reform - and otherwise he was supposed to be not corporate-friendly and neoliberal like Bush was. Maybe there was talk of tariffs, but I thought it was more about how he was supposed to pull away from the massive outsourcing that marked NAFTA and the anti-union shit that came with it. Dunno, though.

Numbers-wise the GOP is still losing hard - and it's progressing. See 2000 presidential election numbers vs. 2016 numbers. Trump is making it worse by bringing all the "dogwhistle" shit out in the open - if you actually look at that, it's losing voters and killing the GOP, and this kind of politics is the only thing which keeps the DNC afloat as long as they stay with unpopular neoliberal bullshit. Even in '16, the memory of Bush was still weighing on voters. The GOP's only longterm hope is that Trump doesn't drive the last nail in with another retarded war or two - and this is actually possible, but it will also damage his chances for re-election and he already has Bolton on board so he may well just try to be a war president.

The thing is the DNC actually barely even feels the pressure at this point because the GOP just keeps one-upping them in self-sabotage. What would be hilarious is if they ride this out so long that the Republicans manage to actually recover before they even realize that "MORE WOMEN CEOS!!" isn't getting voters.

We would have condemned Bernie too for the same reason.

This, Sarkozy is one of the worst french president.

Attached: Sarkozy.jpg (768x540, 99.01K)

We should critically support Assad but please don't call him revolutionary, he's not revolutionary at all.

Decent for a president of the U.S. Relatively speaking.
At least was kind of Socdem?

He wasn't even close to socdem…your average Wal-BurgerNoHealthCarestani even acknowledges that Obama was more of a "centrist" than anything.

when will they learn

Trump avoiding a war in the next 2 years is feasible. Avoiding it in the next 6 is, I think, an impossibility.


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Were you an adult when Reagan was president?

Same shit, different president

Obama straight up said he would have been a moderate Republican if he was in politics 20 years earlier

Even Nixon wanted universal healthcare and it got shot down by Ted Kennedy.

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Huh, I even made the same observation to my liberal friends and they wouldn't believe me. At least Obama is honest there.

20 years ago he would still run as a Democrat because he's black. :^)

He grew up under conditions that should have fostered a socialist but he went on to become an excellent prostitute for capitalism. That leads me to believe that Obama was born as a genuine psychopath unable to care about the very people he interacted with on a daily basis. He lived with Pakistanis yet went on to bomb thousands of people who looked just like them.

He was born to a single mother and knew exactly what being poor was like but she turned his back on them as well. All in all, he was a massive cunt.

When even Richard fucking Nixon wants something it's probably a good idea.

he was a nigger

LIVING among Pakistanis makes you want to bomb then more, not less

Lets assume thats true. He was known to go out clubbing with them and knows some of them to this day as friends. If it was racial hatred that motivated him to bomb people in the Middle east then he was great at covering up his hate. Which would make him likelier to be a psycho.

how old are you lol

Dude. He went out clubbing with these people and keeps in contact with them to this day. I'm saying that lets say you're right and he hated Pakis, the fact that he was able to be so friendly with them makes him even more of a psycho.

people are all smiles all the time while holding the dagger behind their back across all races and all cultures every single day. just because a shitskin says hello to you with a big smile on his face doesn't mean he doesn't hate you

no wonder you're a naive leftist lol

the only people who are anti racist are white people from white suburbs who have never interacted with PoC apes

What did PoC do to you user?

robbed me, beat me, behaved like disgusting nigger apes, and generally decreased my quality of life

Man, sucks that a member of the masterrace got brutally made to be bitch by lesser peoples.

even rats can subdue a cat if they are numerous enough


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Same as it always was

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Good. You deserve far worse, but It's a start.

i'm surprised you didnt get one for that dumbass question tbh