Is anyone else annoyed that this asshole is the face of anarchists right now? As much as i hate this lolbertarian idiot...

Is anyone else annoyed that this asshole is the face of anarchists right now? As much as i hate this lolbertarian idiot, some of the projects hes been involved with have been admirable and align with my interest. i just wish more leftists were proactively involved in these kind of technologies to subvert government power.

Anyone know of any projects we could get involved in like 3d guns or bitcoin?

Attached: reasoncodywilsonwgun.jpg (310x233, 13.25K)

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I actually am part of that, but I am an actual anarchist not an "an"com

He's openly a neoreactionary (see:

American "anarchism" has no room whatsoever for leftists. It's an entirely different phenomenon from traditional anarchism, founded by idiots that literally do not understand how politics and government work.

Attached: 3d printed ar15 mag.jpg (750x563, 82.7K)

I don't give a fuck about the face of "right-anarchists" but any real (social) anarchist would disapprove him.

Our guy? I mean he wants to arm the people, that's awesome. But the lib shit in me says not just anyone should be able to have guns. And, yes 3d printers are still too expensive, but like any new technologies that's temporary. Point is you can't really blame the man. All anyone has to do to stop any blow back is regulate 3D printer sales. All in all he's done nothing wrong.

Attached: i-aint-even-xblmef.jpg (600x400, 24.84K)

Never seen that face. Don't you think David Graeber and Noam Chomsky are more known as contemporary faces of anarchism, OP?
3D printers are good, Bitcoin is Ponzi speculation with digital mudpies.

Creality 3D Ender 3 is around $200.


Can it print guns?

What you think about him is not the point. Being the face of #ideology means being widely regarded as such.

He's really good at playing the media. That's the main thing to keep in mind.

literally who?

You don't have to agree with him to benefit from his work or realize it's importance to leftism in general. He is literally creating a situation where any person at any time can get a gun. This is literally seizing the means of weapons production, even if it is totally bloodless. Figure that if 3d metal printing ever becomes a thing or if cnc mills come down in price, you could copy any gun you want so long as you got the steel for it.

pics related, the venerable 10/22 which is a good starting point for most gunsmiths (and the 10/44 which is the larger and more powerful version that uses .44 mag, the original 1950s versions of both are convertible to full auto). Imagine if everyone had a integrally suppressed full auto machinegun tucked in the trunk of their car or in the bottom of a suitcase, if not also on their belt.

Attached: IMG_0183-sm.jpg (600x450 27.95 KB, 106.91K)

Any 3d printer can: AR lowers can be fully made out of plastic although they need the actual components (trigger group, barrel, gas system, magazine) that plug into it. Cody's 3d gun is fully printable but requires a metal spring to work and a metal washer for weight/compliance with existing plastic gun laws.

Cody Wilson, owner of Defense Distributed. He is currently suing several states for banning him from putting 3d gun files online for download.

It's hilarious how Ruger can't control people ripping off their second most popular gun. This is the future: firearm piracy.

Attached: 2015-09-03 09_25_39-1962 Ruger New 44 Magnum Autoloading Carbine Magazine Ad Hunting Rifle Gun V5313.jpg (1200x497 35.73 KB, 73.4K)

Start with killing yourself

What exactly is so wrong with him? Fighting bourgeois state control of fire arms is pretty important.


I'm getting tired of this meme.
Can the brain tumor just make him inoperable already.

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I like the guy. He's a true illegalist.

This nigga doesn't know about the IWW

Attached: hahahaha.jpg (720x483, 26.17K)

He seems like a pretty cool guy who isn't afraid of anything

That's why whenever he's firing one of his 3D printed guns he's standing 20 feet away behind sandbags yanking on a string connected to the trigger.

why I think cody wilson is pretty cool tbh.
nyet this video shows him test fire it (couldn't find the original only dipshit journos talking about)

what the fuck is a neoreactionary?

So guess what happened

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Everybody here is missing the relevant question. When can you 3d print tanks?

What is it with hipster rags trying to sell fascism or some other ridiculously reactionary agenda? Like the art is an attempt to make their views palatable.

The REAL question is can you 3-D print underaged girls for your child sex slave army.