How do we counteract the "lefties r anti gun reeeeeee" argument...

How do we counteract the "lefties r anti gun reeeeeee" argument? Is there any way to get it thru the heads of righties that we love guns? is it even worth it?

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Leave them in the dark so we can take them by surprise.

This guy gets it.

Don't act like they are coming out of nowhere with it.
Also don't act like you are superior to their level when you use a word such as "righitist".
The word "leftist" exist to lump toghter anything from elon musk to mao. That's why they think you are anti gun. You call yourself leftist you put yourself in the same category as liberals.

There is a way to avoid this is not to use the word leftist nor the word marxist nor the word socialist. Just say straight you are a fucking communist. No confusion there. They won't think you are a gender science professor, they won't think you are a clintonite, they won't think you support succdem.
You say "communist like Stalin" and then proced to explain.
This won't matter if you use the word rightist tho because you lumping anything from Idi amin to Bill O'riley togheter thus playing porky's game of tribalizing politics into a football match between left and right thus destroying any chance of having political discourse that is not American tier anywhere in the world.

Sralin toog the guns tho.
t, Aleg Jons

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On this subject, is it true that the EFF is not protesting South Africa's gun-grabbing measures?

EFF is a fucking joke as are many african communists. 2 good ones don't take away the fact that most of these are glorified warlords

just let the bullet do the talking.

Tell me about some good African communists then…

Buy guns, go to gun shows and shooting ranges, discuss marxism with the working class over there, convince more leftists to buy guns, carry guns during protests to protect yourself in areas where you can openly carry

Lmao. Stop drinking BO and American koolaid. Third world has even less potential and organization than first.

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In terms of protesting fash, making lots of noise and having a contingent carrying rifles seems to work really well. It tends to deter the cops who tend to be the biggest problem (even when the armed folks have no intention of actually using their guns), while it also freaks out the fash since they can't handle a big crowd with armed black people in the mix whistling at them.

Rightists have low lQ

When was the last time first world had revolution?

why do you care what rightists think you believe?

poor water filter salesman didn't deserve to get his podcast banned

Don't you get it? If righties have guns they'll feel they can be racist and exclusionary, what you need is to ban guns for the individual but control the state thereby giving all your fellow lefties guns.

It's completely unfounded claims that are being circulated by establishment groups and political movements who want to disenfranchise worker movements of any traction and popular support.
I don't think you can counteract it as an individual other than introducing people to what marxism actually mean and spreading class consciousness, much more beneficial to make your friends and people close to you class conscious than going on pointless discussions about why leftists actually don't support starbucks or whatever…..

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Start voting for pro-gun politician?

Tbh, I don't even love guns. Loving guns is stupid. I mean, if you love guns, fine, but I think it would actually be an improvement to have better enforcement of existing levels of gun control and slightly more difficult procedures for getting certain guns - the main thing is I don't really trust our actual existing government to do that. I think this is a point worth reminding people of - not just righties, but Democrat Cops of America-types as well. The greatest reason to arm is to oppose the state and back yourself up with power. Even in bourgeois politics we see this aspect of power play out a lot - the far right disproportionately resorts to threats and intimidation, and for this they get disproportionate results.

The state and its agents, likewise, exercise this approach. Even if you disarm the 'nuts,' you still have police and the military and the corporate serfs who command them. An actual opposition to this needs to be armed.

This is the most practical actual solution for this objective, though.

daily reminder that you're faggots

You don't. They're talking about Liberals. Liberals are not Leftists.

Pretty much. This is obvious at fascist rallies. Without guns, when the police get the chance they will beat up anti-fascists or blast them with sound grenades even if the rally has been peaceful the whole time … because cops. If the protesters have an armed contingent though the cops tend to back off.

I think we should educate righties about the difference between liberals and leftists while also distancing ourselves and criticizing liberalism aka conservativism with progressive values

What if I'm an anarchist though? im not btw but just want to know what you'd say if you were

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Communism is a part of leftism. You dumb fuck.

I'd shut the fuck up about it out of embarassment

You didn't get the post you dumh bitch. Yes it is so it's fucking liberalism, if you call yourself leftist don't complain that they misunderstand your position

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oh no no no

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Haha. What the fuck?

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The pic on the right is flawed because in the Western world, not being Clapistan was enough to avoid mass shootings.

Actually albanian society(countryside) was pretty much religious extremist even after hoxha

Source? Pew surveys consistently rank Albania as one of the least reactionary Muslim countries. It's basically Muslim in name only.

Well i am half albanian and i was not talking about muslims but catholics
They were pretty crazy
(I know its an anecdote but well)

Balkan politics are weird.

Talk about weird
Serbs from small villages around Serbia sometimes (not uncommon at least) go to Albania to arrange marriages with Catholic or Orthodox Albanians so their villages wouldn't die off.

My grandfather saved a muslims guy life(or something like that) and he(the muslim) wanted to be freinds ,but my papa would not accept him cause of his religion

I know political compasses are memes but this one is especially shit.

there's so much more wrong with this compass, but I wonder especially what is meant by "anarchism" as something distinct from ancap, ancom and "anarcho-socialism"

This guy gets it

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The whole thing is nonsense. Fascism and Not Socialism are listed on almost opposite sides of the spectrum - and they do this thing several times, "SocDems" and "Progressives," too.

Unfortunalely the majority of gun owners in the united states likely also own a gadsden flag, and the majority of americans who call themselves "socialists" or "leftists" are anti-gun neoliberals. So it wont make much of a difference if a few "real leftists" on the internet are pro gun.

repeat after me


first step: