Get hit with Hurricane Maria

Bravo, America. So this is the power of colonialism

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Other urls found in this thread:'etat_against_President_Fernando_Belaunde's_Revolutionary_Democratic_Front

If they didn't want to get conquered then maybe they should've thought first before blowing up the Maine.


status of baboon: rejected

didn't they vote to become part of the US and like, only 20% of the total population vote and 90% voted to become part of the US?

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Amerifats aren't that stupid, come on now.

yes. Puerto Rico has had four referendums regarding their status as a US colony, each time they rejected independence.

That's because they push this "not the real death toll, PR making stuff up for more gibs" line
Also, if it doesn't happen on the continental US and in a major mutt city, people here don't care

Why does such a huge country with so many natural resources, and largest amount of arable land in the world needs so much a small colony as Puerto Rico?

rly makes you think

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Puerto Rico doesn't benefit the US any way. We don't need a bunch of islands to project naval power since the advent of nuclear powered ships.

you're a fucking idiot though that should have been clear from your flag.
PR provides numerous benefits to the american bourgeoisie including but not limited to the exploitation of their markets, theft of local resources, creating a large reserve of cheap labour, and
more military bases

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Wait, he literally denied the hurricane ever even happened?

90 % of those 20 % from the total population that voted
so, how much of the total population are 90 % voting in favor?

So around 18% of the population voted in favor.

The thing that most interests me about Puerto Rico is that Burgers are constantly crying about muh Deep State, muh FEMA camps etc. etc., yet they're completely unaware of the actual things that are going on there with Private Military Contractors, on US Soil, and therein lies their admittance that they're the subhumans that they screech about, allowing natural disasters to not only completely destroy a small island that doesn't count because muh browns, but also towns all across the southwest, yet wholeheartedly support the funnelling of millions of dollars away from things like FEMA to ICE because muh brown invaders reeeeee. Bootlicking Cuckolds.

While I certainly wouldn’t put it past the US to rig a PR election, there needs to be more proof than just an assumption based on their past actions.


This is like denying the Holocaust.

I hate you, gringo. You and every single one of your ilk. Ignorant arrogant imbeciles

Nobody wants it fucktard. Jews want it to increase racemixing and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧they🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 want to make it the 51st state so they can undermine the legitimacy of the fact America is a white nation and you're not an American if you're not white

nice ironic memepost

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I'm 100% serious, commie

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lol right, no one could actually be that stupid

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wow Zig Forums is out in full force tonight
why do you even bother coming here? you're always going to get BTFO by people with functioning brains.

If you had a functioning brain you wouldn't be a communist

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remember, 6 million jews dying is a fabrication but millions of people were cobstantly dying under da ebil commies
i guess that's why socialism has always improved birthrates and increased population huh

Muh 6 million are said to have been murdered. The majority of the 100 million died because communism just doesn't work

not even worth my time

Which really isn’t a “Holocaust” now is it? Even granting what your saying is true its not this would be a lot like blaming capitalism for every single death that has occurred under capitalism…

if you weren't an illiterate retard, you wouldn't be an anticommunist

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Those deaths aren't because of capitalism. Communists did murder countless people though, disobey daddy state even once and it's a bullet for you

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it's a bit of a stretch to call the lowest ranks of you retards "anticommunists" though
you really are just illiterate retards lead on by capitalist interests
there is nothing "anti" about you, you don't even have the capacity to think anything through that you're spouting
you are a fucking drone and a laughable joke
and the punch like to that kind of people is a bullet to the head

nice meme pictures, faggot
really impressive next to archive numbers
retarded drones like you are such a waste of time
and you're not even a good one
how utterly pathetic

how do you have such little self-awareness about how laughable this shit is

so just like current nation-states

They will never become a state because Republicans know it will vote for the Democrats and I’m sure a lot of people here in the US don’t want more Spanish speakers


Why is it always brown Americans that "defend" white culture?
No European would consider those faces white.


Cuba should have taken this opportunity to send aid and use it as a cover to fund a NatLib movement in Puerto Rico tbh
A opportunity missed


I disagree actually. Statehood is not ideal for Empire because Puerto Ricans will gain a modicum of bargaining power against, and within, the state.

That's true. It's also true that the global proletariat does not want socialism.

The attitude of the majority is not necessarily correct.

Yes but you can’t exactly build a free and democratic society unless you have the support of the people.

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I didn’t say that, but if you do start trying to impose socialism on the public before you have the support of a reliable majority of proles, you will run into problems. You may be able to implement a planned economy, but you won’t be able to have a genuine worker’s state because you won’t be able to implement democratic modes of governance without risking the people themselves undermining socialism.

A revolution imposed from above is no revolution at all.

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Right, I forgot that the nationalists and communists were left to freely fraternize with the rest of the political apparatus and population and were not hunted like dogs. Once again gringo, stay in your fucking lane. The only time i'd ever say that because the only people i've truly come to despise is yours. Shut the fuck up you ignorant imbecile

Oh good, let the slave stay in his cage because that's all he's ever known and his master says that going outside will hurt him. You people are despicable animals, please just go away


In some ways i would say i believe in Blanquist Praxis to a degree tbh
While a Popular movement is always the desirable outcome in some Situations (Usually third world) the Conditions necessary for a popular movement just arent there

Afghanistan Peru and Ethiopia stand as excellent examples
In both you had….
A. Effectively tribal society / Agrarian over a Large part of the country
B. Extremely reactionary (Socially) Proletarian class
C. Little understanding among most of the population as to what Socialism even is

In these Scenarios a Intervention by a team of Intellectuals and Left-Wing Military Officers has proven quite capable to bring about Left / Socialist change'etat_against_President_Fernando_Belaunde

How can one man be so based?

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In those scenarios the material conditions for socialism do not exist and trying to impose socialism on them is doomed to failure.

The same could be said about Russia in 1917

Hmmm, I would say they failed to keep the revolution alive, but they did help out their countries in certain ways. Ethiopia is no longer as tribal as it was before the Derg, Peru doesn't have as large a comprador bourgeoisie as it did before Velasco (at least until Fujimori), and as for Afghanistan - well I don't know much about the Democratic Republic, but I believe they made some progress until the whole country inevitably took a turn to help under the Islamofascists.


It Became Less Tribal DURING the Derg Period on account of the destruction of feudalism and diminished tribal powers but after 1991 when the Tribal Militas Overan Addis Adaba and Eritrea moved towards independence the Constitution and Goverment was remade to effectivly hand power back to tribal groups

To this day Ethiopia has to keep a Coalition of Tribal interest parties in power to stop the place imploding's_Revolutionary_Democratic_Front

Fugg, I did not know that. Liberals really do ruin everything.

It was less Liberals and more Revisionists and Open Traitors in the Ethiopian Socialist movement
The EPRDF and its Constituent / Orbiter groups made the claim of being the "True" M-L socialist parties of Ethiopia and made claim that the Derg were traitors to the Revolution and actually Branded themselves as Hojhaists for a while which made it even more ironic that the EPRDF was being supplied weapons by fucking Dengist China and USA and also the fact they became SucDem / Liberal "Revolutionary Democrats" the Second DRE fell


Oh fugg, How could they handle so much revolutionary democracy?

Exactly, and it shouldn’t surprise us that it ultimately failed.