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Other urls found in this thread:


no post history, probably a falseflagger
if he cared at all he would appeal it anyways
we have dozens of retards who drop by to make one thread and then forget this board exists, like 90% of bans aren't appealed and I almost always unban if there's even the slightest honesty in it
absolutely nothing of value was lost

whats up with that red overlay? nightmodus? why? it sucks

not worth its own thread to complain but i dont really see the point in banning sarcasm

moderation general, i guess. I haven't been banned for like… 5 months or so, though my drunkposting sometimes I think would deserve some warnings

ignore flag

Get banned.

Nothing happen.


What does this even mean?
If I got banned for a post like that I would be too angry to fall on my knees and beg to be unbanned.

the absolute state

That's just not true though.


report to self-crit session

I love watching what this place has become. Especially all the bootlicking ML's and Stalinists begging BO to fuck them in the ass all day.

Nice fetish loser

Da, tovarisch.

1. BO did nothing wrong.
2. well look who was first replying to the Vol and didn't get banned
ur a fegit

sry forgot to sage, kinda thought its already bumplocked

what else is new? Why is anybody still here anyway, go to >>>Zig Forums if you want an actual leftwing community. This Subreddit is run by liberal SJWs.


why is it unpragmatic to just move to an actual left-wing community instead of this subreddit run by SJWs?

This coming from a board that calls Lenin and Stalin "red" "fascists" and capitalists

Am I banned for being a white male yet, or did the mods just give me a warning for that?
We wouldn't want anybody getting the impression that there are more important issues than hating white males that the left should be focusing on.

so much salt from hypocrites
coming from a board of reddit-spacing maroons, that's a laugh.

Sure it is, meanwhile leftpol bans you for saying anything in Stalin's defense in their repeated circle-jerk "stalin's crimes" threads.

Who's telling you to do that you defensive shit? A calm appeal is easy without having to denigrate yourself you extremist. Not to mention, sarcasm isn't always obvious to all people and /letfypol/ has repeatedly gotten unironic posts like these in the past 3 months by /polyps/, on a nigh daily basis.

It fucking is, Sailor Moon thread? 20 posts in, we have 3 seperate Zig Forumsacks shitting the bed over 3 different things. Etc. etc. This is a daily shitstorm. Just because you don't lurk enough to see it doesn't mean its not there.

Attached: the autism these levels its amazing.jpg (441x93, 11.12K)

literally disproving your anti Zig Forums shit point

Attached: he he he anime.png (1360x1360, 1.06M)

And there I was reading a thread why the right wins the cultural battle on the internet. Why their memes are superior.

And then I see this thread. Two puzzles that fit perfectly.

coming from the reddit spacing say nothing
funny to see the whining over nothing here and the inept same old leftpol crybabies failing to reply whenever exposed

Attached: thi95.PNG (355x611, 194.83K)

you apparently don't know what that word means.
on this subreddit. This is a subreddit for defending feminists and hating those misogynistic Bernie Bros who think the left should focus more on economic issues and less on misandry.

it's funny because all the idpol liberals crying about berniebros fucked off to Zig Forums along with imperialist apologetics and "lenin was a fascist" anarkiddies

Reminder that this poster is the Zig Forums shill I exposed earlier.

No you wouldn't..it's illegal.. you're mentally sick and need reeducation.

America needs Republicans so maybe after you physically see your daughters get raped you wake the fuck up

>the user shilling for >>>Zig Forums is a leftpol shill
OMG wow such detective work!

We do, Your 'points' - if they could be called that - are hypocritical, you fags at leftpol do the same shit.
nigga where? most of the anti-idpol posts come from here, meanwhile leftpol still masturbates to succdems like Chomsky and unironically call the USSR capitalists.
We deride Bernie because he's a fucking social democrat, not a socialist, to say otherwise is to be ignorant of what socialism is. I.E. words socialism isn't a 95% income tax…
strawman argument
so are you

Attached: smug angel listening.png (640x480, 504.13K)

reddit spacing does not = paragraphs. You need to learn what a paragraph is you high-school reject.

Do you not know what a dynamic IP is?
(Zig Forums gave me a captcha, so this IP probably doesn't have a post history either)

Don't be a faggot, Dynamic IPs do not change that quickly.

Attached: nani police officer sama.jpg (2048x2048, 262.63K)

lol a ban for that…I've been at leftpol and wandered here for a look, but I didn't realise things had got this bad

They really aren't.

See pic
In what way?

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Is being forced to pay your employees slightly more by the courts praiseworthy these days?

Call me when they do something really remarkable…

What makes you think that it didn't change right before he posted? Or that he didn't change his IP because his previous one had 200ms ping to Google and the one he got afterwards had 60ms

had 60ms ping?
In a country with shit ISPs, this can be the only way to get decent ping.

You're still ignoring 90% of the points being made here you salty bitch.

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I really doubt that is the hegemonic opinion
maybe one person said that one time

Actually this subreddit is pathetically trying to fit in with a retarded anonymous far right incel subculture that any discussion of social and political relations within a racial, gendered or postcolonial frame of reference is immediately met with derision by a horde of autistic Americlap gamers

someone show this man the door

Attached: deadass.jpg (800x699, 64.01K)

this poster was right and people get banned for this shit all the time on this forum.
this board is filled to the brim with chauvinists who started off as Zig Forums idiots, then read a wikipedia article about marx, and ended up here.

reminder: chauvinism stands in direct contrast with socialism. the mods of this board should realize it.

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You are the cancer that will destroy this board

Literally make up your minds, either we're ex-Zig Forums chauvinists or SJWs

Attached: Hey a letter came for you in the mail.jpg (326x284, 30.37K)

go back to pol and look at your gay interracial porn

you, personally, are a chauvinist. i don't know who or what you are beyond what you've demonstrated in this post.

i dont know what 'sjw' means beyond how internet fascists and centrist libs use it to justify their settler mindset.

in the real world, i've never heard an actual communist use the term.

How have i shown chauvinism? You don't know me cunt, you literally admit it;
yet you spam it
Centrist libs literally ARE SJWs you dipshit, it's fucking idpol, lurk moar.
Because in the real world communists are busy solving more important issues. Not to mention an individual anecdote is meaningless.

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you just don't fuckin get it, chauvinist.
a socialist complaining about "identity politics" is like complaining that native americans are wary white people.

the thing about beyonce is a fuckin dog whistle. if you can't understand how racism and sexism is used to divide the proletariat, or that black workers or female workers are even worse off than white proles, you're a god damn fool and stuck in the past.

that makes no sense
It's not, the Cops would never touch Beyonce, but they would go after those workers. Color is irrelevant.
That's precisely the argument you dipshit
That's just horse-shit based on liberal pity-politic studies that manipulate data.

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see, that's exactly it. you don't get it. fucking chauvinist hasn't eliminated his alienating pseudo-fash beliefs. don't call yourself socialist anymore please.

Either a really retarded redlib or some dirty tricks from MI6.

You're a troll, begone.

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I think you're mistaken, and most of 'identity politics' is alienated proles teaching themselves to embrace the divisions that bourgeois society imposed on them.

Man, this board has gone to shit.

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swear y'all are one step away from: white french settlers in haiti were natural allies of the slaves!

read here. this is the platform of every single amerikan communist party. white proles have been scapegoating blacks, latinos, women since the dawn of fucking time. even fucking engels said it, that in his own house, the man is the bourgeoisie and the woman is the proletariat.

you guys are god damn idiots. social fascists.

Idpol faggots out

Attached: bookchin on idpol.png (1277x333, 120.02K)

You are just chock full of bourgeois spooks my dude.

>>>Zig Forums


And written about by Marx and Engels. Your type is neauvau colonist with a red flag. It’s counterrevolutionary. At least fascists don’t masquerade as socialists. You’re a piece of shit.

your essentialism already excludes you from being a communist, find another ideology to cloak your anti-universalism behind

what is your justification for your un-marxist beliefs? your beliefs are not materialist in the slightest, they show a complete lack of understanding of history and dialectics.

which is why: my thinking is status quo leftist. it is backed by evidence, is anti-imperialist.

"The struggle against national oppression is a struggle against imperialism because it was imperialism that conquered the Native Americans, Native Hawai’ians and Alaskan Natives, committed genocide against the indigenous peoples and seized their land. It was imperialism that brought Africans, Mexicans and Asians to work as slaves, braceros and contract laborers. It is imperialism that still dominates the countries of the Third World, forcing more immigrants to come to the United States to escape poverty and repression."

step up your theory game, wikpedia reader.

"In the great majority of cases today, at least in the possessing classes, the husband is obliged to earn a living and support his family, and that in itself gives him a position of supremacy, without any need for special legal titles and privileges. Within the family he is the bourgeois and the wife represents the proletariat. In the industrial world, the specific character of the economic oppression burdening the proletariat is visible in all its sharpness only when all special legal privileges of the capitalist class have been abolished and complete legal equality of both classes established. The democratic republic does not do away with the opposition of the two classes; on the contrary, it provides the clear field on which the fight can be fought out. And in the same way, the peculiar character of the supremacy of the husband over the wife in the modern family, the necessity of creating real social equality between them, and the way to do it, will only be seen in the clear light of day when both possess legally complete equality of rights."

please leave, fascist.

wow brilliant

Except that there is the following

VPNs, Tor, or literally restarting your computer and going to a different wi-fi location. All 3 methods are guaranteed to over-ride bans. I was perma-banned once from Zig Forums because of an IP mistake… it didn't stick. Literally NOTHING prevented OP from posting again. Not to mention there were no ban appeals, sarcastic or otherwise.

badly cited quotes are not an argument especially as this is
A) Appeal to Authority Fallacy
and B) your point does not coincide. This is like right-wingers saying Nazis are socialist because they have socialist in the name, except here you're trying to play up some sort of superiority over a point that no-one was talking about. You literally don't understand half the shit you're spouting.

Go to >>>Zig Forums with your contradictory irrelevant faggotry

Attached: there's the door get out.jpg (500x333, 42.57K)

uh you mean…quote well-established theory from actually existing communist parties?

you're a typical 4channer, you know nothing of marxist theory. you have yet to make a single point in this thread. i think any reasonable leftist reading this will realize that. you've displayed blatant chauvinism in every post, you've undermined anti-imperialist struggle…so what the fuck are you? your posts are the type of shit that would get you expelled from any left party. if you ever got off the internet and did anything besides LARP at socialism, you would realize that.

Attached: sankara.jpg (324x499, 37.18K)

Ecept you're not using it to you argument, you're just spam posting a quote vaguely relevant to the subject and sayig it supports your argument, it really doesn't. You're just trying to justify your "repent white people" mentality, and thus promoting the retarded idpol that both Sankara and MLK the former of whom you posted, were opposed to.
This is Zig Forums, sorry tard, try again.
That's you m8, I've made plenty of points that you outright ignored.
You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.
Chavanism: excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one's own cause, group, or gender
Where has this been displayed?
YOU are the one here crowing about "muh imperialists" as if this were a Zig Forums thread about South Africa. Idpol is idpol, be it left-wing or right-wing.
In what way? By saying that idpol is a capitalist farce?
I am a socialist, you are a tard.
I'm sorry but I don't associate with any liberal parties
Says the guy literal posting every 5 minutes
Do you know what LARP even means you moron? posting on image-boards is the opposite of a LARP, because a LARP requires you to be outside and LARPing, like antifa anarchists do.

Fuck off FBI

Attached: liberals get out dragon.gif (200x200, 27.09K)

you've called me a "tard" a "faggot" and a "cunt"

go use that language around real life socialists, see what happens, chauvinist.

there is no american communist party, just a bunch of fbi field offices

you're thinking of cpusa.

there are several functional communist parties. PSL, PCUSA, FRSO are worthwhile ones.

interesting that none of you have made any sort of materialist argument yet. actually, not that interesting, because you're petit bourg western whites. you have no place in international socialism except to be subservient.

At worst, they might try to slap me with limp wrists. At best they would look at their feet and shulk away.

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If they get triggered by mere words I wouldn't find them worthy of associating with in the first place. I can't image Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin or any other revolutionary of actual note flipping his shit because you called some retard a "faggot". Suck it up and be a man, fag

I have, sorry mr.I'm-TOTALLY-A-Real-Socialist, but not everyone grows up in a prissy middle-class neighborhood.
Misusing language should be a crime.

Ooooh, not-real-socialism fallacy added to the list of fallacies you've used, alongside strawmen and appeal to authority.
Neither have you, quoting a random and incited quote is not an argument, especially when your claims are not even supported by said quote.
Waaa we brown people have it worse, let's be sectarians and divide the working class by race, going against the philosophies of every black socialist ever. You have no idea how bad it can be for "Western Whites". Ghettos aren't only populated by black people you know.
And there it is, you admit to your fascism. Leave third-worldist. You are not only hateful and horrid, but ignorant as well.

Real socialists you say? You're not a real socialist, you're a pig using the mantle of socialism to justify your hatred.

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Where is this from?