When will you Americans finally rise up against your government and thus against the capitalist system...

When will you Americans finally rise up against your government and thus against the capitalist system? Americans both right-wing and left-wing are by far the most brainwashed and dumbed down society in the world!

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1) stop viewing Americans as dehumanized stereotypes
2) America is labor-aristocrat central and nothing will ever happen so long as it is stable here
3) there are no viable alternatives to the two parties and the system is set up to sustain it

I love that fucking film

Have a murica mockery

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"3) there are no viable alternatives to the two parties and the system is set up to sustain it"
Precisely because there are no alternatives in the system, the Americans have to become independent and stand up against their own system, you idiot!

What is a caricature?

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"1) stop viewing Americans as dehumanized stereotypes" These are not even dehumanized stereotypes, but ordinary Americans …

Obviously. Most people are fed up with the system in one way or another (for example the less than 20% approval rating for Congress, low voter turnout, etc) but no one is making any serious moves to provide a truly new alternative and it becomes increasingly polarized here between petty social issues and bullshit like #MeToo

There are a lot of rednecks in the country and a lot of fat people, but the quickest way to spot an non-American is to see someone thinking all Americans are fat degenerate evangelical retards. We have our share, but plenty of normal people live here.

Another proof of how stupid the Americans are …

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Not disagreeing just asking for clarification as to who the labor aristocracy precisely is. I can't really think of any right now besides, in order of importance
1. The industrial workers in the arms industries. Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, etc
2. Oil and energy workers
3. Electrical and telecom workers

Why is Zig Forums full of such zealous anti-capitalists?

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I would just say that segment of the population which is numerically large and privileged stratum which has separated itself profoundly from the what we think of as the traditional proletariat. White color and some types of technical workers would probably be included it in. These people are the greatest supporters of the status quo and still fall for memes like reformism and upward mobility

yeah Amerigans when will you start fighting the evil capitalists by spreading Communism to others and encourage everyone to protest rather than work because that's the best way we can defeat this system because welfare is not enough and the true perfect system requires no class so you Amerigans wont have to work and be lazier than now

Because there’s a lot of labor aristocrats here, and a lot of Lumpen as well.

Probably never, since the US lives in a reality bubble forged out of convenience and a belief in the morality of noble lies.

Though I would like to point out that obesity is a growing issue in the entire Western world, not just America.

This. As long as they have their precious global empire Americans will continue to be largely hopeless and reactionary. Post-war America might have some potential though.

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Yes, exactly by not working you harm the system and by working as a wage slave you keep it going, you stupid bastard.

When will Zig Forums realise that wageslaving just encourages imperialism?
We need to ban anybody that admits to wageslaving.

I'm not american

Do you mean this guy, who i was responding to?

Industrial workers at defense companies, energy workers, etc. yes but also tech companies and in the service sector in a lot of cities. The main difference is that the industries associated with Republican voters are often "lower down the value chain" as it were.

That just means they are more primary, with the services in the more developed cities. The American political system is really two parties representing different industries reaching bargains with different groups of privileged workers – usually over stupid culture war shit.

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yes comrades lets stop working because that's the only thing that will harm the system while the people at the top of the system which are the elites of the elites laughs at us because the workers, bourgeois and rich clashes until they kill each other until we reach Anarcho-Primitivism

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owww yeah we can defeat wageslaving by having a classless society yeah thats right guys communism is the best, why would we fix the roots of the system while we can destroy it and replace another fucked up system so fuck you all Capitalists bastards!

You are so fucking stupid! The so called "elites" are only so rich, because the workers made them rich! The "elites" are just parasites!

The roots of the problem are the "elites" and their capitalist system you fucking idiot!

This guy posts on Zig Forums now

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ohhhhh shieeeet you are sdupit anom hohoho comrade the elites became rich because of workers hohohoho so let's fight them by abolishing the class and lets also take those small capitalists' goooods because that's how we defeat the elites yeah comrade when we redistribute the wealth, those elites will invest their 90% of their wealth to foreign banks and that's right gomrade we will get 10% of their wealth after they migrated isnt that cooool comrade? FUCK YOU CAPITALISTS PIGS!

You retards do realize that money is worthless in this situation, it doesn't fucking matter if they save their money in a bank.

Take your meds schizo, just because you're too stupid to understand anything about how the world works doesn't mean everyone does.

owww shieeeett yesssss das rayt money = wealth yeah, look guys lets abolish the class so it favors us lazy people and those who wants to improve or step up their life should shut their mouth up because the natural state of humens have no class yes daz rayt so lets collectivize our efforts and let the government distribute it ohhh yeeaaaah I trust muh government because he is muh comrade he wont corrupt yeaaah lets starve to death

ohhh loooook muh comrade knows how the world works OMMGGGG step back ahead guys and beware he already met morpheus omggggggg!!!!!
oh yeah thatsssss what I em exactly I was implyinhg yeaahhhh muh comrade is a prophet ommgggg I feel bad about smallo capitalist yeah I said that omggggg yeah I did appeal to emotion uyeaahhhh I LOVE COMMUNISM SO MUCH IT MAKES MY COMRADE A PROPHET AND REACH NIRVANA STATE hehehehehehe

keep going, i want to see how histrionic and unhinged you can get

this is what happens when you let actual boomers post on imageboards

why can't you just explain well so I can be talked seriously mister comrade, explain how could you implement and how could you prevent scarcity, and be better than capitalism. stop your "ohh I wont talk to you schizo autistic retarded etc" well you're just buttblasted and can't take too much meme

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mr. boomer please take your pills! the rest of the care home is very worries about you


hehehehhe looook guyys Im soo koooool I post Putin face le meme now…

ohhh yeah everyone is a boomer if you think so hehehehhe yeahhh yeaehhh

ohhh looookkk I am retarde…………. oh wait…. no not this

Thank you very much for your humble contribution!

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Have you ever heard of the NazBol Gang?
You'd fit right in.

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libtard ownded epicxs stile!

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It's good to see that you take care of autistic people.
They can thrive in a local nazbol circlejerk with their fellow lowborns.

I want to bully the hoodie twink

ohhhhhh shieeeet loooook all that against communism is funded by pig capitalistssss omggggggg thatsss so koooool

holllliiiiii shioeeeeyttttt looooookkk he used NazBol Gang unironically to buurrrnnn that commie hater ommgggg BURRRRRNNNN

why are typing like a schizoid

Your fate is sealed, globalist
The NazBol gang is coming for your soul

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does your brother have schizoid that you keep pointing out I have one


You do not know the power you have unleashed.
The NazBol Gang is immortal and exists outside of the confines of this dimension.
You have no chance of survival

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does your mom know you're gay?

wait comrades I have to looookk on google about NazBol Gang memes so I can trigger himmm yeahhhh 200x200 photo hohohoho nice meme

i mean maybe if i had a brother i could ask him if he personally has a schizoid somewhere
don't think it's fair to say i keep pointing it out as well considering i've only replied to you once.
is this the power of anti-communist arguments?

You see comrades? This is what happens to one's brain as they attempt a mental duel with the might of the NazBol Gang
Our warlocks work around the clock to ensure total mental dominance over this universe
The poster here is one of thousands sacrificed to the NazBol Gods


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Damn did he get banned?
I have an entire folder filled with shit nazbol memes and I only ever get to use 6 of them each time a retard of this level appears

hoollllyyyyy shiiiiieeet guyysssss looookk I got burned hohohohoho stoppp it im crying

ohhh please show mercy on me stop sending memes I will tell this to my mom huhuhuhuhuhu :( you are so scary

It is right for you to fear us, mortal, for you know that if we were so inclined this world would crumble
Join us in the NazBol Trannydimensional Warp and we shall show you the future

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But Americans literally are sub-humans who possess every one of their negative stereotypes.

Can someone bring meme picture where american fail hang himself because rope torn under his weigh?

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There are plenty of normal people in the USA, but a majority of the US population is OP-accurate

I'm a coward so armed violence is not an option.

t. never been to America and never been outside of a degenerated urban area

t. suburbanite who doesn't realize that pretty much every negative stereotype about America (with the possible exception of "rednecks") comes from suburbia

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chambray flannel yuppies who invade the hood are also bad

America has a rich lanor and socialist history amd tradition. Eugene Debbs, Huey Long, and Huey Newton just to name a few names. Union membership in the mid 1900's was around 50%. But it all changed with Reagan.
Neoliberal policies wring people of their will to fight. It beats them down by stagnating their wages, busting their unions, and cutting the social safety net.
During the FDR presidency, FDR made it so schools would teach skills such as driving, carpentry, and so on. There was the expectation of most people of working a "lower class" job, and they were given more training and protections because of it. Under Reagan, schools were stripped of most of their funding. They couldn't afford most classes like these anymore, nor could they even afford basic supplies like textbooks. George W. went further. No Child Left Behind was a direct middle finger to lower class jobs. It instilled the expectation of all students to go to college. The goal of education in America was no longer to educate the youth, but to get the youth into higher education. The subtext to this act was the old Bourgeoisie myth of bootstraps; the lower class workers were stupid and deserved their place in society.
Under normal conditions, valuing higher education is admirable. However, going to college in America soon became a desperate struggle for resources such as grants and scholarships. The prices for atending colleges and universities began to sky rocket. Poor and most of middle class people couldn't afford to send a child to college or for a child to work their way through college. Thus predatory student loan programs began to ensnare the young. This along with uncontrolled rent and purposely stagnant wages is leaving Americans impoverished while simultaneously working the white collar jobs the Bourgeoisie said would being them out of poverty.
Of course, this isn't even touching on trade deals such as NAFTA or the systemic exploitation of black people (i.e. segregated schools and "seperate but equal" laws)
It's not Americans' fault they're dumb. The left of the 1900's failed to prevent the domination of Neoliberalism. The consequences were underfunded schools overtaken by the Evangelical allies of Neocons leading to less educated people and expanded poverty (the number one factor of obesity).

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Niggers don't belong on the earth and must be murdered like animals.

Critique of image:
original phrase is where's waldo
therefore reverse should be:

screencapped, it's a good post.

Ha ha, buffalo bill I know it's you.

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What's the story behind pic related?


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