For those of you who started off with racist tendancies, how did you shake them off?

For those of you who started off with racist tendancies, how did you shake them off?
I play a lot of MMO's, although I stuck to western ones. Mainly EvE. It was mainly white people until we got a massive immigration of Chinese players, which gave me an opportunity to speak to them. They seemed like fantastic people, and this led me to an opportunity to speak with Korean corporations as well.
Later on I'd start playing MMO's that had higher ethnic populations, and at some point I ended up knowing and meeting enough blacks, chinese, koreans, whatever to consider racism to be utterly ridiculous.
Obviously being racist is no good, but when you live in a small country town it's hard not to believe the stories you're constantly being told about them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Racism is about serious stuff, not "we have fun together, idk why people are racist". Like survival of your own group. That doesnt go away.



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I never really was, I just got caught up in Esoteric Hitlerism and later on 3rd position because I just have always attracted to the occult and what was considered sinister, evil etc by society in general. I just ended up dropping it because I realized that I just didn't give a fuck about racialism at all. I still have a somewhat Left Hand Path outlook when it comes to morality though, but I no longer practice sorcery

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the only thing you have control over is what you define as your own group. and you have total control over this, although your current definitions are pretty well-ingrained in your noggin.

I know someone who said she stopped being racist after so much time in discussions on the internet that challenged her beliefs.


i just looked at stuff that wasn't Zig Forums infographs for once
wasn't too hard

I'm serious. She said she hated black people. Had no exposure to them so she didn't even know what they are like.

That was pretty much me. Easy to hate something you've never met.

Great, show an example and die out, jews. No?. Rampant sectarianism and nationalism?. "Lol who cares" only for goyim?. Nah, thanks, were good.

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If youre stupid.

You dont choose your dna. Identity politics to the trash.

My best advice would to study history and geopolitics. A lot and in detail. Then you will learn why are some nations are worse off than others and that sexism and racism is bad,

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I know that you are very stupid, but why focus and arbitrary fiction like own group rather than well being of all humanity?
Not to mention that ))capitalism(( is the one and only reason why certain groups of people face danger.
Stupid faggot.

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Study more. Bone structure, inteligence traits, generally dna is different.

meant this pic.

are different not between races, but between individual people.

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There are subdivisions to everything, and they apply, go drink sewer water instead of tap water, its a water too, lol.

Also leftism is not about race mixing, it's about abolishing capitalism, something that officially threatens all of races.

Another orc vs human scenario?
Understand this this is not about races, it's about individual people and the orc is you.

Yes, but major groups of similar characteristics exist. Just like your kids are special because they have half of yours.

That's correct, but the point of this thread is not about different race, it's about not being racist. Two different things.

Delete the thread then.

No, humans is me. Every other racial group is uglier, whites are on top.

Leave leftypol then, orc.

If someone is not your group, you put your own interest above theirs. Thats racism that you dont like.

Communism/socialism was created by whites. You leave.

White people are not hive mind. There are idiots, like you orc, but not everyone is tribal like you, orc.

Communism/socialism was created by humans,leave orc.

you dont choose your dna but you choose whether to give a shit about it or not. i choose to give a shit about the parts such as a double recessive i have in some monoamine stuff but i ignore the bulk of it cause most of it doesnt really matter jackshit.

Oy vey.

No, you dont choose that, every animal, plant, bacteria fights for survival by default. "Get suicidal" is not a choice, ever. It has to be propagandized like you do it now.

fun fact, orc. Rich white people don't care about poor white people. They with ease of mind move their companies where labor is cheaper and hide their earning in tax heavens. Rich people don't care about races, yet they push nationalism to blame other people for problems they themselves cause.

Untrue. Go to farm or forest, a lot of animals life together. People are not hive-mind, Majority don't even care bout race,orc.

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You got one thing wrong though
Zig Forumsyps ARE a hivemind and they will do whatever they can to defend the same masters they claim to hate.

Rich people were racist, still are, loxism mostly nowadays. That doesnt mean that inside the race there arent any more divisions. Why white jews sterilized black jews?. Even within race there are divisions, other conflicts exist, always.

Just like races can live together, just separated. Most farm animals are divided in separate cages, thats the multiracial society, sure, everyone on a short leash. Bad thing.

I realized that what normal people call "racism" is actually a healthy understanding of racial differences. Unless you're riding around looking to fight other races or take advantage of them at work or bully them verbally then you aren't racist. It's normal to understand the differences of some races, the predisposition of others, etc.
Racism means going out and lynching races you don't like.

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There is no scientific basis for race. If you believe that there is, or that it is anything more than a social construct, or if you're a racial realist of any stripe, you're a racist.

This makes you both ignorant and bigoted. Individual racism still pales in comparison to structural racism though, which is inextricable with historical circumstance, economic reality, and social prestige.

Except evil white orc people, they exist.

Lived with other ethnicities as roommates for a few years
Life was fun, helped get rid of my edgy teenage racism

Jews (Zionists) that care that much as to institute apartheid are retarded just like you

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Until they get majority and you end up like whites in South Africa. They were racist too, just were in disadvantage, so behaved.


Was already debunked in Another thread

The surplus produced by capitalism, the greatest system in the history of humanity, is why infant mortality is way reduced in the first world and people are living longer, more fruitful lives. You should thank the rich for granting you opportunities.

that's called motte and bailey

What, that blacks have racial identity?. They do. Everyone does. Its completely natural.

I don't hate other races, but I realized that humans are naturally tribalist and will always divide on racial, religious, and linguistic lines before they will on class lines and that the only way to achieve and maintain socialism is to promote homogeneity and eliminate diversity.

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And yet the African Autism Level of Black Africans is in the 60s and 70s.

Scratch a racist and a capcuck bleeds. Lmao.

I more meant Jews who dont care about Zionism in General and really dont give a shit about the whole "Master/Chosen Race" shit that Zionists Promote
Norman Finklestein / Trotsky / Rosa / Chomsky (Before he became senile) / Radek are good examples of this

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Thats mass production, international trade and movement of goods - kings etc always were rich, yet they didnt share. Thank commies they forced the sharing, so hospitals exist, without "i'll live if master feels generous today to help me".

A. No the memes about South Africa being Mad Max where Whites are killed on sight

B. "Racial Identity" is created cultivated and enforced in whatever way the Ruling class wants them to at any given time to justify its Policies
The Idea of a "White" Race did not even exist in popular thought before the 1800s and even then countless groups that are considered "White" today have been excluded historically


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As long as you identify as a jew, youre in that group, sure, being a jew has nothing to do with ethnicity or religion nowadays more and more, its more like a cult or "religion is useful" to some jewish oligarchs. Still that identity exists though.

Go lick a boot, orc.

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Most Jews that are Anti/Apathetic-Zionism are Just Athiests or "Agnostic" fence shitters

I read a bunch of rationalwiki articles and realized that consensus = truth

Theyre not there yet, sure. Almost. That narrative exists. Just like blacks in US. Widespread whites rasicm - they keep low, lack of it - jumping to white throats. We cant have nice things.

Of course the idea existed, maybe people were more busy with local conflicts, and disnt know much of distant lands.

Weird, I became racist because I read a bunch of Zig Forums infographics and realized that being contrarian against consensus = truth

Seriously how fucking stupid are you?
The whole reason behind ageing in Europe and America is that millennial's can't afford children, you stupid fucking orc.

Another subgroup division.

Why Thou both Beief wrong
Now please tell me Mein Jacobin friends why thou oppose mein perfect Model of just True governence (Blessed by god) when he created the Elixirs that though use to treat the sikness that ails though?

Zig Forums considers the irish a race though
they consider them subhuman because muh potato famine and IRA
but they love nothern ireland
it's like how they suck off pre-1917 russia and considered it white but once they became socialist all the slavs became subhuman mongrels

Thats literally what the common and "Scientific" idea of "Race" was for centuries

White is Zig Forumscode for 'whatever sucks off porky with vigour'

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The thing that baffles me about image board racists is how their medium kind of defeats their point. As in, they say they are all about reasserting national identity and integrating within your racial group, but then they go on international forums about Japanese cartoons and shitpost in a foreign language with people on the other end of the world. They prefer doing this over going out and enjoying their own culture. It wouldn't ever work if they were in the same room together – then it would be immediately clear that their understandings of the "white race" are absolutely incompatible. They'd mumble a few words and creep back into their basement.

Think about it. Why did this kind of shit emerge on anonymous fora? It's that they can say whatever they like without facing consequences for it. This goes further than real-life consequences, but also has its impact on the ideology internally. You can have major inconsistencies without anyone ever noticing. Associate with one group of people at one moment, and when pressed on it go "Oh, we're not like those dumb Kekistanis." "Oh, Sargon of Akkad is for naive moderate leftists. We're not his viewerbase." This is what makes them immune for the logic of "cringe," which is the main driving force of their ideology. When something or someone is slightly socially inadequate, they jump on it, and make sure everyone around knows that they aren't like this person. And they can easily be led to believe it, after all, who is going to prove them wrong? They'll even believe it themselves. Anyone with the faintest understanding of 4chan can guess that the self-loathing /r9k/ robots and self-important Zig Forumstards are cut from the same cloth. It's obvious that they form a single continuum, perhaps with the Incel, MGtoW and MRA communities forming a bridge. Yet they can deny it all day, and laugh at each other to again disassociate from who they in fact are.

This effect must be expected to be huge. The closer the butt of the joke is to themselves, the more it will remind them of their own failing, and hence the bigger the emotional response. Yet, instead of the bonding and acceptance that occurs with "relatable" memes on normie platforms, here we have a reaction to distance oneself, driven by revulsion. Relatability and "cringeworthiness" must be seen as two sides of the same coin. New kinds of mutual recognition that have become possible via the internet. They are memes at their worst. Easily available doses of self-satisfaction through recognition of ones insecurities. The difference is that with relatability, we share the insecurity by recognizing it as part of ourselves, finding satisfaction in the fact that we aren't that strange after all, or more specifically, that other people are also strange. In it we get to share in our self-strangeness. With cringe, however, we find satisfaction in the mutual recognition that, yes, we are strange, or more specifically, it is strange. Not us, mind you. If it were us, the experience would come to close. Instead, to recap, the internet functions as a shield. Every participant gets to disassociate from himself, feeling that he is the exception for recognizing himself in the cringeworthy subject. Yet he isn't the exception, which would be obvious if the identity of the other participants weren't hidden.

People are edgier online than offline, that being said I think Americans are pushing the bullet about too far these days

good post

Other than being ostracized, censored, infiltrated, legally prevented from researching their own history, forbidden to use imagery and much more to the point where speaking about the love for your nation somehow becomes an act of racism. Meanwhile the left can assemble terror-groups, make death threats, and pretty much do as they please…as long as they don't step on Jewish territory, that is.

You know, for someone who cries about Jews so often, you sure do play the eternal victim you claim they are doing.

Great argument, but while we're at playing the victim card…don't you think the entire black population of this planet deserves the right to be informed by mainstream media about the fact that the Jews were responsible for the slave trade?

Internet nazis are a rootless bunch of Americanized nerds crying about minorities. How many of them meaningfully engage their own culture? Their politics (putting it charitably) are wholly negative. Migrants are bad, women are bad, gays are bad…but I've almost never heard a Zig Forumsack actually praise his nation, its achievements in you know art, science or literature. More often they express an elitist petit-bourgeois hatred for their country's common people, who are all bluepilled and kiked. "Oh I wish I could be proud of my country and useful to society, but everyone except me is a cuck!" Zig Forums ideology is not nationalistic at all, it's pure ressentiment and sexual inadequacy catharsized through nostalgia for amorphous and rootless Roman-statue "whiteness" that never existed.

Well, in Germany 10000 came together, united under the love for their country and to cry out on what crime is being done to it…and you called them Nazis. You don't see them doing nice things because Jewish media is busy portraying them as evil.

I don't watch or read "jewish media", I can visit Zig Forums and other white nationalist websites and see they are full of nothing but petit-bourgeois ressentiment, and blaming blacks for you not getting laid.


How many poltards are in there local tradition clubs where they learn to dance and shit

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I just spent 40 years studying european history,interesting.
looked up "subsaharan african history" and found nothing at all.
also looked up male inventions, constructions, achievements, discoveries, and it took me another 40 years to glance at the documents.
looked up the same for female and it said "entry not found".
my only conclusion is that the encylopedia was broken.

funny, you just listed quantifiably different racial groups.
you don't read, do you.
perhaps lower your HRT dosage

ethnicities are not races dude

Ok cool joke

What a disgustingly boomer-tier post, did you miss your way to facebook grandpa?

This is what Zig Forumsyps actually believe in

t. 15 y/o american mongrel

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Yes, you do. All the time.

I just posted a link to a "black" doctor of high academical renown, who I have nothing but respect for and instead of answering my question or putting out any kind of arguments, you deflect, you twist my words and you throw around insults.

Here have another one after the Jews deliberately attacked this "black" doctors life, and where he talks about how they did it. All well documented.

All your post is lacking is an infographic, but I've got you covered fam

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That happened to you when you posted on an image board? The right again proves its lack of reading comprehension.

More childish deflecting, this time with a direct lie with the implication that the origin of Black enslavement and the Jewish involvement with it, somehow has nothing to do with racism today.

But hey, throw more insults at me for being somehow racist, while I let yet another group of "black" people, who I also respect very much, tell you more about one of the biggest crimes of mankind. I recommend you to at least listen to what Ava Muhammad has to say, a black, female minister. Maybe this will make you respond on why students today don't learn about this crime? Isn't it kinda racist to rob the black community of the truth about their heritage?

Maybe better with an actual link…

No. No it won't.

While some jews may have involvment in slavery
Europeans(western) were by far the biggest contributors to it

We truly do live in a society.

Silly memes are easier to attack, am I right? But when a professor, a doctor and the upper echelon of black Muslims are putting facts on a Jewish crime on the table, you can't be arsed to lean back and listen. Why? Do you have something against "blacks" telling the truth?

Dr. Tony Martin proved something else. Just listen to him.

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We get it. He's a black guy with a PhD.
No one denies that Jews were involved in the slave trade. Of course they were involved in the slave trade. They were the bankers at the time. It's no wonder that you find them funding the ships.

We both know you don't really care about the slave trade. You're disingenuously trying to peddle this bullshit, because your naive stereotype of leftists tells you that that's what we find convincing. Pure projection. We don't care about skin color. Go back to Zig Forums.
Who the fuck cares? Black people and women are just as prone to say stupid shit as white men are.
Since you like dropping random sources…

Do people post this thread on Zig Forums or something?

You never get such a flooding of idiots in any other thread except those to do with race.

Slavery was good and the Confederacy was based and redpilled white men putting niggers in their place. But then it also wasn't because it was the jews doing it. But the Confederacy was still based even though their economy revolved around slavery, that was done by jews.

No you don't understand, the naive white plantation owners didn't know those were slaves.
They thought they were just good natured workers that liked wearing iron shackles. They were actually tricked by the Jews because they were too kind and good.

It's literally as simple as that. If you just talk to some of them, you'll see that they're a bunch of weirdos just like the rest of us. Problem is, racists are so sheltered and alienated from society, they don't even know how to talk to strangers. I've had this idea in my mind for a while now.
If we really want to fight racism, we take ignorant people and have them explain their stupid worldview to a couple of actual refugees. It would be beautiful. Record the thing. Publish it on YouTube. Create the best cringe compilation the world has ever seen.

This is always how their logic works.
Fukkin sandniggers nigging up our country with their discrimination against gays and women. The Jews are ruining our glorious western civilization and all its achievements. Also homosexuals are perverts and women are sluts and someone should really put them back in their place. Modernity was a mistake and we should go back to worshiping pagan gods and shit because I watched a shitty Marvel movie and thought it looked cool.