Why are Leftypol's waifus so much more intelligent and entertaining than Zig Forumss waifus like Blaire, Southern...


Why are Leftypol's waifus so much more intelligent and entertaining than Zig Forumss waifus like Blaire, Southern, Brittany, Lauren Chen, girlwriteswhat, who can barely string anything resembling a coherent thought together?

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i liked how you slipped jason in there. very smooth.

I don't think being a leftist is using a bunch of left-sounding buzzwords while joining spectacles like the latest Marvel movie uncritically, nor engaging in the Youtube equivalent of click bait.

Literally all right wing personalities base messaging entirely on feels and extreme fake outrage culture that make even the most rainbow haired tumblrite look like a level headed, chill individual.
Popular right wing youtubers, especially the females, don't need a coherent thought, they just need to be smug, spout bullshit that is easily digestible, while making their audience mad about something (99.9% of the time completely manufactured).
Left wing youtube tends to be based more around discussion of theory, academic, social and literary analysis and exploration of philosophy. It doesn't really devolve into outrage culture "shock jock" stuff, but mostly are just educational videos. Even the most Zig Forums channels like Mexie, Xexizy, Badmouse don't engage in outrage culture.

Because all you need to have a successful right-wing youtube channel is just to smugly chuckle at SJWs and yell, looking into the camera "THAT'S JUST CRAZY, HUH FOLKS" and offer nothing more of substance

fucking gross


She's anti-capitalist, and not just in the redliberal socdem way and you can tell she's read a decent amount of Marxist literature and philosophers and is familiar with their terminology and she attempts to make it more accessible and relevant to the 21st century especially on a online platform dominated by 10/10 cancerous comment sections and numerous larping neckbeard Nazi's. Contrapoints is a better Leftist then Jimmy socdem Dore. Contra is pretty woke on muh freedum of speech fascists hide behind and the rhetoric they use and how to combat it. Sure there's some idpol in her channel but that's cause it's not just a Marxist channel and I'm sure this rise of the nu right is at-least some what {{{triggering}}} to minorities/LGBT alt-right favorite targets so turning these people away from radlib Bernie autism into Leftists is a win/win since she's obviously aware of the insane sjw "left".

doesn't hurt that she is qt either

I rate contra for her knowledge and shit: but mate she is not fit what are you chatting?

That too

Idk if it's the same thing for you guys but I've noticed almost all attractive women are either apolitical, center-right or rightwingers. Have you guys noticed that? I mean there are two exceptions, which actually happen to be communist politicians of my country. Look up Karol Cariola and Camila Vallejo.

There is a lot of privilege that comes with being a hot woman and they often end up spoiled and entitled. The left are usually made up of people who don't fall within the social confines of status quo society so start to realise how fucking shit everything is.

Another this is that the right purposely will prop up women based entirely on looks (pic related, notice something similar about pretty much all female right wing media figures?) and most right wing female media figures are basically just attention whores who will spout whatever gives them the most attention.

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Yeah exactly, it makes sense when put like this.

fucking gross


She looks like a forty year old man

Jimmy is a fucking Bernie socdem, Contra is actually Socialist and aware just handing out money and free education dosn't fix shit.

contrapoints is a mentally ill former philosophy grad student who thinks its a problem that leftists want to focus on class instead of gender/sexuality/trans issues.

compare this with dore who relentlessly blasts the Democratic Party and various socdem sellouts for not being progressive enough. Dore isn't a Marxist but he pushes things in the right direction. contrapoints is familiar with marxism but prefers to engage in narcissism and identity politics.

Who radicalizes liberals and then has them watch people like Wolff and become
Contra is an ass-clown that makes Communism look bad. No one cares what some post-moder philosopher said in the early 70s.

It makes her come off as an intellectually dishonest grifter.

All deserve a shotgun sandwich. I LITERALLY can't listen to a bourgeois western woman for longer than 20 seconds without feeling intense hatred.

She actually advocates a mixture of both and her "muh class advocation" problems are actually more directed at the tendency of Marxist groups to be boring extremely limited in number and interested in little more then reading groups and larping as Trotskiest 20th century revolutionaries. She if you don't know also regularly makes fun of extreme idpol crazies both of the left and right wing. All though obviously not perfect she is aware of the dangers of extreme idpol and how aesthetics and such can shape public opinion. Ie larping as hardline conservative Marxist/Leninsts only interested in reading groups or batshit insane sjw antifa's on May Day perhaps isn't the best way to actually get new members. She also has actually critiqued Capitalism's inner workings and it's imperialistic shitty nature along with it's alienating anti-human nature. Unlike Jimmy Dore who would blow a load over the Nordic countries.

It's also not a strictly Marxist channel so of course she's going to discuss other topics and guess what's big at the moment with the whole Nazi thing especially online. Minorities,lgbt rights etc especially in a place where blatant lies and misinformation/propaganda is blasted about these individuals ( Herself being one).
And Contra is an actual Socialist who pushes in the right direction even going further then radical socdem crap.

Contra is a narcissistic, insincere piece of shit. Just another petty-booj "left" careerist.

It's fucking disgusting.

Am I talking crazy pills here? One look at that and you can see its unnaturalness and the need to vomit.

Zig Forums so anti-SJW now that even the ☭TANKIE☭ is SJW.

I've been watching Rue Man unirconically often these past few weeks?

I am anti-sjw, sjw's are a diverse group that has divided the left and the working class for far too long and their supposed fixes do nothing to stop the real problem which causes all these disgusting societal wrongs against people in the first place. Contrapoints is a Socialist with some sjw tendencies but she is far from being some purple haired kill all white people and castrate men for slavery believer. You can critique her attempts to "update" Marxism for the 21st century like calling capitalists lizard people and such to make the content more enjoyable and even the videos on more social justice topics she has done (It's not a strictly Marxist literature channel) but it would be wrong to call her some red liberal or insane sjw when her videos clearly state the inner problems with Capitalism, she leaves the interpretation of Revolution vs Reform and "Fascist free speech" vs Bash the Fash to the viewer after giving good arguments from both sides. The end point of full Communism is literally the most progressive and social justice any one of these SJW radlibs could even wish for and their too stupid and brainwashed in their identity to see it.

Anyway Zig Forums is actually the reactionary as fuck board, the amount of imperialists and redliberals there is absolutely sickening. Say what you want about the mods and BO but at-least Crypto Nazi fuckers and Nazbol,Strasserists get the Ban. I can shit on identity politics and Sjw's while not being some Social c onservative Neo-reactionary who thinks not throwing gays into camps is somehow identity politics.

what's up with that

I like Contra but she's definitely a moderate. Now, personally, I'm not gonna condemn her for it, as far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with promoting positive morals of acceptance, solidarity and antifascism and informing centrists that the Right is lying to them without going fully ideological.

I will say, though, that of the three big moderate left YouTubers Contra is probably the least substantial. A lot of her videos are too overproduced, too artsy and not informative enough. Shaun and HBomberguy produce infotainment as well but Contra has just a bit too little info and too much tainment.

Anyway, I don't think she deserves to be dismissed just for a lack of ideological purity. Most of what she promotes in her videos is still, overall, positive.

Yeah this. Really. This place is better than that dump. I will say I have been temp-banned here several times (for a few days at most) and I'm angry at first but then I realize I deserved it – every time actually. Love live Comrade BO!

*gets thrown once again into Gulag*

But I will say love live Comrade BO when it happens.

NVKD open the door
You are under arrest for working with the nazbol-/liberty/-Zig Forums- Zig Forums conspiracy against comrade BO

I prefer shaun or hbomb over contra cause drama with rightards is fun and contras theatrics are stupid but she is not bad and caring about the ideological purity both of contras and of Dores is retarded
In general most leftist youtubers are not bad and deserve some respect for being on that stupid site

pic not related

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Long live comrade BO!

The Nostalgia Chick is marxist now?
She's a Contra tier liberal right?

I was going to say exactly what you've said there about leftist youtubers but I got digressed. I myself prefer Contras theatrics and skits over long political discussions and such (not that I don't mind the occasional political discussion or even shitfest debate) but Contra's jokes and characters are enjoyable and entertaining to me. I can even appreciate the lighting and costuming.

Also funny thing OP posted Sarah Z when I found her channel only a hour or two before the thread. And Sarah hit the nail on the head with the creepy personification of twitter companies

Contra is more of a leftist than her.

She primarily focuses on identity and pays lip service to class. She litterally said you need to read Adurno to understand Marxism, instead just reading Marx’s writings intended for laymen.

The only ones on this list that aren't Liberals are Mexie, Jason and arguably Angie, but they still have pretty big flaws.

Gee, who knows?

the only reason contra is entertaining/compelling is because he is in fact a man

Wow, so much anti-idpol there.

weirdest take I've ever seen from a nazi tbh

It is clown world baby.

We nazis find it funny y'all calling a man in dress a "she".

I'm not a nazi and I find it funny too. I just find it weird that a nazi would say contra is entertaining.

I find it depressing really, imagine when he gets old then kills himself.

I do have a good heart so it is like watching a trainwreck, that dude COULD have a normal life, man.

I agree with the nazi. Men are very easy to laugh at.
Contras a girl tho so idk what that's about

Reminds me of this article I read once from The Economist. Sure they're neoliberal bastards but they had a good story for once:


JANETTE MILLER wasn’t exactly surprised when her daughter came out as transgender five years ago. A feminist who rarely wears make-up or dresses, she brought Rachel up to disregard gender stereotypes (these are not their real names). As a child Rachel enjoyed rough-and-tumble play; as a teenager, she dated a girl. What shocked Ms Miller was her daughter’s declaration that she wished to make her body more masculine by taking testosterone and having a mastectomy. “She had never once said, ‘I feel like a boy’,” says Ms Miller. “She loved being a girl.”

After Ms Miller started to research what a medical transition entailed, she told Rachel that “it was fine for her to identify however she wanted”, but she would not permit her to take testosterone, some of the effects of which are irreversible, or have “top surgery” until she was 18.

They fought for months. Rachel says it felt “almost like a life-or-death situation.”

Typically, adolescents first show symptoms of gender dysphoria, the clinical term for the distress caused by the feeling that one’s body does not match one’s gender, in childhood. But in the past decade clinics in Western countries have reported that a growing number of teenagers have started experiencing gender dysphoria during or after puberty. And whereas these young adults used to be predominantly male, now they are more likely to be female. In 2009, 41% of the adolescents referred to Britain’s Gender Identity Development Service were female; in 2017, 69% were.

Lisa Littman, an assistant professor of behavioural and social sciences at Brown University, was curious about what was causing these changes.
==She had come across reports from parents on online forums describing a new pattern of behaviour: adolescents without a history of childhood gender dysphoria were announcing they were transgender after a period of immersing themselves in niche websites or after similar announcements from friends. Her study suggests that these children may be grappling with what she calls “rapid-onset gender dysphoria”.

For the study, Dr Littman recruited 256 parents of children whose symptoms of gender dysphoria suddenly appeared for the first time in adolescence. These parents—Ms Miller among them—took part anonymously in an online, 90-question survey. Dr Littman’s findings suggest that a process of “social and peer contagion” may play a role. According to the parents surveyed, 87% of children came out as transgender after spending more time online, after “cluster outbreaks” of gender dysphoria in friend groups, or both. (In a third of the friendship groups, half or more of the individuals came out as transgender; by contrast, just 0.7% of Americans aged between 18 and 24 are transgender.) Most children who came out became more popular as a result. Rachel, Ms Miller’s daughter, says that when she told her friends, all of whom she had met online, they congratulated her: “It was, like, welcome home.”==

Dr Littman thinks that some adolescents may embrace the idea that they are transgender as a way of coping with symptoms of a different, underlying issue. Almost two-thirds of the children had one or more diagnoses of a psychiatric or developmental disorder preceding the onset of gender dysphoria; nearly half had self-harmed or experienced some trauma. This is consistent with other studies of gender dysphoria when it sets in during puberty. Some people distract themselves from emotional pain by drinking, taking drugs, cutting or starving themselves. Dr Littman suggests that, for some, gender dysphoria may also be in this category.

Rachel, now 21, believes she latched on to a trans identity as a way of coping with on-off depression and being sexually abused as a child. After receiving therapy, her gender dysphoria disappeared. Had her mother affirmed her gender identity as a 16-year-old, as several gender therapists urged, Rachel would have embarked on a medical transition that she turned out not to want after all.

Man, I am so glad I got into vidya as a kid and not this shit.

Tranny media is basically wh*te genocide.

Oh come on it affects everyone regardless of race.

Tranny propaganda is pushed mostly in white countries.

You do not see fucking Africa pushing this shit.

Cuz dialectical materialism is just hot right now.

Because Africa is full of insane reactionary religious fundamentalists, who are funded by American insane reactionary religious fundamentalists.

*hot shit right now

tbh these incidents are extremely rare and conservative media absolutely love to spam them everywhere as some evidence tens of millions of people world wide all with totally different life experiences and the majority of the medical community and it's medical conses are all wrong. Much like the whole RAPISTS IN THE BATHROOM or GAY PARENTS ARE CHILD RAPISTS or Muslims are all killer terrorists out for innocent Israeli blood these stories are played up for their sensationalism and the idea one of out of millions discredits decades of work of hundreds of thousands of scientists is absolutely shitty and unscientific.

If only America does the same in its country eh?

Contra has shilled for getting "actual things" accomplished and created an entire character based on a massive strawman of Leftists who are critical of electoralism she's literaly less of a Marxist than Jimmy Dore despite "sounding" more like one

And she's created a strawman of people who only intend to do the things the legal way and the ramifications of getting nothing done due to it and how Slavery,Nazism,holocaust were all very legal.

She dosn't shill one single point, she gives arguments for both sides and just because she isn't a Orthodox Marxist/Leninist and leaves the interpretation of what needs to be done up to the viewer after giving separate viewpoints this dons't make her some total shit red liberal or some sjw socdem just because she dosn't blow only one side of a political argument.

She's bad until she reads Bordiga

Remember when the medical community went all-in on lobotomies and eugenics? Reasonable skepticism is healthy

Attached: Brainlet_.png (1200x1335, 268.71K)

I wonder if they all just dyed their hair blonde or there is at least a few of them whose hair is naturally blonde.

trust leftpol to project their level of cuckery as a form of validation

even the natural blondes dye it yellower

I never said environment has no effect on people who have gender dysphoria. The article you posted though tries to meme some view point that because one person wasn't actually suffering it so that all the others are only faking it as well.
*One outlier in Global warming or Evolution exists*
Lol guys it's all wrong, it's not even a real thing ignore the 99% of all the other evidence look at this 1% we don't fully understand yet. Obviously Proof God is real and Global warming is a fake by Satan.

Let me guess gays and transpeople only exist because of capitalism, something something Ancient Greece and gay dolphins aren't real.
Remember when the medical community was full of terrible regulation and practice,religious funding,political interface from hardline conservatives and still worked off 50's malpractices and procedure.

Wrong link

Sure, but this skepticism is about as clever as Climate change denial.

I feel like contra is approaching the navel gazing singularity, it seems like she says exponentially less in each video, maybe I'm just getting stupider

Disgusting fucking leftist whores ITT

There's a difference between the evidence for climate change and the evidence for gender identity disorder. Evidence for the latter is thin at best, and, neurologically (which is to say physically), it only exists in the tendency for the brains of transgender people to be either more "masculine" or "feminine" than is typical for the sex (that is, some of the features are closer to the other sex, but not exactly resembling them, and not in every case). Even so, not a single person maintains that one is transgender for that reason, nor is it used to determine if one is truly transgender or not. In other words, insofar as "transgender" can be said to exist physically, it means nothing insofar as we regard someone as transgender in actuality.


Nah we don't have attractive girls. Under socialism you can't leverage your attractiveness for gibs from pathetic virgins and jobs. I'm not a communist to get laid anyway.

So Zig Forums ideology comes from being "put down by a man"? You must have a lot of experience with being put down by men.

Not really. Only bad girls like get put down and bred by men who are worth anything.
Isn't it funny how this pussyboi mod bans anyone who has a dissenting opinion? So much for a freezepeach bored. You're all weak-willed feminists and men.

almost like this board isn't what you imagined it to be. as if your view of Zig Forums was totally skewed and you were only ever confronted with strawmen of leftists.

As a matter of fact I know quite well what a Marxist looks and smells like. They smell of fear and cowardice and want to be bashed up or knocked unconscious in the streets. ANTIFA fit this exact description…so, you better hide you powerlevel cocksucker. I want to put your kind to sleep mercifully.

Sarah Z is THICC

yeah idc if she's just a liberal she's fucking hot


She's a female and a /leftist-loser/ which means her Autism Level is bound to be less than 92. I would beat her to death after I came inside of her.

typical Zig Forumsfag exposing his nigger-like nature of just thinking about violence and rape

the girl in the OP pic, and the first yt channel in the OP.

Oh, she looks alright.

Attached: 6zfg.PNG (250x419, 36K)

It's just my way of saying that she is sinfully ugly to me because she a /leftist-loser/ and I hate her for this.

You sure like Tomoko, kid. Maybe you like being hit until you submit? Well…nobody likes that to be honest. You are a leftist avatarfag though, so I must oblige and call you the ultimate fucking faggot. Ya dig/

i can tell that you're just about 14 so that smooth talk really doesnt get me worked up like you maybe imagine it would
keep trying though

Contrapoints is just an opportunist with the revenue she's making she's literally a one percenter for her age group and probably regardless of age group too

The Medical Community is pretty split on Tranny shit, but most Scientists unanimously agree that Climate Change is real.

Now hol up. She may have more money and privileged than the average worker but she is nowhere near bourg or even petit-bourg status.

Lmao are you trying to say she's a muti-millionaire? How retarded are you?