Why did the Soviet Union participate in imperialist wars against Poland and Finland while agreeing to a non aggression...

Why did the Soviet Union participate in imperialist wars against Poland and Finland while agreeing to a non aggression pact with literally Hitler?

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The USSR could not participate in imperialism since it was not a capitalist country

Stalin repeatedly begged the "Allies" to attack Hitler in 1939 but capitalists would rather appease literal Nazis than side with Communists, so Stalin went and bought himself a few years of respite before Hitler would have inevitably struck against the USSR

Both Finland and Poland stole Soviet land during Russian Civil War. They needed that land to have space to protect from nazis during upcoming war.

Soviets signed that pact to gain some time to prepare for war. They faught against Germany in Spanish civil war and were fighting border war against Japanese Empire. Soviets offered alliance to Poland in 1938, but they refused and invaded Czechoslovakia with the Nazis.

Finland was aligned with fascists. Not sure what you are getting at here.

Words have meaning.

Imperialism implies some form of exploitation of colonies. There was none. Consequently: not imperialist.

because le stalin and le soviet union were le evil dude the cia and the nazis are great sources for this kind of stuff

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He got a galaxy-brain revelation that World Revolution is imperialist.

Why did the British and French imperialists sign a non-agression pact with Hitler too? Were they the best buds?

1. curzon line
2. reactionary poland having a pact with germany
3. western isolating and rejecting anti-hitler coalition
4. western push for germany towards the east (munich treaty)
5. read Joseph E. Davies "mission to moscow"
yada yada
more effort next time, your thread stinks

It was really a trick question, the USSR wasn't capitalist so it didn't participate in any imperialist wars

Because the pols deserved it

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Atlee's UK was a workers' state which sought to liberate the Arabs and Indians.


There was private property under NEP but the bourgeoisie were not the ruling class and there was no dominance of finance capital so there still could be no imperialism on their behalf

Read a book

Read a book.

USSR transitioned to socialism while Stalin was in power, and remained socialist until Gorbachev introduced profit incentives that fucked up the system.

Nowhere did I say or imply that.

Yes, but it isn't the sole metric of whether a society is capitalist or not

They literally didn't. Like, you can make up shit about the "new managerial class" or whatever, but saying the bourgeoisie had power in the USSR is some next level shit

Did the workers own the means of production?

Did the workers own the means of production?


Stalin was telekinetic, class conciousness is an occult phenomenon, how do you think Trotsky really died? mind bullets
he was able to commune with the entire proletariat and act on their behalf, one day he over stretched (because he cared too much) and pooped himself to death

Through some hard-hitting dialectical materialism and a thoroughly marxist scientific socialist analysis I can conclude OP is a faggot liberal bourgeois first worldist and needs to read Marx and Hegel to understand the dialectic nature of historical materialism and revolutionary materialist scientific socialism and needs to reject reactionary utopian idealist anti-materialist liberal bourgeois first worldism.


False, Lenin gave Finland its independence voluntarily

Only after being attacked by Stalin


No. The state was run by a single "people's party" so therefor the state owning the MoP means the people own, wink wink nudge nudge. It walked like a duck, it quacked like a duck and it looked like a duck. The USSR was sham

Yes, and after Finland got it's independence it invaded Soviet Union

If you are Finn nationalist, why are you browsing leftypol

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What is it with you and absolutely brainlet tier takes? The All-Union Communist Party was a vanguard party that acted in accordance with socialist principles, democratic centralism and worked to develop the countries productive capabilities. Under Stalin's collectivisation, most farms were collectivised into kolkhozes and modernised, they were not state owned. The workers had much more self-management than under capitalism, they only needed to adhere to the Gosplan. Stop with your utopianism.

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Yeah yeah. Smooth running state, higher standard of living, brought them from feudalism to the space race in just a few decades. I know I know.
Centralized state authoritarianism was not the goal and does not inspire further social revolution

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Trotsky said a lot of stupid shit, but he was right about one thing - the disollution of the USSR was a result of its isolation and failure of western revolutions. Under the circumstances it still achieved tremendous things, but the necessity of compromising with the overwhelming imperialist power and growing living standards in liberal capitalism, it couldn't compete.
Any attempt to create a fully "democratic" socialist society already implies the defeat of international reaction.

How do we defeat the international reaction?

I'm sceptical of much of Grover Furr's work but this essay of his is pretty based:

tl;dr: The deal the USSR made with Germany allowed Germany to invade Poland up to a certain point, leaving a rump Polish state as a buffer between the two powers. But when the Polish government fled, the USSR moved in to the vacuum to forestall the possibility that Germany would advance right up to the Soviet border in the absence of any Polish state to negotiate with

post stirner memes at them until they die

They don't understand Stirner. They think he's just about condoning sociopathic behavior.
Focus educating (memes, w/e) lefties about Stirner. He's a major part of the basis for socialism.

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Nuke em

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