Is anyone else starting to think that trying to get rid of all suffering is an inherently lost cause...

Is anyone else starting to think that trying to get rid of all suffering is an inherently lost cause. And that suffering , although sad, is an integral part of the human experience. And without it, people generally end up mentally fucked? (See the the high amount of celebrities, rich people, their kids over dosing on drugs, commuting suicide, etc)

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should've taken that flag off first huh?

>don't you think youwe should just put up with capitalism?
>don't you know how he suffers from affluenza

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No, I always post with my flag. This isn't a criticism of just communist/ left anarchists. I fully reject the notion that under my form of anarchism there will be no suffering. And the idea that the NAP or invisible hand of the market will fix everything is dumb.

And whose cause might that be? I can only think of Buddhists who want to end all suffering, but this isn't a Buddhist board.

Dont the full autos want everyone to be NEETS?

Who the fuck cares about suffering? It's a dumb hedonist spook. I like suffering. More importantly, I like productive suffering. The kind of feelings that motivate you to do something great with your life. Socialism should be organized to push people to the best of their abilities. To unlock their unique potential. It should certainly not create an idiotic last man society.

That's basic shit. If you don't think that suffering is necessary and sometimes good you probably watch porn more than twice a week, have had sex with more than 10 people, spend all of your free time on activities that provide immediate gratification (ex. watching youtube videos) and have no hobbies that involve building a skill (ex. playing an instrument or exercise), drink, and/or smoke marijuana. In other words you're an undisciplined degenerate with no political potential.
If you don't believe that suffering can be good and necessary, then whatever picture you have of socialism, communism, or anarchism is completely nonsensical.

To add to this, capitalism will never push people to unlock their unique potential. It will only spread consumerist culture and other corporate dicksucking. That's the primary reason it needs to end. We need socialism to build a global culture of learning and self-enrichment. What else should we do with the technology at our disposal? There is no better use.

I do believe the current corporatist controlled system is stagnating inovation.

That being said I dont think markets stagnate human creativity. I think it helps alot.

What you call "corporatism" isn't a magical corruption of capitalism, it's a natural development of it

But big corporations cannot exist without a state. If it wasnt for the state enforcing their patents, protecting them through courts, and taking bribes , they would be forced to compete on a level playing field.

That's like saying breadlines are an implicit part of communism

Just as state capitalism is the natural conclusion of socialist economics?

Replacing capitalism with socialism won't get rid of all suffering though, so it's still a worthy cause.

Learn basic corporate law. No business entity can exist without the state. From huge corporations to the smallest partnerships. They're basically bundles of rights enforced (and sometimes created) by courts. The playing field is much more level with state enforcement than without.

But isn't' that the final goal? It's like when a socialist tells me, "do you know we have the ability to feed the entire world if X Y and Z"

Or "Do you know there are more empty houses than there are homeless people and if we X Y Z , we could house the entire world"

I think most communists believe in full automation now.

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That is correct. Because the state isn't some magical entity that is independent of the society and economics, it's an instrument used by the ruling class to exercise power. Capital and state are intertwined, the state as it exists is an arm of capital. If there exists private property, there will always exist a form of bourgeoisie state. Ancap is literally a fairy tale because abolishing the bourgeoisie state will either lead to another class seizing the reins of power, or the bourgeoisie state regenerating.

Is this the power of ancap analysis? It's not the same at all.

"State capitalism" is a meme. Either proles own the MoP or they do not


Then how do you explain the black/grey market? Used market, etc. It's kinda foolish to think that you couldn't trade/do business without the state. It's happened all through history.

I exaggerated/you read my post incredibly narrowly. There are still crazy incentives to have a state.

Markets for used goods are tiny, the real production of goods is a million times more important than exchanging them. You can exchange an old shirt as many times as you like, but people need and want new clothes which actually have to be produced.

Fuck off. People don't even read books at this point. Those who do read garbage young adult novels. They have the entirety of human knowledge right at their fingertips and don't even care. That's the culture markets have created.
Schools are organized to prepare students for the job market. They create mindless drones who perform any task their boss gives them. At no point do they try to inspire a genuine appreciation for the subjects in their students. Instead, they get them to do endless exercises they don't even understand the point of. Then, when they are asked to learn something actually interesting, they ask "Why do I need to know this?" They've never learned to enjoy learning in itself.
Instead, these children have been brainwashed to go home and nag their parents for the latest consumer item. Likely some overly expensive collectible. They go online and play shitty generic videogames with their friends. This is their entire world, and the world other children are pushed into on the playground.
Those who grow up get shitty jobs, and the lucky few who actually discover a love of learning by accident, they are trained to perpetuate the system. They design ads to entrance these kids, engineer social media sites to get those extra clicks, write articles praising the latest brands…
It pushes people to consumer sugary drinks and eat fatty foods that drain their energy. To watch Hollywood trash that scrambles their mind.
How does this not kill all possible creativity? Explain that to me. I couldn't design a better system for it if I tried.

If you ever feel like challenging your beliefs, read this; at least the first three chapters. It demonstrates how centralization and monopolization of capital are natural processes that every free-market society will gravitate towards as the scale of production grows

No matter how much we progress in good the bad is always there in equal measures.

The earth is maintained this way because it offers us the most opportunity for growth.

We all marvel at your wisdom, dear Dr. Pangloss.


yes child torture is an integral part of early education without it people often become unstable
I am sure that having your carrier tied to how much dick you re willing to take had nothing to do with this
nor the awful working condition and lack of job security

I think you're still conflating markets and corporate consumerism. We shouldnt forget that some of the greatest minds have flourished under market societies. Shakespeare , Tesla, the Wright brothers, Edison, etc. I appreciate your criticism of modern 1st world youth. Hell, education is probably the most stagnate it's ever been. But it's not because of markets, but more about technology and educations inability to adapt.

Manufacturing has gotten alot easier over the years. I dont believe monopolization is possible anymore, and was more so a consequence of the early stages of the industrial revolution. We've moved past that.

Also BO / mod. You're a fucking faggot. We were having good conversation, you did not have to bumplock.

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Yes. I am for child torture (bad) you are not for child torture (good)

Atleast try to have some nuance NPC-kun

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Npc meme

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You like NPC meme admit it

The npc meme is more of a criticism of people who give generic and simple answers that get repeated frequently

Economies of scale have actually increased consolidation of real production of consumer goods.