How do you combat edgy "libtard triggering" memes & disinformation?

How the fuck do you combat race-baiting bullshit? It's not like you can point out the fact that they're hiding behind double meanings and using politically correct terminology (despite the fact that they actively and openly HATE political correctness). They'll call you a triggered libtard who's pulling the race card.

I mean… maybe it's me that's being retarded for thinking anyone in their glorified cult can be swayed at all. On the other hand, I feel like we can't just let this shit slide and indoctrinate more and more people into this dangerous hivemind. Put your tin foil hats on, boys.

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Education, agitation, organisation.

Is it even necessary? I mean these memes appeal to the most retarded of rightwingers, it's probably impossible to convince them to reject their beliefs and accept socialism.

we don't want to live among PoC how difficult is this to understand?

bye bye PoC

Wonderful how that meme manages to switch the justification for gun ownership rights from defence AGAINST the government/elites (as originally intended) to defence OF the elites against dissidents.

How can people so incessantly and obviously defend the accumilation of Capital? It is like they were custom made….
Anyways, we can only combat this like all Capitalist ideology, by transforming society. Advocating for Socialist positions, starting a party, and so on… It is the only way. Racists are manufactured for the defence of Capitalism. They will be produced until we succeed.


What I got from that quote is.

For the people who made the NPC meme, they sure do love to spew the same few phrases, rhetoric, and disinformation. You're right, it's almost as if they were custom made.

Geting these people to become socialists can be done, however it involves slowly changing there beliefs. Get them to realize that the economic structure of modern capitalism is what’s harming them. Once they realize that free markets are a lie, everything else falls into place. Also don’t be afraid to act like a Nazbol around them to get them to be anti-free market.

Smart people can believe in Stupid things.

Or if you want to go back far enough

This is dumb as fuck and literally only works on Zig Forums. Being a weird racist alienates far more people than you can attract, obviously.


This Nazi user is just being honest.

The original intention was to protect property. Remember the U.S. was a colonial slave society based on driving Indians from their land and keeping slaves under control.

Another bit of advice I have is to not act like a bipolar psycho all the time. Acting like a bipolar psycho is also bad optics

we need to seperate ourselves from radlibs and other annoyances

Many can be swayed but they won't be swayed by standing on their porch arguing with them in front of all the neighbors.

There's a Zizek video here that's pretty good:

Basically he says that racists and fascists lie but they also lie in the guise of truth. So for example a fascist will say "Jews had sex with German girls." Then some opponent will go "that's a lie." Then some naive college liberal will go "oh my, well let's have an 'objective look' at it." Well, so what if Jews had sex with German girls? That's normal. Whatever.

The point being is to set the terms of the debate and not to have some good-faith argument, which only college kids who don't know anything believe in anyways. Zizek also uses as an example of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The White House had to come up with a way to sell this imperial project to the American public, so they alleged Saddam was developing "WMD" – a question they formulated after the war planners decided to invade. So the debate revolved around whether Saddam had WMDs or not and liberals spent all this time trying to debate it, avoiding the real question.

Another example from here in Texas. It's fairly minor but I'll tell you about it because there's an election coming up and the Senate race might be competitive, or maybe not.

The Republicans are banging this drum that if Democrats win then Texas will become like California, as Democrats are in control of California. And the Republicans present California as this dark place of poverty and misery and illegals everywhere – blah blah you know the drill. And it's all because of George Soros and he has his mischievous, beady-little Jewish eyes set on our state next you know

Liberals immediately go: "Ah but California is not so bad…" and they get into this forced binary argument that the Republicans want to have. And sure, California is not so bad, actually quite nice really, although housing is too expensive. But it's a false dichotomy to begin with. There are 48 other states! This is all disinformation to distract from all the very real problems the state has. And liberals fall for it every time.

So just ignore it. When they say that, just ignore them. If they ask you any questions, refuse to answer and just say "are you done?" And then move on. Then if you do this, you'll notice right-wingers don't get mad. They smile. Because they know they're playing a game and they think it's funny when you catch onto it.

I mean the easiest thing would be to agitate minorities against white people, arm them, and give them money. White people are just gonna have to learn accept their inferiority. They need to be taught a lesson, and what better way than with a bullet to the head?

>>>Zig Forums

Yeah, should've said "the justification traditionally brought up".

>>>Zig Forums



This is a class issue, not a race issue.

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Nazbol doesn’t need to be racist. Being civnat works just as well. It’s as simple as minor rhetorical tactics, like arguing that Wall Street porkies are unpatriotic for screwing over regular Americans, etc.

OP. You don't. Just tell them what you want.
Im a white guy and I want to have sex with farm animals. No joke. Other white people won't let me do it because they're turning it into a race thing.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Fucking Zig Forumsyps attempt to derail a thread against boomer-tier Shitbook "memes". Instance numero 1933

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Liminov was/is a Civic Nationalist, and he’s better than Dugin

Wrong, Nazbol is based in Russian Eurasianism: which is inherently anti-ethnonationalist (due to it seeing as Russia's role to rule over the ethnically diverse regions of near, far siberia, central Asia and other regions)/

read dugin, he is a russian ethno nationalist. kill yourself brainlet

lmao, he's literally just a grifter and shill who tagged himself onto nazbol to get exposure. His eurasianism has next to nothing to do with authentic Russian Nazbol. Read Limonov

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Case by case basis. You must latch onto what you can to begin subverting them away from their absolute world view and make them think there might be more nuance going on than they had assumed. Going by the OP image you simply reaffirm that shooting liberals is a fine thing to do. Shooting liberals is a leftist tradition, thats the common ground.

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When will the mod team cease their reign of terror on all the funny posters?

why are you talking like that? lol..

when we all move to Zig Forums

The tactic i use is to attack the central figures of these movements, like Trump, Shapiro, Harris… by exposing their zionism and post-nationalist neoliberalism, which promotes immigration and demographic displacement, you have to attack conservatives from a nationalist perspective and then lull them into how socialism promotes community and homogeneity, and then explain their material oppression and solidify their proletarian identity.

Leftpol is filled with fascists

and? if we all moved there would be less fascists.

No? It's a leftist board.

Time to face up to the fact the internet was a mistake bucko.

leftypol is actually only around a third full and leftpol is around a tenth full.

For most people on the english internet it means something closer to Dugin, who has real influence in both alt-right circles (Richard Spencer's wife translated one of his books) and broad anti-war fronts organized by PSL and supported by Russian media like Sputnik. Limonov seems to be more of a provacateur than a real politician, reading him write about what kinds of young women he likes to fuck is kind of cringe worthy.

lol, no. Zig Forums is filled with annoying leftcoms and anarkidies and the like, but there’s literally no fascists there. Not even Zig Forums trolls. Granted I doubt Zig Forums knows what Zig Forums even is.

Two different things.

He is not. He is Imperialist, totally opposed to (and by) russian ethno-nationalism, because nationalists want a separate russian ethno-state, not an empire with shitskins.

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Educate yourself and others about material conditions,
Agitate for their improvement
Organise those you have gathered doing the previous two to repeat the cycle.
Not that fucking complicated user.

Also that isn't fucking hipster, that comes from the IWW you dolt.

Unironically just show them this.

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did le based pewds finally prove that you can't count to six million?