Wether you like it or not, pic related makes trump soil his pants

Wether you like it or not, pic related makes trump soil his pants




Attached: 1542557325476.jpg (420x420, 37.82K)

Based china

Attached: e80df66f4468f11cf22f2c154bba321435b7cbedc10d68e591ef00de56cad404.png (600x750, 400.42K)

China is developing the productive forces and building world socialism

Broke: Socialism is when the workers control the means of production
Joke: Socialism is when generalized commodity production has been abolished
Woke: Socialism is when you build lots of factories

Would you welcome/work with PLA forces if they invaded your country in the belief that it would be a positive development/emancipatory?

I do like the “imperialism is okay when China does it crowd”.

No one on this board has read Lenin and they think imperialism is something unique to the Western powers and not simply a stage of capitalist development.

Why tf is China such a weird fucking country

because you are a loser gwailo

Because it's not a degenerate, hellspawn circus like the West.

You've never met any actual Chinese people.

You can clearly see what course they are plotting. The imperialist media has to produce anti-chinese propaganda at breakneck speed to shift public opinion for whatever war is coming up.

Attached: ny times on china.jpg (1006x643, 118.16K)

So did South Korea under the leadership of Syngman Rhee. Building factories where workers can be exploited as dirt cheap labour by foreign corporations is not socialism.

You're retarded.

That won't stop him from fetishizing them.

Even though Orwell based 1984 on extremely warped propagandized versions of the USSR in Western media, Dengist China is everything he imagined Airstrip One to be, right down to the great firewall of China to ensure population control, to a points system that quantifies your allegiance to The Party™

Xi Jinping is undauntedly one of the best statesmen alive today. I really like how he has traveled to India and Vietnam to improve relationships. He has also been improving relationships with Cuba and many other former pro Soviet nations.. Problem is however, that his overall policy is center-left at best and center-right at worst.

Because they have been poor and now have insane economic growth. Naturally people fetishise guchi, iphone and tesla.

Well in the same sense as I would rather have Germany's support in arms and transport with the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. As long as the support doesn't end up with the PLA controlling the Government or sending a foreign army over to do that.

Attached: amimeheadchop.jpg (793x793, 242.76K)

You should read more Orwell. The basic assumption is that 1984's Britain is an allegory for the USSR when it's actually mostly about Britain. Orwell was extremely straightforward in his politics and people look for more meaning than there really is.
His wartime diaries describe the rationing and censorship of wartime Britain, it's literally about his own experiences.

The political structure of Oceania was actually based on Plato's Republic, not the USSR.

Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Isn't the history of Oceania advertised as a political party who "freed the proles from the capitalists"?

this but unironically

Attached: Xi grand plan.png (458x960, 514.3K)

go back

This, Elon Musk is literally serving human nature, tesla is what humans in prehistory were already craving for

Ingsoc started as "English Socialism" and is stated to once have had much more populist politics, but went deeply corrupt. It's likely a reference to what seemed like the rising status of socialism with even blatant anti-socialists like the Nazis claiming to be some kind of socialist. Though, from the book at least, it gave the impression that Ingsoc started as a socdem party in the vein of Labour, though with more chauvinistic overtones.

Yes, prole- err fellow countrymen! Read more Orwell! He totally was a socialist, I'm sure he will show you the way out of Mar- err capitalism.

It's not perfect, but it's what needs to be done. China has to play by America's rules because they're the ones who run the world at the moment. Once the American Empire collapses, China can start writing the rules itself. For now however, they just need to stay competitive and prepare to seize the opportunity that will come from America's collapse.

Sure, China is going to be the hegemonic capitalist superpower sooner or later, but I see absolutely no reason to believe they will suddenly become socialist then.

Remember there's no need for Oceania to be representative of Orwell's view of the USSR because in 1984 there is already a USSR proxy, that being Eurasia who's ideology is decribed as being "Neo-Boshevik". Eastasia is the other country which is decribed as having a weird kind of buddist-esc "ego-death" ideology. All nations are assumed in the book to be equally "authoritarian" and engage in similar practices, especially in regards to who they've been/currently are fighting and who they're/were allies with.

Why not? You really think an ideologically Marxist-Leninist state with a socialist history will remain in the capitalist mode of production forever? China is automating the living shit out of production, they know what the logicql next step after capitalism is.

Except China isn't that, it openly spits on plenty elements of ML.
Fucking DemSocs in the West are more Leninist than China.

Class interests are stronger than any professed adherence to an ideology. There is a powerful Chinese bourgeoisie (even the most delusional dengoids acknowledge this) and they occupy positions of power in the party and the government. China is not a worker's state in a NEP style phase, it's a bourgeois one-party dictatorship. It's much more likely that the official interpretation of Marxism in China will be watered down further and the memory of Mao turned into a nationalist symbol rather than a communist one.

This is the case most of time.

This is not what I said. I only said that once poor people earn some money, they usually love to buy expensive things.

China has to play by America's rules because they'ret the ones who run the world at the moment.
Well they can: buy oil in their own currency , write their own trade-rules, and crude military subjugation is not possible at at least regionally. What exists now is American hegemony that is based on system lag, it takes a while for the underlying reality to fully manifest itself.

Sure, China is going to be the hegemonic capitalist superpower sooner or later, but I see absolutely no reason to believe they will suddenly become socialist then
China could considerably extend its influence over parts of Asia but that's it, Chinese geography is too limiting for more than that, also the age of maritime-power as means to empire is coming to an end , and areal-power will eventually suffer the same fate. There is a sizable faction in China that does push for socialism, whether they can become the dominant political force, is kinda open, but you have to admit if you get a socialist power that starts out at the heights of technological development, rather than one that has to play catch-up, it's going to be game over for capitalism.

In the first tier cities, yes liberal-ish bourgeois and petty-bourgeois sentiments are dominant, but not in the rest of the country


His collected essays are really interesting cause you can see the descent into chauvinism, anti-communism and general crankery in the 40s. Orwell was a bad socialist but a good political commentator. So yes, reading those gives you a better perspective on 1984 as you realize he REALLY is talking about Britain.

The ☭TANKIE☭s aren't wrong when they chastise him. The mythos of anti-soviet libertarian socialism needs to die if we want socialism in the 21st century to go more the way we like it.

but I'm an ML myself. Orwell was completely a product of his time and was subject to constant English (and Spanish) propaganda. In his time there were no peer-reviewed computer databases or online forums you could just browse through to pick up global intelligence.
What you're doing is the equivalent of dismissing Marx because he was wrong about the deskilling of labor.

You're not wrong, but in the end his leaning towards anti-communism got too heavy. In 1984 he popularized multiple memes about the USSR which still persist

he was pretty critical of the bourgeoise to the end, too