Reminder that transwomen aren't women and that trans ideology is the most cancerous idpol

Reminder that transwomen aren't women and that trans ideology is the most cancerous idpol

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you need to go back

It's easier to just say that "women=human females"

We just had a trans related thread, if you feel the need to rant again move it there. We don't need two thread for arguements.

You mad lol

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Agreed. But this thread is a shitshow.

Why do people even care so much about this? Ten years ago, you would've said the Gays want to molest our children, which is unsurprisingly what people say about trans women today.

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It's not about wanting to be a girl. You can want to be a girl all you want. Dress how you want, get whatever surgery you want. Just don't appropriate womanhood.

Trans ideology has completely destroyed feminism and made it hard for women to organize against the oppression they face *because of their biology*.

Gender is a spook.

Reminder this is what TERFs actually believe

Man I remember when gamergate happened, /v/ was super gay rights, anti-TERF, etc. Now you see Zig Forums pushing their ideology everywhere, saying trannies are coming for this or that or it's wrong to dress up as the other gender or it's wrong to identify as the other gender, and I just don't get why TERFs aren't on the Zig Forums side. Why do you consider yourself leftist when gender nonconformists make you angery? I get idpol makes Zig Forums uncomfortable, but why? You think anytime leftists talk about racism it's some sort of shoah.

Trans are fucked in the head and that might be more of a duality instead of causality situation but I've yet to meet one who wasn't unstable

You act as if communists have some responsibility to these people and their weird sexual issues. Why? What have they done for you? How does working out their mental problems at all liberate the struggles of a proletariat? How does it systematically change the capitalist system? It doesn't. Its bullshit. Thats why Reddit loves it. The epitome of neo liberalism where we pretend we accomplish something and nothing has changed.

And it works because than if anyone calls them out they're transphobic. As if that matters either. If you're not gonna spread out your boy pussy and fart out my cum than shoot up heroin and die or something. First world problems are not problems at all. And frankly this all stems from the worship of femininity in the west. Pic related.

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You act as though trans people aren't treated demonstrably worse by society. If they're mentally ill, isn't it everyone's obligation to humor them?

Calling things a spooked doesn't make them unreal. Patriarchy is real. Women's oppression due to their biology is real. Sexual reproduction is real.

You know what's a spooked? Thinking that because you get turned on wearing girl's clothes means you have a woman's soul-by-another-name

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Gender is still a spook whenever you want to admit it or not. This is like white Germans kicking slavs out of the arbitrary catagory of white people because they don't fit into the made up catagory of race in the first place.

Patriarchy is the also what forces these gender norms in the first place.
t. Dworkin

Male and female are not made up categories. If you're a Marxist then you understand that female oppression comes from female biology, their role in the reproductive process. Read Engels' Origin of the Family.

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Tell that to civilizations that allowed for nonbinary people

Those are just sex roles, not sexes. Some societies created a third sex role for homosexual males. So what? There is no "third sex" in human biology

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Hurr intersex people don't real

Intersex people aren't reproductive except as a single sex

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Lady incels, polite sage

What people choose as a mate has literally nothing to do with anything.

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