Is North Sentinel Island NazBol...

Is North Sentinel Island NazBol? Its ideology seems to basically be Karl Marx's Primitive Communism mixed with extreme tribalism/ racialism and hatred of all foreigners.

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They're Pol Potist.

I read that some screwed-up pervert rapist named Maurice Vidal Portman, appointed by the Royal Navy to administer the area, was going around the island chain kidnapping people and making them pose for him nude in Greek-style contrapposto – he also measured their genitals which he seemed most interested in. In 1880 he landed on North Sentinel Island and kidnapped an elderly couple and some kids, who all died (probably from illness), so since then all intruders have been marked as KOS (kill on sight) by the natives.

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The Sentinelese also started popping up with iron weapons which were apparently fashioned from a shipwreck. Fun fact.


I know a lot of leftist fedbook and Twitter seems to be convinced that the Sentinelese are actively resisting colonialism even though they’ve lived in near complete isolation on their island for something like 55,000 years and would have no concept of what colonialism even is. They even seem to believe that they knew that the burger here was a missionary trying to convert them to Christianity and killed him specifically for this fact, even though they wouldn’t have any idea what Christianity even is.

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I usually avoid that leftbook stuff because it's usually just pedantic and childish like that, though the idea of the Sentinelese are a "lost" tribe is a media invention. There's record of contacts going back more than a century

Christfags, i fuckin swear.

proto-communism isn't communism. yes it lacks commodity production but it only exists for savages.

sometimes i wonder if there's an effort by well read marxists to make knowingly imbecilic posts on this board like some elaborate joke

i wish I could kill people with a spear who come near my border too

bye bye apes

your gelatinous arms could barely even lift a spear friendo

just got back from overhead pressing 80kg when is the last time you lifted anything other than a cock you disgusting brittle boned tranny

Didn't know chimps like you even had the motor skills to that.
You learn something every day.

they're obviously speaking in practical terms. you-know-who also doesn't give a fuck about "resisting imperialism" but its still leftist dogma that he is

They should be left alone though regardless of whether they knew what he was or not.

the Christian deserves it


Anglo Gang strikes again.

A Soviet soldier from a Mongol village in the Far East may have never heard of a Nazi before, but that doesn’t mean he can’t fight fascism.

Totally, he tried to convert people whose language no one outside of North Sentinel knows nothing about.

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I’m not suggesting that they’re wrong in this instance, I’m saying that the attack wasn’t ideologically motivated, the islanders just have a sort of violent xenophobia.

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