1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Where were you when the Anglo-Latin anti-imperialist alliance was officially formed?

Porky's afraid: AMLO is a bigger threat to Liberal Democracy than Brazil's Bolsonaro: Financial Times

AMLO Backs Corbyn for UK's PM position during Inaguration
(In spanish)

AMLO's wildly ambitious plan for Mexico

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Can’t read the first link OP

Sorry! It's just standard porky garbage that proves that fascism is capitalism's emergency switch.
TL;DR: Bolsonaro doesn't actually mean it when he says he will lock up and tortute the commies and gays, it's just rethoric, but AMLO is literally Stalin and will kill the WORLD's or suggesting Mexicans deserve more than $6 per day working at sweatshops


On Saturday, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a maverick leftist, will become president of Mexico and launch what he has called the country’s “fourth transformation”. How this progressive nationalist matches up against Donald Trump, his equally nationalistic neighbour, is anybody’s guess — although the US president is said to refer to him fondly in private as “Juan Trump”.

A month later, Jair Bolsonaro, a maverick conservative, will become president of Brazil and begin what he claims will be a radical reforging of society and the economy. With his crudely misogynistic and racist comments, divisive nationalism and praise of the dictatorship, the former army captain is often labelled a “Tropical Trump”.

The two leaders are part of the epochal changes that are sweeping Latin America’s two biggest economies. Although from opposite ends of the political spectrum, both are also throwbacks to an age of caudillos, or populist strong men, that the region had seemingly left behind. Who though is the bigger threat to liberal democracy? Almost certainly “peace and love” Mr López Obrador rather than “lock ‘em up” Mr Bolsonaro.

López Obrador is bigger threat to liberal democracy than Bolsonaro
Mexico’s new president will be unconstrained by institutions, unlike his Brazilian counterpart

On Saturday, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a maverick leftist, will become president of Mexico and launch what he has called the country’s “fourth transformation”. How this progressive nationalist matches up against Donald Trump, his equally nationalistic neighbour, is anybody’s guess — although the US president is said to refer to him fondly in private as “Juan Trump”.

A month later, Jair Bolsonaro, a maverick conservative, will become president of Brazil and begin what he claims will be a radical reforging of society and the economy. With his crudely misogynistic and racist comments, divisive nationalism and praise of the dictatorship, the former army captain is often labelled a “Tropical Trump”.

The two leaders are part of the epochal changes that are sweeping Latin America’s two biggest economies. Although from opposite ends of the political spectrum, both are also throwbacks to an age of caudillos, or populist strong men, that the region had seemingly left behind. Who though is the bigger threat to liberal democracy? Almost certainly “peace and love” Mr López Obrador rather than “lock ‘em up” Mr Bolsonaro.

That may sound provocative but it is only empirical. Mr López Obrador will enjoy almost unconstrained power when he takes office. His party has majorities in the Senate and the Chamber. He has vast popular support, dominates his cabinet, inherits a relatively healthy macroeconomy thereby freeing him from immediate market pressures, and faces a feeble judiciary.

Furthermore, he wants even more power. He plans to create federal “super delegates”, answerable to the executive, to monitor all state programmes and their budgets. At the same time, public sector wage cuts have prompted an exodus of technocrats from the civil service, weakening Mexico’s few independent institutions that could check his power.

Mr Bolsonaro faces the exact opposite. He is hemmed in. His party has a minority in both houses of Congress. He does not control state budgets. He faces an aggressive press, a fiercely independent judiciary, is subject to more market discipline given Brazil’s weak economy, and has appointed heavyweight technocrats to his cabinet. Unlike Mr López Obrador, his instincts seem to be to decentralise power, including independence for the central bank.

Mr Bolsonaro has also shown flexibility on his more outrageous campaign pledges. He has changed his mind on withdrawing Brazil from the Paris accord on climate change, reconsidered moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and welcomed Venezuelan refugees.

Other pet projects endorsed by similar referendums, such as a billion-dollar refinery in his home state of Tabasco, will provide potentially lucrative sources of patronage and political support.

He has also said Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro is “welcome” at his inauguration, despite his regime’s record of human rights abuses and theft.

None of this is to gloss over the potential for reactionary illiberalism from Mr Bolsonaro. How he responds should protests erupt over painful economic reforms is vital. Yet if Mr Bolsonaro goes too far astray, Brazilian institutions such as markets, media and the military will hold him to account. His problem is a lack of political power, not a surfeit.

Mr López Obrador, by contrast, will be able to implement his vision of change. Arguably, he also needs to concentrate power in order to improve policy co-ordination and so rid Mexico of corruption and improve the lot of the poor. Yet success is only likely if this concentration is part of a new institutional approach of due process and increased transparency, rather than personalised discretion. Worryingly, it has been more of the latter, so far.

It's time

All the news anchors are shocked because he named and critiziced neoliberalism by name.

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Watch Trumpanzees do a 180 and start welcoming mass migration of Gusanos from Mexico

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh wow. Brazil has just signed its own death warrant by siding with The Eternal Anglo.


Mexican media is a hilarious salt-mine of righties and reactionaries right now. Plus George Bush croaking, makes this such a beautiful day :)

By Anglo he clearly meant Corbyn.

My fucking sides.

Mexican Porkies who flee AMLO should be reported to ICE. Just tell ICE that they are farm workers or something.

Anglo-Latin as in Corbyn's Britain and AMLO's Mexico, not the aut-right of Trump and Bolsonaro.

When you side with The UK you will always find yourself with a knife in the back. It's no Cohencidence really that the founders of Greater Israel still have complete supremacy over The UK and all other commonwealth countries. Trouble on the horizon indeed.

Going off the article, this guy sounds based.
The rest sounds really good, but this stuck out to me as unique.


Never trust Angl*ids.

Literally Muh joos tier but for angloids

t. angloid


The UK isn't designed for a certain ethnic group though?
And I was pointing out the stupidity of assigning inherent moral attributes to nation states

Muh JOO-Angloids have been a fucking thorn in the side of every true Nation-State trying to install their World Bank and undermine for MUH JOOOISH interests. An Anglo face with a Jewish scheme. Every. fucking. time. Two world wars and millions dead instigated by cunts who only cared for Zionism and nothing else.

Serbian Uber Nationalists and Hitler liked Zionism?

AMLO no es socialismo. Ni siquiera es izquierda.
El partido morena esta formado por desterrados de otros partidos politicos tan diferentes como el pri o el pan.

Su relación con los empresarios es maravillosa, ha formado un consejo con empresarios para entenderse con otros empresarios. En este consejo hay desde empresarios televisivos hasta hijos y nietos de expresidentes corruptos.

Lo que mas me preocupa es el hecho que por cada error que cometa AMLO la gente piense que es por "su socialismo", eso hará mucho mal a las verdadera causa socialista en México y América latina.

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Estísimo. Parece que el puerquito se salió con la suya

Obrador es títere de las oligarquías.
Si hubiera perdido en las pasadas elecciones hubiera habido un terremoto social muy grande que hubiera sido imposible parar, ni haciendo que lopez obrador pidiera calma.

Las oligarquías prefirieron jugar su carta AMLO antes de tener una desestabilización grande o volverlo inservible

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Getting rid of the security service holy shit he's dumb, there's a million people in Mexico who are going to to try to shoot him

This is so wrong I actually winced.

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Well, there's a lot of historical precedents for one to conclude that the security service is among these people.

de la forma en como yo lo veo amlo es solo la encarnacion latina de el movimiento global de todos los paises para volverse lentamente al capitalismo estatal de china, pronto amlo probablemente ponga en lugar medidas proteccionistas, tome control de las industrias principales de mexico, seguido de un intento de controlar la banca e inversion nacional, todo esto por supuesto acompañado de una batalla para reducir la democracia mexicana al nivel ruso; en este sentido el panico gringo no es un miedo al comunismo, es solamente una extensión del peligro amarillo que sienten por los chinos, solo que proyectado hacia el sur

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El buen mal menor,pasamos del capitalismo canibal que devora a sus crías a los chinos, que ni estado de bienestar tienen. Suerte Mexico!

I have been reading in various small Bolivian and Argentinean newspapers that Argentineans have been crossing the Aguas Blancas-Bermejo border into Bolivia, because Macri has put the country on the same road as Venezuela, but from a wholly different start (lol horseshoe theory).

It's probably false, but in case any of you can navigate the Hispano-American news scene, can you weigh in on this?

In spanish I only see fake news

I always prank with argentinian friends about the "investment rain" that Macri(or the cat as they call him) promised. Welp,he liberalized a lot, the vulture-stock are back and the rain never came


I don't know, this presidency doesn't look all that good. Why is the "fourth transformation" only occurring in his fourth term?

Literally why? Remove pensions and disability and all that and just have a negative income tax. Cut down on the bureaucracy like this as well.

Not sure how entrance exams are, but it makes sense they filter people who aren't ready for unis. Seems like this is just a way to exploit the potential of quantity over quality.

Don't know how good their pay is, seems like a populist move done for whatever reason. Would make sense if they are hardly getting by but this uses the opportunity cost of government spending that could have been used for something else.

Sounds good, but it might reduce loyalty. He'll have to purge with this too some in order to retain stability.

He better stay indoors for most of the time then.

Gas is kind of declining, it's better to diversify in other areas, unless they just have that much oil.


Fucking vulture-stock, man. Is there a single damn country which enacted some measure to fight it? Even a small tax on them would make an immense difference, since they thrive precisely because speculating doesn't cost Porky a cent.

I think your drunk Zig Forums

Hello Milton Friedman. Nice proposal you got there to screw millions of people out of their pensions and disabilities for a lesser monetary benefit.

gtfo and go back to >>>/neoliberal/

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What do you mean fourth term? Mexican presidents are single term. Unless I misunderstand you.

Marketization is bad and you should feel bad for promoting it.

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Get the fuck out.

Not even a Social-Democrat but literally every "Issue" with Social-Democratic programs is just NeoLibs cutting and refusing to fund them enough

lol wut

Reactionaries do not argue in good faith. You cannot defeat them by letting them fail because they never fail at doing what they actually exist to do (which is to promote the continued existence of capitalism.)