Besides the enforced caste system was it a dystopia?

besides the enforced caste system was it a dystopia?
feel free to discuss other dystopian fiction itt

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I didn't read all of it but I get the impression the future we're heading for if nobody took action would be worse. Luckily I believe people are and will be taking action.

The enforced caste system wasn't a bad thing, everyone enjoyed their position in life.

It wasn't a dystopia, if you read the whole thing you'd see it was the best of all possible worlds. You could lead a primitive life but if you wanted a good industrialized life that's the way it had to be.

but there's no progress. it's just pure finite stagnation. if we are to survive as a species we could do much better.

Not at all. I don't see how Huxley didn't see automation or genetic engineering coming. Anyone below the gamma class is unnecessary now.

Not at all? To which part?

Nice spook nerd.

They couldn't keep "progressing" because they'd destroy the planet.

you haven't read Stirner

Its not the future were headed towards. The book is very of its time, Ford was seen as a god ushering in a new permanent era, which ended up ending in the 70s.

Progress is a spook. They couldn't progress anymore without destroying humanity. They did a bunch of social experiments and the society they had was the only industrial one that didn't self destruct.

I agree, but what I'm saying is that if things were allowed to carry on as they are they would be much worse than the book.

everything is a spook if you take it by itself and ignore consequences
even if this was true that most likely doesn't represent reality

Why? Don't you see how stupid and spooked the idea is?

Nope, progress is a meaningless idea invented in the 19th Century to get people to think that all their hard work is making the world better for their children. The idea that society has to change and this change is always good is dumb.

I don't think it does, but that's the universe the book is set in.

Its not spooked, I rely on other people to exist, and if they all died my life would be shitty and short.

Caring about survival of humanity after you'd be dead is spooked I guess though.

These types of posts were always stupid and unimpressive.

lmao people survived for tens of thousands of years with sticks and stones. save the pearl clutching faux-humanitarianism for your book club.

I'm not talking about the dumb alt-centrist liberal version of "progress" where change is always good, I mean progress as in advancing the population of our species for literal cosmological survival.

it's not. other people are the key to immortality. your thoughts and ideas live on in the lives of others. that is the ultimate egoism. preserving the future is egoism

You have a snowball's chance in hell of being remembered 100 years after you die, and even if you do the memory of you will be what someone else thinks of you, your ego ceases to exist once you die. Ramses isn't immortal because there's some ruined statutes of him and kids are forced to read a paragraph about him in school.

you retard, obviously people don't go through history and learn about every fucking name that ever did anything. the point is that your ideas are constantly transformed into platitudes, which then become new ideas and new platitudes.
ego isn't your name, or your image, or your property.
seriously, read Max Stirner.

Brave New World has been entirely co-opted as bourgeois propaganda. Don't waste your time on it. It was made entirely obsolete by Huxley's Island.

Caste system is a spook.

Brave New World describes capitalism very well. It reveals the empty hedonism and decadence which capitalism has lead us to.

Sounds like what the bourgeoisie already say today

Isn't it telling that even 20th century dystopias can look quite comfy nowadays?

Mate how do you think the Gammas are made? It isn't all conditioning, they are bread that way.

Everyone was gestated in tubes and the amount of nutrients given during gestation determined your caste

Yeah it is, difference in the book is that it was proven.

The dystopian parts were all the sex and drugs and lack of marriage. The 60s made those things cool.

Which has an outcome that is effectively no different from genetically engineering a slave class.

Life now is pure stagnation if you’re stuck in a dead end job and no one cares about you.

He was referring to the notion of progress. It comes from Social Gospel era notions of ethical capitalism. Read into it you ignoramus.