Are things still as bad here as when Zig Forums was created?

Because unfortunately that board has become completely unusable due to Space's do-nothing mod team (ironic, I know), is it safe to come back here or is the beautiful thing we tried to build still broken on purpose?

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Wait, the BO of Zig Forums is *Space*?

He is now. The admin fucked off I guess.

If you weren't aware, some months ago various mods protested the mass bans and we even had a thread for all kinds of criticism about the staff and board. BO has cooled down since then.
You made your bed, now lie in it.

You people are fucking idiots, how did this even happen? I swear when libertarian types run anything it gets immediately co-opted or seized, Bat'ko's Unofficial "Zig Forums" 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧discord🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 being a good example of this. Not defending over-moderation or unnecessary banning, but there is a difference between that and literally letting anyone be a mod and not moderating at all.

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This board at one point did go to shit (as of now it has improved greatly though) but I'm really surprised how quickly leftpol went down the shitter. It took a while for that to happen here and to them it took like less than a year.

It's not like they fucking asked me. IMO you guys were the cowards for staying here to be told what to think, we wouldn't have to deal with BOs tantrums at all if you had moved too.

But hey, if things aren't as bad then that's good, I guess.

Good to know the ☭TANKIE☭ shills are still out in force, some things never change I guess. I'm not even an anarchist, the moderation we had two years ago was perfectly fine.

Not really denying this or defending all of BO's behavior Tbh, I wouldn't mind some of you guys back here for discussion, but again there is a difference between making a board with lighter rules or petitioning to have moderation be lighter, and throwing rules out the window while handing moderation positions out to autists like candy.

It was never supposed to be throwing out the rules, just getting away from the crap going on here. The "leftpol is for anarkiddies" line was pure spin.

But to get back on topic, when I left BO was actively trying to destroy this board, can they really have backed off the reins so much?

Moderation is almost zero on Zig Forums and it has been almost completely coopted by Zig Forumsluters, nazbols and avatarfags.

I haven’t seen a mass-banning for a few months honestly and the quality is a trillion times higher than what Zig Forums has devolved into it, and this is coming from someone who was originally a big Zig Forums user before it went down the shitter so hard

Was everyone on leftpol a crossposter except me? Damn I was wondering where everyone went all of a sudden.

I assume a good proportion of the userbase is / was. I wanted that board to do good but it’s probably going to die off faster if the Jim Profit / avatarfag spam and general issues with thread quality aren’t fixed soon. I’d make a new board myself but I’d rather help patch up things here then spend the time

leftpol is modded by Pierre Tru Dank who is literally crying right now because he knows Jason will never acknowledge him. He's fucking pathetic.

tbh as someone who never really knew that much about the thing/event that sparked this split, everybody seems too fucking whiny and confrontational without any attempt to reconcile or compromise.

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There are two leftist pols?

What's the difference between there and here? Or at least… what WAS the difference?

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You must be new here

I am.

well 90% of new threads get bump locked for no reason

I dare you to point out one not-shit thread that was bumplocked. 90% of threads posted are obvious trolling and other garbage.







How many brainlets questioning the DPRK threads do we need? There is a perfectly fine cyclical.
Capitalism turned the frogs gay - obvious idpol garbage.
>thread about the problems with leftist authoritarianism
Obvious liberal trolling.
Toll thread, same as above.
Idpol garbage.

it was the one big US military base in Syria bans that killed it. Tinfoil says it was cointelpro

this. there is already a whole DPRK thread and a general questions thread, we don't anymore for every user asking a question.

Yea, god forbid should somebody question this shit…. Retard.


Nice to see BO still isn't over that shit and would rather be divisive on purpose. Super mature.

Fuck of, there's nothing there to debate. Imperialists hype up the epic women warriors to bait all the dumb liberals of going along with their imperial project. Same reason IDF girls are hyped. If you need protracted debate to figure that out, go hang yourself. The thread you refer to quickly turned into an idpol garbage dump nothing to do with your imperial mascots besides.

How much repression? As much as it takes - this is not a question of principle.