I think I found a way to remove Identity Politics from leftist organizations

I was hanging out with some friends when the talk of highschool memories came up; reflecting on their stories of knife attacks and day-to-day violence, I mentioned how lucky I was to have gone to a Catholic school; they mentioned how the dress code probably helped keep things organized as you wouldn't have gangs wearing colors on campus, and then something hit me:

The easiest way to remove identity politics and those who preach them from leftist organizations, is to create and enforce a dress code and also, potentially, a "health code".

The IdPol left is usually the worst kind of self-aggrandizing narcissists, they're "activism" is both an attempt to build their brand as well as give themselves the impression of being "special" or "unique"; we've all seen the stereotype of IdPolers as blue haired, tattoo'd liberals with a "unique" style of dress that just screams "look at me, look at me, I'm right here!" Instituting a dress code would crack down on their self-projected "uniqueness" and "individuality" and so they would purposely try to avoid such organizations like the plague.

Easier said than done, you'd have to define IdPol in such a case, and the line between legitimate activism by and on behalf of minorities for their respective communities and pure IdPol is blurry enough that most IdPolers would just skirt the rules until they're in a position of power and the rules can be done away with. Either that, or the IdPolers in question would accuse banning Identity Politics as being "blatant x-ism" or some such and argue that the party or organization that does it is fighting for white men or what have you.

Instituting a dress code fights the cause, not the symptom. If IdPolers complain about it, well then they just portray themselves as the narcissistic little shits using politics as a means to express themselves or create some "unique" identity that they are. The most they can do is complain that such an organization would be "stuck up" or "boring" to which the go to response should be "Politics isn't entertainment."

Similarly, members of such an organization should bathe daily and be within a reasonable weight (not morbidly obese, not anorexic)–many people use slacktivism as a means of making it seem like they're doing something important without having to actually do something important. If someone can't take care of their body well enough to maintain a reasonable weight, how could they be expected to maintain a political organization dedicated to overthrowing the Bourgeois society?

No. No. No. NO.
The dress code should not be an attempt to express your "uniqueness" and most people cosplaying as revolutionaries come across looking absolutely pathetic. Instead, the attire should be simply business or your sunday best. No fedoras, no berets, no pins, no giant prominent red stars: leftist rallies and organizations should be indistinguishable from the most boring, dry, and unentertaining business meetings imaginable. This also weakens any IdPol from the right as the powerful image of the "Whiny SJW" can't be projected onto a group with a formal dress code.

This might be one of those ideas so stupid it just might work.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think political uniforms are banned in most of Europe.

I'm not talking a uniform, but a dress code–something entirely indistinguishable from what would be expected to be worn in an office or church setting.

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I can already hear them shouting champagne socialist, Bolli bolshevik, and Mumm Marxist.

I like this idea, actually. Might also make sosialist organizations more palatable to the general public if the members actually dress like normal upstanding people instead of as SJW stereotypes or weird hippies.


Where are their stands?

Also I don't like totally hiding that an organization is leftist. But small tasteful touches like a hammer and sickle lapel pin or you must wear red ties

See, if the worst they can say about you is that you're a "champagne socialist" then dress code idea works.
Racism is like a nuclear bomb, if you're branded with it then it effects your whole social circle, it could lead to you being isolated, losing your job, it has wider societal ramifications than just "that guy is stuck up" and that's what makes those people who are so happy to wield it so powerful: if they call you a racist or a sexist, they're asserting a position of moral authority over you, you're guilty of a moral failing rather than a personal one.

That too, at the very least it should make them more willing to hear ideas out and gives off the impression of being serious about enacting change, rather than doing it as a means to look "cool".

Oh a small lapel should be totally acceptable–I would say the red star over the Hammer and Sickle, if only because the Hammer and Sickle is more "soviet" than "socialist" and the symbolism might not work well in most western countries, after all it was supposed to reflect the merger of the urban proletariat and the rural peasants, right? Well in a country like America, a lot of that symbolism would be lost in translation.

The point would be to look like a legitimate party, the perception of legitimacy adds legitimacy in some sense.

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Unless it's a Mao suit then I'm not interested.

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Then maybe you're a socialist for the aesthetics rather than for meaningful change in material conditions.

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If you're advocating for dressing up like faggots in your pic then nope.
Ironically this is just another form of idpol, worrying about your self image and the image of the group you obsess over.
I lived in a public school with a lenient dress code and I've never experienced stabbings, I don't know wtf your friend was going on about.
If you want to implement a dress code, make it a logoless t-shirt and Kakis or jeans with dull colors, none of this faggy shit. Also strict health code for the memes, 100 squats, 100 bench presses, 100 miles every day, below 168 centimeters, and 68 kg.
Enjoy your new cult.

no one on Zig Forums is ever going to do anything remotely revolutionary and this thread is an example as to why.

If you have such hostility to the idea of a semi-formal dress code then I think it shows that you're interested in rebellion for pointless rebellion's sake rather than for any legitimate change in material conditions. It also shows you link way too much of yourself and your identity to the clothes you wear–as though it can grant you some "authenticity"

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I just think you're just overthinking it. Dress like a normal person. Most of the people in that pic look like they're going out to some fancy nightclub. My winter outfit is jeans with a pea coat (simple one from H&M with no epaulets; epaulets are bad) and a baseball cap slapped on my head.

It's funny reading about the Bolsheviks. Lenin tended to wear a standard suit of the time but also mountain boots because he liked to go hunting while in Switzerland:

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Why even live

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I like the basic idea, but I think you're very unlikely to get Normies interested in an organization that enforces a dress code.

The health code is a terrible idea. I hate the cringy fat-studies BS as much as the next guy, but restricting obese people from fucking political organizing strikes me as pointless cruelty.

This whole thing whiffs strongly of

In all seriousness, when our organization did pipeline protests and organizing, we would actually bring a box full of flannel and blue jeans and tell any new punk activists to change before hand.

Fashion just needs to be fucking abolished. Really I think the best way is to use their own tactics against them.

I get this. But it's like dressing as a person and a worker. For sure we have punks and embarrassing hippies but the solution isn't to walk around in Italian suits like James Bond. The far right does this because they have a skinhead problem but the result is Richard Spencer appears looking like a ridiculous dandy.

I want him inside me

I enjoy the collarless dress shirts. Is that what you call this? Japanese school kids have something similar.

mao suits only look good if you are 5’3, 280 lbs


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I mean you

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Complete bourgeois bullshit, the workers can choose to wear whatever the fuck they want to, there's a reason that somewhat leftist personalities in Europe often choose to wear semi-formal attire and not the ultra-bourgois suit and tie.
I still fail to see how idpol is the biggest issue we are dealing with, maybe if you actually joined a leftist political party and not some online twitter bullshit then you would realise that the biggest issues right now, boil down to climate change, wealth inequality, neoliberalism/privatization and white collar fraud etc.
I would much rather remove intelligence agencies and police presence from organizations than idpol.

pocks will still be pocks no matter how nicely you dress them

what do you call a nigger in a suit? a nigger

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What is the official hat of the future revolutionary movement, Zig Forums?

Have you not been paying attention? It's obviously the vagina hat.

stopped reading there

Cowboy hat

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Nation of Islam is pretty popular with a segment of black workers, and they basically have dress codes.

Also I want to get the D*SA Texas delegation to all wear red cowboy hats at the national convention next year. If you ever watch the Republican National Convention you'll see all the Texans wearing tan cowboy hats. It'll be so obnoxious but also really good and it'll get in all the newspaper and magazine stories.

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can I still wear my boots if I leave the pants over them instead of tucked in, so they dont stand out?
If so then I'm fine with this since I wear a white shirt and dark pants all the time anyways.

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A boonie hat

Pussy hats are anticommunist. Insert pic of obscene liberal holding anti-com poster next this his son.

a huge, black cowboy hat with a giant red stare on the front of it made of metal and painted in high-gloss red, and if anyone challenges you you unpin it and throw it at them like a ninja star and decapitate them

I think british schools already have school uniforms or have they abolished them now?
Another advantage of school uniforms is that it hides social class differences and takes away the pressure to dress in certain brands to gain acceptance among peers.

90 % of english schools have school uniforms

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I see literally nothing wrong with anything here except bumplocking random threads. Wasn't the problem with leftpol that it was 200 retards and not the other several hundred posters that vanished who were probably the good ones?

If it was up to me it'd be some pants and a solid colour top with a nice jacket here and there. In other words, the most urban camo shit imaginable. 0% suspicion other than the obligatory red star pin for formal occasions.
Also a set of uniform LARP gear for shits and gigs. We can't show up to may day parades not looking like the IRA
Fucking fitness programs should be mandatory for any members of a communist party. We're revolutionaries not a fucking interest group.

It should always be made clear this isn't a fucking game. Adventurists out.

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Good idea. How about this: No ties, no slogans on clothes, everything has to be black except the shoes.

Nah. Unless you are thinking about some very specific symbols.

You must be talking about your own post. Being an attention-seeker obsessed with standing out as an individual is bourgeois.

pretty fashy, ngl

Most people that give a damn about politics seem to be moving in the direction you're suggesting. I stick to the Rule of Three when it comes to fashion: Casual, Work, and Formal.

No its not. Middle class is mostly labor aristocracy and some petit bourgeoisie, but that shit also crops up perfectly often amongst lower class people.
Dress codes aren't bourgeoisie either, and fixating over certain cultural symbols being "bourgeoisie" is retarded. This is a good idea for public image purposes, and maybe possibly for keeping out the worst idpolers and lifestylist pseuds. I think it should be relatively loose though, mostly because I dont want to have to change the way I dress. But my retroactive justification for that is that you shouldnt make people buy new clothes.


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Genius way to get people involved!

Some form of discipline must be enforced regardless. Might as well extend it to measures against idpolers and special snowflakes when most of us seem to be in agreement that they're a drain on the movement

Why do I have to explain to you how moronic it is to try and emulate the culture we're trying to change in the first place?

Dressing up like good little church boys is for right wingers.

Look, we're just asking you to leave the purple hair, fake cat tail and cringy t-shirt at home. Is that too much to ask for?
Tbh, it's not about dressing like church boys. Just wear normal clothes like a normal person.

He literally said dress like church or work. So basically shirts and ties, is the objective to make socialist activism even more depressing than it already is?

Fatigues look fucking sexy though.
Military style dress is the height of fashion and promotes discipline.
I get it, look normal but cmon.

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Restricting clothes to shirt and tie is kind of dumb I agree, but the general idea of enforcing some kind of dress code seems to be a good one regardless. The point isn't to look as bourgie as possible but to weed out the idpolers and the cringe material

require everyone to wear a burqa-like garment that completely obscures their sex/race; a voice changing device would also be probably in order; I am not kidding

Yes it is. Did you become a leftist five minutes ago?
Randi Harper, pls leave.

"bourgeoisie" does not mean "things I don't like".

I think the SEP in the US has a formal dress code since they all seem to wear suits and ties in their videos. But business casual should also suffice.

Embarrassing thread.

:^( Sorry, meant to reply to this one:

Listen, as good as you might think they look on you, they don't. Unless you have a body built for military uniforms, it just comes across a civilian trying to larp man.

Hell, half the time even if you do have the right body for it, it looks silly. Besides, emphasizing socialist militarism as a show of "strength", I would imagine, distracts from the wider socialist movement. It injects a kind of fascism into it, not in the sense of being hyper-nationalist, but of reducing the movement to an only slightly coherent rage against the current system.

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Although it'd back up OP's thesis, it would be strange if the dress code ended up being the reason why the SEP's members are so firmly against idpol.


I think there's a compromise to be made for the urban warrior, street clothes under a nice military style jacket and some good strong boots.

Business casual works fine too–but preferably not too casual. I also think sleeves shouldn't be rolled up, it's the perfect excuse to get people showing off/talking about their tattoos (tats are fun, but I'll admit they can be distracting) and could cause a cascade effect of sorts.

As others have mentioned, the dress code can be loose, but I'd say no looser than business casual. Jeans and a T-Shirt, even if it's color-coordinated, gives more of an impression of youth and naivete that betrays the seriousness of the purpose of the organization.

So this will be a bit controversial, but I'd say it most likely did play a role, a lot of ideas that are rejected by some more orthodox marxists as "idealism" have some merit, even if their adoption may challenge some fundamental left wing preconceptions of materialism's absolutism as a role in our history, culture, and… well, everything.

Fundamentally, I'd say it lies at the top of a pyramid, but certain "idealistic" actions can affect how people react to their material conditions and move them in a positive direction–even if unintentionally.

Take Zig Forumslacks for example. Many people point to their underlying psychological issues as something to mock or claim to be "terrified of" (in a weird kind of false terror where their status as someone "terrifying" is meant to shame them) when in reality what they really need is people to reach out to them and help them direct their anger and hate in the right place.

Overall if it were solely up to material conditions, they'd likely be communists, but it's the ideas of the times that have them enslaved to something that ultimately wont help or liberate them, and instead destroy them.

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Guy shilling for repressive social control in order to combat those damn coloured haired SJWs thinks that we just need to court the fascists to our movement… Hmmm really makes you think

It goes for both of you faggots.

No, hes right. Every single SJW and liberal is one through heavy ideological indoctrination, they are complete lost causes. But most of Zig Forums are just dispossessed and have been conditioned to see the nazis as the designated opposition to the status quo by growing up with ww2 movies and video games and learning the general folklore of the nazis as occult alien contacting supersoldiers. The very fantasy media narrative of the nazis is basically one of an unstoppable force of super-men who the whole world had to come together to stop, a narrative that suspiciously agrees with the nazis own propaganda about themselves.

So this doubly-reinforced truth, that the nazis were some powerful elite force that almost conquered the planet on the backs of pack mules and constant fuel shortages just invites anyone feeling dispossessed who fits in with the racial purity standards.

You are far better off finding converts on Zig Forums than on any liberal website.

Not really.

See, I'm inherently suspicious of the type of person to use big terms and grandstanding philosophies to justify a shitty attitude. It goes for that "Racism = Power + Prejudice" excuse and it goes for the "anuddah shoah" one in equal measure, people try to create what amounts to specters in their mind to justify severing themselves, violently, from the whole of humanity.

I'm no fascist, if anything I'm some kind of Nihilist-Anarchist–even then not a perfect one–and I have no intention of ever living in a society as dreary and militaristic as a fascist one, but the label of "Fascist" wont stop me from having very real, very human sympathy for the unfortunate souls who fall under it's sway. These are poor fucks used up and abused by capitalism just as much as anyone else, 'cept when they went looking for answers they fell into a trap that us or the jews or the brown people are responsible for the social isolation and meaninglessness of modern Capitalist society.

Secondly there's no "repressive social control" in a dress code. In fact trying to "express" yourself through dress is a kind of false expression that leads to you being a slave to different brands and consumerist society. The right kind of expression, the one that elevates you, is more an attitude and maturity than outward aesthetics. You can express yourself through speech and passion far better than clothes.

Yes and no.
Yes because it does invite the dispossed, no because… well most Zig Forumslacks don't meet purity standards. Hell a good deal of Zig Forums is aforementioned minorities or mulattoes dealing with feelings of self-loathing.

As a whole our society is so cancerously obsessed with WWII, that it'd be better to burn all the history books of that sordid affair, or at least stop talking about it. We've let the image of Nazis and Allies and Comintern dominate our minds. The act of becoming a modern Nazi then isn't to actually adopt Not Socialism as an ideology, but to express "If I'm a monster, then I'll stay in the company of monsters."

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Depends entirely on how you define "SJW." Also this is only slightly related but in the US I find non-white "SJWs" are pretty easy to bring over to the real left. Probably has a lot to do with the fact they are much less likely to be home owners or petit bourg. Of course the professional SJWs will always be a lost cause no matter their color, but then again all professionals are generally reactionary until we have guns on them or they are starving.

Yes, really. I spend a lot of time on Zig Forums attempting to spread communism, i have observed many things.
Firstly, the residing meme a lot of ancap/lolbertarian types push is that "national socialism is still socialism!" this has resulted in significant amounts of Zig Forums being quite receptive to things like juche, which they meme as 'just Not Socialism'. All one must do then is show them is foster a juche-aligned sentiment then show them how no the nazis were not actually socialists, here is the real economics of it and such and suddenly you have a good quality supporter of best korea, brush them off a bit and put on a new coat of paint and you have a socialist!

Ive even seen a fodness of pol pot on Zig Forums for being ethnocentric. This is all fine, there can be racist socialists, stalin disliked jews, as long as you have an inn to try and introduce correct economic view it doesnt really matter.

As you know, im sure, once you understand how to look at the world through the lens of class struggle you do not need more convincing, everywhere you look is an argument (and do not forget, this is the same with SJWs, they see racial/gender explanations for everything the same way you might see an economic one, this is why i say they are lost - a marxist should know better than anyone you can not put down this kind of perspective)

Sure, but they dont realize that. You must go by what they think, not whats real, when dealing with them.

Don't forget about the fact that Zig Forums's far right(as opposed to edgy lolbert) tendencies are an actual psyop by stormfront, originally.
These people didnt just come to reaction on their own, they were actively captured by it, and were able to be because of the failure of the "left" in the late 2000s-early 2010s online. Fascism is not a personality type.

They do, I think. One of the sins of rationalist arguments, I find, is that there's this assumption that if people know the "correct" path (correct from a materialist perspective) they'd choose it.

People are very emotional however, and politics is an emotional affair, to many of them they're so emotionally invested in their politics that admitting that they'd be wrong or that they're actively working towards their own destruction would hurt them. In the case of the mulattoes, they try to pretend they're white but know the truth every time they look in the mirror.

In the case of the over or underweight ones, they like to imagine that once the Reich is in place they'd be in shape, because they'd have a reason to, they'd have a stake in society to promote their own health.

I'd say the Zig Forumslack in more ways than they realize, is much like the Transexual in their self-doubt/self-hatred, what's important is to be patient with them and allow them a safe path out of it.

Just proving their ideas wrong wont do much, their pride is seemingly at stake, they'd be terrified of spending the rest of their days with the past weighing them down and attempting to be submissive to others to make up for past sins.

Their sins shouldn't be held to them like a branding iron, it should be clear that changing offers them redemption in and of itself, their past wont haunt or follow them, they'd be wiped clean of what they were.

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I think the scary thing about fascism is it can easily become personality, to some extent.
It makes you want to die, it makes you WANT to watch the world burn and burn up with it. It's misanthropic at its core. These people have been so captivated by an ideology of hate and war and death that they've internalized a lot of these things.
They need, and want I think, someone to lead them out of this dark place. They need very real, very human love, but Fascism is this strange kind of materialist checklist in which they can never measure up.
The virgin becomes an InCel because of his perceived "failure."
The loner becomes anti-social because they think they're worth less than dirt because they're alone.
So Fascism lures them with the idea of becoming better, stronger, "normal" while highlighting constantly their abnormality and using it as fuel for further hatred. It's a terrifying, terrible, self-sustaining machine.
If you see a Zig Forumslack, don't see them as a faceless "Nazi" as though this were the 1940's and they're the victimizers, see them as a victim of the reaction. The first victims of fascism, sadly, are the fascists themselves: throwing their lives away to the state in a desperate attempt to find some worth in themselves. They make monsters of themselves to get rid of the pain of being all too human.

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Finally, perhaps the most disturbing thing about fascists is the personality of some of the "true believers."

Most surprising to me, I believe, was when I learned that Adolf Hitler was categorized as an INFJ, a trait both him and I share in common. Looking into his past, I saw numerous similarities between ourselves that extended beyond the superficial: an overbearing, often violent father, a doting mother, a love of history, being described by others as "quiet and polite"

So how did a little boy who was once described by his family doctor as "the saddest child in the world" become the great demon of the modern cultural narrative? I think this is another one of the great vice's of capitalism, and he for all his evil was a victim of it same as any other.
This isn't to lessen the scale of his crimes, or reform his image, but to highlight the pure inhumanity of capitalism. Alienated from present society, Hitler likely chose the myth of history–reading vigorously, but not understanding it in a material sense, devoid of his traditional Catholic faith he decided to invest himself wholly into a faith in history: a cruel, pernicious, epic history about the battles between great men, legendary heroes, and movements motivated by passion and classical heroics.

The fascist abhorrence of traditional Christianity is rooted in this mythologizing of history. They idolize the time of great conquering heroes and virtuous, manly men, and are disgusted and confused as to how a faith that promised reprieve for the lower classes and love to all mankind could ever conquer one built around death in "glorious battle" and manly virtues.
In the end, I think Capitalism alone is to blame for Hitler. Who knows what would have happened to him, and the millions of other people consumed by the horrors of war, if he instead found meaning in a self or life-affirming interest or ideology: if he could learn to embrace a rage he couldn't quite understanding for what it was, and love life for its tragedies and warts.

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What about tracksuits tho?

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Maybe its just because I wasn't alive in the 90s and was a child in the 2000s, but my impression from culture and being raised by genX leftists was always that misanthropy and anger were fundamentally left-anarchist.
I almost agree with what you're saying about the personality type common with fascists, but Its still the case that such cases are no more likely to end up fascist than they are leftist, and its not a matter of their personal moral failure if they end up fascist, its a matter of who snatches them up when they're the most impressionable.
I fit a rough version of that facist archetype, except for that when it comes down to actually seriously thinking about it I dont want to die, and the part of me that wants to see everything burn is in constant tension with the part of me that doesnt want my mother hungry and homeless in her 60s.
So I maintain that Zig Forums didn't just go to facism, stormfront pulled them to it, and were only able to because the left didnt pull them to socialism and anarchism first, because internet-connected millenial ""leftists"" are spineless cuckolds who tacitly accept the status quo and think negatie feelings are slytherin/the dark side/whoever the bad guys in fornite are.

Stopped reading right there

But then again as i read further, this might be a joke post.

I'm glad someone else finally gets this, neonazis are just as much victims because their ideology is being pushed upon them and not only are they hurting innocents but they're hurting themselves by extension, and are being used as tools in a sick game. Generally yeah they're ignorant and annoying as fuck but that's because they're socially conditioned to be. Neonazis are people too, they still have thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and they can be deconverted, but you're not going to get that chance if you put a bullet through them. Don't mistake this for liberalism, if they're attacking go ahead and shoot them, but ffs at least give them a chance. If they do get deconverted you've actually helped the workers, saved someone's life, and gained a friend. A corpse doesn't do you much good in the real world. In extreme cases I think I would probably endorse kidnapping and deprogramming them rather than the alternative being imprisoning and/or executing them.

Man, I would like to wear that suit!

I am okay with this on the provision that the burka be selected for wahmins.

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How stupid do you have to be to fall for stupid online memes and stereotypes.

tfw you don't live in the totalitarian, post-apocalyptic city-state in that Christian Bale movie where everyone takes the emotion-deadening drug Prozium II and anyone who betrays emotion become Sense Offenders who are hunted down by Clerics who are experts in sick martial arts techniques known as "gunkata."


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Too fucking true sadly enough.
Still though, guys look amazingly sexy when it's pulled off right

I dunno…
Got pics n shit as an example of this "urban warrior"?

^this tbh

Why in the fuck does leftpol even exist? you have nothing to do what so ever with pol/. You are not politically incorrect, This room was created as nothing more than another virtual land/power grab for the left on Zig Forums. A place that is supposed to cater to those who cannot express there thoughts and opinions in real life. The left literally owns real life. If you say anything mildly racist or capitalist, you might just lose your fucking job. So NO. YOU GUYS ARE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE ON Zig Forums. TAKE YOUR foul SHIT TO ONE OF YOUR INNUMEROUS STUPID WEBSITES, BUT PLEASE, JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE THIS ONE ALONE. THIS ONE FUCKING SITE THAT KEEPS THE FLAME OF "REAL" FREE SPEECH ALIVE.

You are not the only ones with that problem. Not that there is any problem, you guys won many decades ago, we are fucked. In fact our only hope is for you left-tard fuckwits to get so pushy and progressive, that you end up destroying yourselves. A revolution makes no sense, because you already own everything. It would do nothing but give the hard core right the possibility of becoming something.>>2758590

No , that is actually called being fucking human.

Every other comment and reply here is made up of three people , (1) defective men and normal women plus every one who hates light skinned people "useful idiots" (2) Men who realise that they can make the left-tard system work for them "little Stalins" or (3) people who actually unerstand the whole psychological mass manipulation of leftism (the human equivalent of snake charming) but are NOT evil little Stalins.

We aren't liberals, fuckwit.


by god, the boomer detector is off the charts

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t. nigger

Imagine being so sheltered and suburban that your entire view of politics is whether or not you should be allowed to call a black person a "nigger" without being fired.

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You claim that "saying capitalist stuff" will loose you your job while historically we have been literally fucking killed for openly pushing our ideas.

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nigger nigger go away! do not come another day!

niggers like you belong in cages

Where is boon poster when you need him?

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Yeah ok lad.

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