What is your class background and current class?

Curious to see if this board is truly proles are just self-hating children of bourgies.

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My grandfather was a ex KGB agent who said that everyone who was not KGB had to resort to cannibalism.
That's how my father died before my birth because since he was born, and babies can't be KGB agents he was thrown into the cannibal pits to fight with the other cannibals.

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middle class lumpen

My upbringing:
British terms: professional middle-middle class (C1)
Marxist terms: medium income proletarian, father was always a trade union member.
Me currently:
Student who works low income proletarian jobs during holidays. Got a gig as a bouncer lined up for next summer, last summer was a potwash.

Forgot to mention I went to a state school.

It doesn't matter.

my parents are both working in the social sector, even tho my dad went to college.
Im also currently a college student, but wage-slaving when semester is over.
Politically ive always been a commie

My mother was a German whore
My father drove a T-34

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it's like poetry it rhymes …………….

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>Born into working class single parent household
>Still working class

Hard Libertarian
>College Drop-out and forced wageslave while trying to salvage education in community college
Anti-Capitalist/General Socialist

Fucking myself in school really contributed to my political development

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upper end of the middle class I hope I'm not the only one here
my parents were a part of the marxist indoctrination of camp that is academia so I started off pretty socialist leaning and have just kind of drifted left through high school and college.

British Working Class Family, NEET myself atm, Family always Labour Voters, hated Tories, became more and more radical over the past 5 years, Communist now, no particular tendency, willing to learn about anything although I'm interested a lot in both Cybernetics & Cockshott and Benninism for obvious reasons.

Upper middle class to high class. I'm a student living in one of the most well-off zones of my city (in a country most people here would probably consider third worldist though). The reason I'm a socialist is because since I was young I was always interested in politics and when I started reading on socialism and communism it simply made the most sense to me. My social class is incidental to this, tbh. My family doesn't own any bussinesses/land/properties though and I'm unlikely to in the future as well.

Lower class for where I live and go to school but middle class by American standards.
I fell for the anti sjw meme and we pretty fasc in middle school but I turned really moderate and then a lil socialist in HS

I really doubt there is ANYONE on this board who isn't part of the working class. At best maybe a petit bourg.

I am an upper middle class pig

In my senior year of HS and will be going to a prestigious, boujee liberal arts college afterwards. How feasible do you guys think it is that I could convert the vile lib students there to socialism?

I'm just a middle class/lower middle class minority in Burgerland.

I started out as an IDpol "Stalinist" who didn't actually know what socialism was. I then did a 180 and became a libertarian, gradually becoming more and more pro free markets and authoritarian, I became a stereotypical Pinochet fan. I then moved towards the turd position, I really liked Codreanu and the Iron guard. I considered myself a Muslim Clerical Fascist. I was lucky because unlike most fashies, I legitimately believed in freeze peace and the marketplace of ideas, and when I considered actual Marxism I came over to the lefty side. I'm just glad I'm better now.

Father and Mother lived in socialist country, pretty woke.
Grandpa is hardcore communist
I am le epic ancom
lower middle class been since 90s

Started as liberal/socdem as early teen, moved to democratic socialism and some other stuff but by 16 I was full on ancom

Post source

Parents are both retail workers, I'm a retail worker too.
I went from a liberal (well, really more of a democrat stoogie) to a social democrat to a libertarian, reactionary, and now I'm some kind of Marxist, though I loathe labels.

I feel all of these steps were important for both growing my political consciousness as well as myself individually. I would not trade a single stage of my political development, even my time among the far right–in fact I would argue they were perhaps the most critical stage of it, they were a metaphorical roar against the established culture and society, moreso than just a simple transition from liberalism to Marxism could've accomplished: it was the total rejection morally, culturally, and socially, of society as it existed today with all its metapolitics and all of its entrenched doctrine. It was a passionate rejection without any guidance or direction, and so now that I at last have direction and a coherent guide in the form of Marxism for that rejection I feel I've become stronger for it.

Student, soon to be labor aristocrat. I figured out that central planning is the most rational economic system.

Currently finishing up trade school, going into Aircraft Maintenance. Work odd jobs and other minimum wage work in the mean time. Also am a Volunteer firefighter. Family would be classified currently as a mix of "middle class" and "upper middle class", but reminder that class for socialists refers to your position in regards to the MoP, not how much you make. In that regard, most people here and on this site in general would be classified as either working class and possibly to a lesser extent lumpenproles. You would have to actually own a business and engage in a continual cycle of reinvestment to be a bourgeoisie, and even then you might only be on the level of merely a petit-bourgeoisie rather then bourgeoisie proper. "Middle class" in the west is a meme anyway, everyone thinks they're middle class from people work in machining and meatpacking to people who work in programming and engineering. To most people in the US for example, owning a house is enough to classify you as middle class, regardless of position or income.

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Yeah, me too. Life was better when I lived in blissful ignorance and only had mundane shit to feel bad about

Lumpenprole from a working class family. My mother was a waitress. Father worked in a factory that made aluminum products.
I am disabled but once in a while I find odd jobs online. Web work. I have an associates degree for compsci.
I'm an anarchist currently flirting with Maoism.

Grew up in a middle class household, though my parents aggressive Marxism coupled with constant anxiety and anger over money (which they didn't know how to handle) made an anti-cap out of me. We lived in a nice part of a shitty town, so seeing the hardships of my peers also contributed to my views.

Now I'm pretty much a lumpenprole and a student. My parents have also "fallen from grace", and my dad especially is more radical than ever.

The very first time I was politically aware I did my best to be a Rightist conservative in order to piss off my Commie parents, but this position couldn't stand up to sustained thought. I gradually evolved into a SucDem.

In high school I decided that if I couldn't piss off my parents, I could at least piss off everyone else. I started reading Marx and some Lenin, but even as I found their arguments interesting, I remained unconvinced.

I started developing an actual class conciousness after some years of abject poverty and dead end jobs, but it's only very recently I returned to Marx and Lenin, after the political and economical developments of the recent years seemed to follow very closely the logic laid out in their works I had read. As of now, I'm not educated enough in his theories to properly call myself a Marxist, but I'm a Socialist and the ML school seems to me the most convincing. Right now I'm going through the Wealth of Nations to get a grasp on some basic economic theory, and after that I'll hit Capital.

Marx, Engels, Lenin, Castro and Guevara were all children of bourgies (or at least middle clsss).

I think you'll just go to your local community college. I thought I could go to uni too, until I realize I have another year of community college classes. Considering that you are in highschool you are even less likely.

parents are petit-bourgeios, I'm a student, my dad's an eclectic right-Keynesian, mom's just a normal lib. Went from being South Park lib to left Keynesian to a long period of exploring Marxism and Anarchism, came out MLM. I'm not self-hating nor do I hate my parents but the fact is communism is necessary to handle the oncoming collapse. No form of liberalism or fascism can actually form the types of public projects needed to hold the water back.

You still Catholic?

Why do Anarchists tend find Mao more reasonable than other ML theorists? Or at least from what I've seen.

I am an urban American prole that works in contracting, mostly removing asbestos. It is hellish work but pays okay. Trying to join a union. My dad was a soldier and then paramedic (he is now an occasionally recovered heroin addict) and my mom was a nurse, recently became a therapist. They have been seperated for a long time. My family was nationalistic but anti-racist centrists that largely disavowed politics but didnt see loving America or supporting foreign wars as related to politics at all. I became sympathetic to leftist politics in 9th grade and have been a communist since about 11th, being 23 now. My dad has recently become immersed in awful reactionary clickbait and I'm really worried about him, he gets defensive and says I'm just being emotional when I challenge him saying things like "I saw a picture of the migrant caravan online, theyre all fighting age men, why dont they stay and fight for their country, wouldnt you?" I dont even know where to start and it makes me very sad because he is a very compassionate man that taught me not to be racist or sexist in spite of the crazy reactionary chauvinism I grew up around, and is just sort of dumb about some things, especially understanding legitemacy of sources. He literally thinks websites like Breitbart are trustworthy because they're not Fox News or CNN, that's his reasoning. I know this is a tangent but I am very sad and discouraged.

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What alternate universe did you grow up in?

I'm pretty sure that poster is being sarcastic.

Lower middle class
Lower middle class
Generic socdem as a child growing into full blown gommie status

how much a year (because i know how much a year my parents made) is what class? can someone explain it simply because i haven't seen it explained simply, like what are the cutoffs?

You can't. People who do not work can't be leftists.

It's a vague mix between culture and income, some self made millionaires who started a landscaping business will still claim to be working class, some poor as shit people will claim to be middle class because of their values and upbringing (ie a focus on education, some level cultural liberalism, and so on)

like pottery


Filthy rich bourgeoisie that lost its fortunes and had to live my childhood in poverty. Now im a lumpen student/part time proletarian.
Nationalist->Marxism-Leninism->Liberal->Market Socialist

Father and mother are both part of the proffessional managerial class, not very rich, but quite rich enough. My dad is unironically a beurocrat at a fucking European central bank, but he is also a historian part time, bit of an enlightened centrist. Listens to me when I explain imperialism and such but is still very much part of the system and probably thinks there should be slightly less immigrants in Europe. centre right ergo. MY mum works in publishing and is a union rep which is cool. She has very admirable humanistic values but they mainly translate to being a green party supporter, shes not that into politics and voted for a far leftist cause I told her.

My fathers mother hails from a long line of extremely bougie fucks who founded banks and cigarr factories, my mothers mother hails from a long line of extremely cool radicals,, who were pacifists, theosofists, anarchists, philosophers and all ofc some sort of socialist. As they lived in Europe in the early 20th century most of them suffered tragic faiths.

So basically Im primed to be a middle class bougie who sees himself as a part of the future "red aristocracy", I try as hard as I can to not be elitist

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let me just ask. my parents made on average $30,000 a year, what class would that make me? (also i'm on disability)

obsesssion with labels is always a bit stupid, I¨ve always had an instinct towards defending the weak and against authority, as such I was a dumbass green party supporter until a philosophy class had us read a piece of kropotkin or bakunin and I became a self declared anaarchist

the ideals of anarchism have ever since been my guiding principles, but over the years I´ve gotten more pragmatic, I basically think strong men succdems like Nasser can be admirable in some circumstances, but when we start talking about gorillions I´ll be the one who starts forming up the modern day makhnovischna. Not all means are acceptable

Im symphatetic to maoism as of recently after reading Fanon and thinking about the third world and how Europe is basically evil. Dunno how to square the circle of liking all these different strains.

In general I think a lot of leftist online banter/discourse is fucking retarded. We are all ultimately on the sixde of the oppressed, whether its the lumpen, the textile worker, the uber driver, the third world farmer, the oppressed women and minorities and so forth. Its just impossible to have an ideology that is coherent while being on the side of justice everywhere. Partly therefore, but also just in general, the only sect I loathe are the fucking trots'

Orphaned kid, lived with grandparents for a while, pretty much proletariat until 22 when I went to college to make more money to help pay for meds for my gf's heart condition. Overall pretty proletariat, I think.

I used to be a liberal wrapped up in revolutionary aesthetic as a teen, but now I have moved more towards syndicalism and the neozapatismo. The community is an important aspect of building a viable communist society, and rebuilding them after the intense atomization that capitalism has wrought will probably be the largest societal task for communism.

30,000 each or as a household? Like I said class is also about culture, possibly even moreso than money. Some of you will find these definitions spooky (and they are) but nonetheless they're generally accepted.

You're more likely to be working class if:
-You live in a rental apartment or council estate
-If you go on holidays, you go somewhere hot and for lack of a better term, culturally void, like a walled resort where there's no interaction with the locals
-You drive a pickup truck
-You listen to pop music
-You watch daytime or reality TV
-You are not a college gradute and there is no history of higher education in your family
-You work in a manual or menial job (typically outside an office), or have worked up in a manual field
-Your home contains no or few books, the primary reading material is magazines or perhaps tabloids
-You have a generally low income, but if this doesn't line up with the other traits, many would still consider themselves working class

You're more likely to be middle class if:
-You live in a detached house and/or own your own home
-If you go on holidays, you go somewhere 'cultural' like a foreign capital, or to see nature like a national park
-You drive a sedan or a hybrid car
-You listen to older rock, retro, classical, or other generally 'high brow' music in the view of society
-You watch documentaries and historical dramas
-You are a college graduate and so are your parents
-You work in a semi-educated field, which may just mean office work but probably not a construction site or similar
-Your home contains many books, prominently displayed to demonstrate your superiority
-You have a generally middle or somewhat high income, but if this doesn't line up with the other traits, many would still consider themselves middle class

One correction, I should have written 'you're more likely to consider yourself working/middle class' since there's no real objective definition and others may well agree.

In essence, it can sort of boil down to a basic cultural difference:
Working class people are more likely to think of themselves as: Hardworking, simple, loyal, family-oriented, traditional, patriotic
Middle class people are more likely to think of themselves as: Cultured, educated, intelligent, worldly, conscientious, modern

i suppose from reading your comments that it doesn't matter that much to me what class i am and i don't care very much about people who care a lot about it.

Yeah, it's a very subjective sort of thing, overall quite silly, but even knowing that some part of myself still feels 'proud' to be middle class and it feels to me superior to working class culture, but then I'm not a total stereotype and I hardly embody the whole list thankfully.

I much prefer 'workers' to 'working class', it's stupid for socialists to participate in dividing the two groups, since alongside racism it's one of the primary ways capitalists divide society to distract us.


Lower class now working class.

Started off as a trot after reading Animal Farm and reading a trot news paper, after reading a lot of marx,lenin and zizek now i would consider myself a zizekian style 21st century marxist.

Maybe it's one of the few ML type ideologies that aren't autistically sectarian and won't Kronstadt, Free territory, or Purge them whenever they feel jealous.

Background: Petty-bourg to higher bourg. Paternal grandfather was a (crooked) criminal defense attorney in a small city who never had any money or much in the way of assets except cars, which his clients would give him to cover their legal fees when they went to jail.

Father was a petty-bourg engineer who moved up on account of owning a business. I consider him regular bourg now since he doesn't really work anymore and makes his income from ownership of his company and investments. Mother's side were all bricklaying proles, army-base cooks or lumpen. My uncle was a bank robber who graduated into becoming a convict after a high-speed car chase ended in his arrest.

Me: Downwardly-mobile petty-bourg veering toward NEET status.
I was really into New Atheism and thought of myself as "neoconservative" before drifting into Obama liberalism. Pretty embarrassing. If Jordan Peterson had been around when I was 17 or 18 then I surely would have been into him, as I believe he appeals to the same people although his conclusions are different from the New Atheists. I consider myself a Marxist now with no labels beyond that, though my sympies are toward the MLs. I've had Marxist friends for many years and they also had an influence on me, because they have a pretty reasonable view of how the world works. I think what pushed me toward the left was my downwardly-mobile status while reading Marxist writers on the internet.

I joined a socialist organization for the first time after the vehicular car attack in Charlottesville, because there were socialists there and they were the only ones who seemed to take this threat seriously. The liberals had been taking a wishy-washy line and that moment discredited them in my eyes. Socialism to me is about direct solidarity with people under attack; principally the working class under attack from employers and landlords but I also center anti-oppression in my political views which includes hardline opposition to racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

You are correct. Most sectarian socialists have brain spiders. I have spiders in my brain too. But I think Trot spiderbrains are very specific and particularly metastatic in character because of the icepick incident in Mexico. This makes Trots very paranoid particularly toward anything that smells of "Stalinism." Ironically, this causes them to forget that one of Trotskyism's insights is the need for a united front. In summary, it would have been better if Stalin had let Trotsky die of natural causes.

Mainly though these sectarian conflicts emerged during a period of crisis, revolution and war; so there was a need to have debates on how to carry things forward, and if you were actually running the show in Moscow, it seemed nuts to let people actively try to sabotage an actual socialist government under siege from capitalism and war, including an imminent, insane Nazi onslaught which terminated millions of communists. It seems silly to me to have these sectarian debates in the 21st century when we can barely get a book club together. Let's actually get something going, and we can icepick each other later when the situation develops.

Cockshott is also interesting to me because he is talking about the economic structure of society now, with modern computing. Socialism today will have to account for the fact that most people in developed countries work in retail and services instead of being peasants like China in the 1940s.
Yeah for me, it's reading about how violent and horrific the political economy actually is, and realizing that everything our governments do in the third world, they will also do to their own populations if they perceive a big enough threat. Realize that and you risk going insane and becoming a communist.

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Dad is a university professor, stay at home mom. Was a Mormon. In jr. high I was an america loving neocon (this was right after 9/11). In early high school I went full ancom. I eventually realized that corporations could be as big a threat to freedom as the government, and eventually became a left anarchist. I dropped out of university, and am now a disabled, suicidal NEET. After starting to read theory again a few years after dropping out of uni I realized anarchism is childish utopianism and I'm now a full ML.

As a kid in a broken working class family with an abusive step dad(who worked in army) I was a complete anarcho-nihilist with plans to blow up the school and shit like that. Not sure if I can even call it a political view thinking about it now, I was just an angry kid who felt like everybody in the world owed me shit.

16 years old and still bitter, I left home and started living by myself. Noticing that shit is expensive and physical labor doesnt make one rich, I went through the neonazi route and blamed foreigners for everything

Turning 26 years old next february, Im now some sort of marxist leninist.The same sense of unfairness of life that was pissing me off over 10 years ago is still present, Its just that now I understand the economic system being the source of the unfairness. Now I wanna blow up banks instead of schools.

tldr always been working class or lower, always been pissed off about it but only lately I have become class conscious.

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Just as I thought, leftypol is full of recovering Zig Forumsyp and former fascist sympathizers.

ur uncle sounds like a badass, shame he didnt drive well enough

hmm yeah, its an interesting topic

In some sense you could say that the world wars and in particular the holacaust was an example of this. The pre ww1 German empire commited genocides in Africa, much like France and Britain. The violence and logic of simply taking over an area for the natural resources and purging the locals had been done all over the world, from the Philiphines to the jungles of south America. Germany was not in a position to exploit the third world in the same way as the other great powers so they turned east. Already after the Brest-Litvosk treaty inbetween the october revolution and the German surrender Germany was looking at making Ukraine its personal breaadbasket.

The massive murders of Slavic peoples in ww2 are not entirely un-alike the way America conqured their west.

Ofc in late 19th century and 20th century these moves were supported by nationalistic, irridentist, manifest destiny insane feelings, in Germanys and italys case it was manifested as fascism.

But the underlying driving force is still the capitalistic instinct of conquering other¨s labour, gaining control of the business and thus gaining power. That same driving force of capitalist will to conquer and exploit still exists but has been uncoupled from the insane nationalism of the 19th century.

In some ways the "neo-fascist" """""populists"""" projects in France, Italy, Germany, America, nord-dicks etc are the manifestation of people realizing that the primary power in their societies have moved from being the common interest of their own national capitalist class to being the interests of international capital. The voters of these parties dont necessarily think of it in these terms but they see it in the immigration waves and their own stagnant economies.

Far leftists ofc realized and mobilized this issue much earlier, with the "battles" of Seattle and Göteborg.

If we look at mainstream liberal historiography of the last few centuryies there is a reason that the holacaust is singeled out as the single worst event (which it ofc in many ways was), while the liberal capitalist genocide in slow motion in India is barely mentioned. This way of looking at history that makes the nationalism the main culprit in everything bad that happened in the 20th century ignores that capitalist imperialism and the capitalist fascism didnt operate according to a very different logic.

So while the big nationalist, idiotic, irridentist bloodlettings have been thrown in the dustbin of history, the absolute horrors of capitalist, liberal or illiberal, imperialism, still persist. We can see this in the British and US driven genocide in Yemen, invasion of Iraq, destruction of Libya and Syria. There is no national interest or enthusiasm (bar the insanity the few years after 9/11) in these crimes against humanity for the citizens of the big western powers.

Similar crimes against humanity in the 19th century brought wealth into the country that committed the attrocities, today, the only benefactor is the big conglomerates, ergo international capital.

I spit in anger on the democrats in America who still favour "American leadership" in the world. The neo-fascists rubes in America who want to build a wall and have mexico pay for it arent the ones in control of the world, its international capital. And capital is just as happy to align with a right wing racist dogwhistlers as they are with gay black centre left people who want that "everyone has access to health care"

summa summarum, god damn it I fucking hate liberals you dumb fucks

My uncle was kind of an asshole, but not because of the bank robbing, which was pretty wild. Very insightful post though.

And yeah I see fascism as like a crazy, extreme and terroristic reaction to the threat from the left during times when capitalism is in crisis. This would be a Marxist view of fascism but it's one I only adopted pretty recently – where I used to see fascism as like a distinct ideology. It is in some ways, but you have to look at the big picture. The longest-lasting fascist regimes were not Hitler or Mussolini, but Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal, and they only lasted as long as they did because they were propped up by the United States – the center of world capital – to resist communism. Once the 1970s thaw in the Cold War set in, capital no longer needed these regimes (they became counterproductive) and so they were gotten rid of.

The Nazis I see as a metastatic version of fascism during a particularly extreme crisis. This also very quickly became counter-productive for capital. If you want to read something really interesting, look up 'The Wages of Destruction' by Adam Tooze, which is a book about the Nazi economy as a debt-fueled Ponzi scheme that was heading for collapse by as early as 1938, and only kept itself afloat by looting capital from occupied territories (first: Austria and Czechoslovakia, then France) and importing millions of slaves into Germany to work in munitions factories.

The biggest and baddest fascist group today is probably the UKROP and its paramilitary Azov Battalion. But the end result of what they're fighting for, if successful, would be the incorporation of Ukraine into the neoliberal European project.

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My class background is some form of labour aristocracy, and before realizing that DiaMat is a proper framework of understanding the world, I was something along the lines of a sillicon valley technocrat wherein I believed that Trump and Bernie were both retards and that Clinton was the only person who understood how economics worked.

That is actually the most wonderful feeling I have had

There are some, but it's only roughly a quarter to a half of people posting here, and the sampling is likely to select for drama rather than representation. My own political movement has been from a left-liberal New Atheist, slowly moving to the left, but it'd be neither interesting to write about nor read, as there's no real drama in that sort of change.

anyways, "trailer trash" i was
i am still lower class
grew up being an edgy rightist and now i'm a very edgy communist

Proletariat always have been. Started out as a social democrat cuz that's what my parents are (later realized my dad had read Marx because ofc he had but he is a fucking idiot that thinks climate can be saved by pressuring capitalists OMEGALUL), then read communist manifesto at around 10 years old, became ml, then drifted to ancom theoretically, although I still think the socialist government can be justified within the anarchist framework under the threat of American interventionism. pic metaphorically related.

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based & correctpilled

even better

also Fanon is great wish more people actually read him

mom was prole, Dad was bourg, I decided to never take money or even speak to my dad again and I've been prole my whole life.

Born poor, dumpster dived with my single Mom for cloths. Had church buy Christmas presents one year. Liberal to socialist to whatever I am now. Some weird hybrid of cynicism and communist. I've earned my title.

How old his he? My folks basically have gone into the fox news/facebook pit, claiming to be a Libertarian. It's ironic since they're Chilean and lived through the coup, showing support for Allende before.

The ideology in Burgerstan is infectious and only becomes more pervasive the older/more senile you get.

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My father's side of the family were Kulaks that escaped Stalinist Russia and hoarded grain.

My mother's side had her father in the military police for all of her childhood, constantly moving

My father owns a cherry farm and has done most of the work himself, occasionally hiring people to pick during summer.
He never made all that much but I guess he's middle class.
Sandblasts at the docks to make ends meet during the year.
He built the house himself with some relatives.
Used to be a builder and hunter, grew up on a farm

My mother has always worked sales rep jobs for window companies, gets a company car and phone, comfy enough but for most of my childhood we lived in a shitty, small house.

I got a public school education to year 12, always learned things better on my own including fixing computers, phones, tablets, still hasn't earned me any jobs, still unemployed and porkies keep fucking me over and trying to put me in an unpaid internship program by the neoliberal government after a week of minimum wage pay.

At least welfare is good in Australia.
Currently houseshare poverty lyfe.

Mid working class, I guess, with aspirations of making it to the middle class. Father was an oil refinery tech who made it to supervisor before being made redundant, mother worked for a department store. Got sent expensive schools that churned out future porkies
Chronically poor artfag
Anarchist in late adolescence, mellowing to "that would be pretty cool, but socialism is something we can work towards in the meantime" in my early thirties

Disgustingly middle class, in my final year of a low-ranking private school which I hate so much (amazingly I've actually radicalised two other people which is an achievement for a fucking private school). I console myself by saying that Marx, Lenin etc were very middle class as well though
My mum is a liberal but sort of based in that she's an anti-imperialist. My dad is the worst kind of liberal, loves Blair, hates Corbyn, thinks Russia is responsible for everything.
However, my dad comes from a very working class background in one of the poorest regions of Britain, and visiting family up there is what radicalised me.

Used to be a generic liberal, then moved into socdem. Started criticising capitalism, turned into not-quite-a-fash-but-nearly from jumping onto the whole anti-SJW bandwagon. Realised how close I was to becoming a fash and pulled out fucking quick, became an ancom, leftcom and then trot in a matter of months. After actually reading a lot of theory I consider myself an MLM.

what the actual fuck. class is about your relation to the means of production. that's it. go back to liberalpol.


Oh and I forgot to say my uncle is a Jew from the USSR, he was an anti-communist and still is but listening to him talk about it was what convinced me that things weren't really so bad there. He kind of respected Stalin for cracking down hard on anti-semitism and thought that the whole totalitarian thesis is total bullshit, his stories are kind of wild - for example, he got drafted into the Red Army during the Afghan war and he didn't want to go so he just got on the train to Leningrad and never went back. Even though he is an anti-communist it's stories like these that made me realise how much propaganda we're fed about the USSR.

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based and KGB-pilled!

Mao was influenced by anarchists, and MLMs have a lot of similar takes on the major foreign policy divides.

My parents are labor aristocrats (they're both programmers), but their family has apparently been landowners back in their country for years. I'm currently a student living with them so I guess i'm not a prole.
When I was young I was moderately liberal, I liked Obama when he got elected. Briefly considered myself a communist to be edgy in middle school. Was back to liberal, but I started moving hard soc dem after Obama's re-election. Flirted with the anti-sjw stuff but I still preferred socdem policies so I left when I thought it got too right wing. Finally jumped off of capitalism when Trump won and I realized liberalism can never save us.

Could you tell us more examples user?


Do you think programmars are petit bourg? I consider them labor aristocrats bc they're well paid but their value is still being extracted by the tech companies. Plus they're often hella overworked and encouraged to work extra hours with no pay because they're salaried.

Come from a lumpen family, am a prole myself.

The ol fascist to socdem to marxist progression

I have never owned the means of production. I exchange my labour on the market for a wage; that covers rent, petrol, and the basics.
Labour / Greens (Aus) since I was very young. I still support the left faction of the Labour party. However, Australia has been in neoliberal purgatory since its conception, See Lenin and Sharkey. Essentially, what I thought was left. I'm a union member.

Class is ambiguous in Aus. There is an "everyone gets a fair kick of the footy" false egalitarianism. However socioecconomic data collected by the the ABS clearly suggests otherwise.



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He's about 45. Yeah, I really dont understand. I know Mexicans and even blacks to some extent that fall for similar shit.

come on lad. dont pretend there isnt a difference between especially poor desperate proles and comfortable, relatively well positioned proles.

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Well I guess… Upper-middle-lower second class wage slave with white helmet privilages..

Wow I wonder who else is in my class, who I should be class conscious with, and who I'm going to have class warfare with. War will probably be against those lower-middle-upper third class slaves of the wage with tool belt characteristics.

Attached: downloadfile-17.png (474x266, 21.09K)

middle to lower middle class upbringing
I was actually reactionary, economically illiterate until and during my stay in the army, afterwards I started reading at around the age of 21, and I've gone from a kind-of liberal to a socialist in the span of like 3 years.